Basic Thicket Tutorial: Thicket 101

Thicket is a python-based toolkit for Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) of parallel performance data that enables performance optimization and understanding of applications’ performance on supercomputers. It bridges the performance tool gap between being able to consider only a single instance of a simulation run (e.g., single platform, single measurement tool, or single scale) and finding actionable insights in multi-dimensional, multi-scale, multi-architecture, and multi-tool performance datasets.

1. Import Necessary Packages

To explore the structure and various capabilities of thicket components, we begin by importing necessary packages. These include python extensions and thicket’s statistical functions.

from glob import glob
import re

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import display
from IPython.display import HTML
import hatchet as ht

import thicket as tt

display(HTML("<style>.container { width:80% !important; }</style>"))
# Disable the Pandas 3 Future Warnings for now
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning)

2. Read in Performance Profiles

For this notebook, we select profiles generated on Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL) machine, lassen. We create two thicket objects, one generated with the same block size of 128 and the other generated with different block sizes (128 and 256).

problem_sizes = [
lassen1 = [f"../data/lassen/clang10.0.1_nvcc10.2.89_{x}/1/Base_CUDA-block_128.cali" for x in problem_sizes]
lassen2 = [f"../data/lassen/clang10.0.1_nvcc10.2.89_1048576/1/Base_CUDA-block_256.cali"]

# generate thicket(s)
th_lassen = tt.Thicket.from_caliperreader(lassen1, disable_tqdm=True)
th_obj = tt.Thicket.from_caliperreader(lassen1 + lassen2, disable_tqdm=True)

3. More Information on a Function

You can use the help() method within Python to see the information for a given object. You can do this by typing help(object). This will allow you to see the arguments for the function, and what will be returned. An example is below.

Help on function from_caliperreader in module thicket.thicket:

from_caliperreader(filename_or_caliperreader, intersection=False, disable_tqdm=False)
    Helper function to read one caliper file.

        filename_or_caliperreader (str or CaliperReader): name of a Caliper output
            file in `.cali` format, or a CaliperReader object
        intersection (bool): whether to perform intersection or union (default)
        disable_tqdm (bool): whether to display tqdm progress bar

4. Thicket Components

4.1 Performance Data

The performance data table is a multi-dimensional, multi-indexed component of thicket. The rows represent nodes that each contain a different execution (i.e., profile index) of the associated call tree node.

View performance data table

nid Min time/rank Max time/rank Avg time/rank Total time BlockSize Bytes/Rep Flops/Rep Iterations/Rep Kernels/Rep ProblemSize Reps name
node profile
{'name': 'RAJAPerf', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 1.0 regionprofile 1.780923 1.780923 1.780923 1.780923 128.0 3.359049e+09 6.797544e+09 1.259520e+08 160.0 1135363.0 2500.0 RAJAPerf
2458031255 1.0 regionprofile 6.766278 6.766278 6.766278 6.766278 128.0 1.342898e+10 3.576198e+10 5.035623e+08 160.0 4437343.0 2500.0 RAJAPerf
3448088579 1.0 regionprofile 3.381119 3.381119 3.381119 3.381119 128.0 6.714551e+09 1.536488e+10 2.517783e+08 160.0 2264854.0 2500.0 RAJAPerf
4239478529 1.0 regionprofile 14.407950 14.407950 14.407950 14.407950 128.0 2.684801e+10 8.572211e+10 1.006765e+09 160.0 8783629.0 2500.0 RAJAPerf
{'name': 'Algorithm', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 10.0 regionprofile 0.006810 0.006810 0.006810 0.006810 128.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Algorithm
2458031255 10.0 regionprofile 0.020310 0.020310 0.020310 0.020310 128.0 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Algorithm
3448088579 10.0 regionprofile 0.010733 0.010733 0.010733 0.010733 128.0 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Algorithm
4239478529 10.0 regionprofile 0.037690 0.037690 0.037690 0.037690 128.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 Algorithm
{'name': 'Algorithm_MEMCPY', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 13.0 regionprofile 0.002439 0.002439 0.002439 0.002439 128.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMCPY
2458031255 13.0 regionprofile 0.008672 0.008672 0.008672 0.008672 128.0 6.710886e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMCPY
3448088579 13.0 regionprofile 0.004507 0.004507 0.004507 0.004507 128.0 3.355443e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMCPY
4239478529 13.0 regionprofile 0.016936 0.016936 0.016936 0.016936 128.0 1.342177e+08 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMCPY
{'name': 'Algorithm_MEMSET', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 12.0 regionprofile 0.001710 0.001710 0.001710 0.001710 128.0 8.388616e+06 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMSET
2458031255 12.0 regionprofile 0.005782 0.005782 0.005782 0.005782 128.0 3.355444e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMSET
3448088579 12.0 regionprofile 0.002665 0.002665 0.002665 0.002665 128.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMSET
4239478529 12.0 regionprofile 0.011187 0.011187 0.011187 0.011187 128.0 6.710887e+07 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMSET
{'name': 'Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 11.0 regionprofile 0.002638 0.002638 0.002638 0.002638 128.0 8.388616e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
2458031255 11.0 regionprofile 0.005833 0.005833 0.005833 0.005833 128.0 3.355444e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
3448088579 11.0 regionprofile 0.003538 0.003538 0.003538 0.003538 128.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
4239478529 11.0 regionprofile 0.009542 0.009542 0.009542 0.009542 128.0 6.710887e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
{'name': 'Apps', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 4.0 regionprofile 0.185395 0.185395 0.185395 0.185395 128.0 2.264924e+08 8.174614e+07 6.291456e+06 156.0 1135363.0 700.0 Apps
2458031255 4.0 regionprofile 0.562581 0.562581 0.562581 0.562581 128.0 9.059697e+08 3.194887e+08 2.516582e+07 156.0 4437343.0 700.0 Apps
3448088579 4.0 regionprofile 0.308868 0.308868 0.308868 0.308868 128.0 4.529848e+08 1.630695e+08 1.258291e+07 156.0 2264854.0 700.0 Apps
4239478529 4.0 regionprofile 1.092784 1.092784 1.092784 1.092784 128.0 1.811939e+09 6.324213e+08 5.033165e+07 156.0 8783629.0 700.0 Apps
{'name': 'Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 59.0 regionprofile 0.006987 0.006987 0.006987 0.006987 128.0 5.039722e+07 5.662310e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
2458031255 59.0 regionprofile 0.026393 0.026393 0.026393 0.026393 128.0 2.014577e+08 2.264924e+08 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
3448088579 59.0 regionprofile 0.013385 0.013385 0.013385 0.013385 128.0 1.007345e+08 1.132220e+08 2.096704e+06 1.0 2096704.0 100.0 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
4239478529 59.0 regionprofile 0.052154 0.052154 0.052154 0.052154 128.0 4.027525e+08 4.528881e+08 8.386816e+06 1.0 8386816.0 100.0 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
{'name': 'Apps_ENERGY', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 60.0 regionprofile 0.039157 0.039157 0.039157 0.039157 128.0 2.264924e+08 5.767168e+07 6.291456e+06 6.0 1048576.0 130.0 Apps_ENERGY
2458031255 60.0 regionprofile 0.147702 0.147702 0.147702 0.147702 128.0 9.059697e+08 2.306867e+08 2.516582e+07 6.0 4194304.0 130.0 Apps_ENERGY
3448088579 60.0 regionprofile 0.075688 0.075688 0.075688 0.075688 128.0 4.529848e+08 1.153434e+08 1.258291e+07 6.0 2097152.0 130.0 Apps_ENERGY
4239478529 60.0 regionprofile 0.291748 0.291748 0.291748 0.291748 128.0 1.811939e+09 4.613734e+08 5.033165e+07 6.0 8388608.0 130.0 Apps_ENERGY
{'name': 'Apps_FIR', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 61.0 regionprofile 0.004270 0.004270 0.004270 0.004270 128.0 1.677709e+07 3.355392e+07 1.048560e+06 1.0 1048576.0 160.0 Apps_FIR
2458031255 61.0 regionprofile 0.014277 0.014277 0.014277 0.014277 128.0 6.710874e+07 1.342172e+08 4.194288e+06 1.0 4194304.0 160.0 Apps_FIR
3448088579 61.0 regionprofile 0.007529 0.007529 0.007529 0.007529 128.0 3.355430e+07 6.710835e+07 2.097136e+06 1.0 2097152.0 160.0 Apps_FIR
4239478529 61.0 regionprofile 0.027741 0.027741 0.027741 0.027741 128.0 1.342176e+08 2.684349e+08 8.388592e+06 1.0 8388608.0 160.0 Apps_FIR
{'name': 'Apps_HALOEXCHANGE', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 62.0 regionprofile 0.035092 0.035092 0.035092 0.035092 128.0 7.491120e+06 0.000000e+00 1.872780e+05 156.0 1030301.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE
2458031255 62.0 regionprofile 0.032822 0.032822 0.032822 0.032822 128.0 1.889592e+07 0.000000e+00 4.723980e+05 156.0 4173281.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE
3448088579 62.0 regionprofile 0.034307 0.034307 0.034307 0.034307 128.0 1.198176e+07 0.000000e+00 2.995440e+05 156.0 2097152.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE
4239478529 62.0 regionprofile 0.036228 0.036228 0.036228 0.036228 128.0 2.996376e+07 0.000000e+00 7.490940e+05 156.0 8365427.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE
{'name': 'Apps_HALOEXCHANGE_FUSED', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 63.0 regionprofile 0.005166 0.005166 0.005166 0.005166 128.0 7.491120e+06 0.000000e+00 1.872780e+05 2.0 1030301.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE_FUSED
2458031255 63.0 regionprofile 0.008232 0.008232 0.008232 0.008232 128.0 1.889592e+07 0.000000e+00 4.723980e+05 2.0 4173281.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE_FUSED
3448088579 63.0 regionprofile 0.006447 0.006447 0.006447 0.006447 128.0 1.198176e+07 0.000000e+00 2.995440e+05 2.0 2097152.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE_FUSED
4239478529 63.0 regionprofile 0.011687 0.011687 0.011687 0.011687 128.0 2.996376e+07 0.000000e+00 7.490940e+05 2.0 8365427.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE_FUSED
{'name': 'Apps_LTIMES', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 64.0 regionprofile 0.014145 0.014145 0.014145 0.014145 128.0 1.495501e+07 5.242880e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Apps_LTIMES
2458031255 64.0 regionprofile 0.047071 0.047071 0.047071 0.047071 128.0 5.978163e+07 2.097152e+08 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Apps_LTIMES
3448088579 64.0 regionprofile 0.023788 0.023788 0.023788 0.023788 128.0 2.989722e+07 1.048576e+08 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Apps_LTIMES
4239478529 64.0 regionprofile 0.109502 0.109502 0.109502 0.109502 128.0 1.195505e+08 4.194304e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Apps_LTIMES
{'name': 'Apps_LTIMES_NOVIEW', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 5.0 regionprofile 0.014158 0.014158 0.014158 0.014158 128.0 1.495501e+07 5.242880e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Apps_LTIMES_NOVIEW
2458031255 5.0 regionprofile 0.047085 0.047085 0.047085 0.047085 128.0 5.978163e+07 2.097152e+08 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Apps_LTIMES_NOVIEW
3448088579 5.0 regionprofile 0.023791 0.023791 0.023791 0.023791 128.0 2.989722e+07 1.048576e+08 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Apps_LTIMES_NOVIEW
4239478529 5.0 regionprofile 0.093582 0.093582 0.093582 0.093582 128.0 1.195505e+08 4.194304e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Apps_LTIMES_NOVIEW
{'name': 'Apps_NODAL_ACCUMULATION_3D', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 6.0 regionprofile 0.007990 0.007990 0.007990 0.007990 128.0 3.346414e+07 9.272709e+06 1.030301e+06 1.0 1030301.0 100.0 Apps_NODAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
2458031255 6.0 regionprofile 0.027399 0.027399 0.027399 0.027399 128.0 1.347969e+08 3.755953e+07 4.173281e+06 1.0 4173281.0 100.0 Apps_NODAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
3448088579 6.0 regionprofile 0.014248 0.014248 0.014248 0.014248 128.0 6.790146e+07 1.887437e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Apps_NODAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
4239478529 6.0 regionprofile 0.054349 0.054349 0.054349 0.054349 128.0 2.696815e+08 7.528884e+07 8.365427e+06 1.0 8365427.0 100.0 Apps_NODAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
{'name': 'Apps_PRESSURE', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 7.0 regionprofile 0.048417 0.048417 0.048417 0.048417 128.0 4.194304e+07 3.145728e+06 2.097152e+06 2.0 1048576.0 700.0 Apps_PRESSURE
2458031255 7.0 regionprofile 0.176734 0.176734 0.176734 0.176734 128.0 1.677722e+08 1.258291e+07 8.388608e+06 2.0 4194304.0 700.0 Apps_PRESSURE
3448088579 7.0 regionprofile 0.091304 0.091304 0.091304 0.091304 128.0 8.388608e+07 6.291456e+06 4.194304e+06 2.0 2097152.0 700.0 Apps_PRESSURE
4239478529 7.0 regionprofile 0.347866 0.347866 0.347866 0.347866 128.0 3.355443e+08 2.516582e+07 1.677722e+07 2.0 8388608.0 700.0 Apps_PRESSURE
{'name': 'Apps_VOL3D', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 8.0 regionprofile 0.006177 0.006177 0.006177 0.006177 128.0 3.659876e+07 8.174614e+07 1.135363e+06 1.0 1135363.0 100.0 Apps_VOL3D
2458031255 8.0 regionprofile 0.021192 0.021192 0.021192 0.021192 128.0 1.426524e+08 3.194887e+08 4.437343e+06 1.0 4437343.0 100.0 Apps_VOL3D
3448088579 8.0 regionprofile 0.011187 0.011187 0.011187 0.011187 128.0 7.289670e+07 1.630695e+08 2.264854e+06 1.0 2264854.0 100.0 Apps_VOL3D
4239478529 8.0 regionprofile 0.041352 0.041352 0.041352 0.041352 128.0 2.821095e+08 6.324213e+08 8.783629e+06 1.0 8783629.0 100.0 Apps_VOL3D
{'name': 'Apps_ZONAL_ACCUMULATION_3D', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 9.0 regionprofile 0.003759 0.003759 0.003759 0.003759 128.0 2.497448e+07 8.242408e+06 1.030301e+06 1.0 1030301.0 100.0 Apps_ZONAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
2458031255 9.0 regionprofile 0.013590 0.013590 0.013590 0.013590 128.0 1.007847e+08 3.338625e+07 4.173281e+06 1.0 4173281.0 100.0 Apps_ZONAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
3448088579 9.0 regionprofile 0.007109 0.007109 0.007109 0.007109 128.0 5.072794e+07 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Apps_ZONAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
4239478529 9.0 regionprofile 0.026485 0.026485 0.026485 0.026485 128.0 2.017641e+08 6.692342e+07 8.365427e+06 1.0 8365427.0 100.0 Apps_ZONAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
{'name': 'Basic', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 2.0 regionprofile 0.358472 0.358472 0.358472 0.358472 128.0 1.342177e+08 1.153434e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2500.0 Basic
2458031255 2.0 regionprofile 1.212360 1.212360 1.212360 1.212360 128.0 5.368709e+08 4.613734e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2500.0 Basic
3448088579 2.0 regionprofile 0.660031 0.660031 0.660031 0.660031 128.0 2.684355e+08 2.306867e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2500.0 Basic
4239478529 2.0 regionprofile 2.390606 2.390606 2.390606 2.390606 128.0 1.073742e+09 9.227469e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2500.0 Basic
{'name': 'Basic_COPY8', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 3.0 regionprofile 0.008633 0.008633 0.008633 0.008633 128.0 1.342177e+08 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_COPY8
2458031255 3.0 regionprofile 0.033142 0.033142 0.033142 0.033142 128.0 5.368709e+08 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_COPY8
3448088579 3.0 regionprofile 0.016652 0.016652 0.016652 0.016652 128.0 2.684355e+08 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_COPY8
4239478529 3.0 regionprofile 0.065729 0.065729 0.065729 0.065729 128.0 1.073742e+09 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_COPY8
{'name': 'Basic_DAXPY', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 14.0 regionprofile 0.016969 0.016969 0.016969 0.016969 128.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY
2458031255 14.0 regionprofile 0.061511 0.061511 0.061511 0.061511 128.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY
3448088579 14.0 regionprofile 0.031757 0.031757 0.031757 0.031757 128.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY
4239478529 14.0 regionprofile 0.120519 0.120519 0.120519 0.120519 128.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY
{'name': 'Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 15.0 regionprofile 0.016964 0.016964 0.016964 0.016964 128.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
2458031255 15.0 regionprofile 0.062023 0.062023 0.062023 0.062023 128.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
3448088579 15.0 regionprofile 0.031928 0.031928 0.031928 0.031928 128.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
4239478529 15.0 regionprofile 0.121737 0.121737 0.121737 0.121737 128.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
{'name': 'Basic_IF_QUAD', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 16.0 regionprofile 0.012196 0.012196 0.012196 0.012196 128.0 4.194304e+07 1.153434e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 180.0 Basic_IF_QUAD
2458031255 16.0 regionprofile 0.047678 0.047678 0.047678 0.047678 128.0 1.677722e+08 4.613734e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 180.0 Basic_IF_QUAD
3448088579 16.0 regionprofile 0.024207 0.024207 0.024207 0.024207 128.0 8.388608e+07 2.306867e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 180.0 Basic_IF_QUAD
4239478529 16.0 regionprofile 0.095443 0.095443 0.095443 0.095443 128.0 3.355443e+08 9.227469e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 180.0 Basic_IF_QUAD
{'name': 'Basic_INIT3', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 17.0 regionprofile 0.028175 0.028175 0.028175 0.028175 128.0 4.194304e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 Basic_INIT3
2458031255 17.0 regionprofile 0.106234 0.106234 0.106234 0.106234 128.0 1.677722e+08 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 Basic_INIT3
3448088579 17.0 regionprofile 0.054312 0.054312 0.054312 0.054312 128.0 8.388608e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 Basic_INIT3
4239478529 17.0 regionprofile 0.210474 0.210474 0.210474 0.210474 128.0 3.355443e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 Basic_INIT3
{'name': 'Basic_INIT_VIEW1D', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 18.0 regionprofile 0.042175 0.042175 0.042175 0.042175 128.0 8.388608e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
2458031255 18.0 regionprofile 0.123815 0.123815 0.123815 0.123815 128.0 3.355443e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
3448088579 18.0 regionprofile 0.076089 0.076089 0.076089 0.076089 128.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
4239478529 18.0 regionprofile 0.239395 0.239395 0.239395 0.239395 128.0 6.710886e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
{'name': 'Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 19.0 regionprofile 0.042183 0.042183 0.042183 0.042183 128.0 8.388608e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
2458031255 19.0 regionprofile 0.123782 0.123782 0.123782 0.123782 128.0 3.355443e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
3448088579 19.0 regionprofile 0.066220 0.066220 0.066220 0.066220 128.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
4239478529 19.0 regionprofile 0.239354 0.239354 0.239354 0.239354 128.0 6.710886e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
{'name': 'Basic_MULADDSUB', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 20.0 regionprofile 0.019719 0.019719 0.019719 0.019719 128.0 4.194304e+07 3.145728e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 350.0 Basic_MULADDSUB
2458031255 20.0 regionprofile 0.074557 0.074557 0.074557 0.074557 128.0 1.677722e+08 1.258291e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 350.0 Basic_MULADDSUB
3448088579 20.0 regionprofile 0.038028 0.038028 0.038028 0.038028 128.0 8.388608e+07 6.291456e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 350.0 Basic_MULADDSUB
4239478529 20.0 regionprofile 0.148068 0.148068 0.148068 0.148068 128.0 3.355443e+08 2.516582e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 350.0 Basic_MULADDSUB
{'name': 'Basic_NESTED_INIT', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 21.0 regionprofile 0.020746 0.020746 0.020746 0.020746 128.0 8.242408e+06 3.090903e+06 1.030301e+06 1.0 1030301.0 1000.0 Basic_NESTED_INIT
2458031255 21.0 regionprofile 0.059267 0.059267 0.059267 0.059267 128.0 3.338625e+07 1.251984e+07 4.173281e+06 1.0 4173281.0 1000.0 Basic_NESTED_INIT
3448088579 21.0 regionprofile 0.030605 0.030605 0.030605 0.030605 128.0 1.677722e+07 6.291456e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Basic_NESTED_INIT
4239478529 21.0 regionprofile 0.105673 0.105673 0.105673 0.105673 128.0 6.692342e+07 2.509628e+07 8.365427e+06 1.0 8365427.0 1000.0 Basic_NESTED_INIT
{'name': 'Basic_PI_ATOMIC', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 22.0 regionprofile 0.127441 0.127441 0.127441 0.127441 128.0 1.600000e+01 6.291457e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
2458031255 22.0 regionprofile 0.436268 0.436268 0.436268 0.436268 128.0 1.600000e+01 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
3448088579 22.0 regionprofile 0.247100 0.247100 0.247100 0.247100 128.0 1.600000e+01 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
4239478529 22.0 regionprofile 0.871399 0.871399 0.871399 0.871399 128.0 1.600000e+01 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
{'name': 'Basic_PI_REDUCE', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 23.0 regionprofile 0.002507 0.002507 0.002507 0.002507 128.0 1.600000e+01 6.291457e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_PI_REDUCE
2458031255 23.0 regionprofile 0.004897 0.004897 0.004897 0.004897 128.0 1.600000e+01 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_PI_REDUCE
3448088579 23.0 regionprofile 0.003325 0.003325 0.003325 0.003325 128.0 1.600000e+01 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_PI_REDUCE
4239478529 23.0 regionprofile 0.008562 0.008562 0.008562 0.008562 128.0 1.600000e+01 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_PI_REDUCE
{'name': 'Basic_REDUCE3_INT', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 24.0 regionprofile 0.002289 0.002289 0.002289 0.002289 128.0 4.194328e+06 1.048577e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
2458031255 24.0 regionprofile 0.005095 0.005095 0.005095 0.005095 128.0 1.677724e+07 4.194305e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
3448088579 24.0 regionprofile 0.003286 0.003286 0.003286 0.003286 128.0 8.388632e+06 2.097153e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
4239478529 24.0 regionprofile 0.008823 0.008823 0.008823 0.008823 128.0 3.355446e+07 8.388609e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
{'name': 'Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 25.0 regionprofile 0.015869 0.015869 0.015869 0.015869 128.0 1.677726e+07 2.097154e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
2458031255 25.0 regionprofile 0.069074 0.069074 0.069074 0.069074 128.0 6.710891e+07 8.388610e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
3448088579 25.0 regionprofile 0.033105 0.033105 0.033105 0.033105 128.0 3.355448e+07 4.194306e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
4239478529 25.0 regionprofile 0.146754 0.146754 0.146754 0.146754 128.0 1.342178e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
{'name': 'Basic_TRAP_INT', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 26.0 regionprofile 0.002508 0.002508 0.002508 0.002508 128.0 1.600000e+01 1.048576e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_TRAP_INT
2458031255 26.0 regionprofile 0.004914 0.004914 0.004914 0.004914 128.0 1.600000e+01 4.194304e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_TRAP_INT
3448088579 26.0 regionprofile 0.003319 0.003319 0.003319 0.003319 128.0 1.600000e+01 2.097152e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_TRAP_INT
4239478529 26.0 regionprofile 0.008568 0.008568 0.008568 0.008568 128.0 1.600000e+01 8.388608e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_TRAP_INT
{'name': 'Lcals', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 27.0 regionprofile 0.386209 0.386209 0.386209 0.386209 128.0 1.677722e+08 4.595730e+07 3.145728e+06 3.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Lcals
2458031255 27.0 regionprofile 1.449984 1.449984 1.449984 1.449984 128.0 6.710886e+08 1.841891e+08 1.258291e+07 3.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Lcals
3448088579 27.0 regionprofile 0.740920 0.740920 0.740920 0.740920 128.0 3.355443e+08 9.200030e+07 6.291456e+06 3.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Lcals
4239478529 27.0 regionprofile 2.866099 2.866099 2.866099 2.866099 128.0 1.342177e+09 3.685104e+08 2.516582e+07 3.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Lcals
{'name': 'Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 28.0 regionprofile 0.061602 0.061602 0.061602 0.061602 128.0 1.677722e+08 9.437184e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 200.0 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
2458031255 28.0 regionprofile 0.236979 0.236979 0.236979 0.236979 128.0 6.710886e+08 3.774874e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 200.0 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
3448088579 28.0 regionprofile 0.119687 0.119687 0.119687 0.119687 128.0 3.355443e+08 1.887437e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 200.0 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
4239478529 28.0 regionprofile 0.471917 0.471917 0.471917 0.471917 128.0 1.342177e+09 7.549747e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 200.0 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
{'name': 'Lcals_EOS', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 29.0 regionprofile 0.022674 0.022674 0.022674 0.022674 128.0 3.355449e+07 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 Lcals_EOS
2458031255 29.0 regionprofile 0.084055 0.084055 0.084055 0.084055 128.0 1.342178e+08 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 Lcals_EOS
3448088579 29.0 regionprofile 0.043212 0.043212 0.043212 0.043212 128.0 6.710892e+07 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 Lcals_EOS
4239478529 29.0 regionprofile 0.163718 0.163718 0.163718 0.163718 128.0 2.684355e+08 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 Lcals_EOS
{'name': 'Lcals_FIRST_DIFF', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 30.0 regionprofile 0.048094 0.048094 0.048094 0.048094 128.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
2458031255 30.0 regionprofile 0.173070 0.173070 0.173070 0.173070 128.0 6.710887e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
3448088579 30.0 regionprofile 0.089910 0.089910 0.089910 0.089910 128.0 3.355444e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
4239478529 30.0 regionprofile 0.339211 0.339211 0.339211 0.339211 128.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
{'name': 'Lcals_FIRST_MIN', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 31.0 regionprofile 0.005570 0.005570 0.005570 0.005570 128.0 8.388640e+06 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
2458031255 31.0 regionprofile 0.012164 0.012164 0.012164 0.012164 128.0 3.355446e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
3448088579 31.0 regionprofile 0.007701 0.007701 0.007701 0.007701 128.0 1.677725e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
4239478529 31.0 regionprofile 0.021264 0.021264 0.021264 0.021264 128.0 6.710890e+07 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
{'name': 'Lcals_FIRST_SUM', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 32.0 regionprofile 0.048174 0.048174 0.048174 0.048174 128.0 1.677721e+07 1.048575e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
2458031255 32.0 regionprofile 0.173145 0.173145 0.173145 0.173145 128.0 6.710886e+07 4.194303e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
3448088579 32.0 regionprofile 0.090045 0.090045 0.090045 0.090045 128.0 3.355442e+07 2.097151e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
4239478529 32.0 regionprofile 0.339436 0.339436 0.339436 0.339436 128.0 1.342177e+08 8.388607e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
{'name': 'Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 33.0 regionprofile 0.049221 0.049221 0.049221 0.049221 128.0 8.388608e+07 6.291456e+06 1.048576e+06 2.0 1048576.0 500.0 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
2458031255 33.0 regionprofile 0.202627 0.202627 0.202627 0.202627 128.0 3.355443e+08 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 2.0 4194304.0 500.0 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
3448088579 33.0 regionprofile 0.100018 0.100018 0.100018 0.100018 128.0 1.677722e+08 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 2.0 2097152.0 500.0 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
4239478529 33.0 regionprofile 0.407307 0.407307 0.407307 0.407307 128.0 6.710886e+08 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 2.0 8388608.0 500.0 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
{'name': 'Lcals_HYDRO_1D', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 34.0 regionprofile 0.033902 0.033902 0.033902 0.033902 128.0 2.516583e+07 5.242880e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
2458031255 34.0 regionprofile 0.123286 0.123286 0.123286 0.123286 128.0 1.006633e+08 2.097152e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
3448088579 34.0 regionprofile 0.063721 0.063721 0.063721 0.063721 128.0 5.033166e+07 1.048576e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
4239478529 34.0 regionprofile 0.242067 0.242067 0.242067 0.242067 128.0 2.013266e+08 4.194304e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
{'name': 'Lcals_HYDRO_2D', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 35.0 regionprofile 0.022876 0.022876 0.022876 0.022876 128.0 1.506676e+08 4.595730e+07 3.145728e+06 3.0 1048576.0 100.0 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
2458031255 35.0 regionprofile 0.086800 0.086800 0.086800 0.086800 128.0 6.033247e+08 1.841891e+08 1.258291e+07 3.0 4194304.0 100.0 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
3448088579 35.0 regionprofile 0.043652 0.043652 0.043652 0.043652 128.0 3.014623e+08 9.200030e+07 6.291456e+06 3.0 2097152.0 100.0 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
4239478529 35.0 regionprofile 0.171752 0.171752 0.171752 0.171752 128.0 1.206775e+09 3.685104e+08 2.516582e+07 3.0 8388608.0 100.0 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
{'name': 'Lcals_INT_PREDICT', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 36.0 regionprofile 0.046661 0.046661 0.046661 0.046661 128.0 9.227469e+07 1.782579e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 400.0 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
2458031255 36.0 regionprofile 0.182561 0.182561 0.182561 0.182561 128.0 3.690988e+08 7.130317e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 400.0 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
3448088579 36.0 regionprofile 0.091770 0.091770 0.091770 0.091770 128.0 1.845494e+08 3.565158e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 400.0 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
4239478529 36.0 regionprofile 0.363553 0.363553 0.363553 0.363553 128.0 7.381975e+08 1.426063e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 400.0 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
{'name': 'Lcals_PLANCKIAN', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 37.0 regionprofile 0.002758 0.002758 0.002758 0.002758 128.0 4.194304e+07 4.194304e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
2458031255 37.0 regionprofile 0.010287 0.010287 0.010287 0.010287 128.0 1.677722e+08 1.677722e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
3448088579 37.0 regionprofile 0.005265 0.005265 0.005265 0.005265 128.0 8.388608e+07 8.388608e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
4239478529 37.0 regionprofile 0.020310 0.020310 0.020310 0.020310 128.0 3.355443e+08 3.355443e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
{'name': 'Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 38.0 regionprofile 0.044595 0.044595 0.044595 0.044595 128.0 3.355440e+07 2.097150e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
2458031255 38.0 regionprofile 0.164922 0.164922 0.164922 0.164922 128.0 1.342177e+08 8.388606e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
3448088579 38.0 regionprofile 0.085855 0.085855 0.085855 0.085855 128.0 6.710883e+07 4.194302e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
4239478529 38.0 regionprofile 0.325473 0.325473 0.325473 0.325473 128.0 2.684354e+08 1.677721e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
{'name': 'Polybench', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 39.0 regionprofile 0.582509 0.582509 0.582509 0.582509 128.0 3.359049e+09 6.797544e+09 1.259520e+08 160.0 1050625.0 120.0 Polybench
2458031255 39.0 regionprofile 2.746726 2.746726 2.746726 2.746726 128.0 1.342898e+10 3.576198e+10 5.035623e+08 160.0 4198401.0 120.0 Polybench
3448088579 39.0 regionprofile 1.226385 1.226385 1.226385 1.226385 128.0 6.714551e+09 1.536488e+10 2.517783e+08 160.0 2099601.0 120.0 Polybench
4239478529 39.0 regionprofile 6.560859 6.560859 6.560859 6.560859 128.0 2.684801e+10 8.572211e+10 1.006765e+09 160.0 8392609.0 120.0 Polybench
{'name': 'Polybench_2MM', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 40.0 regionprofile 0.006010 0.006010 0.006010 0.006010 128.0 5.198800e+07 5.683881e+09 2.101250e+06 2.0 1050625.0 2.0 Polybench_2MM
2458031255 40.0 regionprofile 0.032475 0.032475 0.032475 0.032475 128.0 1.710669e+08 3.131167e+10 8.396802e+06 2.0 4198401.0 2.0 Polybench_2MM
3448088579 40.0 regionprofile 0.013480 0.013480 0.013480 0.013480 128.0 9.315331e+07 1.313930e+10 4.199202e+06 2.0 2099601.0 2.0 Polybench_2MM
4239478529 40.0 regionprofile 0.080898 0.080898 0.080898 0.080898 128.0 3.204777e+08 7.682594e+10 1.678522e+07 2.0 8392609.0 2.0 Polybench_2MM
{'name': 'Polybench_3MM', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 41.0 regionprofile 0.009086 0.009086 0.009086 0.009086 128.0 7.826900e+07 6.797544e+09 3.151875e+06 3.0 1050625.0 2.0 Polybench_3MM
2458031255 41.0 regionprofile 0.043815 0.043815 0.043815 0.043815 128.0 2.403887e+08 3.576198e+10 1.259520e+07 3.0 4198401.0 2.0 Polybench_3MM
3448088579 41.0 regionprofile 0.019303 0.019303 0.019303 0.019303 128.0 1.352207e+08 1.536488e+10 6.298803e+06 3.0 2099601.0 2.0 Polybench_3MM
4239478529 41.0 regionprofile 0.103543 0.103543 0.103543 0.103543 128.0 4.381423e+08 8.572211e+10 2.517783e+07 3.0 8392609.0 2.0 Polybench_3MM
{'name': 'Polybench_ADI', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 42.0 regionprofile 0.037492 0.037492 0.037492 0.037492 128.0 4.026528e+08 1.423279e+08 8.184000e+03 8.0 1046529.0 4.0 Polybench_ADI
2458031255 42.0 regionprofile 0.080987 0.080987 0.080987 0.080987 128.0 1.610612e+09 5.698684e+08 1.637600e+04 8.0 4190209.0 4.0 Polybench_ADI
3448088579 42.0 regionprofile 0.055645 0.055645 0.055645 0.055645 128.0 8.051340e+08 2.847580e+08 1.157600e+04 8.0 2093809.0 4.0 Polybench_ADI
4239478529 42.0 regionprofile 0.128455 0.128455 0.128455 0.128455 128.0 3.220537e+09 1.139819e+09 2.316000e+04 8.0 8381025.0 4.0 Polybench_ADI
{'name': 'Polybench_ATAX', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 43.0 regionprofile 0.025928 0.025928 0.025928 0.025928 128.0 1.685100e+07 4.202500e+06 2.050000e+03 2.0 1050625.0 100.0 Polybench_ATAX
2458031255 43.0 regionprofile 0.053237 0.053237 0.053237 0.053237 128.0 6.725638e+07 1.679360e+07 4.098000e+03 2.0 4198401.0 100.0 Polybench_ATAX
3448088579 43.0 regionprofile 0.038216 0.038216 0.038216 0.038216 128.0 3.365158e+07 8.398404e+06 2.898000e+03 2.0 2099601.0 100.0 Polybench_ATAX
4239478529 43.0 regionprofile 0.080220 0.080220 0.080220 0.080220 128.0 1.343976e+08 3.357044e+07 5.794000e+03 2.0 8392609.0 100.0 Polybench_ATAX
{'name': 'Polybench_FDTD_2D', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 44.0 regionprofile 0.037030 0.037030 0.037030 0.037030 128.0 3.359049e+09 4.616192e+08 1.259520e+08 160.0 1049600.0 8.0 Polybench_FDTD_2D
2458031255 44.0 regionprofile 0.133299 0.133299 0.133299 0.133299 128.0 1.342898e+10 1.845985e+09 5.035623e+08 160.0 4196352.0 8.0 Polybench_FDTD_2D
3448088579 44.0 regionprofile 0.069062 0.069062 0.069062 0.069062 128.0 6.714551e+09 9.228973e+08 2.517783e+08 160.0 2098152.0 8.0 Polybench_FDTD_2D
4239478529 44.0 regionprofile 0.261247 0.261247 0.261247 0.261247 128.0 2.684801e+10 3.690894e+09 1.006765e+09 160.0 8389712.0 8.0 Polybench_FDTD_2D
{'name': 'Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 45.0 regionprofile 0.205779 0.205779 0.205779 0.205779 128.0 1.681000e+07 1.076891e+09 1.050625e+06 1.0 1050625.0 8.0 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
2458031255 45.0 regionprofile 1.518138 1.518138 1.518138 1.518138 128.0 6.717442e+07 8.602524e+09 4.198401e+06 1.0 4198401.0 8.0 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
3448088579 45.0 regionprofile 0.558492 0.558492 0.558492 0.558492 128.0 3.359362e+07 3.042322e+09 2.099601e+06 1.0 2099601.0 8.0 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
4239478529 45.0 regionprofile 4.208355 4.208355 4.208355 4.208355 128.0 1.342817e+08 2.431339e+10 8.392609e+06 1.0 8392609.0 8.0 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
{'name': 'Polybench_GEMM', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 46.0 regionprofile 0.006179 0.006179 0.006179 0.006179 128.0 2.808500e+07 3.783301e+09 1.050625e+06 1.0 1050625.0 4.0 Polybench_GEMM
2458031255 46.0 regionprofile 0.041807 0.041807 0.041807 0.041807 128.0 7.292801e+07 1.511844e+10 4.198401e+06 1.0 4198401.0 4.0 Polybench_GEMM
3448088579 46.0 regionprofile 0.012245 0.012245 0.012245 0.012245 128.0 4.461761e+07 7.560663e+09 2.099601e+06 1.0 2099601.0 4.0 Polybench_GEMM
4239478529 46.0 regionprofile 0.099276 0.099276 0.099276 0.099276 128.0 1.227633e+08 3.022179e+10 8.392609e+06 1.0 8392609.0 4.0 Polybench_GEMM
{'name': 'Polybench_GEMVER', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 47.0 regionprofile 0.006881 0.006881 0.006881 0.006881 128.0 3.372660e+07 1.050728e+07 3.152900e+06 4.0 1050625.0 20.0 Polybench_GEMVER
2458031255 47.0 regionprofile 0.015631 0.015631 0.015631 0.015631 128.0 1.345619e+08 4.198606e+07 1.259725e+07 4.0 4198401.0 20.0 Polybench_GEMVER
3448088579 47.0 regionprofile 0.010060 0.010060 0.010060 0.010060 128.0 6.733793e+07 2.099746e+07 6.300252e+06 4.0 2099601.0 20.0 Polybench_GEMVER
4239478529 47.0 regionprofile 0.022255 0.022255 0.022255 0.022255 128.0 2.688648e+08 8.392899e+07 2.518072e+07 4.0 8392609.0 20.0 Polybench_GEMVER
{'name': 'Polybench_GESUMMV', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 48.0 regionprofile 0.025768 0.025768 0.025768 0.025768 128.0 1.683460e+07 4.205575e+06 1.025000e+03 1.0 1050625.0 120.0 Polybench_GESUMMV
2458031255 48.0 regionprofile 0.056035 0.056035 0.056035 0.056035 128.0 6.722359e+07 1.679975e+07 2.049000e+03 1.0 4198401.0 120.0 Polybench_GESUMMV
3448088579 48.0 regionprofile 0.038593 0.038593 0.038593 0.038593 128.0 3.362839e+07 8.402751e+06 1.449000e+03 1.0 2099601.0 120.0 Polybench_GESUMMV
4239478529 48.0 regionprofile 0.084444 0.084444 0.084444 0.084444 128.0 1.343513e+08 3.357913e+07 2.897000e+03 1.0 8392609.0 120.0 Polybench_GESUMMV
{'name': 'Polybench_HEAT_3D', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 49.0 regionprofile 0.021772 0.021772 0.021772 0.021772 128.0 6.592000e+08 6.000000e+08 4.000000e+07 40.0 1000000.0 20.0 Polybench_HEAT_3D
2458031255 49.0 regionprofile 0.077665 0.077665 0.077665 0.077665 128.0 2.670592e+09 2.457600e+09 1.638400e+08 40.0 4096000.0 20.0 Polybench_HEAT_3D
3448088579 49.0 regionprofile 0.040473 0.040473 0.040473 0.040473 128.0 1.341933e+09 1.229030e+09 8.193532e+07 40.0 2048383.0 20.0 Polybench_HEAT_3D
4239478529 49.0 regionprofile 0.152381 0.152381 0.152381 0.152381 128.0 5.353485e+09 4.945445e+09 3.296963e+08 40.0 8242408.0 20.0 Polybench_HEAT_3D
{'name': 'Polybench_JACOBI_1D', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 50.0 regionprofile 0.076720 0.076720 0.076720 0.076720 128.0 5.368704e+08 1.006631e+08 3.355437e+07 32.0 1048574.0 100.0 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
2458031255 50.0 regionprofile 0.277465 0.277465 0.277465 0.277465 128.0 2.147483e+09 4.026530e+08 1.342177e+08 32.0 4194302.0 100.0 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
3448088579 50.0 regionprofile 0.144260 0.144260 0.144260 0.144260 128.0 1.073741e+09 2.013264e+08 6.710880e+07 32.0 2097150.0 100.0 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
4239478529 50.0 regionprofile 0.543910 0.543910 0.543910 0.543910 128.0 4.294967e+09 8.053062e+08 2.684354e+08 32.0 8388606.0 100.0 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
{'name': 'Polybench_JACOBI_2D', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 51.0 regionprofile 0.101590 0.101590 0.101590 0.101590 128.0 1.342176e+09 4.186116e+08 8.372232e+07 2.0 1046529.0 50.0 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
2458031255 51.0 regionprofile 0.370396 0.370396 0.370396 0.370396 128.0 5.368708e+09 1.676084e+09 3.352167e+08 2.0 4190209.0 50.0 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
3448088579 51.0 regionprofile 0.193490 0.193490 0.193490 0.193490 128.0 2.683780e+09 8.375236e+08 1.675047e+08 2.0 2093809.0 50.0 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
4239478529 51.0 regionprofile 0.727029 0.727029 0.727029 0.727029 128.0 1.073512e+10 3.352410e+09 6.704820e+08 2.0 8381025.0 50.0 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
{'name': 'Polybench_MVT', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 52.0 regionprofile 0.022179 0.022179 0.022179 0.022179 128.0 1.685920e+07 4.202500e+06 2.050000e+03 2.0 1050625.0 100.0 Polybench_MVT
2458031255 52.0 regionprofile 0.045677 0.045677 0.045677 0.045677 128.0 6.727277e+07 1.679360e+07 4.098000e+03 2.0 4198401.0 100.0 Polybench_MVT
3448088579 52.0 regionprofile 0.032960 0.032960 0.032960 0.032960 128.0 3.366317e+07 8.398404e+06 2.898000e+03 2.0 2099601.0 100.0 Polybench_MVT
4239478529 52.0 regionprofile 0.068737 0.068737 0.068737 0.068737 128.0 1.344208e+08 3.357044e+07 5.794000e+03 2.0 8392609.0 100.0 Polybench_MVT
{'name': 'Stream', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 53.0 regionprofile 0.261048 0.261048 0.261048 0.261048 128.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Stream
2458031255 53.0 regionprofile 0.773695 0.773695 0.773695 0.773695 128.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Stream
3448088579 53.0 regionprofile 0.433616 0.433616 0.433616 0.433616 128.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Stream
4239478529 53.0 regionprofile 1.459231 1.459231 1.459231 1.459231 128.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Stream
{'name': 'Stream_ADD', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 54.0 regionprofile 0.033609 0.033609 0.033609 0.033609 128.0 2.516582e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 Stream_ADD
2458031255 54.0 regionprofile 0.123005 0.123005 0.123005 0.123005 128.0 1.006633e+08 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 Stream_ADD
3448088579 54.0 regionprofile 0.063223 0.063223 0.063223 0.063223 128.0 5.033165e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Stream_ADD
4239478529 54.0 regionprofile 0.241648 0.241648 0.241648 0.241648 128.0 2.013266e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 Stream_ADD
{'name': 'Stream_COPY', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 55.0 regionprofile 0.042624 0.042624 0.042624 0.042624 128.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1800.0 Stream_COPY
2458031255 55.0 regionprofile 0.154585 0.154585 0.154585 0.154585 128.0 6.710886e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1800.0 Stream_COPY
3448088579 55.0 regionprofile 0.080353 0.080353 0.080353 0.080353 128.0 3.355443e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1800.0 Stream_COPY
4239478529 55.0 regionprofile 0.303031 0.303031 0.303031 0.303031 128.0 1.342177e+08 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1800.0 Stream_COPY
{'name': 'Stream_DOT', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 56.0 regionprofile 0.108451 0.108451 0.108451 0.108451 128.0 1.677723e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Stream_DOT
2458031255 56.0 regionprofile 0.218470 0.218470 0.218470 0.218470 128.0 6.710888e+07 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Stream_DOT
3448088579 56.0 regionprofile 0.146039 0.146039 0.146039 0.146039 128.0 3.355445e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Stream_DOT
4239478529 56.0 regionprofile 0.370400 0.370400 0.370400 0.370400 128.0 1.342177e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Stream_DOT
{'name': 'Stream_MUL', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 57.0 regionprofile 0.042654 0.042654 0.042654 0.042654 128.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1800.0 Stream_MUL
2458031255 57.0 regionprofile 0.154602 0.154602 0.154602 0.154602 128.0 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1800.0 Stream_MUL
3448088579 57.0 regionprofile 0.080400 0.080400 0.080400 0.080400 128.0 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1800.0 Stream_MUL
4239478529 57.0 regionprofile 0.303001 0.303001 0.303001 0.303001 128.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1800.0 Stream_MUL
{'name': 'Stream_TRIAD', 'type': 'function'} 1814734126 58.0 regionprofile 0.033675 0.033675 0.033675 0.033675 128.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 Stream_TRIAD
2458031255 58.0 regionprofile 0.122992 0.122992 0.122992 0.122992 128.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 Stream_TRIAD
3448088579 58.0 regionprofile 0.063563 0.063563 0.063563 0.063563 128.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Stream_TRIAD
4239478529 58.0 regionprofile 0.241107 0.241107 0.241107 0.241107 128.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 Stream_TRIAD

