Publications and Presentations
Olga Pearce, Jason Burmark, Rich Hornung, Befikir Bogale, Ian Lumsden, Michael McKinsey, Dewi Yokelson, David Boehme, Stephanie Brink, Michela Taufer, Tom Scogland. RAJA Performance Suite: Performance Portability Analysis with Caliper and Thicket. In Proceedings of the SC’24 Workshops of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis (SC-W ‘24), Atlanta, GA.
Stephanie Brink, Michael McKinsey, David Boehme, Connor Scully-Allison, Ian Lumsden, Daryl Hawkins, Treece Burrgess, Vanessa Lama, Jakob Luettgau, Katherine E. Issacs, Michela Taufer, Olga Pearce. Thicket: Seeing the Performance Experiment Forest for the Individual Run Trees. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC ‘23), Orlando, FL.
Dragana Grbic. Integrating HPCToolkit with Tools for Automated Analysis. Presented at SC ‘24. Best Poster Candidate.
Befikir Bogale. Cluster-based Methodology for Characterizing the Performance of Portable Applications. Presented at SC ‘24.
Dewi Yokelson, David Boehme, Stephanie Brink, Olga Pearce, Allen Malony. Timeseries Visualization of Performance Metrics. Presented at ISC ‘24.
Ian Lumsden, Jakob Luettgau, Vanessa Lama, Connor Scully-Allison, Stephanie Brink, Katherine E. Issacs, Olga Pearce, Michela Taufer. Identifying Performance Bottlenecks in Scientific Applications with Call Path Querying. Presented at the 2023 Salishan Conference.
Scalable Tools Workshop: Thicket: Growth of the Heterogeneous Performance Experiment Forest. August 12, 2024. Slides
Scalable Tools Workshop: Programmatic Analysis of Large-Scale Performance Data. August, 12, 2024. Slides
Scalable Tools Workshop: Thicket: Seeing the Performance Experiment Forest for the Individual Run Trees. June 20, 2023. Slides