Visualize performance metrics on the tree

With the Thicket.tree() function, we can visualize different metrics in the performance data table on nodes in the call tree for a single profile. By default, the first profile in the table will be selected.

print(th_lassen.tree(metric_column="Avg time/rank"))
  _____ _     _      _        _
 |_   _| |__ (_) ___| | _____| |_
   | | | '_ \| |/ __| |/ / _ \ __|
   | | | | | | | (__|   <  __/ |_
   |_| |_| |_|_|\___|_|\_\___|\__|  v2024.1.0

1.781 RAJAPerf
├─ 0.007 Algorithm
│  ├─ 0.002 Algorithm_MEMCPY
│  ├─ 0.002 Algorithm_MEMSET
│  └─ 0.003 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
├─ 0.185 Apps
│  ├─ 0.007 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
│  ├─ 0.039 Apps_ENERGY
│  ├─ 0.004 Apps_FIR
│  ├─ 0.035 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE
│  ├─ 0.014 Apps_LTIMES
│  ├─ 0.014 Apps_LTIMES_NOVIEW
│  ├─ 0.008 Apps_NODAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
│  ├─ 0.048 Apps_PRESSURE
│  ├─ 0.006 Apps_VOL3D
│  └─ 0.004 Apps_ZONAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
├─ 0.358 Basic
│  ├─ 0.009 Basic_COPY8
│  ├─ 0.017 Basic_DAXPY
│  ├─ 0.017 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
│  ├─ 0.012 Basic_IF_QUAD
│  ├─ 0.028 Basic_INIT3
│  ├─ 0.042 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
│  ├─ 0.042 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
│  ├─ 0.020 Basic_MULADDSUB
│  ├─ 0.021 Basic_NESTED_INIT
│  ├─ 0.127 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
│  ├─ 0.003 Basic_PI_REDUCE
│  ├─ 0.002 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
│  ├─ 0.016 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
│  └─ 0.003 Basic_TRAP_INT
├─ 0.386 Lcals
│  ├─ 0.062 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
│  ├─ 0.023 Lcals_EOS
│  ├─ 0.048 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
│  ├─ 0.006 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
│  ├─ 0.048 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
│  ├─ 0.049 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
│  ├─ 0.034 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
│  ├─ 0.023 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
│  ├─ 0.047 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
│  ├─ 0.003 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
│  └─ 0.045 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
├─ 0.583 Polybench
│  ├─ 0.006 Polybench_2MM
│  ├─ 0.009 Polybench_3MM
│  ├─ 0.037 Polybench_ADI
│  ├─ 0.026 Polybench_ATAX
│  ├─ 0.037 Polybench_FDTD_2D
│  ├─ 0.206 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
│  ├─ 0.006 Polybench_GEMM
│  ├─ 0.007 Polybench_GEMVER
│  ├─ 0.026 Polybench_GESUMMV
│  ├─ 0.022 Polybench_HEAT_3D
│  ├─ 0.077 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
│  ├─ 0.102 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
│  └─ 0.022 Polybench_MVT
└─ 0.261 Stream
   ├─ 0.034 Stream_ADD
   ├─ 0.043 Stream_COPY
   ├─ 0.108 Stream_DOT
   ├─ 0.043 Stream_MUL
   └─ 0.034 Stream_TRIAD

Legend (Metric: Avg time/rank Min: 0.00 Max: 1.78 indices: {'profile': 1814734126})
1.60 - 1.78
1.25 - 1.60
0.89 - 1.25
0.54 - 0.89
0.18 - 0.54
0.00 - 0.18

name User code     Only in left graph     Only in right graph

Visualize a specific profile using the indices parameter to select its index from the performance data table.

print(th_lassen.tree(metric_column="Avg time/rank", indices=(2458031255)))
  _____ _     _      _        _
 |_   _| |__ (_) ___| | _____| |_
   | | | '_ \| |/ __| |/ / _ \ __|
   | | | | | | | (__|   <  __/ |_
   |_| |_| |_|_|\___|_|\_\___|\__|  v2024.1.0

6.766 RAJAPerf
├─ 0.020 Algorithm
│  ├─ 0.009 Algorithm_MEMCPY
│  ├─ 0.006 Algorithm_MEMSET
│  └─ 0.006 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
├─ 0.563 Apps
│  ├─ 0.026 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
│  ├─ 0.148 Apps_ENERGY
│  ├─ 0.014 Apps_FIR
│  ├─ 0.033 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE
│  ├─ 0.047 Apps_LTIMES
│  ├─ 0.047 Apps_LTIMES_NOVIEW
│  ├─ 0.027 Apps_NODAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
│  ├─ 0.177 Apps_PRESSURE
│  ├─ 0.021 Apps_VOL3D
│  └─ 0.014 Apps_ZONAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
├─ 1.212 Basic
│  ├─ 0.033 Basic_COPY8
│  ├─ 0.062 Basic_DAXPY
│  ├─ 0.062 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
│  ├─ 0.048 Basic_IF_QUAD
│  ├─ 0.106 Basic_INIT3
│  ├─ 0.124 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
│  ├─ 0.124 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
│  ├─ 0.075 Basic_MULADDSUB
│  ├─ 0.059 Basic_NESTED_INIT
│  ├─ 0.436 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
│  ├─ 0.005 Basic_PI_REDUCE
│  ├─ 0.005 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
│  ├─ 0.069 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
│  └─ 0.005 Basic_TRAP_INT
├─ 1.450 Lcals
│  ├─ 0.237 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
│  ├─ 0.084 Lcals_EOS
│  ├─ 0.173 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
│  ├─ 0.012 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
│  ├─ 0.173 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
│  ├─ 0.203 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
│  ├─ 0.123 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
│  ├─ 0.087 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
│  ├─ 0.183 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
│  ├─ 0.010 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
│  └─ 0.165 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
├─ 2.747 Polybench
│  ├─ 0.032 Polybench_2MM
│  ├─ 0.044 Polybench_3MM
│  ├─ 0.081 Polybench_ADI
│  ├─ 0.053 Polybench_ATAX
│  ├─ 0.133 Polybench_FDTD_2D
│  ├─ 1.518 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
│  ├─ 0.042 Polybench_GEMM
│  ├─ 0.016 Polybench_GEMVER
│  ├─ 0.056 Polybench_GESUMMV
│  ├─ 0.078 Polybench_HEAT_3D
│  ├─ 0.277 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
│  ├─ 0.370 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
│  └─ 0.046 Polybench_MVT
└─ 0.774 Stream
   ├─ 0.123 Stream_ADD
   ├─ 0.155 Stream_COPY
   ├─ 0.218 Stream_DOT
   ├─ 0.155 Stream_MUL
   └─ 0.123 Stream_TRIAD

Legend (Metric: Avg time/rank Min: 0.00 Max: 6.77 indices: {'profile': 2458031255})
6.09 - 6.77
4.74 - 6.09
3.39 - 4.74
2.03 - 3.39
0.68 - 2.03
0.00 - 0.68

name User code     Only in left graph     Only in right graph

4.2 Metadata

The metadata table stores HPC simulation information such as an application’s build settings and execution context. A row corresponds to a single execution of the application and is identified by a unique profile index.

View metadata table:

cali.caliper.version spot.metrics spot.timeseries.metrics spot.format.version spot.options spot.channels user launchdate libraries cmdline cluster perfsuite_version raja_version cmake_build_type cmake_cxx_flags cmake_exe_linker_flags rajaperf_compiler rajaperf_compiler_options compiler_version compiler Compiler_path_version cuda_compiler_version gpu_targets_block_sizes systype_build machine_build ProblemSizeRunParam SizeMeaning omp_version omp_max_threads variant tuning
1814734126 2.9.0-dev min#inclusive#sum#time.duration,max#inclusive#sum#time.duration,avg#inclusive#sum#time.duration,sum#inclusive#sum#time.duration,any#any#max#BlockSize,any#any#max#Bytes/Rep,any#any#max#Flops/Rep,any#any#max#Iterations/Rep,any#any#max#Kernels/Rep,any#any#max#ProblemSize,any#any#max#Reps 2 regionprofile spot mckinsey 1691446615 [/lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/workspace/asde/caliper-lassen/lib64/, /usr/workspace/wsb/asde/adiak-lassen/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/gcc/gcc-4.9.3/lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/clang/clang-10.0.1/release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/gcc/gcc-4.9.3/lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-10.1.243/nvidia/lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-10.1.243/bin/../extras/CUPTI/lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/xl/xl-2021.09.22/lib/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/clang/clang-10.0.1/release/lib/, /lib64/] [../bin/nvcc10.2.89_clang10.0.1.exe, --variants, Base_CUDA, RAJA_CUDA, --tunings, block_128, block_256, block_512, block_1024, library, --size, 1048576, --outdir, /usr/workspace/thicket/rajaperf-july-2023/lassen/clang10.0.1_nvcc10.2.89_1048576/1, -sp] lassen 1.10.0 2022.10.5 Release -Wall -Wextra /usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-10.2.89/bin/nvcc;/usr/tce/packages/clang/clang-10.0.1/bin/clang++ 10.0.1 clang++-10.0.1 clang-10.0.1 10.2.89 128,256,512,1024 blueos_3_ppc64le_ib_p9 lassen709 1048576.0 Direct 4.5 20 Base_CUDA block_128
2458031255 2.9.0-dev min#inclusive#sum#time.duration,max#inclusive#sum#time.duration,avg#inclusive#sum#time.duration,sum#inclusive#sum#time.duration,any#any#max#BlockSize,any#any#max#Bytes/Rep,any#any#max#Flops/Rep,any#any#max#Iterations/Rep,any#any#max#Kernels/Rep,any#any#max#ProblemSize,any#any#max#Reps 2 regionprofile spot mckinsey 1691446876 [/lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/workspace/asde/caliper-lassen/lib64/, /usr/workspace/wsb/asde/adiak-lassen/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/gcc/gcc-4.9.3/lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/clang/clang-10.0.1/release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/gcc/gcc-4.9.3/lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-10.1.243/nvidia/lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-10.1.243/bin/../extras/CUPTI/lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/xl/xl-2021.09.22/lib/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/clang/clang-10.0.1/release/lib/, /lib64/] [../bin/nvcc10.2.89_clang10.0.1.exe, --variants, Base_CUDA, RAJA_CUDA, --tunings, block_128, block_256, block_512, block_1024, library, --size, 4194304, --outdir, /usr/workspace/thicket/rajaperf-july-2023/lassen/clang10.0.1_nvcc10.2.89_4194304/1, -sp] lassen 1.10.0 2022.10.5 Release -Wall -Wextra /usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-10.2.89/bin/nvcc;/usr/tce/packages/clang/clang-10.0.1/bin/clang++ 10.0.1 clang++-10.0.1 clang-10.0.1 10.2.89 128,256,512,1024 blueos_3_ppc64le_ib_p9 lassen709 4194304.0 Direct 4.5 20 Base_CUDA block_128
3448088579 2.9.0-dev min#inclusive#sum#time.duration,max#inclusive#sum#time.duration,avg#inclusive#sum#time.duration,sum#inclusive#sum#time.duration,any#any#max#BlockSize,any#any#max#Bytes/Rep,any#any#max#Flops/Rep,any#any#max#Iterations/Rep,any#any#max#Kernels/Rep,any#any#max#ProblemSize,any#any#max#Reps 2 regionprofile spot mckinsey 1691446819 [/lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/workspace/asde/caliper-lassen/lib64/, /usr/workspace/wsb/asde/adiak-lassen/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/gcc/gcc-4.9.3/lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/clang/clang-10.0.1/release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/gcc/gcc-4.9.3/lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-10.1.243/nvidia/lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-10.1.243/bin/../extras/CUPTI/lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/xl/xl-2021.09.22/lib/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/clang/clang-10.0.1/release/lib/, /lib64/] [../bin/nvcc10.2.89_clang10.0.1.exe, --variants, Base_CUDA, RAJA_CUDA, --tunings, block_128, block_256, block_512, block_1024, library, --size, 2097152, --outdir, /usr/workspace/thicket/rajaperf-july-2023/lassen/clang10.0.1_nvcc10.2.89_2097152/1, -sp] lassen 1.10.0 2022.10.5 Release -Wall -Wextra /usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-10.2.89/bin/nvcc;/usr/tce/packages/clang/clang-10.0.1/bin/clang++ 10.0.1 clang++-10.0.1 clang-10.0.1 10.2.89 128,256,512,1024 blueos_3_ppc64le_ib_p9 lassen709 2097152.0 Direct 4.5 20 Base_CUDA block_128
4239478529 2.9.0-dev min#inclusive#sum#time.duration,max#inclusive#sum#time.duration,avg#inclusive#sum#time.duration,sum#inclusive#sum#time.duration,any#any#max#BlockSize,any#any#max#Bytes/Rep,any#any#max#Flops/Rep,any#any#max#Iterations/Rep,any#any#max#Kernels/Rep,any#any#max#ProblemSize,any#any#max#Reps 2 regionprofile spot mckinsey 1691449546 [/lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/workspace/asde/caliper-lassen/lib64/, /usr/workspace/wsb/asde/adiak-lassen/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/gcc/gcc-4.9.3/lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/clang/clang-10.0.1/release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/gcc/gcc-4.9.3/lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-10.1.243/nvidia/lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-10.1.243/bin/../extras/CUPTI/lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/xl/xl-2021.09.22/lib/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/clang/clang-10.0.1/release/lib/, /lib64/] [../bin/nvcc10.2.89_clang10.0.1.exe, --variants, Base_CUDA, RAJA_CUDA, --tunings, block_128, block_256, block_512, block_1024, library, --size, 8388608, --outdir, /usr/workspace/thicket/rajaperf-july-2023/lassen/clang10.0.1_nvcc10.2.89_8388608/1, -sp] lassen 1.10.0 2022.10.5 Release -Wall -Wextra /usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-10.2.89/bin/nvcc;/usr/tce/packages/clang/clang-10.0.1/bin/clang++ 10.0.1 clang++-10.0.1 clang-10.0.1 10.2.89 128,256,512,1024 blueos_3_ppc64le_ib_p9 lassen709 8388608.0 Direct 4.5 20 Base_CUDA block_128

Filter with respect to metadata

The metadata table of a thicket helps select certain variation based on specific metadata. For example, selecting a certain compiler. In this example, we filter the metadata to select the profiles generated with a problem size of 1048576.

# selecting profiles with specified problem size
filter_metadata_func = lambda x: x["ProblemSizeRunParam"] == 1048576.0
th_example = th_obj.filter_metadata(filter_metadata_func)
cali.caliper.version spot.metrics spot.timeseries.metrics spot.format.version spot.options spot.channels user launchdate libraries cmdline cluster perfsuite_version raja_version cmake_build_type cmake_cxx_flags cmake_exe_linker_flags rajaperf_compiler rajaperf_compiler_options compiler_version compiler Compiler_path_version cuda_compiler_version gpu_targets_block_sizes systype_build machine_build ProblemSizeRunParam SizeMeaning omp_version omp_max_threads variant tuning
265496014 2.9.0-dev min#inclusive#sum#time.duration,max#inclusive#sum#time.duration,avg#inclusive#sum#time.duration,sum#inclusive#sum#time.duration,any#any#max#BlockSize,any#any#max#Bytes/Rep,any#any#max#Flops/Rep,any#any#max#Iterations/Rep,any#any#max#Kernels/Rep,any#any#max#ProblemSize,any#any#max#Reps 2 regionprofile spot mckinsey 1691446615 [/lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/workspace/asde/caliper-lassen/lib64/, /usr/workspace/wsb/asde/adiak-lassen/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/gcc/gcc-4.9.3/lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/clang/clang-10.0.1/release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/gcc/gcc-4.9.3/lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-10.1.243/nvidia/lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-10.1.243/bin/../extras/CUPTI/lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/xl/xl-2021.09.22/lib/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/clang/clang-10.0.1/release/lib/, /lib64/] [../bin/nvcc10.2.89_clang10.0.1.exe, --variants, Base_CUDA, RAJA_CUDA, --tunings, block_128, block_256, block_512, block_1024, library, --size, 1048576, --outdir, /usr/workspace/thicket/rajaperf-july-2023/lassen/clang10.0.1_nvcc10.2.89_1048576/1, -sp] lassen 1.10.0 2022.10.5 Release -Wall -Wextra /usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-10.2.89/bin/nvcc;/usr/tce/packages/clang/clang-10.0.1/bin/clang++ 10.0.1 clang++-10.0.1 clang-10.0.1 10.2.89 128,256,512,1024 blueos_3_ppc64le_ib_p9 lassen709 1048576.0 Direct 4.5 20 Base_CUDA block_256
1814734126 2.9.0-dev min#inclusive#sum#time.duration,max#inclusive#sum#time.duration,avg#inclusive#sum#time.duration,sum#inclusive#sum#time.duration,any#any#max#BlockSize,any#any#max#Bytes/Rep,any#any#max#Flops/Rep,any#any#max#Iterations/Rep,any#any#max#Kernels/Rep,any#any#max#ProblemSize,any#any#max#Reps 2 regionprofile spot mckinsey 1691446615 [/lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/workspace/asde/caliper-lassen/lib64/, /usr/workspace/wsb/asde/adiak-lassen/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/gcc/gcc-4.9.3/lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/clang/clang-10.0.1/release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/gcc/gcc-4.9.3/lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-10.1.243/nvidia/lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-10.1.243/bin/../extras/CUPTI/lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/xl/xl-2021.09.22/lib/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/ibm/spectrum-mpi-rolling-release/lib/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /lib64/, /usr/tce/packages/clang/clang-10.0.1/release/lib/, /lib64/] [../bin/nvcc10.2.89_clang10.0.1.exe, --variants, Base_CUDA, RAJA_CUDA, --tunings, block_128, block_256, block_512, block_1024, library, --size, 1048576, --outdir, /usr/workspace/thicket/rajaperf-july-2023/lassen/clang10.0.1_nvcc10.2.89_1048576/1, -sp] lassen 1.10.0 2022.10.5 Release -Wall -Wextra /usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-10.2.89/bin/nvcc;/usr/tce/packages/clang/clang-10.0.1/bin/clang++ 10.0.1 clang++-10.0.1 clang-10.0.1 10.2.89 128,256,512,1024 blueos_3_ppc64le_ib_p9 lassen709 1048576.0 Direct 4.5 20 Base_CUDA block_128

Groupby using the metadata

The metadata table also supports the grouping of the thicket based on the unique values present in the provided column(s). The following example groups the thicket according to any unique combination of values in the launchdate and ProblemSizeRunParam columns.

# create sub-thickets from unique values in two columns
grouping_metadata_cols = ["launchdate", "ProblemSizeRunParam"]
sub_thickets = th_lassen.groupby(grouping_metadata_cols)
for groupby_cols, thicket in sub_thickets.items():
4  thickets created...
{(1691446615, 1048576.0): <thicket.thicket.Thicket object at 0xffff40dd0880>, (1691446819, 2097152.0): <thicket.thicket.Thicket object at 0xffff40e784c0>, (1691446876, 4194304.0): <thicket.thicket.Thicket object at 0xffff40dc9130>, (1691449546, 8388608.0): <thicket.thicket.Thicket object at 0xffff40d56dc0>}
cali.caliper.version spot.metrics spot.timeseries.metrics spot.format.version spot.options spot.channels user launchdate libraries ... cuda_compiler_version gpu_targets_block_sizes systype_build machine_build ProblemSizeRunParam SizeMeaning omp_version omp_max_threads variant tuning
1814734126 2.9.0-dev min#inclusive#sum#time.duration,max#inclusive#... 2 regionprofile spot mckinsey 1691446615 [/lib64/, /lib64/, /l... ... 10.2.89 128,256,512,1024 blueos_3_ppc64le_ib_p9 lassen709 1048576.0 Direct 4.5 20 Base_CUDA block_128

1 rows × 32 columns

cali.caliper.version spot.metrics spot.timeseries.metrics spot.format.version spot.options spot.channels user launchdate libraries ... cuda_compiler_version gpu_targets_block_sizes systype_build machine_build ProblemSizeRunParam SizeMeaning omp_version omp_max_threads variant tuning
3448088579 2.9.0-dev min#inclusive#sum#time.duration,max#inclusive#... 2 regionprofile spot mckinsey 1691446819 [/lib64/, /lib64/, /l... ... 10.2.89 128,256,512,1024 blueos_3_ppc64le_ib_p9 lassen709 2097152.0 Direct 4.5 20 Base_CUDA block_128

1 rows × 32 columns

cali.caliper.version spot.metrics spot.timeseries.metrics spot.format.version spot.options spot.channels user launchdate libraries ... cuda_compiler_version gpu_targets_block_sizes systype_build machine_build ProblemSizeRunParam SizeMeaning omp_version omp_max_threads variant tuning
2458031255 2.9.0-dev min#inclusive#sum#time.duration,max#inclusive#... 2 regionprofile spot mckinsey 1691446876 [/lib64/, /lib64/, /l... ... 10.2.89 128,256,512,1024 blueos_3_ppc64le_ib_p9 lassen709 4194304.0 Direct 4.5 20 Base_CUDA block_128

1 rows × 32 columns

cali.caliper.version spot.metrics spot.timeseries.metrics spot.format.version spot.options spot.channels user launchdate libraries ... cuda_compiler_version gpu_targets_block_sizes systype_build machine_build ProblemSizeRunParam SizeMeaning omp_version omp_max_threads variant tuning
4239478529 2.9.0-dev min#inclusive#sum#time.duration,max#inclusive#... 2 regionprofile spot mckinsey 1691449546 [/lib64/, /lib64/, /l... ... 10.2.89 128,256,512,1024 blueos_3_ppc64le_ib_p9 lassen709 8388608.0 Direct 4.5 20 Base_CUDA block_128

1 rows × 32 columns

4.3 Aggregated Statistics

The aggregated statistics in a thicket is a GraphFrame. Therefore, it contains a graph and corresponding dataframe component. The table supports an order-reduction mechanism and stores processed applications’ performance. Each row of the aggregated statistics table holds data aggregated across all profiles associated with a particular call tree node. Below is an example of an empty aggregated statistics table

View aggregated statistics table

{'name': 'RAJAPerf', 'type': 'function'} RAJAPerf
{'name': 'Algorithm', 'type': 'function'} Algorithm
{'name': 'Algorithm_MEMCPY', 'type': 'function'} Algorithm_MEMCPY
{'name': 'Algorithm_MEMSET', 'type': 'function'} Algorithm_MEMSET
{'name': 'Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM', 'type': 'function'} Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
{'name': 'Apps', 'type': 'function'} Apps
{'name': 'Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D', 'type': 'function'} Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
{'name': 'Apps_ENERGY', 'type': 'function'} Apps_ENERGY
{'name': 'Apps_FIR', 'type': 'function'} Apps_FIR
{'name': 'Apps_HALOEXCHANGE', 'type': 'function'} Apps_HALOEXCHANGE
{'name': 'Apps_HALOEXCHANGE_FUSED', 'type': 'function'} Apps_HALOEXCHANGE_FUSED
{'name': 'Apps_LTIMES', 'type': 'function'} Apps_LTIMES
{'name': 'Apps_LTIMES_NOVIEW', 'type': 'function'} Apps_LTIMES_NOVIEW
{'name': 'Apps_NODAL_ACCUMULATION_3D', 'type': 'function'} Apps_NODAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
{'name': 'Apps_PRESSURE', 'type': 'function'} Apps_PRESSURE
{'name': 'Apps_VOL3D', 'type': 'function'} Apps_VOL3D
{'name': 'Apps_ZONAL_ACCUMULATION_3D', 'type': 'function'} Apps_ZONAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
{'name': 'Basic', 'type': 'function'} Basic
{'name': 'Basic_COPY8', 'type': 'function'} Basic_COPY8
{'name': 'Basic_DAXPY', 'type': 'function'} Basic_DAXPY
{'name': 'Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC', 'type': 'function'} Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
{'name': 'Basic_IF_QUAD', 'type': 'function'} Basic_IF_QUAD
{'name': 'Basic_INIT3', 'type': 'function'} Basic_INIT3
{'name': 'Basic_INIT_VIEW1D', 'type': 'function'} Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
{'name': 'Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET', 'type': 'function'} Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
{'name': 'Basic_MULADDSUB', 'type': 'function'} Basic_MULADDSUB
{'name': 'Basic_NESTED_INIT', 'type': 'function'} Basic_NESTED_INIT
{'name': 'Basic_PI_ATOMIC', 'type': 'function'} Basic_PI_ATOMIC
{'name': 'Basic_PI_REDUCE', 'type': 'function'} Basic_PI_REDUCE
{'name': 'Basic_REDUCE3_INT', 'type': 'function'} Basic_REDUCE3_INT
{'name': 'Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT', 'type': 'function'} Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
{'name': 'Basic_TRAP_INT', 'type': 'function'} Basic_TRAP_INT
{'name': 'Lcals', 'type': 'function'} Lcals
{'name': 'Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
{'name': 'Lcals_EOS', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_EOS
{'name': 'Lcals_FIRST_DIFF', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
{'name': 'Lcals_FIRST_MIN', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_FIRST_MIN
{'name': 'Lcals_FIRST_SUM', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_FIRST_SUM
{'name': 'Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
{'name': 'Lcals_HYDRO_1D', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_HYDRO_1D
{'name': 'Lcals_HYDRO_2D', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_HYDRO_2D
{'name': 'Lcals_INT_PREDICT', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_INT_PREDICT
{'name': 'Lcals_PLANCKIAN', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_PLANCKIAN
{'name': 'Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
{'name': 'Polybench', 'type': 'function'} Polybench
{'name': 'Polybench_2MM', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_2MM
{'name': 'Polybench_3MM', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_3MM
{'name': 'Polybench_ADI', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_ADI
{'name': 'Polybench_ATAX', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_ATAX
{'name': 'Polybench_FDTD_2D', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_FDTD_2D
{'name': 'Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
{'name': 'Polybench_GEMM', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_GEMM
{'name': 'Polybench_GEMVER', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_GEMVER
{'name': 'Polybench_GESUMMV', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_GESUMMV
{'name': 'Polybench_HEAT_3D', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_HEAT_3D
{'name': 'Polybench_JACOBI_1D', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_JACOBI_1D
{'name': 'Polybench_JACOBI_2D', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_JACOBI_2D
{'name': 'Polybench_MVT', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_MVT
{'name': 'Stream', 'type': 'function'} Stream
{'name': 'Stream_ADD', 'type': 'function'} Stream_ADD
{'name': 'Stream_COPY', 'type': 'function'} Stream_COPY
{'name': 'Stream_DOT', 'type': 'function'} Stream_DOT
{'name': 'Stream_MUL', 'type': 'function'} Stream_MUL
{'name': 'Stream_TRIAD', 'type': 'function'} Stream_TRIAD

Filter with respect to aggregated statistics

The aggregated statistics table also supports a filter function. In the example below, we filter the table to select the nodes with the names RAJAPerf, Algorithm, and Stream_MUL.

stats_nodes = [
th_stats_name = th_obj.filter_stats(lambda x: x["name"] in stats_nodes)
{'name': 'RAJAPerf', 'type': 'function'} RAJAPerf
{'name': 'Algorithm', 'type': 'function'} Algorithm
{'name': 'Stream_MUL', 'type': 'function'} Stream_MUL

Calculate the median and mean of performance data column, append to aggregated statistics table

The aggregated statistics table allows users to select a column from the performance data to perform an average on the values in a column. After performing the median() and mean() operation on said column, two new columns are appended to the statistics table with the mean and median values corresponding to the columns provided by the user.

Below is an example where we calculate the mean and median of the values in the Total time column, which is the total exclusive time corresponding to the respective nodes.

metrics = ["Total time"]
tt.stats.median(th_lassen, columns=metrics)
name Total time_median
{'name': 'RAJAPerf', 'type': 'function'} RAJAPerf 5.073698
{'name': 'Algorithm', 'type': 'function'} Algorithm 0.015522
{'name': 'Algorithm_MEMCPY', 'type': 'function'} Algorithm_MEMCPY 0.006589
{'name': 'Algorithm_MEMSET', 'type': 'function'} Algorithm_MEMSET 0.004223
{'name': 'Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM', 'type': 'function'} Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM 0.004685
{'name': 'Apps', 'type': 'function'} Apps 0.435724
{'name': 'Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D', 'type': 'function'} Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D 0.019889
{'name': 'Apps_ENERGY', 'type': 'function'} Apps_ENERGY 0.111695
{'name': 'Apps_FIR', 'type': 'function'} Apps_FIR 0.010903
{'name': 'Apps_HALOEXCHANGE', 'type': 'function'} Apps_HALOEXCHANGE 0.034699
{'name': 'Apps_HALOEXCHANGE_FUSED', 'type': 'function'} Apps_HALOEXCHANGE_FUSED 0.007339
{'name': 'Apps_LTIMES', 'type': 'function'} Apps_LTIMES 0.035430
{'name': 'Apps_LTIMES_NOVIEW', 'type': 'function'} Apps_LTIMES_NOVIEW 0.035438
{'name': 'Apps_NODAL_ACCUMULATION_3D', 'type': 'function'} Apps_NODAL_ACCUMULATION_3D 0.020824
{'name': 'Apps_PRESSURE', 'type': 'function'} Apps_PRESSURE 0.134019
{'name': 'Apps_VOL3D', 'type': 'function'} Apps_VOL3D 0.016189
{'name': 'Apps_ZONAL_ACCUMULATION_3D', 'type': 'function'} Apps_ZONAL_ACCUMULATION_3D 0.010349
{'name': 'Basic', 'type': 'function'} Basic 0.936196
{'name': 'Basic_COPY8', 'type': 'function'} Basic_COPY8 0.024897
{'name': 'Basic_DAXPY', 'type': 'function'} Basic_DAXPY 0.046634
{'name': 'Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC', 'type': 'function'} Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC 0.046976
{'name': 'Basic_IF_QUAD', 'type': 'function'} Basic_IF_QUAD 0.035943
{'name': 'Basic_INIT3', 'type': 'function'} Basic_INIT3 0.080273
{'name': 'Basic_INIT_VIEW1D', 'type': 'function'} Basic_INIT_VIEW1D 0.099952
{'name': 'Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET', 'type': 'function'} Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET 0.095001
{'name': 'Basic_MULADDSUB', 'type': 'function'} Basic_MULADDSUB 0.056292
{'name': 'Basic_NESTED_INIT', 'type': 'function'} Basic_NESTED_INIT 0.044936
{'name': 'Basic_PI_ATOMIC', 'type': 'function'} Basic_PI_ATOMIC 0.341684
{'name': 'Basic_PI_REDUCE', 'type': 'function'} Basic_PI_REDUCE 0.004111
{'name': 'Basic_REDUCE3_INT', 'type': 'function'} Basic_REDUCE3_INT 0.004190
{'name': 'Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT', 'type': 'function'} Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT 0.051089
{'name': 'Basic_TRAP_INT', 'type': 'function'} Basic_TRAP_INT 0.004117
{'name': 'Lcals', 'type': 'function'} Lcals 1.095452
{'name': 'Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT 0.178333
{'name': 'Lcals_EOS', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_EOS 0.063634
{'name': 'Lcals_FIRST_DIFF', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_FIRST_DIFF 0.131490
{'name': 'Lcals_FIRST_MIN', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_FIRST_MIN 0.009933
{'name': 'Lcals_FIRST_SUM', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_FIRST_SUM 0.131595
{'name': 'Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR 0.151322
{'name': 'Lcals_HYDRO_1D', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_HYDRO_1D 0.093504
{'name': 'Lcals_HYDRO_2D', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_HYDRO_2D 0.065226
{'name': 'Lcals_INT_PREDICT', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_INT_PREDICT 0.137165
{'name': 'Lcals_PLANCKIAN', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_PLANCKIAN 0.007776
{'name': 'Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM 0.125389
{'name': 'Polybench', 'type': 'function'} Polybench 1.986555
{'name': 'Polybench_2MM', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_2MM 0.022977
{'name': 'Polybench_3MM', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_3MM 0.031559
{'name': 'Polybench_ADI', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_ADI 0.068316
{'name': 'Polybench_ATAX', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_ATAX 0.045727
{'name': 'Polybench_FDTD_2D', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_FDTD_2D 0.101181
{'name': 'Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL 1.038315
{'name': 'Polybench_GEMM', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_GEMM 0.027026
{'name': 'Polybench_GEMVER', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_GEMVER 0.012845
{'name': 'Polybench_GESUMMV', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_GESUMMV 0.047314
{'name': 'Polybench_HEAT_3D', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_HEAT_3D 0.059069
{'name': 'Polybench_JACOBI_1D', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_JACOBI_1D 0.210863
{'name': 'Polybench_JACOBI_2D', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_JACOBI_2D 0.281943
{'name': 'Polybench_MVT', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_MVT 0.039319
{'name': 'Stream', 'type': 'function'} Stream 0.603656
{'name': 'Stream_ADD', 'type': 'function'} Stream_ADD 0.093114
{'name': 'Stream_COPY', 'type': 'function'} Stream_COPY 0.117469
{'name': 'Stream_DOT', 'type': 'function'} Stream_DOT 0.182254
{'name': 'Stream_MUL', 'type': 'function'} Stream_MUL 0.117501
{'name': 'Stream_TRIAD', 'type': 'function'} Stream_TRIAD 0.093277
tt.stats.mean(th_lassen, columns=metrics)
name Total time_median Total time_mean
{'name': 'RAJAPerf', 'type': 'function'} RAJAPerf 5.073698 6.584067
{'name': 'Algorithm', 'type': 'function'} Algorithm 0.015522 0.018886
{'name': 'Algorithm_MEMCPY', 'type': 'function'} Algorithm_MEMCPY 0.006589 0.008138
{'name': 'Algorithm_MEMSET', 'type': 'function'} Algorithm_MEMSET 0.004223 0.005336
{'name': 'Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM', 'type': 'function'} Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM 0.004685 0.005388
{'name': 'Apps', 'type': 'function'} Apps 0.435724 0.537407
{'name': 'Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D', 'type': 'function'} Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D 0.019889 0.024730
{'name': 'Apps_ENERGY', 'type': 'function'} Apps_ENERGY 0.111695 0.138574
{'name': 'Apps_FIR', 'type': 'function'} Apps_FIR 0.010903 0.013454
{'name': 'Apps_HALOEXCHANGE', 'type': 'function'} Apps_HALOEXCHANGE 0.034699 0.034612
{'name': 'Apps_HALOEXCHANGE_FUSED', 'type': 'function'} Apps_HALOEXCHANGE_FUSED 0.007339 0.007883
{'name': 'Apps_LTIMES', 'type': 'function'} Apps_LTIMES 0.035430 0.048627
{'name': 'Apps_LTIMES_NOVIEW', 'type': 'function'} Apps_LTIMES_NOVIEW 0.035438 0.044654
{'name': 'Apps_NODAL_ACCUMULATION_3D', 'type': 'function'} Apps_NODAL_ACCUMULATION_3D 0.020824 0.025996
{'name': 'Apps_PRESSURE', 'type': 'function'} Apps_PRESSURE 0.134019 0.166080
{'name': 'Apps_VOL3D', 'type': 'function'} Apps_VOL3D 0.016189 0.019977
{'name': 'Apps_ZONAL_ACCUMULATION_3D', 'type': 'function'} Apps_ZONAL_ACCUMULATION_3D 0.010349 0.012736
{'name': 'Basic', 'type': 'function'} Basic 0.936196 1.155367
{'name': 'Basic_COPY8', 'type': 'function'} Basic_COPY8 0.024897 0.031039
{'name': 'Basic_DAXPY', 'type': 'function'} Basic_DAXPY 0.046634 0.057689
{'name': 'Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC', 'type': 'function'} Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC 0.046976 0.058163
{'name': 'Basic_IF_QUAD', 'type': 'function'} Basic_IF_QUAD 0.035943 0.044881
{'name': 'Basic_INIT3', 'type': 'function'} Basic_INIT3 0.080273 0.099799
{'name': 'Basic_INIT_VIEW1D', 'type': 'function'} Basic_INIT_VIEW1D 0.099952 0.120368
{'name': 'Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET', 'type': 'function'} Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET 0.095001 0.117885
{'name': 'Basic_MULADDSUB', 'type': 'function'} Basic_MULADDSUB 0.056292 0.070093
{'name': 'Basic_NESTED_INIT', 'type': 'function'} Basic_NESTED_INIT 0.044936 0.054073
{'name': 'Basic_PI_ATOMIC', 'type': 'function'} Basic_PI_ATOMIC 0.341684 0.420552
{'name': 'Basic_PI_REDUCE', 'type': 'function'} Basic_PI_REDUCE 0.004111 0.004823
{'name': 'Basic_REDUCE3_INT', 'type': 'function'} Basic_REDUCE3_INT 0.004190 0.004873
{'name': 'Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT', 'type': 'function'} Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT 0.051089 0.066200
{'name': 'Basic_TRAP_INT', 'type': 'function'} Basic_TRAP_INT 0.004117 0.004827
{'name': 'Lcals', 'type': 'function'} Lcals 1.095452 1.360803
{'name': 'Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT 0.178333 0.222546
{'name': 'Lcals_EOS', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_EOS 0.063634 0.078415
{'name': 'Lcals_FIRST_DIFF', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_FIRST_DIFF 0.131490 0.162571
{'name': 'Lcals_FIRST_MIN', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_FIRST_MIN 0.009933 0.011675
{'name': 'Lcals_FIRST_SUM', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_FIRST_SUM 0.131595 0.162700
{'name': 'Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR 0.151322 0.189793
{'name': 'Lcals_HYDRO_1D', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_HYDRO_1D 0.093504 0.115744
{'name': 'Lcals_HYDRO_2D', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_HYDRO_2D 0.065226 0.081270
{'name': 'Lcals_INT_PREDICT', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_INT_PREDICT 0.137165 0.171136
{'name': 'Lcals_PLANCKIAN', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_PLANCKIAN 0.007776 0.009655
{'name': 'Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM 0.125389 0.155211
{'name': 'Polybench', 'type': 'function'} Polybench 1.986555 2.779120
{'name': 'Polybench_2MM', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_2MM 0.022977 0.033216
{'name': 'Polybench_3MM', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_3MM 0.031559 0.043937
{'name': 'Polybench_ADI', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_ADI 0.068316 0.075645
{'name': 'Polybench_ATAX', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_ATAX 0.045727 0.049400
{'name': 'Polybench_FDTD_2D', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_FDTD_2D 0.101181 0.125160
{'name': 'Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL 1.038315 1.622691
{'name': 'Polybench_GEMM', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_GEMM 0.027026 0.039877
{'name': 'Polybench_GEMVER', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_GEMVER 0.012845 0.013707
{'name': 'Polybench_GESUMMV', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_GESUMMV 0.047314 0.051210
{'name': 'Polybench_HEAT_3D', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_HEAT_3D 0.059069 0.073073
{'name': 'Polybench_JACOBI_1D', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_JACOBI_1D 0.210863 0.260589
{'name': 'Polybench_JACOBI_2D', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_JACOBI_2D 0.281943 0.348126
{'name': 'Polybench_MVT', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_MVT 0.039319 0.042388
{'name': 'Stream', 'type': 'function'} Stream 0.603656 0.731897
{'name': 'Stream_ADD', 'type': 'function'} Stream_ADD 0.093114 0.115371
{'name': 'Stream_COPY', 'type': 'function'} Stream_COPY 0.117469 0.145148
{'name': 'Stream_DOT', 'type': 'function'} Stream_DOT 0.182254 0.210840
{'name': 'Stream_MUL', 'type': 'function'} Stream_MUL 0.117501 0.145164
{'name': 'Stream_TRIAD', 'type': 'function'} Stream_TRIAD 0.093277 0.115334

Calculate the percentile of performance data column, append to aggregated statistics table

The aggregated statistics table allows users to select a column from the performance data to perform the percentiles() operation. This results in a new column appended to the statistics table containing the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles of the values in the provided column.

Below is an example where we calculate the percentiles of the values in the same Total time column.

tt.stats.percentiles(th_lassen, columns=metrics)
name Total time_median Total time_mean Total time_percentiles_25 Total time_percentiles_50 Total time_percentiles_75
{'name': 'RAJAPerf', 'type': 'function'} RAJAPerf 5.073698 6.584067 2.981070 5.073698 8.676696
{'name': 'Algorithm', 'type': 'function'} Algorithm 0.015522 0.018886 0.009752 0.015522 0.024655
{'name': 'Algorithm_MEMCPY', 'type': 'function'} Algorithm_MEMCPY 0.006589 0.008138 0.003990 0.006589 0.010738
{'name': 'Algorithm_MEMSET', 'type': 'function'} Algorithm_MEMSET 0.004223 0.005336 0.002426 0.004223 0.007133
{'name': 'Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM', 'type': 'function'} Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM 0.004685 0.005388 0.003313 0.004685 0.006760
{'name': 'Apps', 'type': 'function'} Apps 0.435724 0.537407 0.278000 0.435724 0.695132
{'name': 'Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D', 'type': 'function'} Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D 0.019889 0.024730 0.011785 0.019889 0.032833
{'name': 'Apps_ENERGY', 'type': 'function'} Apps_ENERGY 0.111695 0.138574 0.066555 0.111695 0.183714
{'name': 'Apps_FIR', 'type': 'function'} Apps_FIR 0.010903 0.013454 0.006714 0.010903 0.017643
{'name': 'Apps_HALOEXCHANGE', 'type': 'function'} Apps_HALOEXCHANGE 0.034699 0.034612 0.033936 0.034699 0.035376
{'name': 'Apps_HALOEXCHANGE_FUSED', 'type': 'function'} Apps_HALOEXCHANGE_FUSED 0.007339 0.007883 0.006127 0.007339 0.009096
{'name': 'Apps_LTIMES', 'type': 'function'} Apps_LTIMES 0.035430 0.048627 0.021377 0.035430 0.062679
{'name': 'Apps_LTIMES_NOVIEW', 'type': 'function'} Apps_LTIMES_NOVIEW 0.035438 0.044654 0.021383 0.035438 0.058709
{'name': 'Apps_NODAL_ACCUMULATION_3D', 'type': 'function'} Apps_NODAL_ACCUMULATION_3D 0.020824 0.025996 0.012684 0.020824 0.034137
{'name': 'Apps_PRESSURE', 'type': 'function'} Apps_PRESSURE 0.134019 0.166080 0.080582 0.134019 0.219517
{'name': 'Apps_VOL3D', 'type': 'function'} Apps_VOL3D 0.016189 0.019977 0.009935 0.016189 0.026232
{'name': 'Apps_ZONAL_ACCUMULATION_3D', 'type': 'function'} Apps_ZONAL_ACCUMULATION_3D 0.010349 0.012736 0.006272 0.010349 0.016814
{'name': 'Basic', 'type': 'function'} Basic 0.936196 1.155367 0.584641 0.936196 1.506922
{'name': 'Basic_COPY8', 'type': 'function'} Basic_COPY8 0.024897 0.031039 0.014647 0.024897 0.041289
{'name': 'Basic_DAXPY', 'type': 'function'} Basic_DAXPY 0.046634 0.057689 0.028060 0.046634 0.076263
{'name': 'Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC', 'type': 'function'} Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC 0.046976 0.058163 0.028187 0.046976 0.076952
{'name': 'Basic_IF_QUAD', 'type': 'function'} Basic_IF_QUAD 0.035943 0.044881 0.021204 0.035943 0.059619
{'name': 'Basic_INIT3', 'type': 'function'} Basic_INIT3 0.080273 0.099799 0.047778 0.080273 0.132294
{'name': 'Basic_INIT_VIEW1D', 'type': 'function'} Basic_INIT_VIEW1D 0.099952 0.120368 0.067611 0.099952 0.152710
{'name': 'Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET', 'type': 'function'} Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET 0.095001 0.117885 0.060211 0.095001 0.152675
{'name': 'Basic_MULADDSUB', 'type': 'function'} Basic_MULADDSUB 0.056292 0.070093 0.033451 0.056292 0.092935
{'name': 'Basic_NESTED_INIT', 'type': 'function'} Basic_NESTED_INIT 0.044936 0.054073 0.028140 0.044936 0.070869
{'name': 'Basic_PI_ATOMIC', 'type': 'function'} Basic_PI_ATOMIC 0.341684 0.420552 0.217185 0.341684 0.545051
{'name': 'Basic_PI_REDUCE', 'type': 'function'} Basic_PI_REDUCE 0.004111 0.004823 0.003121 0.004111 0.005813
{'name': 'Basic_REDUCE3_INT', 'type': 'function'} Basic_REDUCE3_INT 0.004190 0.004873 0.003037 0.004190 0.006027
{'name': 'Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT', 'type': 'function'} Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT 0.051089 0.066200 0.028796 0.051089 0.088494
{'name': 'Basic_TRAP_INT', 'type': 'function'} Basic_TRAP_INT 0.004117 0.004827 0.003116 0.004117 0.005827
{'name': 'Lcals', 'type': 'function'} Lcals 1.095452 1.360803 0.652242 1.095452 1.804013
{'name': 'Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT 0.178333 0.222546 0.105166 0.178333 0.295713
{'name': 'Lcals_EOS', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_EOS 0.063634 0.078415 0.038078 0.063634 0.103971
{'name': 'Lcals_FIRST_DIFF', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_FIRST_DIFF 0.131490 0.162571 0.079456 0.131490 0.214605
{'name': 'Lcals_FIRST_MIN', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_FIRST_MIN 0.009933 0.011675 0.007168 0.009933 0.014439
{'name': 'Lcals_FIRST_SUM', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_FIRST_SUM 0.131595 0.162700 0.079577 0.131595 0.214718
{'name': 'Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR 0.151322 0.189793 0.087319 0.151322 0.253797
{'name': 'Lcals_HYDRO_1D', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_HYDRO_1D 0.093504 0.115744 0.056266 0.093504 0.152981
{'name': 'Lcals_HYDRO_2D', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_HYDRO_2D 0.065226 0.081270 0.038458 0.065226 0.108038
{'name': 'Lcals_INT_PREDICT', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_INT_PREDICT 0.137165 0.171136 0.080493 0.137165 0.227809
{'name': 'Lcals_PLANCKIAN', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_PLANCKIAN 0.007776 0.009655 0.004638 0.007776 0.012793
{'name': 'Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM', 'type': 'function'} Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM 0.125389 0.155211 0.075540 0.125389 0.205060
{'name': 'Polybench', 'type': 'function'} Polybench 1.986555 2.779120 1.065416 1.986555 3.700259
{'name': 'Polybench_2MM', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_2MM 0.022977 0.033216 0.011613 0.022977 0.044581
{'name': 'Polybench_3MM', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_3MM 0.031559 0.043937 0.016749 0.031559 0.058747
{'name': 'Polybench_ADI', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_ADI 0.068316 0.075645 0.051107 0.068316 0.092854
{'name': 'Polybench_ATAX', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_ATAX 0.045727 0.049400 0.035144 0.045727 0.059983
{'name': 'Polybench_FDTD_2D', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_FDTD_2D 0.101181 0.125160 0.061054 0.101181 0.165286
{'name': 'Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL 1.038315 1.622691 0.470314 1.038315 2.190692
{'name': 'Polybench_GEMM', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_GEMM 0.027026 0.039877 0.010729 0.027026 0.056174
{'name': 'Polybench_GEMVER', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_GEMVER 0.012845 0.013707 0.009265 0.012845 0.017287
{'name': 'Polybench_GESUMMV', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_GESUMMV 0.047314 0.051210 0.035387 0.047314 0.063137
{'name': 'Polybench_HEAT_3D', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_HEAT_3D 0.059069 0.073073 0.035798 0.059069 0.096344
{'name': 'Polybench_JACOBI_1D', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_JACOBI_1D 0.210863 0.260589 0.127375 0.210863 0.344076
{'name': 'Polybench_JACOBI_2D', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_JACOBI_2D 0.281943 0.348126 0.170515 0.281943 0.459554
{'name': 'Polybench_MVT', 'type': 'function'} Polybench_MVT 0.039319 0.042388 0.030265 0.039319 0.051442
{'name': 'Stream', 'type': 'function'} Stream 0.603656 0.731897 0.390474 0.603656 0.945079
{'name': 'Stream_ADD', 'type': 'function'} Stream_ADD 0.093114 0.115371 0.055820 0.093114 0.152666
{'name': 'Stream_COPY', 'type': 'function'} Stream_COPY 0.117469 0.145148 0.070921 0.117469 0.191696
{'name': 'Stream_DOT', 'type': 'function'} Stream_DOT 0.182254 0.210840 0.136642 0.182254 0.256452
{'name': 'Stream_MUL', 'type': 'function'} Stream_MUL 0.117501 0.145164 0.070963 0.117501 0.191702
{'name': 'Stream_TRIAD', 'type': 'function'} Stream_TRIAD 0.093277 0.115334 0.056091 0.093277 0.152521

Visualize aggregated statistics on the tree

We can visualize columns from the aggregated statistics table on the call tree using Thicket.statsframe.tree().

Note: Thicket.statsframe.tree() is different than Thicket.tree(). The former visualizes metrics from the aggregated statistics table, while the latter visualizes from the performance data table.

print(th_lassen.statsframe.tree(metric_column="Total time_median"))
    __          __       __         __
   / /_  ____ _/ /______/ /_  ___  / /_
  / __ \/ __ `/ __/ ___/ __ \/ _ \/ __/
 / / / / /_/ / /_/ /__/ / / /  __/ /_
/_/ /_/\__,_/\__/\___/_/ /_/\___/\__/  v2024.1.2

5.074 RAJAPerf
├─ 0.016 Algorithm
│  ├─ 0.007 Algorithm_MEMCPY
│  ├─ 0.004 Algorithm_MEMSET
│  └─ 0.005 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
├─ 0.436 Apps
│  ├─ 0.020 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
│  ├─ 0.112 Apps_ENERGY
│  ├─ 0.011 Apps_FIR
│  ├─ 0.035 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE
│  ├─ 0.035 Apps_LTIMES
│  ├─ 0.035 Apps_LTIMES_NOVIEW
│  ├─ 0.021 Apps_NODAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
│  ├─ 0.134 Apps_PRESSURE
│  ├─ 0.016 Apps_VOL3D
│  └─ 0.010 Apps_ZONAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
├─ 0.936 Basic
│  ├─ 0.025 Basic_COPY8
│  ├─ 0.047 Basic_DAXPY
│  ├─ 0.047 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
│  ├─ 0.036 Basic_IF_QUAD
│  ├─ 0.080 Basic_INIT3
│  ├─ 0.100 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
│  ├─ 0.095 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
│  ├─ 0.056 Basic_MULADDSUB
│  ├─ 0.045 Basic_NESTED_INIT
│  ├─ 0.342 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
│  ├─ 0.004 Basic_PI_REDUCE
│  ├─ 0.004 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
│  ├─ 0.051 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
│  └─ 0.004 Basic_TRAP_INT
├─ 1.095 Lcals
│  ├─ 0.178 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
│  ├─ 0.064 Lcals_EOS
│  ├─ 0.131 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
│  ├─ 0.010 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
│  ├─ 0.132 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
│  ├─ 0.151 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
│  ├─ 0.094 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
│  ├─ 0.065 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
│  ├─ 0.137 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
│  ├─ 0.008 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
│  └─ 0.125 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
├─ 1.987 Polybench
│  ├─ 0.023 Polybench_2MM
│  ├─ 0.032 Polybench_3MM
│  ├─ 0.068 Polybench_ADI
│  ├─ 0.046 Polybench_ATAX
│  ├─ 0.101 Polybench_FDTD_2D
│  ├─ 1.038 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
│  ├─ 0.027 Polybench_GEMM
│  ├─ 0.013 Polybench_GEMVER
│  ├─ 0.047 Polybench_GESUMMV
│  ├─ 0.059 Polybench_HEAT_3D
│  ├─ 0.211 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
│  ├─ 0.282 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
│  └─ 0.039 Polybench_MVT
└─ 0.604 Stream
   ├─ 0.093 Stream_ADD
   ├─ 0.117 Stream_COPY
   ├─ 0.182 Stream_DOT
   ├─ 0.118 Stream_MUL
   └─ 0.093 Stream_TRIAD

Legend (Metric: Total time_median Min: 0.00 Max: 5.07)
4.57 - 5.07
3.55 - 4.57
2.54 - 3.55
1.52 - 2.54
0.51 - 1.52
0.00 - 0.51

name User code     Only in left graph     Only in right graph

Use the query language

Thicket’s query language provides users the capability to select or query specific nodes based on the call tree of the thicket. The performance data is then updated as part of the operation.

Initial call tree:

print(th_lassen.tree("Total time"))
  _____ _     _      _        _
 |_   _| |__ (_) ___| | _____| |_
   | | | '_ \| |/ __| |/ / _ \ __|
   | | | | | | | (__|   <  __/ |_
   |_| |_| |_|_|\___|_|\_\___|\__|  v2024.1.0

1.781 RAJAPerf
├─ 0.007 Algorithm
│  ├─ 0.002 Algorithm_MEMCPY
│  ├─ 0.002 Algorithm_MEMSET
│  └─ 0.003 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
├─ 0.185 Apps
│  ├─ 0.007 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
│  ├─ 0.039 Apps_ENERGY
│  ├─ 0.004 Apps_FIR
│  ├─ 0.035 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE
│  ├─ 0.014 Apps_LTIMES
│  ├─ 0.014 Apps_LTIMES_NOVIEW
│  ├─ 0.008 Apps_NODAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
│  ├─ 0.048 Apps_PRESSURE
│  ├─ 0.006 Apps_VOL3D
│  └─ 0.004 Apps_ZONAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
├─ 0.358 Basic
│  ├─ 0.009 Basic_COPY8
│  ├─ 0.017 Basic_DAXPY
│  ├─ 0.017 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
│  ├─ 0.012 Basic_IF_QUAD
│  ├─ 0.028 Basic_INIT3
│  ├─ 0.042 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
│  ├─ 0.042 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
│  ├─ 0.020 Basic_MULADDSUB
│  ├─ 0.021 Basic_NESTED_INIT
│  ├─ 0.127 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
│  ├─ 0.003 Basic_PI_REDUCE
│  ├─ 0.002 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
│  ├─ 0.016 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
│  └─ 0.003 Basic_TRAP_INT
├─ 0.386 Lcals
│  ├─ 0.062 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
│  ├─ 0.023 Lcals_EOS
│  ├─ 0.048 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
│  ├─ 0.006 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
│  ├─ 0.048 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
│  ├─ 0.049 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
│  ├─ 0.034 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
│  ├─ 0.023 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
│  ├─ 0.047 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
│  ├─ 0.003 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
│  └─ 0.045 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
├─ 0.583 Polybench
│  ├─ 0.006 Polybench_2MM
│  ├─ 0.009 Polybench_3MM
│  ├─ 0.037 Polybench_ADI
│  ├─ 0.026 Polybench_ATAX
│  ├─ 0.037 Polybench_FDTD_2D
│  ├─ 0.206 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
│  ├─ 0.006 Polybench_GEMM
│  ├─ 0.007 Polybench_GEMVER
│  ├─ 0.026 Polybench_GESUMMV
│  ├─ 0.022 Polybench_HEAT_3D
│  ├─ 0.077 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
│  ├─ 0.102 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
│  └─ 0.022 Polybench_MVT
└─ 0.261 Stream
   ├─ 0.034 Stream_ADD
   ├─ 0.043 Stream_COPY
   ├─ 0.108 Stream_DOT
   ├─ 0.043 Stream_MUL
   └─ 0.034 Stream_TRIAD

Legend (Metric: Total time Min: 0.00 Max: 1.78 indices: {'profile': 1814734126})
1.60 - 1.78
1.25 - 1.60
0.89 - 1.25
0.54 - 0.89
0.18 - 0.54
0.00 - 0.18

name User code     Only in left graph     Only in right graph

Example 1

In the example below, we use a thicket query that only select the parents and children nodes of Algorithm, maintaining the structure of the call tree.

NOTE: A DeprecationWarning is generated when using “old-style” queries (i.e., queries with QueryMatcher) when using Hatchet>=2023.1.0. In the future, queries will be defined with Query.

alg_query_ex1 = (
        lambda row: row["name"].apply(
            lambda x: re.match(
                r"Algorithm.*", x
            is not None

# applying the query on the lassen thicket
th_algorithm_ex1 = th_lassen.query(alg_query_ex1)
print(th_algorithm_ex1.tree("Total time"))
  _____ _     _      _        _
 |_   _| |__ (_) ___| | _____| |_
   | | | '_ \| |/ __| |/ / _ \ __|
   | | | | | | | (__|   <  __/ |_
   |_| |_| |_|_|\___|_|\_\___|\__|  v2024.1.0

1.781 RAJAPerf
└─ 0.007 Algorithm
   ├─ 0.002 Algorithm_MEMCPY
   ├─ 0.002 Algorithm_MEMSET
   └─ 0.003 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM

Legend (Metric: Total time Min: 0.00 Max: 1.78 indices: {'profile': 1814734126})
1.60 - 1.78
1.25 - 1.60
0.89 - 1.25
0.54 - 0.89
0.18 - 0.54
0.00 - 0.18

name User code     Only in left graph     Only in right graph

<ipython-input-18-40600c35e7eb>:2: DeprecationWarning: Old-style queries are deprecated as of Hatchet 2023.1.0 and will be removed in the future. Please use new-style queries instead. For QueryMatcher, the equivalent new-style queries are hatchet.query.Query for base-syntax queries and hatchet.query.ObjectQuery for the object-dialect.

Example 2

In the example below, we use a thicket query that selects only the Algorithm node and its children nodes, maintaining the structure of the call tree.

NOTE: A DeprecationWarning is generated when using “old-style” queries (i.e., queries with QueryMatcher) when using Hatchet>=2023.1.0. In the future, queries will be defined with Query.

alg_query_ex2 = (
        lambda row: row["name"].apply(
            lambda x: re.match(
                r"Algorithm.*", x
            is not None

# applying the second query on the lassen thicket
th_algorithm_ex2 = th_lassen.query(alg_query_ex2)
print(th_algorithm_ex2.tree("Total time"))
  _____ _     _      _        _
 |_   _| |__ (_) ___| | _____| |_
   | | | '_ \| |/ __| |/ / _ \ __|
   | | | | | | | (__|   <  __/ |_
   |_| |_| |_|_|\___|_|\_\___|\__|  v2024.1.0

0.007 Algorithm
├─ 0.002 Algorithm_MEMCPY
├─ 0.002 Algorithm_MEMSET
└─ 0.003 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM

Legend (Metric: Total time Min: 0.00 Max: 0.01 indices: {'profile': 1814734126})
0.01 - 0.01
0.01 - 0.01
0.00 - 0.01
0.00 - 0.00
0.00 - 0.00
0.00 - 0.00

name User code     Only in left graph     Only in right graph

<ipython-input-19-9da31561daa7>:2: DeprecationWarning: Old-style queries are deprecated as of Hatchet 2023.1.0 and will be removed in the future. Please use new-style queries instead. For QueryMatcher, the equivalent new-style queries are hatchet.query.Query for base-syntax queries and hatchet.query.ObjectQuery for the object-dialect.

Display histogram

The display_histogram() function allows users to select a node and metric value (a column in the performance data table) for which a histogram is generated.

Some available keyword arguments are the following,

  • height: height (in inches) of each facet.

  • aspect: aspect ratio of each facet, aspect * height will give you the width of each facet.

  • bins: rather generic, and can set the number of bins.

  • binwidth: width of each bin, overrides bins but can be used with binrange.

  • binrange: lowest and highest value for bin edges; can be used either with bins or binwidth. Defaults to extremes.

  • color: Set the color of the bars.

An exhaustive list of available arguments can be found here.

Help on function display_histogram in module thicket.stats.display_histogram:

display_histogram(thicket, node=None, column=None, **kwargs)
    Display a histogram for a user passed node and column. Node and column must come
    from the performance data table.

        thicket (thicket): Thicket object
        node (node): Node object
        column (str): Column from performance data table. Note: if using a
            column thicket, the argument must be a tuple.

        (matplotlib.AxesSubplot or numpy.ndarray of them)

n = pd.unique(th_algorithm_ex1.dataframe.reset_index()["node"])[0]
    column="Total time",
array([[<Axes: title={'center': 'Total time'}>]], dtype=object)

Display heatmap

The display_heatmap() function allows users to select column(s) from the performance data table, for which a heatmap is generated based on the values of the column.

Some available keyword arguments are the following: * vmax: maximum value to anchor the color map. * vmin: minimum value to anchor the color map. * linecolor: color of the lines that will divide each cell. * linewidths: Width of the lines that will divide each cell.

An exhaustive list of available arguments can be found here.

Help on function display_heatmap in module thicket.stats.display_heatmap:

display_heatmap(thicket, columns=None, **kwargs)
    Display a heatmap which contains a full list of nodes and user passed columns.
    Columns must be from the aggregated statistics table.

        thicket (thicket): Thicket object
        columns (list): List of hardware/timing metrics from aggregated statistics table
            to display. Note: if using a column thicket, the argument must be a tuple.

        (matplotlib Axes): Object for managing heatmap plot.

plt.figure(figsize=(30, 30))
metrics = ["Total time_median"]
tt.stats.median(th_algorithm_ex2, columns=["Total time"])
tt.stats.display_heatmap(th_algorithm_ex2, columns=metrics)
<Axes: ylabel='node'>

5. Concatenating Multiple Thickets

We can concatenate Thickets in different ways using the Thicket.concat_thickets() function.

data = {
    "block_128": [f"../data/lassen/clang10.0.1_nvcc10.2.89_{x}/1/Base_CUDA-block_128.cali" for x in problem_sizes],
    "block_256": [f"../data/lassen/clang10.0.1_nvcc10.2.89_{x}/1/Base_CUDA-block_256.cali" for x in problem_sizes],
    "block_512": [f"../data/lassen/clang10.0.1_nvcc10.2.89_{x}/1/Base_CUDA-block_512.cali" for x in problem_sizes],
    "block_1024": [f"../data/lassen/clang10.0.1_nvcc10.2.89_{x}/1/Base_CUDA-block_1024.cali" for x in problem_sizes],
block_128 = tt.Thicket.from_caliperreader(data["block_128"], disable_tqdm=True)
block_256 = tt.Thicket.from_caliperreader(data["block_256"], disable_tqdm=True)
block_512 = tt.Thicket.from_caliperreader(data["block_512"], disable_tqdm=True)
block_1024 = tt.Thicket.from_caliperreader(data["block_1024"], disable_tqdm=True)
# Note: This is equivalent to tt.Thicket.from_caliperreader(data) where "data" is all of the values in the data dictionary.
tk = tt.Thicket.concat_thickets(
    thickets=[block_128, block_256, block_512, block_1024],
nid Min time/rank Max time/rank Avg time/rank Total time BlockSize Bytes/Rep Flops/Rep Iterations/Rep Kernels/Rep ProblemSize Reps name
node profile
{'name': 'RAJAPerf', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 1.0 regionprofile 14.387465 14.387465 14.387465 14.387465 256.0 2.684801e+10 8.572211e+10 1.006765e+09 160.0 8783629.0 2500.0 RAJAPerf
265496014 1.0 regionprofile 1.774208 1.774208 1.774208 1.774208 256.0 3.359049e+09 6.797544e+09 1.259520e+08 160.0 1135363.0 2500.0 RAJAPerf
660934317 1.0 regionprofile 3.876929 3.876929 3.876929 3.876929 1024.0 6.714551e+09 1.536488e+10 2.517783e+08 160.0 2264854.0 2500.0 RAJAPerf
1814734126 1.0 regionprofile 1.780923 1.780923 1.780923 1.780923 128.0 3.359049e+09 6.797544e+09 1.259520e+08 160.0 1135363.0 2500.0 RAJAPerf
1827081399 1.0 regionprofile 7.464646 7.464646 7.464646 7.464646 1024.0 1.342898e+10 3.576198e+10 5.035623e+08 160.0 4437343.0 2500.0 RAJAPerf
1929620569 1.0 regionprofile 14.401756 14.401756 14.401756 14.401756 512.0 2.684801e+10 8.572211e+10 1.006765e+09 160.0 8783629.0 2500.0 RAJAPerf
1961776703 1.0 regionprofile 3.450616 3.450616 3.450616 3.450616 512.0 6.714551e+09 1.536488e+10 2.517783e+08 160.0 2264854.0 2500.0 RAJAPerf
2048829733 1.0 regionprofile 2.123946 2.123946 2.123946 2.123946 1024.0 3.359049e+09 6.797544e+09 1.259520e+08 160.0 1135363.0 2500.0 RAJAPerf
2421282334 1.0 regionprofile 1.839896 1.839896 1.839896 1.839896 512.0 3.359049e+09 6.797544e+09 1.259520e+08 160.0 1135363.0 2500.0 RAJAPerf
2458031255 1.0 regionprofile 6.766278 6.766278 6.766278 6.766278 128.0 1.342898e+10 3.576198e+10 5.035623e+08 160.0 4437343.0 2500.0 RAJAPerf
2549393441 1.0 regionprofile 15.338982 15.338982 15.338982 15.338982 1024.0 2.684801e+10 8.572211e+10 1.006765e+09 160.0 8783629.0 2500.0 RAJAPerf
3110669202 1.0 regionprofile 3.363847 3.363847 3.363847 3.363847 256.0 6.714551e+09 1.536488e+10 2.517783e+08 160.0 2264854.0 2500.0 RAJAPerf
3243506532 1.0 regionprofile 6.767896 6.767896 6.767896 6.767896 256.0 1.342898e+10 3.576198e+10 5.035623e+08 160.0 4437343.0 2500.0 RAJAPerf
3415058838 1.0 regionprofile 6.840843 6.840843 6.840843 6.840843 512.0 1.342898e+10 3.576198e+10 5.035623e+08 160.0 4437343.0 2500.0 RAJAPerf
3448088579 1.0 regionprofile 3.381119 3.381119 3.381119 3.381119 128.0 6.714551e+09 1.536488e+10 2.517783e+08 160.0 2264854.0 2500.0 RAJAPerf
4239478529 1.0 regionprofile 14.407950 14.407950 14.407950 14.407950 128.0 2.684801e+10 8.572211e+10 1.006765e+09 160.0 8783629.0 2500.0 RAJAPerf
{'name': 'Algorithm', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 13.0 regionprofile 0.031778 0.031778 0.031778 0.031778 256.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 Algorithm
265496014 13.0 regionprofile 0.006343 0.006343 0.006343 0.006343 256.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Algorithm
660934317 11.0 regionprofile 0.009817 0.009817 0.009817 0.009817 1024.0 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Algorithm
1814734126 10.0 regionprofile 0.006810 0.006810 0.006810 0.006810 128.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Algorithm
1827081399 11.0 regionprofile 0.017897 0.017897 0.017897 0.017897 1024.0 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Algorithm
1929620569 10.0 regionprofile 0.032427 0.032427 0.032427 0.032427 512.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 Algorithm
1961776703 10.0 regionprofile 0.009794 0.009794 0.009794 0.009794 512.0 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Algorithm
2048829733 11.0 regionprofile 0.006383 0.006383 0.006383 0.006383 1024.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Algorithm
2421282334 10.0 regionprofile 0.006372 0.006372 0.006372 0.006372 512.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Algorithm
2458031255 10.0 regionprofile 0.020310 0.020310 0.020310 0.020310 128.0 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Algorithm
2549393441 11.0 regionprofile 0.033663 0.033663 0.033663 0.033663 1024.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 Algorithm
3110669202 13.0 regionprofile 0.009773 0.009773 0.009773 0.009773 256.0 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Algorithm
3243506532 13.0 regionprofile 0.017319 0.017319 0.017319 0.017319 256.0 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Algorithm
3415058838 10.0 regionprofile 0.017352 0.017352 0.017352 0.017352 512.0 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Algorithm
3448088579 10.0 regionprofile 0.010733 0.010733 0.010733 0.010733 128.0 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Algorithm
4239478529 10.0 regionprofile 0.037690 0.037690 0.037690 0.037690 128.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 Algorithm
{'name': 'Algorithm_MEMCPY', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 16.0 regionprofile 0.016948 0.016948 0.016948 0.016948 256.0 1.342177e+08 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMCPY
265496014 16.0 regionprofile 0.002440 0.002440 0.002440 0.002440 256.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMCPY
660934317 14.0 regionprofile 0.004533 0.004533 0.004533 0.004533 1024.0 3.355443e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMCPY
1814734126 13.0 regionprofile 0.002439 0.002439 0.002439 0.002439 128.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMCPY
1827081399 14.0 regionprofile 0.008718 0.008718 0.008718 0.008718 1024.0 6.710886e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMCPY
1929620569 13.0 regionprofile 0.016987 0.016987 0.016987 0.016987 512.0 1.342177e+08 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMCPY
1961776703 13.0 regionprofile 0.004517 0.004517 0.004517 0.004517 512.0 3.355443e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMCPY
2048829733 14.0 regionprofile 0.002463 0.002463 0.002463 0.002463 1024.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMCPY
2421282334 13.0 regionprofile 0.002449 0.002449 0.002449 0.002449 512.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMCPY
2458031255 13.0 regionprofile 0.008672 0.008672 0.008672 0.008672 128.0 6.710886e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMCPY
2549393441 14.0 regionprofile 0.017040 0.017040 0.017040 0.017040 1024.0 1.342177e+08 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMCPY
3110669202 16.0 regionprofile 0.004496 0.004496 0.004496 0.004496 256.0 3.355443e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMCPY
3243506532 16.0 regionprofile 0.008684 0.008684 0.008684 0.008684 256.0 6.710886e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMCPY
3415058838 13.0 regionprofile 0.008694 0.008694 0.008694 0.008694 512.0 6.710886e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMCPY
3448088579 13.0 regionprofile 0.004507 0.004507 0.004507 0.004507 128.0 3.355443e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMCPY
4239478529 13.0 regionprofile 0.016936 0.016936 0.016936 0.016936 128.0 1.342177e+08 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMCPY
{'name': 'Algorithm_MEMSET', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 15.0 regionprofile 0.007855 0.007855 0.007855 0.007855 256.0 6.710887e+07 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMSET
265496014 15.0 regionprofile 0.001281 0.001281 0.001281 0.001281 256.0 8.388616e+06 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMSET
660934317 13.0 regionprofile 0.002199 0.002199 0.002199 0.002199 1024.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMSET
1814734126 12.0 regionprofile 0.001710 0.001710 0.001710 0.001710 128.0 8.388616e+06 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMSET
1827081399 13.0 regionprofile 0.004114 0.004114 0.004114 0.004114 1024.0 3.355444e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMSET
1929620569 12.0 regionprofile 0.007910 0.007910 0.007910 0.007910 512.0 6.710887e+07 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMSET
1961776703 12.0 regionprofile 0.002195 0.002195 0.002195 0.002195 512.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMSET
2048829733 13.0 regionprofile 0.001282 0.001282 0.001282 0.001282 1024.0 8.388616e+06 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMSET
2421282334 12.0 regionprofile 0.001283 0.001283 0.001283 0.001283 512.0 8.388616e+06 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMSET
2458031255 12.0 regionprofile 0.005782 0.005782 0.005782 0.005782 128.0 3.355444e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMSET
2549393441 13.0 regionprofile 0.007903 0.007903 0.007903 0.007903 1024.0 6.710887e+07 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMSET
3110669202 15.0 regionprofile 0.002197 0.002197 0.002197 0.002197 256.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMSET
3243506532 15.0 regionprofile 0.004115 0.004115 0.004115 0.004115 256.0 3.355444e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMSET
3415058838 12.0 regionprofile 0.004113 0.004113 0.004113 0.004113 512.0 3.355444e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMSET
3448088579 12.0 regionprofile 0.002665 0.002665 0.002665 0.002665 128.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMSET
4239478529 12.0 regionprofile 0.011187 0.011187 0.011187 0.011187 128.0 6.710887e+07 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMSET
{'name': 'Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 14.0 regionprofile 0.006954 0.006954 0.006954 0.006954 256.0 6.710887e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
265496014 14.0 regionprofile 0.002603 0.002603 0.002603 0.002603 256.0 8.388616e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
660934317 12.0 regionprofile 0.003065 0.003065 0.003065 0.003065 1024.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
1814734126 11.0 regionprofile 0.002638 0.002638 0.002638 0.002638 128.0 8.388616e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
1827081399 12.0 regionprofile 0.005045 0.005045 0.005045 0.005045 1024.0 3.355444e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
1929620569 11.0 regionprofile 0.007509 0.007509 0.007509 0.007509 512.0 6.710887e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
1961776703 11.0 regionprofile 0.003060 0.003060 0.003060 0.003060 512.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
2048829733 12.0 regionprofile 0.002620 0.002620 0.002620 0.002620 1024.0 8.388616e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
2421282334 11.0 regionprofile 0.002621 0.002621 0.002621 0.002621 512.0 8.388616e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
2458031255 11.0 regionprofile 0.005833 0.005833 0.005833 0.005833 128.0 3.355444e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
2549393441 12.0 regionprofile 0.008698 0.008698 0.008698 0.008698 1024.0 6.710887e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
3110669202 14.0 regionprofile 0.003057 0.003057 0.003057 0.003057 256.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
3243506532 14.0 regionprofile 0.004499 0.004499 0.004499 0.004499 256.0 3.355444e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
3415058838 11.0 regionprofile 0.004522 0.004522 0.004522 0.004522 512.0 3.355444e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
3448088579 11.0 regionprofile 0.003538 0.003538 0.003538 0.003538 128.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
4239478529 11.0 regionprofile 0.009542 0.009542 0.009542 0.009542 128.0 6.710887e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
{'name': 'Apps', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 4.0 regionprofile 1.079024 1.079024 1.079024 1.079024 256.0 1.811939e+09 6.324213e+08 5.033165e+07 156.0 8783629.0 700.0 Apps
265496014 4.0 regionprofile 0.182790 0.182790 0.182790 0.182790 256.0 2.264924e+08 8.174614e+07 6.291456e+06 156.0 1135363.0 700.0 Apps
660934317 4.0 regionprofile 0.310369 0.310369 0.310369 0.310369 1024.0 4.529848e+08 1.630695e+08 1.258291e+07 156.0 2264854.0 700.0 Apps
1814734126 4.0 regionprofile 0.185395 0.185395 0.185395 0.185395 128.0 2.264924e+08 8.174614e+07 6.291456e+06 156.0 1135363.0 700.0 Apps
1827081399 4.0 regionprofile 0.567575 0.567575 0.567575 0.567575 1024.0 9.059697e+08 3.194887e+08 2.516582e+07 156.0 4437343.0 700.0 Apps
1929620569 4.0 regionprofile 1.074763 1.074763 1.074763 1.074763 512.0 1.811939e+09 6.324213e+08 5.033165e+07 156.0 8783629.0 700.0 Apps
1961776703 4.0 regionprofile 0.307488 0.307488 0.307488 0.307488 512.0 4.529848e+08 1.630695e+08 1.258291e+07 156.0 2264854.0 700.0 Apps
2048829733 4.0 regionprofile 0.186822 0.186822 0.186822 0.186822 1024.0 2.264924e+08 8.174614e+07 6.291456e+06 156.0 1135363.0 700.0 Apps
2421282334 4.0 regionprofile 0.182801 0.182801 0.182801 0.182801 512.0 2.264924e+08 8.174614e+07 6.291456e+06 156.0 1135363.0 700.0 Apps
2458031255 4.0 regionprofile 0.562581 0.562581 0.562581 0.562581 128.0 9.059697e+08 3.194887e+08 2.516582e+07 156.0 4437343.0 700.0 Apps
2549393441 4.0 regionprofile 1.092680 1.092680 1.092680 1.092680 1024.0 1.811939e+09 6.324213e+08 5.033165e+07 156.0 8783629.0 700.0 Apps
3110669202 4.0 regionprofile 0.307317 0.307317 0.307317 0.307317 256.0 4.529848e+08 1.630695e+08 1.258291e+07 156.0 2264854.0 700.0 Apps
3243506532 4.0 regionprofile 0.560915 0.560915 0.560915 0.560915 256.0 9.059697e+08 3.194887e+08 2.516582e+07 156.0 4437343.0 700.0 Apps
3415058838 4.0 regionprofile 0.560968 0.560968 0.560968 0.560968 512.0 9.059697e+08 3.194887e+08 2.516582e+07 156.0 4437343.0 700.0 Apps
3448088579 4.0 regionprofile 0.308868 0.308868 0.308868 0.308868 128.0 4.529848e+08 1.630695e+08 1.258291e+07 156.0 2264854.0 700.0 Apps
4239478529 4.0 regionprofile 1.092784 1.092784 1.092784 1.092784 128.0 1.811939e+09 6.324213e+08 5.033165e+07 156.0 8783629.0 700.0 Apps
{'name': 'Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 65.0 regionprofile 0.051945 0.051945 0.051945 0.051945 256.0 4.027525e+08 4.528881e+08 8.386816e+06 1.0 8386816.0 100.0 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
265496014 65.0 regionprofile 0.006966 0.006966 0.006966 0.006966 256.0 5.039722e+07 5.662310e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
660934317 61.0 regionprofile 0.015418 0.015418 0.015418 0.015418 1024.0 1.007345e+08 1.132220e+08 2.096704e+06 1.0 2096704.0 100.0 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
1814734126 59.0 regionprofile 0.006987 0.006987 0.006987 0.006987 128.0 5.039722e+07 5.662310e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
1827081399 61.0 regionprofile 0.030031 0.030031 0.030031 0.030031 1024.0 2.014577e+08 2.264924e+08 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
1929620569 59.0 regionprofile 0.052416 0.052416 0.052416 0.052416 512.0 4.027525e+08 4.528881e+08 8.386816e+06 1.0 8386816.0 100.0 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
1961776703 59.0 regionprofile 0.013495 0.013495 0.013495 0.013495 512.0 1.007345e+08 1.132220e+08 2.096704e+06 1.0 2096704.0 100.0 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
2048829733 61.0 regionprofile 0.007988 0.007988 0.007988 0.007988 1024.0 5.039722e+07 5.662310e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
2421282334 59.0 regionprofile 0.007076 0.007076 0.007076 0.007076 512.0 5.039722e+07 5.662310e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
2458031255 59.0 regionprofile 0.026393 0.026393 0.026393 0.026393 128.0 2.014577e+08 2.264924e+08 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
2549393441 61.0 regionprofile 0.060087 0.060087 0.060087 0.060087 1024.0 4.027525e+08 4.528881e+08 8.386816e+06 1.0 8386816.0 100.0 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
3110669202 65.0 regionprofile 0.013443 0.013443 0.013443 0.013443 256.0 1.007345e+08 1.132220e+08 2.096704e+06 1.0 2096704.0 100.0 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
3243506532 65.0 regionprofile 0.026232 0.026232 0.026232 0.026232 256.0 2.014577e+08 2.264924e+08 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
3415058838 59.0 regionprofile 0.026489 0.026489 0.026489 0.026489 512.0 2.014577e+08 2.264924e+08 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
3448088579 59.0 regionprofile 0.013385 0.013385 0.013385 0.013385 128.0 1.007345e+08 1.132220e+08 2.096704e+06 1.0 2096704.0 100.0 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
4239478529 59.0 regionprofile 0.052154 0.052154 0.052154 0.052154 128.0 4.027525e+08 4.528881e+08 8.386816e+06 1.0 8386816.0 100.0 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
{'name': 'Apps_ENERGY', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 66.0 regionprofile 0.289670 0.289670 0.289670 0.289670 256.0 1.811939e+09 4.613734e+08 5.033165e+07 6.0 8388608.0 130.0 Apps_ENERGY
265496014 66.0 regionprofile 0.038882 0.038882 0.038882 0.038882 256.0 2.264924e+08 5.767168e+07 6.291456e+06 6.0 1048576.0 130.0 Apps_ENERGY
660934317 62.0 regionprofile 0.075358 0.075358 0.075358 0.075358 1024.0 4.529848e+08 1.153434e+08 1.258291e+07 6.0 2097152.0 130.0 Apps_ENERGY
1814734126 60.0 regionprofile 0.039157 0.039157 0.039157 0.039157 128.0 2.264924e+08 5.767168e+07 6.291456e+06 6.0 1048576.0 130.0 Apps_ENERGY
1827081399 62.0 regionprofile 0.147005 0.147005 0.147005 0.147005 1024.0 9.059697e+08 2.306867e+08 2.516582e+07 6.0 4194304.0 130.0 Apps_ENERGY
1929620569 60.0 regionprofile 0.289662 0.289662 0.289662 0.289662 512.0 1.811939e+09 4.613734e+08 5.033165e+07 6.0 8388608.0 130.0 Apps_ENERGY
1961776703 60.0 regionprofile 0.075134 0.075134 0.075134 0.075134 512.0 4.529848e+08 1.153434e+08 1.258291e+07 6.0 2097152.0 130.0 Apps_ENERGY
2048829733 62.0 regionprofile 0.038945 0.038945 0.038945 0.038945 1024.0 2.264924e+08 5.767168e+07 6.291456e+06 6.0 1048576.0 130.0 Apps_ENERGY
2421282334 60.0 regionprofile 0.039109 0.039109 0.039109 0.039109 512.0 2.264924e+08 5.767168e+07 6.291456e+06 6.0 1048576.0 130.0 Apps_ENERGY
2458031255 60.0 regionprofile 0.147702 0.147702 0.147702 0.147702 128.0 9.059697e+08 2.306867e+08 2.516582e+07 6.0 4194304.0 130.0 Apps_ENERGY
2549393441 62.0 regionprofile 0.290025 0.290025 0.290025 0.290025 1024.0 1.811939e+09 4.613734e+08 5.033165e+07 6.0 8388608.0 130.0 Apps_ENERGY
3110669202 66.0 regionprofile 0.075132 0.075132 0.075132 0.075132 256.0 4.529848e+08 1.153434e+08 1.258291e+07 6.0 2097152.0 130.0 Apps_ENERGY
3243506532 66.0 regionprofile 0.146611 0.146611 0.146611 0.146611 256.0 9.059697e+08 2.306867e+08 2.516582e+07 6.0 4194304.0 130.0 Apps_ENERGY
3415058838 60.0 regionprofile 0.146691 0.146691 0.146691 0.146691 512.0 9.059697e+08 2.306867e+08 2.516582e+07 6.0 4194304.0 130.0 Apps_ENERGY
3448088579 60.0 regionprofile 0.075688 0.075688 0.075688 0.075688 128.0 4.529848e+08 1.153434e+08 1.258291e+07 6.0 2097152.0 130.0 Apps_ENERGY
4239478529 60.0 regionprofile 0.291748 0.291748 0.291748 0.291748 128.0 1.811939e+09 4.613734e+08 5.033165e+07 6.0 8388608.0 130.0 Apps_ENERGY
{'name': 'Apps_FIR', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 67.0 regionprofile 0.027789 0.027789 0.027789 0.027789 256.0 1.342176e+08 2.684349e+08 8.388592e+06 1.0 8388608.0 160.0 Apps_FIR
265496014 67.0 regionprofile 0.004312 0.004312 0.004312 0.004312 256.0 1.677709e+07 3.355392e+07 1.048560e+06 1.0 1048576.0 160.0 Apps_FIR
660934317 63.0 regionprofile 0.007784 0.007784 0.007784 0.007784 1024.0 3.355430e+07 6.710835e+07 2.097136e+06 1.0 2097152.0 160.0 Apps_FIR
1814734126 61.0 regionprofile 0.004270 0.004270 0.004270 0.004270 128.0 1.677709e+07 3.355392e+07 1.048560e+06 1.0 1048576.0 160.0 Apps_FIR
1827081399 63.0 regionprofile 0.014572 0.014572 0.014572 0.014572 1024.0 6.710874e+07 1.342172e+08 4.194288e+06 1.0 4194304.0 160.0 Apps_FIR
1929620569 61.0 regionprofile 0.027993 0.027993 0.027993 0.027993 512.0 1.342176e+08 2.684349e+08 8.388592e+06 1.0 8388608.0 160.0 Apps_FIR
1961776703 61.0 regionprofile 0.007662 0.007662 0.007662 0.007662 512.0 3.355430e+07 6.710835e+07 2.097136e+06 1.0 2097152.0 160.0 Apps_FIR
2048829733 63.0 regionprofile 0.004564 0.004564 0.004564 0.004564 1024.0 1.677709e+07 3.355392e+07 1.048560e+06 1.0 1048576.0 160.0 Apps_FIR
2421282334 61.0 regionprofile 0.004415 0.004415 0.004415 0.004415 512.0 1.677709e+07 3.355392e+07 1.048560e+06 1.0 1048576.0 160.0 Apps_FIR
2458031255 61.0 regionprofile 0.014277 0.014277 0.014277 0.014277 128.0 6.710874e+07 1.342172e+08 4.194288e+06 1.0 4194304.0 160.0 Apps_FIR
2549393441 63.0 regionprofile 0.028188 0.028188 0.028188 0.028188 1024.0 1.342176e+08 2.684349e+08 8.388592e+06 1.0 8388608.0 160.0 Apps_FIR
3110669202 67.0 regionprofile 0.007578 0.007578 0.007578 0.007578 256.0 3.355430e+07 6.710835e+07 2.097136e+06 1.0 2097152.0 160.0 Apps_FIR
3243506532 67.0 regionprofile 0.014327 0.014327 0.014327 0.014327 256.0 6.710874e+07 1.342172e+08 4.194288e+06 1.0 4194304.0 160.0 Apps_FIR
3415058838 61.0 regionprofile 0.014442 0.014442 0.014442 0.014442 512.0 6.710874e+07 1.342172e+08 4.194288e+06 1.0 4194304.0 160.0 Apps_FIR
3448088579 61.0 regionprofile 0.007529 0.007529 0.007529 0.007529 128.0 3.355430e+07 6.710835e+07 2.097136e+06 1.0 2097152.0 160.0 Apps_FIR
4239478529 61.0 regionprofile 0.027741 0.027741 0.027741 0.027741 128.0 1.342176e+08 2.684349e+08 8.388592e+06 1.0 8388608.0 160.0 Apps_FIR
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265496014 5.0 regionprofile 0.034556 0.034556 0.034556 0.034556 256.0 7.491120e+06 0.000000e+00 1.872780e+05 156.0 1030301.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE
660934317 64.0 regionprofile 0.034175 0.034175 0.034175 0.034175 1024.0 1.198176e+07 0.000000e+00 2.995440e+05 156.0 2097152.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE
1814734126 62.0 regionprofile 0.035092 0.035092 0.035092 0.035092 128.0 7.491120e+06 0.000000e+00 1.872780e+05 156.0 1030301.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE
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1929620569 62.0 regionprofile 0.035383 0.035383 0.035383 0.035383 512.0 2.996376e+07 0.000000e+00 7.490940e+05 156.0 8365427.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE
1961776703 62.0 regionprofile 0.034868 0.034868 0.034868 0.034868 512.0 1.198176e+07 0.000000e+00 2.995440e+05 156.0 2097152.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE
2048829733 64.0 regionprofile 0.034744 0.034744 0.034744 0.034744 1024.0 7.491120e+06 0.000000e+00 1.872780e+05 156.0 1030301.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE
2421282334 62.0 regionprofile 0.034463 0.034463 0.034463 0.034463 512.0 7.491120e+06 0.000000e+00 1.872780e+05 156.0 1030301.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE
2458031255 62.0 regionprofile 0.032822 0.032822 0.032822 0.032822 128.0 1.889592e+07 0.000000e+00 4.723980e+05 156.0 4173281.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE
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3110669202 5.0 regionprofile 0.034120 0.034120 0.034120 0.034120 256.0 1.198176e+07 0.000000e+00 2.995440e+05 156.0 2097152.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE
3243506532 5.0 regionprofile 0.032786 0.032786 0.032786 0.032786 256.0 1.889592e+07 0.000000e+00 4.723980e+05 156.0 4173281.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE
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3448088579 62.0 regionprofile 0.034307 0.034307 0.034307 0.034307 128.0 1.198176e+07 0.000000e+00 2.995440e+05 156.0 2097152.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE
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3243506532 12.0 regionprofile 0.013586 0.013586 0.013586 0.013586 256.0 1.007847e+08 3.338625e+07 4.173281e+06 1.0 4173281.0 100.0 Apps_ZONAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
3415058838 9.0 regionprofile 0.013592 0.013592 0.013592 0.013592 512.0 1.007847e+08 3.338625e+07 4.173281e+06 1.0 4173281.0 100.0 Apps_ZONAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
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265496014 2.0 regionprofile 0.331463 0.331463 0.331463 0.331463 256.0 1.342177e+08 2.147484e+09 3.145729e+06 3.0 1048576.0 2500.0 Basic
660934317 2.0 regionprofile 0.581066 0.581066 0.581066 0.581066 1024.0 2.684355e+08 6.173254e+09 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2500.0 Basic
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2048829733 2.0 regionprofile 0.307749 0.307749 0.307749 0.307749 1024.0 1.342177e+08 2.147484e+09 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2500.0 Basic
2421282334 2.0 regionprofile 0.304899 0.304899 0.304899 0.304899 512.0 1.342177e+08 1.153434e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2500.0 Basic
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3110669202 2.0 regionprofile 0.612778 0.612778 0.612778 0.612778 256.0 2.684355e+08 6.173254e+09 6.291457e+06 3.0 2097152.0 2500.0 Basic
3243506532 2.0 regionprofile 1.196301 1.196301 1.196301 1.196301 256.0 5.368709e+08 1.717987e+10 1.258291e+07 3.0 4194304.0 2500.0 Basic
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265496014 17.0 regionprofile 0.016959 0.016959 0.016959 0.016959 256.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY
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2048829733 15.0 regionprofile 0.016963 0.016963 0.016963 0.016963 1024.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY
2421282334 14.0 regionprofile 0.016947 0.016947 0.016947 0.016947 512.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY
2458031255 14.0 regionprofile 0.061511 0.061511 0.061511 0.061511 128.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY
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3110669202 17.0 regionprofile 0.031695 0.031695 0.031695 0.031695 256.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY
3243506532 17.0 regionprofile 0.061487 0.061487 0.061487 0.061487 256.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY
3415058838 14.0 regionprofile 0.061560 0.061560 0.061560 0.061560 512.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY
3448088579 14.0 regionprofile 0.031757 0.031757 0.031757 0.031757 128.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY
4239478529 14.0 regionprofile 0.120519 0.120519 0.120519 0.120519 128.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY
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265496014 18.0 regionprofile 0.016933 0.016933 0.016933 0.016933 256.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
660934317 16.0 regionprofile 0.031916 0.031916 0.031916 0.031916 1024.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
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1929620569 15.0 regionprofile 0.121705 0.121705 0.121705 0.121705 512.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
1961776703 15.0 regionprofile 0.031879 0.031879 0.031879 0.031879 512.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
2048829733 16.0 regionprofile 0.016925 0.016925 0.016925 0.016925 1024.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
2421282334 15.0 regionprofile 0.016899 0.016899 0.016899 0.016899 512.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
2458031255 15.0 regionprofile 0.062023 0.062023 0.062023 0.062023 128.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
2549393441 16.0 regionprofile 0.121785 0.121785 0.121785 0.121785 1024.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
3110669202 18.0 regionprofile 0.031877 0.031877 0.031877 0.031877 256.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
3243506532 18.0 regionprofile 0.061918 0.061918 0.061918 0.061918 256.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
3415058838 15.0 regionprofile 0.062025 0.062025 0.062025 0.062025 512.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
3448088579 15.0 regionprofile 0.031928 0.031928 0.031928 0.031928 128.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
4239478529 15.0 regionprofile 0.121737 0.121737 0.121737 0.121737 128.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
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265496014 19.0 regionprofile 0.012097 0.012097 0.012097 0.012097 256.0 4.194304e+07 1.153434e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 180.0 Basic_IF_QUAD
660934317 17.0 regionprofile 0.024599 0.024599 0.024599 0.024599 1024.0 8.388608e+07 2.306867e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 180.0 Basic_IF_QUAD
1814734126 16.0 regionprofile 0.012196 0.012196 0.012196 0.012196 128.0 4.194304e+07 1.153434e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 180.0 Basic_IF_QUAD
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1961776703 16.0 regionprofile 0.024321 0.024321 0.024321 0.024321 512.0 8.388608e+07 2.306867e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 180.0 Basic_IF_QUAD
2048829733 17.0 regionprofile 0.012348 0.012348 0.012348 0.012348 1024.0 4.194304e+07 1.153434e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 180.0 Basic_IF_QUAD
2421282334 16.0 regionprofile 0.012212 0.012212 0.012212 0.012212 512.0 4.194304e+07 1.153434e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 180.0 Basic_IF_QUAD
2458031255 16.0 regionprofile 0.047678 0.047678 0.047678 0.047678 128.0 1.677722e+08 4.613734e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 180.0 Basic_IF_QUAD
2549393441 17.0 regionprofile 0.096604 0.096604 0.096604 0.096604 1024.0 3.355443e+08 9.227469e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 180.0 Basic_IF_QUAD
3110669202 19.0 regionprofile 0.024345 0.024345 0.024345 0.024345 256.0 8.388608e+07 2.306867e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 180.0 Basic_IF_QUAD
3243506532 19.0 regionprofile 0.047641 0.047641 0.047641 0.047641 256.0 1.677722e+08 4.613734e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 180.0 Basic_IF_QUAD
3415058838 16.0 regionprofile 0.047847 0.047847 0.047847 0.047847 512.0 1.677722e+08 4.613734e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 180.0 Basic_IF_QUAD
3448088579 16.0 regionprofile 0.024207 0.024207 0.024207 0.024207 128.0 8.388608e+07 2.306867e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 180.0 Basic_IF_QUAD
4239478529 16.0 regionprofile 0.095443 0.095443 0.095443 0.095443 128.0 3.355443e+08 9.227469e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 180.0 Basic_IF_QUAD
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265496014 20.0 regionprofile 0.004381 0.004381 0.004381 0.004381 256.0 1.048578e+07 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Basic_INDEXLIST
660934317 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
1814734126 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
1827081399 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
1929620569 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
1961776703 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
2048829733 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
2421282334 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
2458031255 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
2549393441 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
3110669202 20.0 regionprofile 0.006611 0.006611 0.006611 0.006611 256.0 2.097154e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Basic_INDEXLIST
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3415058838 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
3448088579 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
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265496014 21.0 regionprofile 0.008069 0.008069 0.008069 0.008069 256.0 2.726300e+07 0.000000e+00 3.145729e+06 3.0 1048576.0 100.0 Basic_INDEXLIST_3LOOP
660934317 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
1814734126 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
1827081399 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
1929620569 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
1961776703 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
2048829733 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
2421282334 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
2458031255 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
2549393441 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
3110669202 21.0 regionprofile 0.013695 0.013695 0.013695 0.013695 256.0 5.452598e+07 0.000000e+00 6.291457e+06 3.0 2097152.0 100.0 Basic_INDEXLIST_3LOOP
3243506532 21.0 regionprofile 0.024478 0.024478 0.024478 0.024478 256.0 1.090519e+08 0.000000e+00 1.258291e+07 3.0 4194304.0 100.0 Basic_INDEXLIST_3LOOP
3415058838 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
3448088579 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
4239478529 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
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265496014 22.0 regionprofile 0.028069 0.028069 0.028069 0.028069 256.0 4.194304e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 Basic_INIT3
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1961776703 17.0 regionprofile 0.054236 0.054236 0.054236 0.054236 512.0 8.388608e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 Basic_INIT3
2048829733 18.0 regionprofile 0.028082 0.028082 0.028082 0.028082 1024.0 4.194304e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 Basic_INIT3
2421282334 17.0 regionprofile 0.028077 0.028077 0.028077 0.028077 512.0 4.194304e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 Basic_INIT3
2458031255 17.0 regionprofile 0.106234 0.106234 0.106234 0.106234 128.0 1.677722e+08 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 Basic_INIT3
2549393441 18.0 regionprofile 0.210807 0.210807 0.210807 0.210807 1024.0 3.355443e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 Basic_INIT3
3110669202 22.0 regionprofile 0.054398 0.054398 0.054398 0.054398 256.0 8.388608e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 Basic_INIT3
3243506532 22.0 regionprofile 0.106217 0.106217 0.106217 0.106217 256.0 1.677722e+08 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 Basic_INIT3
3415058838 17.0 regionprofile 0.106385 0.106385 0.106385 0.106385 512.0 1.677722e+08 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 Basic_INIT3
3448088579 17.0 regionprofile 0.054312 0.054312 0.054312 0.054312 128.0 8.388608e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 Basic_INIT3
4239478529 17.0 regionprofile 0.210474 0.210474 0.210474 0.210474 128.0 3.355443e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 Basic_INIT3
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265496014 23.0 regionprofile 0.031357 0.031357 0.031357 0.031357 256.0 8.388608e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
660934317 19.0 regionprofile 0.055236 0.055236 0.055236 0.055236 1024.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
1814734126 18.0 regionprofile 0.042175 0.042175 0.042175 0.042175 128.0 8.388608e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
1827081399 19.0 regionprofile 0.101077 0.101077 0.101077 0.101077 1024.0 3.355443e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
1929620569 18.0 regionprofile 0.194455 0.194455 0.194455 0.194455 512.0 6.710886e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
1961776703 18.0 regionprofile 0.055260 0.055260 0.055260 0.055260 512.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
2048829733 19.0 regionprofile 0.031397 0.031397 0.031397 0.031397 1024.0 8.388608e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
2421282334 18.0 regionprofile 0.031451 0.031451 0.031451 0.031451 512.0 8.388608e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
2458031255 18.0 regionprofile 0.123815 0.123815 0.123815 0.123815 128.0 3.355443e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
2549393441 19.0 regionprofile 0.194379 0.194379 0.194379 0.194379 1024.0 6.710886e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
3110669202 23.0 regionprofile 0.055208 0.055208 0.055208 0.055208 256.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
3243506532 23.0 regionprofile 0.101103 0.101103 0.101103 0.101103 256.0 3.355443e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
3415058838 18.0 regionprofile 0.101131 0.101131 0.101131 0.101131 512.0 3.355443e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
3448088579 18.0 regionprofile 0.076089 0.076089 0.076089 0.076089 128.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
4239478529 18.0 regionprofile 0.239395 0.239395 0.239395 0.239395 128.0 6.710886e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
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265496014 24.0 regionprofile 0.031365 0.031365 0.031365 0.031365 256.0 8.388608e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
660934317 20.0 regionprofile 0.054345 0.054345 0.054345 0.054345 1024.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
1814734126 19.0 regionprofile 0.042183 0.042183 0.042183 0.042183 128.0 8.388608e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
1827081399 20.0 regionprofile 0.101099 0.101099 0.101099 0.101099 1024.0 3.355443e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
1929620569 19.0 regionprofile 0.194426 0.194426 0.194426 0.194426 512.0 6.710886e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
1961776703 19.0 regionprofile 0.054311 0.054311 0.054311 0.054311 512.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
2048829733 20.0 regionprofile 0.031421 0.031421 0.031421 0.031421 1024.0 8.388608e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
2421282334 19.0 regionprofile 0.031432 0.031432 0.031432 0.031432 512.0 8.388608e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
2458031255 19.0 regionprofile 0.123782 0.123782 0.123782 0.123782 128.0 3.355443e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
2549393441 20.0 regionprofile 0.194391 0.194391 0.194391 0.194391 1024.0 6.710886e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
3110669202 24.0 regionprofile 0.054322 0.054322 0.054322 0.054322 256.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
3243506532 24.0 regionprofile 0.101056 0.101056 0.101056 0.101056 256.0 3.355443e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
3415058838 19.0 regionprofile 0.101092 0.101092 0.101092 0.101092 512.0 3.355443e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
3448088579 19.0 regionprofile 0.066220 0.066220 0.066220 0.066220 128.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
4239478529 19.0 regionprofile 0.239354 0.239354 0.239354 0.239354 128.0 6.710886e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
{'name': 'Basic_MAT_MAT_SHARED', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 25.0 regionprofile 0.121056 0.121056 0.121056 0.121056 256.0 1.341891e+08 4.857644e+10 8.386816e+06 1.0 8386816.0 5.0 Basic_MAT_MAT_SHARED
265496014 25.0 regionprofile 0.006487 0.006487 0.006487 0.006487 256.0 1.677722e+07 2.147484e+09 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 5.0 Basic_MAT_MAT_SHARED
660934317 21.0 regionprofile 0.015342 0.015342 0.015342 0.015342 1024.0 3.354726e+07 6.173254e+09 2.096704e+06 1.0 2096704.0 5.0 Basic_MAT_MAT_SHARED
1814734126 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
1827081399 21.0 regionprofile 0.040437 0.040437 0.040437 0.040437 1024.0 6.710886e+07 1.717987e+10 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 5.0 Basic_MAT_MAT_SHARED
1929620569 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
1961776703 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
2048829733 21.0 regionprofile 0.005941 0.005941 0.005941 0.005941 1024.0 1.677722e+07 2.147484e+09 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 5.0 Basic_MAT_MAT_SHARED
2421282334 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
2458031255 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
2549393441 21.0 regionprofile 0.114420 0.114420 0.114420 0.114420 1024.0 1.341891e+08 4.857644e+10 8.386816e+06 1.0 8386816.0 5.0 Basic_MAT_MAT_SHARED
3110669202 25.0 regionprofile 0.016137 0.016137 0.016137 0.016137 256.0 3.354726e+07 6.173254e+09 2.096704e+06 1.0 2096704.0 5.0 Basic_MAT_MAT_SHARED
3243506532 25.0 regionprofile 0.043018 0.043018 0.043018 0.043018 256.0 6.710886e+07 1.717987e+10 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 5.0 Basic_MAT_MAT_SHARED
3415058838 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
3448088579 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
4239478529 NaN None NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
{'name': 'Basic_MULADDSUB', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 26.0 regionprofile 0.147477 0.147477 0.147477 0.147477 256.0 3.355443e+08 2.516582e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 350.0 Basic_MULADDSUB
265496014 26.0 regionprofile 0.019641 0.019641 0.019641 0.019641 256.0 4.194304e+07 3.145728e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 350.0 Basic_MULADDSUB
660934317 22.0 regionprofile 0.038058 0.038058 0.038058 0.038058 1024.0 8.388608e+07 6.291456e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 350.0 Basic_MULADDSUB
1814734126 20.0 regionprofile 0.019719 0.019719 0.019719 0.019719 128.0 4.194304e+07 3.145728e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 350.0 Basic_MULADDSUB
1827081399 22.0 regionprofile 0.074397 0.074397 0.074397 0.074397 1024.0 1.677722e+08 1.258291e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 350.0 Basic_MULADDSUB
1929620569 20.0 regionprofile 0.147520 0.147520 0.147520 0.147520 512.0 3.355443e+08 2.516582e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 350.0 Basic_MULADDSUB
1961776703 20.0 regionprofile 0.037958 0.037958 0.037958 0.037958 512.0 8.388608e+07 6.291456e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 350.0 Basic_MULADDSUB
2048829733 22.0 regionprofile 0.019664 0.019664 0.019664 0.019664 1024.0 4.194304e+07 3.145728e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 350.0 Basic_MULADDSUB
2421282334 20.0 regionprofile 0.019649 0.019649 0.019649 0.019649 512.0 4.194304e+07 3.145728e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 350.0 Basic_MULADDSUB
2458031255 20.0 regionprofile 0.074557 0.074557 0.074557 0.074557 128.0 1.677722e+08 1.258291e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 350.0 Basic_MULADDSUB
2549393441 22.0 regionprofile 0.147596 0.147596 0.147596 0.147596 1024.0 3.355443e+08 2.516582e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 350.0 Basic_MULADDSUB
3110669202 26.0 regionprofile 0.038116 0.038116 0.038116 0.038116 256.0 8.388608e+07 6.291456e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 350.0 Basic_MULADDSUB
3243506532 26.0 regionprofile 0.074415 0.074415 0.074415 0.074415 256.0 1.677722e+08 1.258291e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 350.0 Basic_MULADDSUB
3415058838 20.0 regionprofile 0.074470 0.074470 0.074470 0.074470 512.0 1.677722e+08 1.258291e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 350.0 Basic_MULADDSUB
3448088579 20.0 regionprofile 0.038028 0.038028 0.038028 0.038028 128.0 8.388608e+07 6.291456e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 350.0 Basic_MULADDSUB
4239478529 20.0 regionprofile 0.148068 0.148068 0.148068 0.148068 128.0 3.355443e+08 2.516582e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 350.0 Basic_MULADDSUB
{'name': 'Basic_NESTED_INIT', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 27.0 regionprofile 0.103675 0.103675 0.103675 0.103675 256.0 6.692342e+07 2.509628e+07 8.365427e+06 1.0 8365427.0 1000.0 Basic_NESTED_INIT
265496014 27.0 regionprofile 0.013794 0.013794 0.013794 0.013794 256.0 8.242408e+06 3.090903e+06 1.030301e+06 1.0 1030301.0 1000.0 Basic_NESTED_INIT
660934317 23.0 regionprofile 0.022290 0.022290 0.022290 0.022290 1024.0 1.677722e+07 6.291456e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Basic_NESTED_INIT
1814734126 21.0 regionprofile 0.020746 0.020746 0.020746 0.020746 128.0 8.242408e+06 3.090903e+06 1.030301e+06 1.0 1030301.0 1000.0 Basic_NESTED_INIT
1827081399 23.0 regionprofile 0.054104 0.054104 0.054104 0.054104 1024.0 3.338625e+07 1.251984e+07 4.173281e+06 1.0 4173281.0 1000.0 Basic_NESTED_INIT
1929620569 21.0 regionprofile 0.103893 0.103893 0.103893 0.103893 512.0 6.692342e+07 2.509628e+07 8.365427e+06 1.0 8365427.0 1000.0 Basic_NESTED_INIT
1961776703 21.0 regionprofile 0.022230 0.022230 0.022230 0.022230 512.0 1.677722e+07 6.291456e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Basic_NESTED_INIT
2048829733 23.0 regionprofile 0.013929 0.013929 0.013929 0.013929 1024.0 8.242408e+06 3.090903e+06 1.030301e+06 1.0 1030301.0 1000.0 Basic_NESTED_INIT
2421282334 21.0 regionprofile 0.013836 0.013836 0.013836 0.013836 512.0 8.242408e+06 3.090903e+06 1.030301e+06 1.0 1030301.0 1000.0 Basic_NESTED_INIT
2458031255 21.0 regionprofile 0.059267 0.059267 0.059267 0.059267 128.0 3.338625e+07 1.251984e+07 4.173281e+06 1.0 4173281.0 1000.0 Basic_NESTED_INIT
2549393441 23.0 regionprofile 0.105177 0.105177 0.105177 0.105177 1024.0 6.692342e+07 2.509628e+07 8.365427e+06 1.0 8365427.0 1000.0 Basic_NESTED_INIT
3110669202 27.0 regionprofile 0.022181 0.022181 0.022181 0.022181 256.0 1.677722e+07 6.291456e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Basic_NESTED_INIT
3243506532 27.0 regionprofile 0.053219 0.053219 0.053219 0.053219 256.0 3.338625e+07 1.251984e+07 4.173281e+06 1.0 4173281.0 1000.0 Basic_NESTED_INIT
3415058838 21.0 regionprofile 0.053384 0.053384 0.053384 0.053384 512.0 3.338625e+07 1.251984e+07 4.173281e+06 1.0 4173281.0 1000.0 Basic_NESTED_INIT
3448088579 21.0 regionprofile 0.030605 0.030605 0.030605 0.030605 128.0 1.677722e+07 6.291456e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Basic_NESTED_INIT
4239478529 21.0 regionprofile 0.105673 0.105673 0.105673 0.105673 128.0 6.692342e+07 2.509628e+07 8.365427e+06 1.0 8365427.0 1000.0 Basic_NESTED_INIT
{'name': 'Basic_PI_ATOMIC', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 28.0 regionprofile 0.871461 0.871461 0.871461 0.871461 256.0 1.600000e+01 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
265496014 28.0 regionprofile 0.118803 0.118803 0.118803 0.118803 256.0 1.600000e+01 6.291457e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
660934317 24.0 regionprofile 0.218943 0.218943 0.218943 0.218943 1024.0 1.600000e+01 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
1814734126 22.0 regionprofile 0.127441 0.127441 0.127441 0.127441 128.0 1.600000e+01 6.291457e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
1827081399 24.0 regionprofile 0.436230 0.436230 0.436230 0.436230 1024.0 1.600000e+01 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
1929620569 22.0 regionprofile 0.870922 0.870922 0.870922 0.870922 512.0 1.600000e+01 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
1961776703 22.0 regionprofile 0.218837 0.218837 0.218837 0.218837 512.0 1.600000e+01 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
2048829733 24.0 regionprofile 0.110191 0.110191 0.110191 0.110191 1024.0 1.600000e+01 6.291457e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
2421282334 22.0 regionprofile 0.114028 0.114028 0.114028 0.114028 512.0 1.600000e+01 6.291457e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
2458031255 22.0 regionprofile 0.436268 0.436268 0.436268 0.436268 128.0 1.600000e+01 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
2549393441 24.0 regionprofile 0.871495 0.871495 0.871495 0.871495 1024.0 1.600000e+01 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
3110669202 28.0 regionprofile 0.223095 0.223095 0.223095 0.223095 256.0 1.600000e+01 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
3243506532 28.0 regionprofile 0.436232 0.436232 0.436232 0.436232 256.0 1.600000e+01 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
3415058838 22.0 regionprofile 0.436220 0.436220 0.436220 0.436220 512.0 1.600000e+01 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
3448088579 22.0 regionprofile 0.247100 0.247100 0.247100 0.247100 128.0 1.600000e+01 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
4239478529 22.0 regionprofile 0.871399 0.871399 0.871399 0.871399 128.0 1.600000e+01 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
{'name': 'Basic_PI_REDUCE', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 29.0 regionprofile 0.005821 0.005821 0.005821 0.005821 256.0 1.600000e+01 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_PI_REDUCE
265496014 29.0 regionprofile 0.002090 0.002090 0.002090 0.002090 256.0 1.600000e+01 6.291457e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_PI_REDUCE
660934317 25.0 regionprofile 0.002929 0.002929 0.002929 0.002929 1024.0 1.600000e+01 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_PI_REDUCE
1814734126 23.0 regionprofile 0.002507 0.002507 0.002507 0.002507 128.0 1.600000e+01 6.291457e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_PI_REDUCE
1827081399 25.0 regionprofile 0.004475 0.004475 0.004475 0.004475 1024.0 1.600000e+01 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_PI_REDUCE
1929620569 23.0 regionprofile 0.006092 0.006092 0.006092 0.006092 512.0 1.600000e+01 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_PI_REDUCE
1961776703 23.0 regionprofile 0.002898 0.002898 0.002898 0.002898 512.0 1.600000e+01 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_PI_REDUCE
2048829733 25.0 regionprofile 0.002487 0.002487 0.002487 0.002487 1024.0 1.600000e+01 6.291457e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_PI_REDUCE
2421282334 23.0 regionprofile 0.002092 0.002092 0.002092 0.002092 512.0 1.600000e+01 6.291457e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_PI_REDUCE
2458031255 23.0 regionprofile 0.004897 0.004897 0.004897 0.004897 128.0 1.600000e+01 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_PI_REDUCE
2549393441 25.0 regionprofile 0.007203 0.007203 0.007203 0.007203 1024.0 1.600000e+01 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_PI_REDUCE
3110669202 29.0 regionprofile 0.002852 0.002852 0.002852 0.002852 256.0 1.600000e+01 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_PI_REDUCE
3243506532 29.0 regionprofile 0.003627 0.003627 0.003627 0.003627 256.0 1.600000e+01 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_PI_REDUCE
3415058838 23.0 regionprofile 0.004062 0.004062 0.004062 0.004062 512.0 1.600000e+01 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_PI_REDUCE
3448088579 23.0 regionprofile 0.003325 0.003325 0.003325 0.003325 128.0 1.600000e+01 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_PI_REDUCE
4239478529 23.0 regionprofile 0.008562 0.008562 0.008562 0.008562 128.0 1.600000e+01 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_PI_REDUCE
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265496014 30.0 regionprofile 0.002159 0.002159 0.002159 0.002159 256.0 4.194328e+06 1.048577e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
660934317 26.0 regionprofile 0.003265 0.003265 0.003265 0.003265 1024.0 8.388632e+06 2.097153e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
1814734126 24.0 regionprofile 0.002289 0.002289 0.002289 0.002289 128.0 4.194328e+06 1.048577e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
1827081399 26.0 regionprofile 0.005081 0.005081 0.005081 0.005081 1024.0 1.677724e+07 4.194305e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
1929620569 24.0 regionprofile 0.007388 0.007388 0.007388 0.007388 512.0 3.355446e+07 8.388609e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
1961776703 24.0 regionprofile 0.002842 0.002842 0.002842 0.002842 512.0 8.388632e+06 2.097153e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
2048829733 26.0 regionprofile 0.002262 0.002262 0.002262 0.002262 1024.0 4.194328e+06 1.048577e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
2421282334 24.0 regionprofile 0.002267 0.002267 0.002267 0.002267 512.0 4.194328e+06 1.048577e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
2458031255 24.0 regionprofile 0.005095 0.005095 0.005095 0.005095 128.0 1.677724e+07 4.194305e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
2549393441 26.0 regionprofile 0.008359 0.008359 0.008359 0.008359 1024.0 3.355446e+07 8.388609e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
3110669202 30.0 regionprofile 0.002828 0.002828 0.002828 0.002828 256.0 8.388632e+06 2.097153e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
3243506532 30.0 regionprofile 0.004155 0.004155 0.004155 0.004155 256.0 1.677724e+07 4.194305e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
3415058838 24.0 regionprofile 0.004307 0.004307 0.004307 0.004307 512.0 1.677724e+07 4.194305e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
3448088579 24.0 regionprofile 0.003286 0.003286 0.003286 0.003286 128.0 8.388632e+06 2.097153e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
4239478529 24.0 regionprofile 0.008823 0.008823 0.008823 0.008823 128.0 3.355446e+07 8.388609e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
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265496014 31.0 regionprofile 0.008434 0.008434 0.008434 0.008434 256.0 1.677726e+07 2.097154e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
660934317 27.0 regionprofile 0.007887 0.007887 0.007887 0.007887 1024.0 3.355448e+07 4.194306e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
1814734126 25.0 regionprofile 0.015869 0.015869 0.015869 0.015869 128.0 1.677726e+07 2.097154e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
1827081399 27.0 regionprofile 0.014016 0.014016 0.014016 0.014016 1024.0 6.710891e+07 8.388610e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
1929620569 25.0 regionprofile 0.027538 0.027538 0.027538 0.027538 512.0 1.342178e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
1961776703 25.0 regionprofile 0.008044 0.008044 0.008044 0.008044 512.0 3.355448e+07 4.194306e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
2048829733 27.0 regionprofile 0.004877 0.004877 0.004877 0.004877 1024.0 1.677726e+07 2.097154e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
2421282334 25.0 regionprofile 0.004959 0.004959 0.004959 0.004959 512.0 1.677726e+07 2.097154e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
2458031255 25.0 regionprofile 0.069074 0.069074 0.069074 0.069074 128.0 6.710891e+07 8.388610e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
2549393441 27.0 regionprofile 0.026527 0.026527 0.026527 0.026527 1024.0 1.342178e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
3110669202 31.0 regionprofile 0.015778 0.015778 0.015778 0.015778 256.0 3.355448e+07 4.194306e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
3243506532 31.0 regionprofile 0.030352 0.030352 0.030352 0.030352 256.0 6.710891e+07 8.388610e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
3415058838 25.0 regionprofile 0.014461 0.014461 0.014461 0.014461 512.0 6.710891e+07 8.388610e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
3448088579 25.0 regionprofile 0.033105 0.033105 0.033105 0.033105 128.0 3.355448e+07 4.194306e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
4239478529 25.0 regionprofile 0.146754 0.146754 0.146754 0.146754 128.0 1.342178e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
{'name': 'Basic_TRAP_INT', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 32.0 regionprofile 0.006102 0.006102 0.006102 0.006102 256.0 1.600000e+01 8.388608e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_TRAP_INT
265496014 32.0 regionprofile 0.002086 0.002086 0.002086 0.002086 256.0 1.600000e+01 1.048576e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_TRAP_INT
660934317 28.0 regionprofile 0.003281 0.003281 0.003281 0.003281 1024.0 1.600000e+01 2.097152e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_TRAP_INT
1814734126 26.0 regionprofile 0.002508 0.002508 0.002508 0.002508 128.0 1.600000e+01 1.048576e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_TRAP_INT
1827081399 28.0 regionprofile 0.004790 0.004790 0.004790 0.004790 1024.0 1.600000e+01 4.194304e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_TRAP_INT
1929620569 26.0 regionprofile 0.006503 0.006503 0.006503 0.006503 512.0 1.600000e+01 8.388608e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_TRAP_INT
1961776703 26.0 regionprofile 0.002907 0.002907 0.002907 0.002907 512.0 1.600000e+01 2.097152e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_TRAP_INT
2048829733 28.0 regionprofile 0.002518 0.002518 0.002518 0.002518 1024.0 1.600000e+01 1.048576e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_TRAP_INT
2421282334 26.0 regionprofile 0.002345 0.002345 0.002345 0.002345 512.0 1.600000e+01 1.048576e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_TRAP_INT
2458031255 26.0 regionprofile 0.004914 0.004914 0.004914 0.004914 128.0 1.600000e+01 4.194304e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_TRAP_INT
2549393441 28.0 regionprofile 0.007731 0.007731 0.007731 0.007731 1024.0 1.600000e+01 8.388608e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_TRAP_INT
3110669202 32.0 regionprofile 0.002889 0.002889 0.002889 0.002889 256.0 1.600000e+01 2.097152e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_TRAP_INT
3243506532 32.0 regionprofile 0.003758 0.003758 0.003758 0.003758 256.0 1.600000e+01 4.194304e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_TRAP_INT
3415058838 26.0 regionprofile 0.004024 0.004024 0.004024 0.004024 512.0 1.600000e+01 4.194304e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_TRAP_INT
3448088579 26.0 regionprofile 0.003319 0.003319 0.003319 0.003319 128.0 1.600000e+01 2.097152e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_TRAP_INT
4239478529 26.0 regionprofile 0.008568 0.008568 0.008568 0.008568 128.0 1.600000e+01 8.388608e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_TRAP_INT
{'name': 'Lcals', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 33.0 regionprofile 2.854420 2.854420 2.854420 2.854420 256.0 1.342177e+09 3.685104e+08 2.516582e+07 3.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Lcals
265496014 33.0 regionprofile 0.384584 0.384584 0.384584 0.384584 256.0 1.677722e+08 4.595730e+07 3.145728e+06 3.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Lcals
660934317 29.0 regionprofile 0.730378 0.730378 0.730378 0.730378 1024.0 3.355443e+08 9.200030e+07 6.291456e+06 3.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Lcals
1814734126 27.0 regionprofile 0.386209 0.386209 0.386209 0.386209 128.0 1.677722e+08 4.595730e+07 3.145728e+06 3.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Lcals
1827081399 29.0 regionprofile 1.431806 1.431806 1.431806 1.431806 1024.0 6.710886e+08 1.841891e+08 1.258291e+07 3.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Lcals
1929620569 27.0 regionprofile 2.840684 2.840684 2.840684 2.840684 512.0 1.342177e+09 3.685104e+08 2.516582e+07 3.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Lcals
1961776703 27.0 regionprofile 0.733827 0.733827 0.733827 0.733827 512.0 3.355443e+08 9.200030e+07 6.291456e+06 3.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Lcals
2048829733 29.0 regionprofile 0.380432 0.380432 0.380432 0.380432 1024.0 1.677722e+08 4.595730e+07 3.145728e+06 3.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Lcals
2421282334 27.0 regionprofile 0.382757 0.382757 0.382757 0.382757 512.0 1.677722e+08 4.595730e+07 3.145728e+06 3.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Lcals
2458031255 27.0 regionprofile 1.449984 1.449984 1.449984 1.449984 128.0 6.710886e+08 1.841891e+08 1.258291e+07 3.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Lcals
2549393441 29.0 regionprofile 2.826837 2.826837 2.826837 2.826837 1024.0 1.342177e+09 3.685104e+08 2.516582e+07 3.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Lcals
3110669202 33.0 regionprofile 0.737090 0.737090 0.737090 0.737090 256.0 3.355443e+08 9.200030e+07 6.291456e+06 3.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Lcals
3243506532 33.0 regionprofile 1.442402 1.442402 1.442402 1.442402 256.0 6.710886e+08 1.841891e+08 1.258291e+07 3.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Lcals
3415058838 27.0 regionprofile 1.436406 1.436406 1.436406 1.436406 512.0 6.710886e+08 1.841891e+08 1.258291e+07 3.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Lcals
3448088579 27.0 regionprofile 0.740920 0.740920 0.740920 0.740920 128.0 3.355443e+08 9.200030e+07 6.291456e+06 3.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Lcals
4239478529 27.0 regionprofile 2.866099 2.866099 2.866099 2.866099 128.0 1.342177e+09 3.685104e+08 2.516582e+07 3.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Lcals
{'name': 'Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 34.0 regionprofile 0.461355 0.461355 0.461355 0.461355 256.0 1.342177e+09 7.549747e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 200.0 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
265496014 34.0 regionprofile 0.061002 0.061002 0.061002 0.061002 256.0 1.677722e+08 9.437184e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 200.0 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
660934317 30.0 regionprofile 0.108448 0.108448 0.108448 0.108448 1024.0 3.355443e+08 1.887437e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 200.0 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
1814734126 28.0 regionprofile 0.061602 0.061602 0.061602 0.061602 128.0 1.677722e+08 9.437184e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 200.0 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
1827081399 30.0 regionprofile 0.214103 0.214103 0.214103 0.214103 1024.0 6.710886e+08 3.774874e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 200.0 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
1929620569 28.0 regionprofile 0.448522 0.448522 0.448522 0.448522 512.0 1.342177e+09 7.549747e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 200.0 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
1961776703 28.0 regionprofile 0.113229 0.113229 0.113229 0.113229 512.0 3.355443e+08 1.887437e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 200.0 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
2048829733 30.0 regionprofile 0.056206 0.056206 0.056206 0.056206 1024.0 1.677722e+08 9.437184e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 200.0 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
2421282334 28.0 regionprofile 0.058284 0.058284 0.058284 0.058284 512.0 1.677722e+08 9.437184e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 200.0 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
2458031255 28.0 regionprofile 0.236979 0.236979 0.236979 0.236979 128.0 6.710886e+08 3.774874e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 200.0 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
2549393441 30.0 regionprofile 0.427363 0.427363 0.427363 0.427363 1024.0 1.342177e+09 7.549747e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 200.0 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
3110669202 34.0 regionprofile 0.117024 0.117024 0.117024 0.117024 256.0 3.355443e+08 1.887437e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 200.0 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
3243506532 34.0 regionprofile 0.231394 0.231394 0.231394 0.231394 256.0 6.710886e+08 3.774874e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 200.0 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
3415058838 28.0 regionprofile 0.224460 0.224460 0.224460 0.224460 512.0 6.710886e+08 3.774874e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 200.0 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
3448088579 28.0 regionprofile 0.119687 0.119687 0.119687 0.119687 128.0 3.355443e+08 1.887437e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 200.0 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
4239478529 28.0 regionprofile 0.471917 0.471917 0.471917 0.471917 128.0 1.342177e+09 7.549747e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 200.0 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
{'name': 'Lcals_EOS', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 35.0 regionprofile 0.164599 0.164599 0.164599 0.164599 256.0 2.684355e+08 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 Lcals_EOS
265496014 35.0 regionprofile 0.022652 0.022652 0.022652 0.022652 256.0 3.355449e+07 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 Lcals_EOS
660934317 31.0 regionprofile 0.043215 0.043215 0.043215 0.043215 1024.0 6.710892e+07 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 Lcals_EOS
1814734126 29.0 regionprofile 0.022674 0.022674 0.022674 0.022674 128.0 3.355449e+07 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 Lcals_EOS
1827081399 31.0 regionprofile 0.083781 0.083781 0.083781 0.083781 1024.0 1.342178e+08 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 Lcals_EOS
1929620569 29.0 regionprofile 0.165135 0.165135 0.165135 0.165135 512.0 2.684355e+08 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 Lcals_EOS
1961776703 29.0 regionprofile 0.043166 0.043166 0.043166 0.043166 512.0 6.710892e+07 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 Lcals_EOS
2048829733 31.0 regionprofile 0.022659 0.022659 0.022659 0.022659 1024.0 3.355449e+07 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 Lcals_EOS
2421282334 29.0 regionprofile 0.023216 0.023216 0.023216 0.023216 512.0 3.355449e+07 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 Lcals_EOS
2458031255 29.0 regionprofile 0.084055 0.084055 0.084055 0.084055 128.0 1.342178e+08 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 Lcals_EOS
2549393441 31.0 regionprofile 0.165140 0.165140 0.165140 0.165140 1024.0 2.684355e+08 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 Lcals_EOS
3110669202 35.0 regionprofile 0.043146 0.043146 0.043146 0.043146 256.0 6.710892e+07 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 Lcals_EOS
3243506532 35.0 regionprofile 0.083785 0.083785 0.083785 0.083785 256.0 1.342178e+08 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 Lcals_EOS
3415058838 29.0 regionprofile 0.083872 0.083872 0.083872 0.083872 512.0 1.342178e+08 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 Lcals_EOS
3448088579 29.0 regionprofile 0.043212 0.043212 0.043212 0.043212 128.0 6.710892e+07 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 Lcals_EOS
4239478529 29.0 regionprofile 0.163718 0.163718 0.163718 0.163718 128.0 2.684355e+08 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 Lcals_EOS
{'name': 'Lcals_FIRST_DIFF', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 36.0 regionprofile 0.339369 0.339369 0.339369 0.339369 256.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
265496014 36.0 regionprofile 0.048188 0.048188 0.048188 0.048188 256.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
660934317 32.0 regionprofile 0.090215 0.090215 0.090215 0.090215 1024.0 3.355444e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
1814734126 30.0 regionprofile 0.048094 0.048094 0.048094 0.048094 128.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
1827081399 32.0 regionprofile 0.173699 0.173699 0.173699 0.173699 1024.0 6.710887e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
1929620569 30.0 regionprofile 0.339742 0.339742 0.339742 0.339742 512.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
1961776703 30.0 regionprofile 0.090736 0.090736 0.090736 0.090736 512.0 3.355444e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
2048829733 32.0 regionprofile 0.048496 0.048496 0.048496 0.048496 1024.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
2421282334 30.0 regionprofile 0.048319 0.048319 0.048319 0.048319 512.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
2458031255 30.0 regionprofile 0.173070 0.173070 0.173070 0.173070 128.0 6.710887e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
2549393441 32.0 regionprofile 0.340453 0.340453 0.340453 0.340453 1024.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
3110669202 36.0 regionprofile 0.089960 0.089960 0.089960 0.089960 256.0 3.355444e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
3243506532 36.0 regionprofile 0.173200 0.173200 0.173200 0.173200 256.0 6.710887e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
3415058838 30.0 regionprofile 0.173436 0.173436 0.173436 0.173436 512.0 6.710887e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
3448088579 30.0 regionprofile 0.089910 0.089910 0.089910 0.089910 128.0 3.355444e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
4239478529 30.0 regionprofile 0.339211 0.339211 0.339211 0.339211 128.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
{'name': 'Lcals_FIRST_MIN', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 37.0 regionprofile 0.018082 0.018082 0.018082 0.018082 256.0 6.710890e+07 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
265496014 37.0 regionprofile 0.004917 0.004917 0.004917 0.004917 256.0 8.388640e+06 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
660934317 33.0 regionprofile 0.006409 0.006409 0.006409 0.006409 1024.0 1.677725e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
1814734126 31.0 regionprofile 0.005570 0.005570 0.005570 0.005570 128.0 8.388640e+06 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
1827081399 33.0 regionprofile 0.010380 0.010380 0.010380 0.010380 1024.0 3.355446e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
1929620569 31.0 regionprofile 0.016001 0.016001 0.016001 0.016001 512.0 6.710890e+07 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
1961776703 31.0 regionprofile 0.005893 0.005893 0.005893 0.005893 512.0 1.677725e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
2048829733 33.0 regionprofile 0.004475 0.004475 0.004475 0.004475 1024.0 8.388640e+06 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
2421282334 31.0 regionprofile 0.004600 0.004600 0.004600 0.004600 512.0 8.388640e+06 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
2458031255 31.0 regionprofile 0.012164 0.012164 0.012164 0.012164 128.0 3.355446e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
2549393441 33.0 regionprofile 0.017487 0.017487 0.017487 0.017487 1024.0 6.710890e+07 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
3110669202 37.0 regionprofile 0.006515 0.006515 0.006515 0.006515 256.0 1.677725e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
3243506532 37.0 regionprofile 0.009742 0.009742 0.009742 0.009742 256.0 3.355446e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
3415058838 31.0 regionprofile 0.009258 0.009258 0.009258 0.009258 512.0 3.355446e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
3448088579 31.0 regionprofile 0.007701 0.007701 0.007701 0.007701 128.0 1.677725e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
4239478529 31.0 regionprofile 0.021264 0.021264 0.021264 0.021264 128.0 6.710890e+07 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
{'name': 'Lcals_FIRST_SUM', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 38.0 regionprofile 0.339304 0.339304 0.339304 0.339304 256.0 1.342177e+08 8.388607e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
265496014 38.0 regionprofile 0.048262 0.048262 0.048262 0.048262 256.0 1.677721e+07 1.048575e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
660934317 34.0 regionprofile 0.091053 0.091053 0.091053 0.091053 1024.0 3.355442e+07 2.097151e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
1814734126 32.0 regionprofile 0.048174 0.048174 0.048174 0.048174 128.0 1.677721e+07 1.048575e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
1827081399 34.0 regionprofile 0.174571 0.174571 0.174571 0.174571 1024.0 6.710886e+07 4.194303e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
1929620569 32.0 regionprofile 0.340061 0.340061 0.340061 0.340061 512.0 1.342177e+08 8.388607e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
1961776703 32.0 regionprofile 0.090401 0.090401 0.090401 0.090401 512.0 3.355442e+07 2.097151e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
2048829733 34.0 regionprofile 0.048660 0.048660 0.048660 0.048660 1024.0 1.677721e+07 1.048575e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
2421282334 32.0 regionprofile 0.048429 0.048429 0.048429 0.048429 512.0 1.677721e+07 1.048575e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
2458031255 32.0 regionprofile 0.173145 0.173145 0.173145 0.173145 128.0 6.710886e+07 4.194303e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
2549393441 34.0 regionprofile 0.341924 0.341924 0.341924 0.341924 1024.0 1.342177e+08 8.388607e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
3110669202 38.0 regionprofile 0.090116 0.090116 0.090116 0.090116 256.0 3.355442e+07 2.097151e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
3243506532 38.0 regionprofile 0.173302 0.173302 0.173302 0.173302 256.0 6.710886e+07 4.194303e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
3415058838 32.0 regionprofile 0.173509 0.173509 0.173509 0.173509 512.0 6.710886e+07 4.194303e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
3448088579 32.0 regionprofile 0.090045 0.090045 0.090045 0.090045 128.0 3.355442e+07 2.097151e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
4239478529 32.0 regionprofile 0.339436 0.339436 0.339436 0.339436 128.0 1.342177e+08 8.388607e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
{'name': 'Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 39.0 regionprofile 0.406927 0.406927 0.406927 0.406927 256.0 6.710886e+08 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 2.0 8388608.0 500.0 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
265496014 39.0 regionprofile 0.048982 0.048982 0.048982 0.048982 256.0 8.388608e+07 6.291456e+06 1.048576e+06 2.0 1048576.0 500.0 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
660934317 35.0 regionprofile 0.099693 0.099693 0.099693 0.099693 1024.0 1.677722e+08 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 2.0 2097152.0 500.0 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
1814734126 33.0 regionprofile 0.049221 0.049221 0.049221 0.049221 128.0 8.388608e+07 6.291456e+06 1.048576e+06 2.0 1048576.0 500.0 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
1827081399 35.0 regionprofile 0.202094 0.202094 0.202094 0.202094 1024.0 3.355443e+08 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 2.0 4194304.0 500.0 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
1929620569 33.0 regionprofile 0.406116 0.406116 0.406116 0.406116 512.0 6.710886e+08 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 2.0 8388608.0 500.0 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
1961776703 33.0 regionprofile 0.099585 0.099585 0.099585 0.099585 512.0 1.677722e+08 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 2.0 2097152.0 500.0 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
2048829733 35.0 regionprofile 0.048841 0.048841 0.048841 0.048841 1024.0 8.388608e+07 6.291456e+06 1.048576e+06 2.0 1048576.0 500.0 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
2421282334 33.0 regionprofile 0.048876 0.048876 0.048876 0.048876 512.0 8.388608e+07 6.291456e+06 1.048576e+06 2.0 1048576.0 500.0 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
2458031255 33.0 regionprofile 0.202627 0.202627 0.202627 0.202627 128.0 3.355443e+08 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 2.0 4194304.0 500.0 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
2549393441 35.0 regionprofile 0.406465 0.406465 0.406465 0.406465 1024.0 6.710886e+08 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 2.0 8388608.0 500.0 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
3110669202 39.0 regionprofile 0.099787 0.099787 0.099787 0.099787 256.0 1.677722e+08 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 2.0 2097152.0 500.0 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
3243506532 39.0 regionprofile 0.202183 0.202183 0.202183 0.202183 256.0 3.355443e+08 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 2.0 4194304.0 500.0 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
3415058838 33.0 regionprofile 0.202172 0.202172 0.202172 0.202172 512.0 3.355443e+08 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 2.0 4194304.0 500.0 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
3448088579 33.0 regionprofile 0.100018 0.100018 0.100018 0.100018 128.0 1.677722e+08 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 2.0 2097152.0 500.0 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
4239478529 33.0 regionprofile 0.407307 0.407307 0.407307 0.407307 128.0 6.710886e+08 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 2.0 8388608.0 500.0 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
{'name': 'Lcals_HYDRO_1D', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 40.0 regionprofile 0.242074 0.242074 0.242074 0.242074 256.0 2.013266e+08 4.194304e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
265496014 40.0 regionprofile 0.033772 0.033772 0.033772 0.033772 256.0 2.516583e+07 5.242880e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
660934317 36.0 regionprofile 0.063929 0.063929 0.063929 0.063929 1024.0 5.033166e+07 1.048576e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
1814734126 34.0 regionprofile 0.033902 0.033902 0.033902 0.033902 128.0 2.516583e+07 5.242880e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
1827081399 36.0 regionprofile 0.123442 0.123442 0.123442 0.123442 1024.0 1.006633e+08 2.097152e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
1929620569 34.0 regionprofile 0.242341 0.242341 0.242341 0.242341 512.0 2.013266e+08 4.194304e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
1961776703 34.0 regionprofile 0.063795 0.063795 0.063795 0.063795 512.0 5.033166e+07 1.048576e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
2048829733 36.0 regionprofile 0.033828 0.033828 0.033828 0.033828 1024.0 2.516583e+07 5.242880e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
2421282334 34.0 regionprofile 0.033877 0.033877 0.033877 0.033877 512.0 2.516583e+07 5.242880e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
2458031255 34.0 regionprofile 0.123286 0.123286 0.123286 0.123286 128.0 1.006633e+08 2.097152e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
2549393441 36.0 regionprofile 0.242579 0.242579 0.242579 0.242579 1024.0 2.013266e+08 4.194304e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
3110669202 40.0 regionprofile 0.063725 0.063725 0.063725 0.063725 256.0 5.033166e+07 1.048576e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
3243506532 40.0 regionprofile 0.123186 0.123186 0.123186 0.123186 256.0 1.006633e+08 2.097152e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
3415058838 34.0 regionprofile 0.123447 0.123447 0.123447 0.123447 512.0 1.006633e+08 2.097152e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
3448088579 34.0 regionprofile 0.063721 0.063721 0.063721 0.063721 128.0 5.033166e+07 1.048576e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
4239478529 34.0 regionprofile 0.242067 0.242067 0.242067 0.242067 128.0 2.013266e+08 4.194304e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
{'name': 'Lcals_HYDRO_2D', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 41.0 regionprofile 0.171160 0.171160 0.171160 0.171160 256.0 1.206775e+09 3.685104e+08 2.516582e+07 3.0 8388608.0 100.0 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
265496014 41.0 regionprofile 0.022714 0.022714 0.022714 0.022714 256.0 1.506676e+08 4.595730e+07 3.145728e+06 3.0 1048576.0 100.0 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
660934317 37.0 regionprofile 0.043889 0.043889 0.043889 0.043889 1024.0 3.014623e+08 9.200030e+07 6.291456e+06 3.0 2097152.0 100.0 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
1814734126 35.0 regionprofile 0.022876 0.022876 0.022876 0.022876 128.0 1.506676e+08 4.595730e+07 3.145728e+06 3.0 1048576.0 100.0 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
1827081399 37.0 regionprofile 0.089834 0.089834 0.089834 0.089834 1024.0 6.033247e+08 1.841891e+08 1.258291e+07 3.0 4194304.0 100.0 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
1929620569 35.0 regionprofile 0.171241 0.171241 0.171241 0.171241 512.0 1.206775e+09 3.685104e+08 2.516582e+07 3.0 8388608.0 100.0 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
1961776703 35.0 regionprofile 0.043595 0.043595 0.043595 0.043595 512.0 3.014623e+08 9.200030e+07 6.291456e+06 3.0 2097152.0 100.0 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
2048829733 37.0 regionprofile 0.022825 0.022825 0.022825 0.022825 1024.0 1.506676e+08 4.595730e+07 3.145728e+06 3.0 1048576.0 100.0 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
2421282334 35.0 regionprofile 0.022869 0.022869 0.022869 0.022869 512.0 1.506676e+08 4.595730e+07 3.145728e+06 3.0 1048576.0 100.0 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
2458031255 35.0 regionprofile 0.086800 0.086800 0.086800 0.086800 128.0 6.033247e+08 1.841891e+08 1.258291e+07 3.0 4194304.0 100.0 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
2549393441 37.0 regionprofile 0.173475 0.173475 0.173475 0.173475 1024.0 1.206775e+09 3.685104e+08 2.516582e+07 3.0 8388608.0 100.0 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
3110669202 41.0 regionprofile 0.043686 0.043686 0.043686 0.043686 256.0 3.014623e+08 9.200030e+07 6.291456e+06 3.0 2097152.0 100.0 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
3243506532 41.0 regionprofile 0.086387 0.086387 0.086387 0.086387 256.0 6.033247e+08 1.841891e+08 1.258291e+07 3.0 4194304.0 100.0 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
3415058838 35.0 regionprofile 0.086439 0.086439 0.086439 0.086439 512.0 6.033247e+08 1.841891e+08 1.258291e+07 3.0 4194304.0 100.0 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
3448088579 35.0 regionprofile 0.043652 0.043652 0.043652 0.043652 128.0 3.014623e+08 9.200030e+07 6.291456e+06 3.0 2097152.0 100.0 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
4239478529 35.0 regionprofile 0.171752 0.171752 0.171752 0.171752 128.0 1.206775e+09 3.685104e+08 2.516582e+07 3.0 8388608.0 100.0 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
{'name': 'Lcals_INT_PREDICT', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 42.0 regionprofile 0.363736 0.363736 0.363736 0.363736 256.0 7.381975e+08 1.426063e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 400.0 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
265496014 42.0 regionprofile 0.046705 0.046705 0.046705 0.046705 256.0 9.227469e+07 1.782579e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 400.0 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
660934317 38.0 regionprofile 0.092135 0.092135 0.092135 0.092135 1024.0 1.845494e+08 3.565158e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 400.0 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
1814734126 36.0 regionprofile 0.046661 0.046661 0.046661 0.046661 128.0 9.227469e+07 1.782579e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 400.0 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
1827081399 38.0 regionprofile 0.182715 0.182715 0.182715 0.182715 1024.0 3.690988e+08 7.130317e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 400.0 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
1929620569 36.0 regionprofile 0.363456 0.363456 0.363456 0.363456 512.0 7.381975e+08 1.426063e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 400.0 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
1961776703 36.0 regionprofile 0.092147 0.092147 0.092147 0.092147 512.0 1.845494e+08 3.565158e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 400.0 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
2048829733 38.0 regionprofile 0.046876 0.046876 0.046876 0.046876 1024.0 9.227469e+07 1.782579e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 400.0 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
2421282334 36.0 regionprofile 0.046804 0.046804 0.046804 0.046804 512.0 9.227469e+07 1.782579e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 400.0 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
2458031255 36.0 regionprofile 0.182561 0.182561 0.182561 0.182561 128.0 3.690988e+08 7.130317e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 400.0 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
2549393441 38.0 regionprofile 0.363552 0.363552 0.363552 0.363552 1024.0 7.381975e+08 1.426063e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 400.0 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
3110669202 42.0 regionprofile 0.092040 0.092040 0.092040 0.092040 256.0 1.845494e+08 3.565158e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 400.0 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
3243506532 42.0 regionprofile 0.182702 0.182702 0.182702 0.182702 256.0 3.690988e+08 7.130317e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 400.0 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
3415058838 36.0 regionprofile 0.182630 0.182630 0.182630 0.182630 512.0 3.690988e+08 7.130317e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 400.0 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
3448088579 36.0 regionprofile 0.091770 0.091770 0.091770 0.091770 128.0 1.845494e+08 3.565158e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 400.0 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
4239478529 36.0 regionprofile 0.363553 0.363553 0.363553 0.363553 128.0 7.381975e+08 1.426063e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 400.0 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
{'name': 'Lcals_PLANCKIAN', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 43.0 regionprofile 0.020306 0.020306 0.020306 0.020306 256.0 3.355443e+08 3.355443e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
265496014 43.0 regionprofile 0.002757 0.002757 0.002757 0.002757 256.0 4.194304e+07 4.194304e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
660934317 39.0 regionprofile 0.005336 0.005336 0.005336 0.005336 1024.0 8.388608e+07 8.388608e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
1814734126 37.0 regionprofile 0.002758 0.002758 0.002758 0.002758 128.0 4.194304e+07 4.194304e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
1827081399 39.0 regionprofile 0.010323 0.010323 0.010323 0.010323 1024.0 1.677722e+08 1.677722e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
1929620569 37.0 regionprofile 0.020343 0.020343 0.020343 0.020343 512.0 3.355443e+08 3.355443e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
1961776703 37.0 regionprofile 0.005270 0.005270 0.005270 0.005270 512.0 8.388608e+07 8.388608e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
2048829733 39.0 regionprofile 0.002760 0.002760 0.002760 0.002760 1024.0 4.194304e+07 4.194304e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
2421282334 37.0 regionprofile 0.002738 0.002738 0.002738 0.002738 512.0 4.194304e+07 4.194304e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
2458031255 37.0 regionprofile 0.010287 0.010287 0.010287 0.010287 128.0 1.677722e+08 1.677722e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
2549393441 39.0 regionprofile 0.020377 0.020377 0.020377 0.020377 1024.0 3.355443e+08 3.355443e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
3110669202 43.0 regionprofile 0.005254 0.005254 0.005254 0.005254 256.0 8.388608e+07 8.388608e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
3243506532 43.0 regionprofile 0.010279 0.010279 0.010279 0.010279 256.0 1.677722e+08 1.677722e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
3415058838 37.0 regionprofile 0.010297 0.010297 0.010297 0.010297 512.0 1.677722e+08 1.677722e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
3448088579 37.0 regionprofile 0.005265 0.005265 0.005265 0.005265 128.0 8.388608e+07 8.388608e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
4239478529 37.0 regionprofile 0.020310 0.020310 0.020310 0.020310 128.0 3.355443e+08 3.355443e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
{'name': 'Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 44.0 regionprofile 0.327416 0.327416 0.327416 0.327416 256.0 2.684354e+08 1.677721e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
265496014 44.0 regionprofile 0.044553 0.044553 0.044553 0.044553 256.0 3.355440e+07 2.097150e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
660934317 40.0 regionprofile 0.085974 0.085974 0.085974 0.085974 1024.0 6.710883e+07 4.194302e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
1814734126 38.0 regionprofile 0.044595 0.044595 0.044595 0.044595 128.0 3.355440e+07 2.097150e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
1827081399 40.0 regionprofile 0.166786 0.166786 0.166786 0.166786 1024.0 1.342177e+08 8.388606e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
1929620569 38.0 regionprofile 0.327626 0.327626 0.327626 0.327626 512.0 2.684354e+08 1.677721e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
1961776703 38.0 regionprofile 0.085929 0.085929 0.085929 0.085929 512.0 6.710883e+07 4.194302e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
2048829733 40.0 regionprofile 0.044731 0.044731 0.044731 0.044731 1024.0 3.355440e+07 2.097150e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
2421282334 38.0 regionprofile 0.044662 0.044662 0.044662 0.044662 512.0 3.355440e+07 2.097150e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
2458031255 38.0 regionprofile 0.164922 0.164922 0.164922 0.164922 128.0 1.342177e+08 8.388606e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
2549393441 40.0 regionprofile 0.327929 0.327929 0.327929 0.327929 1024.0 2.684354e+08 1.677721e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
3110669202 44.0 regionprofile 0.085758 0.085758 0.085758 0.085758 256.0 6.710883e+07 4.194302e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
3243506532 44.0 regionprofile 0.166154 0.166154 0.166154 0.166154 256.0 1.342177e+08 8.388606e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
3415058838 38.0 regionprofile 0.166799 0.166799 0.166799 0.166799 512.0 1.342177e+08 8.388606e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
3448088579 38.0 regionprofile 0.085855 0.085855 0.085855 0.085855 128.0 6.710883e+07 4.194302e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
4239478529 38.0 regionprofile 0.325473 0.325473 0.325473 0.325473 128.0 2.684354e+08 1.677721e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
{'name': 'Polybench', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 45.0 regionprofile 6.574260 6.574260 6.574260 6.574260 256.0 2.684801e+10 8.572211e+10 1.006765e+09 160.0 8392609.0 120.0 Polybench
265496014 45.0 regionprofile 0.607511 0.607511 0.607511 0.607511 256.0 3.359049e+09 6.797544e+09 1.259520e+08 160.0 1050625.0 120.0 Polybench
660934317 41.0 regionprofile 1.810362 1.810362 1.810362 1.810362 1024.0 6.714551e+09 1.536488e+10 2.517783e+08 160.0 2099601.0 120.0 Polybench
1814734126 39.0 regionprofile 0.582509 0.582509 0.582509 0.582509 128.0 3.359049e+09 6.797544e+09 1.259520e+08 160.0 1050625.0 120.0 Polybench
1827081399 41.0 regionprofile 3.526532 3.526532 3.526532 3.526532 1024.0 1.342898e+10 3.576198e+10 5.035623e+08 160.0 4198401.0 120.0 Polybench
1929620569 39.0 regionprofile 6.821886 6.821886 6.821886 6.821886 512.0 2.684801e+10 8.572211e+10 1.006765e+09 160.0 8392609.0 120.0 Polybench
1961776703 39.0 regionprofile 1.400618 1.400618 1.400618 1.400618 512.0 6.714551e+09 1.536488e+10 2.517783e+08 160.0 2099601.0 120.0 Polybench
2048829733 41.0 regionprofile 0.984129 0.984129 0.984129 0.984129 1024.0 3.359049e+09 6.797544e+09 1.259520e+08 160.0 1050625.0 120.0 Polybench
2421282334 39.0 regionprofile 0.703567 0.703567 0.703567 0.703567 512.0 3.359049e+09 6.797544e+09 1.259520e+08 160.0 1050625.0 120.0 Polybench
2458031255 39.0 regionprofile 2.746726 2.746726 2.746726 2.746726 128.0 1.342898e+10 3.576198e+10 5.035623e+08 160.0 4198401.0 120.0 Polybench
2549393441 41.0 regionprofile 7.627384 7.627384 7.627384 7.627384 1024.0 2.684801e+10 8.572211e+10 1.006765e+09 160.0 8392609.0 120.0 Polybench
3110669202 45.0 regionprofile 1.261850 1.261850 1.261850 1.261850 256.0 6.714551e+09 1.536488e+10 2.517783e+08 160.0 2099601.0 120.0 Polybench
3243506532 45.0 regionprofile 2.775290 2.775290 2.775290 2.775290 256.0 1.342898e+10 3.576198e+10 5.035623e+08 160.0 4198401.0 120.0 Polybench
3415058838 39.0 regionprofile 2.948133 2.948133 2.948133 2.948133 512.0 1.342898e+10 3.576198e+10 5.035623e+08 160.0 4198401.0 120.0 Polybench
3448088579 39.0 regionprofile 1.226385 1.226385 1.226385 1.226385 128.0 6.714551e+09 1.536488e+10 2.517783e+08 160.0 2099601.0 120.0 Polybench
4239478529 39.0 regionprofile 6.560859 6.560859 6.560859 6.560859 128.0 2.684801e+10 8.572211e+10 1.006765e+09 160.0 8392609.0 120.0 Polybench
{'name': 'Polybench_2MM', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 46.0 regionprofile 0.080000 0.080000 0.080000 0.080000 256.0 3.204777e+08 7.682594e+10 1.678522e+07 2.0 8392609.0 2.0 Polybench_2MM
265496014 46.0 regionprofile 0.006037 0.006037 0.006037 0.006037 256.0 5.198800e+07 5.683881e+09 2.101250e+06 2.0 1050625.0 2.0 Polybench_2MM
660934317 42.0 regionprofile 0.013925 0.013925 0.013925 0.013925 1024.0 9.315331e+07 1.313930e+10 4.199202e+06 2.0 2099601.0 2.0 Polybench_2MM
1814734126 40.0 regionprofile 0.006010 0.006010 0.006010 0.006010 128.0 5.198800e+07 5.683881e+09 2.101250e+06 2.0 1050625.0 2.0 Polybench_2MM
1827081399 42.0 regionprofile 0.034279 0.034279 0.034279 0.034279 1024.0 1.710669e+08 3.131167e+10 8.396802e+06 2.0 4198401.0 2.0 Polybench_2MM
1929620569 40.0 regionprofile 0.082365 0.082365 0.082365 0.082365 512.0 3.204777e+08 7.682594e+10 1.678522e+07 2.0 8392609.0 2.0 Polybench_2MM
1961776703 40.0 regionprofile 0.013560 0.013560 0.013560 0.013560 512.0 9.315331e+07 1.313930e+10 4.199202e+06 2.0 2099601.0 2.0 Polybench_2MM
2048829733 42.0 regionprofile 0.006458 0.006458 0.006458 0.006458 1024.0 5.198800e+07 5.683881e+09 2.101250e+06 2.0 1050625.0 2.0 Polybench_2MM
2421282334 40.0 regionprofile 0.006220 0.006220 0.006220 0.006220 512.0 5.198800e+07 5.683881e+09 2.101250e+06 2.0 1050625.0 2.0 Polybench_2MM
2458031255 40.0 regionprofile 0.032475 0.032475 0.032475 0.032475 128.0 1.710669e+08 3.131167e+10 8.396802e+06 2.0 4198401.0 2.0 Polybench_2MM
2549393441 42.0 regionprofile 0.085204 0.085204 0.085204 0.085204 1024.0 3.204777e+08 7.682594e+10 1.678522e+07 2.0 8392609.0 2.0 Polybench_2MM
3110669202 46.0 regionprofile 0.013433 0.013433 0.013433 0.013433 256.0 9.315331e+07 1.313930e+10 4.199202e+06 2.0 2099601.0 2.0 Polybench_2MM
3243506532 46.0 regionprofile 0.032352 0.032352 0.032352 0.032352 256.0 1.710669e+08 3.131167e+10 8.396802e+06 2.0 4198401.0 2.0 Polybench_2MM
3415058838 40.0 regionprofile 0.032715 0.032715 0.032715 0.032715 512.0 1.710669e+08 3.131167e+10 8.396802e+06 2.0 4198401.0 2.0 Polybench_2MM
3448088579 40.0 regionprofile 0.013480 0.013480 0.013480 0.013480 128.0 9.315331e+07 1.313930e+10 4.199202e+06 2.0 2099601.0 2.0 Polybench_2MM
4239478529 40.0 regionprofile 0.080898 0.080898 0.080898 0.080898 128.0 3.204777e+08 7.682594e+10 1.678522e+07 2.0 8392609.0 2.0 Polybench_2MM
{'name': 'Polybench_3MM', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 47.0 regionprofile 0.103939 0.103939 0.103939 0.103939 256.0 4.381423e+08 8.572211e+10 2.517783e+07 3.0 8392609.0 2.0 Polybench_3MM
265496014 47.0 regionprofile 0.009185 0.009185 0.009185 0.009185 256.0 7.826900e+07 6.797544e+09 3.151875e+06 3.0 1050625.0 2.0 Polybench_3MM
660934317 43.0 regionprofile 0.019976 0.019976 0.019976 0.019976 1024.0 1.352207e+08 1.536488e+10 6.298803e+06 3.0 2099601.0 2.0 Polybench_3MM
1814734126 41.0 regionprofile 0.009086 0.009086 0.009086 0.009086 128.0 7.826900e+07 6.797544e+09 3.151875e+06 3.0 1050625.0 2.0 Polybench_3MM
1827081399 43.0 regionprofile 0.046937 0.046937 0.046937 0.046937 1024.0 2.403887e+08 3.576198e+10 1.259520e+07 3.0 4198401.0 2.0 Polybench_3MM
1929620569 41.0 regionprofile 0.107892 0.107892 0.107892 0.107892 512.0 4.381423e+08 8.572211e+10 2.517783e+07 3.0 8392609.0 2.0 Polybench_3MM
1961776703 41.0 regionprofile 0.019314 0.019314 0.019314 0.019314 512.0 1.352207e+08 1.536488e+10 6.298803e+06 3.0 2099601.0 2.0 Polybench_3MM
2048829733 43.0 regionprofile 0.009796 0.009796 0.009796 0.009796 1024.0 7.826900e+07 6.797544e+09 3.151875e+06 3.0 1050625.0 2.0 Polybench_3MM
2421282334 41.0 regionprofile 0.009371 0.009371 0.009371 0.009371 512.0 7.826900e+07 6.797544e+09 3.151875e+06 3.0 1050625.0 2.0 Polybench_3MM
2458031255 41.0 regionprofile 0.043815 0.043815 0.043815 0.043815 128.0 2.403887e+08 3.576198e+10 1.259520e+07 3.0 4198401.0 2.0 Polybench_3MM
2549393441 43.0 regionprofile 0.110970 0.110970 0.110970 0.110970 1024.0 4.381423e+08 8.572211e+10 2.517783e+07 3.0 8392609.0 2.0 Polybench_3MM
3110669202 47.0 regionprofile 0.019195 0.019195 0.019195 0.019195 256.0 1.352207e+08 1.536488e+10 6.298803e+06 3.0 2099601.0 2.0 Polybench_3MM
3243506532 47.0 regionprofile 0.044279 0.044279 0.044279 0.044279 256.0 2.403887e+08 3.576198e+10 1.259520e+07 3.0 4198401.0 2.0 Polybench_3MM
3415058838 41.0 regionprofile 0.044810 0.044810 0.044810 0.044810 512.0 2.403887e+08 3.576198e+10 1.259520e+07 3.0 4198401.0 2.0 Polybench_3MM
3448088579 41.0 regionprofile 0.019303 0.019303 0.019303 0.019303 128.0 1.352207e+08 1.536488e+10 6.298803e+06 3.0 2099601.0 2.0 Polybench_3MM
4239478529 41.0 regionprofile 0.103543 0.103543 0.103543 0.103543 128.0 4.381423e+08 8.572211e+10 2.517783e+07 3.0 8392609.0 2.0 Polybench_3MM
{'name': 'Polybench_ADI', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 48.0 regionprofile 0.160987 0.160987 0.160987 0.160987 256.0 3.220537e+09 1.139819e+09 2.316000e+04 8.0 8381025.0 4.0 Polybench_ADI
265496014 48.0 regionprofile 0.050259 0.050259 0.050259 0.050259 256.0 4.026528e+08 1.423279e+08 8.184000e+03 8.0 1046529.0 4.0 Polybench_ADI
660934317 44.0 regionprofile 0.308774 0.308774 0.308774 0.308774 1024.0 8.051340e+08 2.847580e+08 1.157600e+04 8.0 2093809.0 4.0 Polybench_ADI
1814734126 42.0 regionprofile 0.037492 0.037492 0.037492 0.037492 128.0 4.026528e+08 1.423279e+08 8.184000e+03 8.0 1046529.0 4.0 Polybench_ADI
1827081399 44.0 regionprofile 0.429252 0.429252 0.429252 0.429252 1024.0 1.610612e+09 5.698684e+08 1.637600e+04 8.0 4190209.0 4.0 Polybench_ADI
1929620569 42.0 regionprofile 0.277871 0.277871 0.277871 0.277871 512.0 3.220537e+09 1.139819e+09 2.316000e+04 8.0 8381025.0 4.0 Polybench_ADI
1961776703 42.0 regionprofile 0.137867 0.137867 0.137867 0.137867 512.0 8.051340e+08 2.847580e+08 1.157600e+04 8.0 2093809.0 4.0 Polybench_ADI
2048829733 44.0 regionprofile 0.214429 0.214429 0.214429 0.214429 1024.0 4.026528e+08 1.423279e+08 8.184000e+03 8.0 1046529.0 4.0 Polybench_ADI
2421282334 42.0 regionprofile 0.102990 0.102990 0.102990 0.102990 512.0 4.026528e+08 1.423279e+08 8.184000e+03 8.0 1046529.0 4.0 Polybench_ADI
2458031255 42.0 regionprofile 0.080987 0.080987 0.080987 0.080987 128.0 1.610612e+09 5.698684e+08 1.637600e+04 8.0 4190209.0 4.0 Polybench_ADI
2549393441 44.0 regionprofile 0.616406 0.616406 0.616406 0.616406 1024.0 3.220537e+09 1.139819e+09 2.316000e+04 8.0 8381025.0 4.0 Polybench_ADI
3110669202 48.0 regionprofile 0.071380 0.071380 0.071380 0.071380 256.0 8.051340e+08 2.847580e+08 1.157600e+04 8.0 2093809.0 4.0 Polybench_ADI
3243506532 48.0 regionprofile 0.102315 0.102315 0.102315 0.102315 256.0 1.610612e+09 5.698684e+08 1.637600e+04 8.0 4190209.0 4.0 Polybench_ADI
3415058838 42.0 regionprofile 0.190762 0.190762 0.190762 0.190762 512.0 1.610612e+09 5.698684e+08 1.637600e+04 8.0 4190209.0 4.0 Polybench_ADI
3448088579 42.0 regionprofile 0.055645 0.055645 0.055645 0.055645 128.0 8.051340e+08 2.847580e+08 1.157600e+04 8.0 2093809.0 4.0 Polybench_ADI
4239478529 42.0 regionprofile 0.128455 0.128455 0.128455 0.128455 128.0 3.220537e+09 1.139819e+09 2.316000e+04 8.0 8381025.0 4.0 Polybench_ADI
{'name': 'Polybench_ATAX', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 49.0 regionprofile 0.094969 0.094969 0.094969 0.094969 256.0 1.343976e+08 3.357044e+07 5.794000e+03 2.0 8392609.0 100.0 Polybench_ATAX
265496014 49.0 regionprofile 0.029951 0.029951 0.029951 0.029951 256.0 1.685100e+07 4.202500e+06 2.050000e+03 2.0 1050625.0 100.0 Polybench_ATAX
660934317 45.0 regionprofile 0.102804 0.102804 0.102804 0.102804 1024.0 3.365158e+07 8.398404e+06 2.898000e+03 2.0 2099601.0 100.0 Polybench_ATAX
1814734126 43.0 regionprofile 0.025928 0.025928 0.025928 0.025928 128.0 1.685100e+07 4.202500e+06 2.050000e+03 2.0 1050625.0 100.0 Polybench_ATAX
1827081399 45.0 regionprofile 0.133575 0.133575 0.133575 0.133575 1024.0 6.725638e+07 1.679360e+07 4.098000e+03 2.0 4198401.0 100.0 Polybench_ATAX
1929620569 43.0 regionprofile 0.117951 0.117951 0.117951 0.117951 512.0 1.343976e+08 3.357044e+07 5.794000e+03 2.0 8392609.0 100.0 Polybench_ATAX
1961776703 43.0 regionprofile 0.057547 0.057547 0.057547 0.057547 512.0 3.365158e+07 8.398404e+06 2.898000e+03 2.0 2099601.0 100.0 Polybench_ATAX
2048829733 45.0 regionprofile 0.066835 0.066835 0.066835 0.066835 1024.0 1.685100e+07 4.202500e+06 2.050000e+03 2.0 1050625.0 100.0 Polybench_ATAX
2421282334 43.0 regionprofile 0.036876 0.036876 0.036876 0.036876 512.0 1.685100e+07 4.202500e+06 2.050000e+03 2.0 1050625.0 100.0 Polybench_ATAX
2458031255 43.0 regionprofile 0.053237 0.053237 0.053237 0.053237 128.0 6.725638e+07 1.679360e+07 4.098000e+03 2.0 4198401.0 100.0 Polybench_ATAX
2549393441 45.0 regionprofile 0.205384 0.205384 0.205384 0.205384 1024.0 1.343976e+08 3.357044e+07 5.794000e+03 2.0 8392609.0 100.0 Polybench_ATAX
3110669202 49.0 regionprofile 0.045273 0.045273 0.045273 0.045273 256.0 3.365158e+07 8.398404e+06 2.898000e+03 2.0 2099601.0 100.0 Polybench_ATAX
3243506532 49.0 regionprofile 0.061265 0.061265 0.061265 0.061265 256.0 6.725638e+07 1.679360e+07 4.098000e+03 2.0 4198401.0 100.0 Polybench_ATAX
3415058838 43.0 regionprofile 0.076877 0.076877 0.076877 0.076877 512.0 6.725638e+07 1.679360e+07 4.098000e+03 2.0 4198401.0 100.0 Polybench_ATAX
3448088579 43.0 regionprofile 0.038216 0.038216 0.038216 0.038216 128.0 3.365158e+07 8.398404e+06 2.898000e+03 2.0 2099601.0 100.0 Polybench_ATAX
4239478529 43.0 regionprofile 0.080220 0.080220 0.080220 0.080220 128.0 1.343976e+08 3.357044e+07 5.794000e+03 2.0 8392609.0 100.0 Polybench_ATAX
{'name': 'Polybench_FDTD_2D', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 50.0 regionprofile 0.261090 0.261090 0.261090 0.261090 256.0 2.684801e+10 3.690894e+09 1.006765e+09 160.0 8389712.0 8.0 Polybench_FDTD_2D
265496014 50.0 regionprofile 0.037035 0.037035 0.037035 0.037035 256.0 3.359049e+09 4.616192e+08 1.259520e+08 160.0 1049600.0 8.0 Polybench_FDTD_2D
660934317 46.0 regionprofile 0.069264 0.069264 0.069264 0.069264 1024.0 6.714551e+09 9.228973e+08 2.517783e+08 160.0 2098152.0 8.0 Polybench_FDTD_2D
1814734126 44.0 regionprofile 0.037030 0.037030 0.037030 0.037030 128.0 3.359049e+09 4.616192e+08 1.259520e+08 160.0 1049600.0 8.0 Polybench_FDTD_2D
1827081399 46.0 regionprofile 0.133959 0.133959 0.133959 0.133959 1024.0 1.342898e+10 1.845985e+09 5.035623e+08 160.0 4196352.0 8.0 Polybench_FDTD_2D
1929620569 44.0 regionprofile 0.261079 0.261079 0.261079 0.261079 512.0 2.684801e+10 3.690894e+09 1.006765e+09 160.0 8389712.0 8.0 Polybench_FDTD_2D
1961776703 44.0 regionprofile 0.069095 0.069095 0.069095 0.069095 512.0 6.714551e+09 9.228973e+08 2.517783e+08 160.0 2098152.0 8.0 Polybench_FDTD_2D
2048829733 46.0 regionprofile 0.037306 0.037306 0.037306 0.037306 1024.0 3.359049e+09 4.616192e+08 1.259520e+08 160.0 1049600.0 8.0 Polybench_FDTD_2D
2421282334 44.0 regionprofile 0.037052 0.037052 0.037052 0.037052 512.0 3.359049e+09 4.616192e+08 1.259520e+08 160.0 1049600.0 8.0 Polybench_FDTD_2D
2458031255 44.0 regionprofile 0.133299 0.133299 0.133299 0.133299 128.0 1.342898e+10 1.845985e+09 5.035623e+08 160.0 4196352.0 8.0 Polybench_FDTD_2D
2549393441 46.0 regionprofile 0.261032 0.261032 0.261032 0.261032 1024.0 2.684801e+10 3.690894e+09 1.006765e+09 160.0 8389712.0 8.0 Polybench_FDTD_2D
3110669202 50.0 regionprofile 0.069087 0.069087 0.069087 0.069087 256.0 6.714551e+09 9.228973e+08 2.517783e+08 160.0 2098152.0 8.0 Polybench_FDTD_2D
3243506532 50.0 regionprofile 0.133321 0.133321 0.133321 0.133321 256.0 1.342898e+10 1.845985e+09 5.035623e+08 160.0 4196352.0 8.0 Polybench_FDTD_2D
3415058838 44.0 regionprofile 0.133612 0.133612 0.133612 0.133612 512.0 1.342898e+10 1.845985e+09 5.035623e+08 160.0 4196352.0 8.0 Polybench_FDTD_2D
3448088579 44.0 regionprofile 0.069062 0.069062 0.069062 0.069062 128.0 6.714551e+09 9.228973e+08 2.517783e+08 160.0 2098152.0 8.0 Polybench_FDTD_2D
4239478529 44.0 regionprofile 0.261247 0.261247 0.261247 0.261247 128.0 2.684801e+10 3.690894e+09 1.006765e+09 160.0 8389712.0 8.0 Polybench_FDTD_2D
{'name': 'Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 51.0 regionprofile 4.202254 4.202254 4.202254 4.202254 256.0 1.342817e+08 2.431339e+10 8.392609e+06 1.0 8392609.0 8.0 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
265496014 51.0 regionprofile 0.206695 0.206695 0.206695 0.206695 256.0 1.681000e+07 1.076891e+09 1.050625e+06 1.0 1050625.0 8.0 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
660934317 47.0 regionprofile 0.558328 0.558328 0.558328 0.558328 1024.0 3.359362e+07 3.042322e+09 2.099601e+06 1.0 2099601.0 8.0 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
1814734126 45.0 regionprofile 0.205779 0.205779 0.205779 0.205779 128.0 1.681000e+07 1.076891e+09 1.050625e+06 1.0 1050625.0 8.0 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
1827081399 47.0 regionprofile 1.522153 1.522153 1.522153 1.522153 1024.0 6.717442e+07 8.602524e+09 4.198401e+06 1.0 4198401.0 8.0 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
1929620569 45.0 regionprofile 4.191482 4.191482 4.191482 4.191482 512.0 1.342817e+08 2.431339e+10 8.392609e+06 1.0 8392609.0 8.0 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
1961776703 45.0 regionprofile 0.559667 0.559667 0.559667 0.559667 512.0 3.359362e+07 3.042322e+09 2.099601e+06 1.0 2099601.0 8.0 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
2048829733 47.0 regionprofile 0.207804 0.207804 0.207804 0.207804 1024.0 1.681000e+07 1.076891e+09 1.050625e+06 1.0 1050625.0 8.0 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
2421282334 45.0 regionprofile 0.206953 0.206953 0.206953 0.206953 512.0 1.681000e+07 1.076891e+09 1.050625e+06 1.0 1050625.0 8.0 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
2458031255 45.0 regionprofile 1.518138 1.518138 1.518138 1.518138 128.0 6.717442e+07 8.602524e+09 4.198401e+06 1.0 4198401.0 8.0 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
2549393441 47.0 regionprofile 4.177981 4.177981 4.177981 4.177981 1024.0 1.342817e+08 2.431339e+10 8.392609e+06 1.0 8392609.0 8.0 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
3110669202 51.0 regionprofile 0.558845 0.558845 0.558845 0.558845 256.0 3.359362e+07 3.042322e+09 2.099601e+06 1.0 2099601.0 8.0 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
3243506532 51.0 regionprofile 1.519287 1.519287 1.519287 1.519287 256.0 6.717442e+07 8.602524e+09 4.198401e+06 1.0 4198401.0 8.0 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
3415058838 45.0 regionprofile 1.520471 1.520471 1.520471 1.520471 512.0 6.717442e+07 8.602524e+09 4.198401e+06 1.0 4198401.0 8.0 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
3448088579 45.0 regionprofile 0.558492 0.558492 0.558492 0.558492 128.0 3.359362e+07 3.042322e+09 2.099601e+06 1.0 2099601.0 8.0 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
4239478529 45.0 regionprofile 4.208355 4.208355 4.208355 4.208355 128.0 1.342817e+08 2.431339e+10 8.392609e+06 1.0 8392609.0 8.0 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
{'name': 'Polybench_GEMM', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 52.0 regionprofile 0.049528 0.049528 0.049528 0.049528 256.0 1.227633e+08 3.022179e+10 8.392609e+06 1.0 8392609.0 4.0 Polybench_GEMM
265496014 52.0 regionprofile 0.006154 0.006154 0.006154 0.006154 256.0 2.808500e+07 3.783301e+09 1.050625e+06 1.0 1050625.0 4.0 Polybench_GEMM
660934317 48.0 regionprofile 0.012868 0.012868 0.012868 0.012868 1024.0 4.461761e+07 7.560663e+09 2.099601e+06 1.0 2099601.0 4.0 Polybench_GEMM
1814734126 46.0 regionprofile 0.006179 0.006179 0.006179 0.006179 128.0 2.808500e+07 3.783301e+09 1.050625e+06 1.0 1050625.0 4.0 Polybench_GEMM
1827081399 48.0 regionprofile 0.025527 0.025527 0.025527 0.025527 1024.0 7.292801e+07 1.511844e+10 4.198401e+06 1.0 4198401.0 4.0 Polybench_GEMM
1929620569 46.0 regionprofile 0.051100 0.051100 0.051100 0.051100 512.0 1.227633e+08 3.022179e+10 8.392609e+06 1.0 8392609.0 4.0 Polybench_GEMM
1961776703 46.0 regionprofile 0.012418 0.012418 0.012418 0.012418 512.0 4.461761e+07 7.560663e+09 2.099601e+06 1.0 2099601.0 4.0 Polybench_GEMM
2048829733 48.0 regionprofile 0.006680 0.006680 0.006680 0.006680 1024.0 2.808500e+07 3.783301e+09 1.050625e+06 1.0 1050625.0 4.0 Polybench_GEMM
2421282334 46.0 regionprofile 0.006411 0.006411 0.006411 0.006411 512.0 2.808500e+07 3.783301e+09 1.050625e+06 1.0 1050625.0 4.0 Polybench_GEMM
2458031255 46.0 regionprofile 0.041807 0.041807 0.041807 0.041807 128.0 7.292801e+07 1.511844e+10 4.198401e+06 1.0 4198401.0 4.0 Polybench_GEMM
2549393441 48.0 regionprofile 0.051715 0.051715 0.051715 0.051715 1024.0 1.227633e+08 3.022179e+10 8.392609e+06 1.0 8392609.0 4.0 Polybench_GEMM
3110669202 52.0 regionprofile 0.012229 0.012229 0.012229 0.012229 256.0 4.461761e+07 7.560663e+09 2.099601e+06 1.0 2099601.0 4.0 Polybench_GEMM
3243506532 52.0 regionprofile 0.024988 0.024988 0.024988 0.024988 256.0 7.292801e+07 1.511844e+10 4.198401e+06 1.0 4198401.0 4.0 Polybench_GEMM
3415058838 46.0 regionprofile 0.024878 0.024878 0.024878 0.024878 512.0 7.292801e+07 1.511844e+10 4.198401e+06 1.0 4198401.0 4.0 Polybench_GEMM
3448088579 46.0 regionprofile 0.012245 0.012245 0.012245 0.012245 128.0 4.461761e+07 7.560663e+09 2.099601e+06 1.0 2099601.0 4.0 Polybench_GEMM
4239478529 46.0 regionprofile 0.099276 0.099276 0.099276 0.099276 128.0 1.227633e+08 3.022179e+10 8.392609e+06 1.0 8392609.0 4.0 Polybench_GEMM
{'name': 'Polybench_GEMVER', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 53.0 regionprofile 0.023473 0.023473 0.023473 0.023473 256.0 2.688648e+08 8.392899e+07 2.518072e+07 4.0 8392609.0 20.0 Polybench_GEMVER
265496014 53.0 regionprofile 0.007208 0.007208 0.007208 0.007208 256.0 3.372660e+07 1.050728e+07 3.152900e+06 4.0 1050625.0 20.0 Polybench_GEMVER
660934317 49.0 regionprofile 0.021342 0.021342 0.021342 0.021342 1024.0 6.733793e+07 2.099746e+07 6.300252e+06 4.0 2099601.0 20.0 Polybench_GEMVER
1814734126 47.0 regionprofile 0.006881 0.006881 0.006881 0.006881 128.0 3.372660e+07 1.050728e+07 3.152900e+06 4.0 1050625.0 20.0 Polybench_GEMVER
1827081399 49.0 regionprofile 0.031199 0.031199 0.031199 0.031199 1024.0 1.345619e+08 4.198606e+07 1.259725e+07 4.0 4198401.0 20.0 Polybench_GEMVER
1929620569 47.0 regionprofile 0.027334 0.027334 0.027334 0.027334 512.0 2.688648e+08 8.392899e+07 2.518072e+07 4.0 8392609.0 20.0 Polybench_GEMVER
1961776703 47.0 regionprofile 0.012661 0.012661 0.012661 0.012661 512.0 6.733793e+07 2.099746e+07 6.300252e+06 4.0 2099601.0 20.0 Polybench_GEMVER
2048829733 49.0 regionprofile 0.013588 0.013588 0.013588 0.013588 1024.0 3.372660e+07 1.050728e+07 3.152900e+06 4.0 1050625.0 20.0 Polybench_GEMVER
2421282334 47.0 regionprofile 0.007988 0.007988 0.007988 0.007988 512.0 3.372660e+07 1.050728e+07 3.152900e+06 4.0 1050625.0 20.0 Polybench_GEMVER
2458031255 47.0 regionprofile 0.015631 0.015631 0.015631 0.015631 128.0 1.345619e+08 4.198606e+07 1.259725e+07 4.0 4198401.0 20.0 Polybench_GEMVER
2549393441 49.0 regionprofile 0.044993 0.044993 0.044993 0.044993 1024.0 2.688648e+08 8.392899e+07 2.518072e+07 4.0 8392609.0 20.0 Polybench_GEMVER
3110669202 53.0 regionprofile 0.010583 0.010583 0.010583 0.010583 256.0 6.733793e+07 2.099746e+07 6.300252e+06 4.0 2099601.0 20.0 Polybench_GEMVER
3243506532 53.0 regionprofile 0.016578 0.016578 0.016578 0.016578 256.0 1.345619e+08 4.198606e+07 1.259725e+07 4.0 4198401.0 20.0 Polybench_GEMVER
3415058838 47.0 regionprofile 0.019071 0.019071 0.019071 0.019071 512.0 1.345619e+08 4.198606e+07 1.259725e+07 4.0 4198401.0 20.0 Polybench_GEMVER
3448088579 47.0 regionprofile 0.010060 0.010060 0.010060 0.010060 128.0 6.733793e+07 2.099746e+07 6.300252e+06 4.0 2099601.0 20.0 Polybench_GEMVER
4239478529 47.0 regionprofile 0.022255 0.022255 0.022255 0.022255 128.0 2.688648e+08 8.392899e+07 2.518072e+07 4.0 8392609.0 20.0 Polybench_GEMVER
{'name': 'Polybench_GESUMMV', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 54.0 regionprofile 0.095038 0.095038 0.095038 0.095038 256.0 1.343513e+08 3.357913e+07 2.897000e+03 1.0 8392609.0 120.0 Polybench_GESUMMV
265496014 54.0 regionprofile 0.028980 0.028980 0.028980 0.028980 256.0 1.683460e+07 4.205575e+06 1.025000e+03 1.0 1050625.0 120.0 Polybench_GESUMMV
660934317 50.0 regionprofile 0.222889 0.222889 0.222889 0.222889 1024.0 3.362839e+07 8.402751e+06 1.449000e+03 1.0 2099601.0 120.0 Polybench_GESUMMV
1814734126 48.0 regionprofile 0.025768 0.025768 0.025768 0.025768 128.0 1.683460e+07 4.205575e+06 1.025000e+03 1.0 1050625.0 120.0 Polybench_GESUMMV
1827081399 50.0 regionprofile 0.307401 0.307401 0.307401 0.307401 1024.0 6.722359e+07 1.679975e+07 2.049000e+03 1.0 4198401.0 120.0 Polybench_GESUMMV
1929620569 48.0 regionprofile 0.175526 0.175526 0.175526 0.175526 512.0 1.343513e+08 3.357913e+07 2.897000e+03 1.0 8392609.0 120.0 Polybench_GESUMMV
1961776703 48.0 regionprofile 0.087226 0.087226 0.087226 0.087226 512.0 3.362839e+07 8.402751e+06 1.449000e+03 1.0 2099601.0 120.0 Polybench_GESUMMV
2048829733 50.0 regionprofile 0.152559 0.152559 0.152559 0.152559 1024.0 1.683460e+07 4.205575e+06 1.025000e+03 1.0 1050625.0 120.0 Polybench_GESUMMV
2421282334 48.0 regionprofile 0.055867 0.055867 0.055867 0.055867 512.0 1.683460e+07 4.205575e+06 1.025000e+03 1.0 1050625.0 120.0 Polybench_GESUMMV
2458031255 48.0 regionprofile 0.056035 0.056035 0.056035 0.056035 128.0 6.722359e+07 1.679975e+07 2.049000e+03 1.0 4198401.0 120.0 Polybench_GESUMMV
2549393441 50.0 regionprofile 0.449785 0.449785 0.449785 0.449785 1024.0 1.343513e+08 3.357913e+07 2.897000e+03 1.0 8392609.0 120.0 Polybench_GESUMMV
3110669202 54.0 regionprofile 0.044946 0.044946 0.044946 0.044946 256.0 3.362839e+07 8.402751e+06 1.449000e+03 1.0 2099601.0 120.0 Polybench_GESUMMV
3243506532 54.0 regionprofile 0.061365 0.061365 0.061365 0.061365 256.0 6.722359e+07 1.679975e+07 2.049000e+03 1.0 4198401.0 120.0 Polybench_GESUMMV
3415058838 48.0 regionprofile 0.109954 0.109954 0.109954 0.109954 512.0 6.722359e+07 1.679975e+07 2.049000e+03 1.0 4198401.0 120.0 Polybench_GESUMMV
3448088579 48.0 regionprofile 0.038593 0.038593 0.038593 0.038593 128.0 3.362839e+07 8.402751e+06 1.449000e+03 1.0 2099601.0 120.0 Polybench_GESUMMV
4239478529 48.0 regionprofile 0.084444 0.084444 0.084444 0.084444 128.0 1.343513e+08 3.357913e+07 2.897000e+03 1.0 8392609.0 120.0 Polybench_GESUMMV
{'name': 'Polybench_HEAT_3D', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 55.0 regionprofile 0.152531 0.152531 0.152531 0.152531 256.0 5.353485e+09 4.945445e+09 3.296963e+08 40.0 8242408.0 20.0 Polybench_HEAT_3D
265496014 55.0 regionprofile 0.021830 0.021830 0.021830 0.021830 256.0 6.592000e+08 6.000000e+08 4.000000e+07 40.0 1000000.0 20.0 Polybench_HEAT_3D
660934317 51.0 regionprofile 0.040544 0.040544 0.040544 0.040544 1024.0 1.341933e+09 1.229030e+09 8.193532e+07 40.0 2048383.0 20.0 Polybench_HEAT_3D
1814734126 49.0 regionprofile 0.021772 0.021772 0.021772 0.021772 128.0 6.592000e+08 6.000000e+08 4.000000e+07 40.0 1000000.0 20.0 Polybench_HEAT_3D
1827081399 51.0 regionprofile 0.078037 0.078037 0.078037 0.078037 1024.0 2.670592e+09 2.457600e+09 1.638400e+08 40.0 4096000.0 20.0 Polybench_HEAT_3D
1929620569 49.0 regionprofile 0.152902 0.152902 0.152902 0.152902 512.0 5.353485e+09 4.945445e+09 3.296963e+08 40.0 8242408.0 20.0 Polybench_HEAT_3D
1961776703 49.0 regionprofile 0.040557 0.040557 0.040557 0.040557 512.0 1.341933e+09 1.229030e+09 8.193532e+07 40.0 2048383.0 20.0 Polybench_HEAT_3D
2048829733 51.0 regionprofile 0.022681 0.022681 0.022681 0.022681 1024.0 6.592000e+08 6.000000e+08 4.000000e+07 40.0 1000000.0 20.0 Polybench_HEAT_3D
2421282334 49.0 regionprofile 0.021996 0.021996 0.021996 0.021996 512.0 6.592000e+08 6.000000e+08 4.000000e+07 40.0 1000000.0 20.0 Polybench_HEAT_3D
2458031255 49.0 regionprofile 0.077665 0.077665 0.077665 0.077665 128.0 2.670592e+09 2.457600e+09 1.638400e+08 40.0 4096000.0 20.0 Polybench_HEAT_3D
2549393441 51.0 regionprofile 0.153062 0.153062 0.153062 0.153062 1024.0 5.353485e+09 4.945445e+09 3.296963e+08 40.0 8242408.0 20.0 Polybench_HEAT_3D
3110669202 55.0 regionprofile 0.040476 0.040476 0.040476 0.040476 256.0 1.341933e+09 1.229030e+09 8.193532e+07 40.0 2048383.0 20.0 Polybench_HEAT_3D
3243506532 55.0 regionprofile 0.077815 0.077815 0.077815 0.077815 256.0 2.670592e+09 2.457600e+09 1.638400e+08 40.0 4096000.0 20.0 Polybench_HEAT_3D
3415058838 49.0 regionprofile 0.077866 0.077866 0.077866 0.077866 512.0 2.670592e+09 2.457600e+09 1.638400e+08 40.0 4096000.0 20.0 Polybench_HEAT_3D
3448088579 49.0 regionprofile 0.040473 0.040473 0.040473 0.040473 128.0 1.341933e+09 1.229030e+09 8.193532e+07 40.0 2048383.0 20.0 Polybench_HEAT_3D
4239478529 49.0 regionprofile 0.152381 0.152381 0.152381 0.152381 128.0 5.353485e+09 4.945445e+09 3.296963e+08 40.0 8242408.0 20.0 Polybench_HEAT_3D
{'name': 'Polybench_JACOBI_1D', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 56.0 regionprofile 0.544175 0.544175 0.544175 0.544175 256.0 4.294967e+09 8.053062e+08 2.684354e+08 32.0 8388606.0 100.0 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
265496014 56.0 regionprofile 0.076864 0.076864 0.076864 0.076864 256.0 5.368704e+08 1.006631e+08 3.355437e+07 32.0 1048574.0 100.0 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
660934317 52.0 regionprofile 0.145824 0.145824 0.145824 0.145824 1024.0 1.073741e+09 2.013264e+08 6.710880e+07 32.0 2097150.0 100.0 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
1814734126 50.0 regionprofile 0.076720 0.076720 0.076720 0.076720 128.0 5.368704e+08 1.006631e+08 3.355437e+07 32.0 1048574.0 100.0 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
1827081399 52.0 regionprofile 0.280269 0.280269 0.280269 0.280269 1024.0 2.147483e+09 4.026530e+08 1.342177e+08 32.0 4194302.0 100.0 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
1929620569 50.0 regionprofile 0.545588 0.545588 0.545588 0.545588 512.0 4.294967e+09 8.053062e+08 2.684354e+08 32.0 8388606.0 100.0 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
1961776703 50.0 regionprofile 0.144961 0.144961 0.144961 0.144961 512.0 1.073741e+09 2.013264e+08 6.710880e+07 32.0 2097150.0 100.0 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
2048829733 52.0 regionprofile 0.077647 0.077647 0.077647 0.077647 1024.0 5.368704e+08 1.006631e+08 3.355437e+07 32.0 1048574.0 100.0 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
2421282334 50.0 regionprofile 0.077116 0.077116 0.077116 0.077116 512.0 5.368704e+08 1.006631e+08 3.355437e+07 32.0 1048574.0 100.0 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
2458031255 50.0 regionprofile 0.277465 0.277465 0.277465 0.277465 128.0 2.147483e+09 4.026530e+08 1.342177e+08 32.0 4194302.0 100.0 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
2549393441 52.0 regionprofile 0.547501 0.547501 0.547501 0.547501 1024.0 4.294967e+09 8.053062e+08 2.684354e+08 32.0 8388606.0 100.0 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
3110669202 56.0 regionprofile 0.144506 0.144506 0.144506 0.144506 256.0 1.073741e+09 2.013264e+08 6.710880e+07 32.0 2097150.0 100.0 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
3243506532 56.0 regionprofile 0.277744 0.277744 0.277744 0.277744 256.0 2.147483e+09 4.026530e+08 1.342177e+08 32.0 4194302.0 100.0 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
3415058838 50.0 regionprofile 0.278480 0.278480 0.278480 0.278480 512.0 2.147483e+09 4.026530e+08 1.342177e+08 32.0 4194302.0 100.0 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
3448088579 50.0 regionprofile 0.144260 0.144260 0.144260 0.144260 128.0 1.073741e+09 2.013264e+08 6.710880e+07 32.0 2097150.0 100.0 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
4239478529 50.0 regionprofile 0.543910 0.543910 0.543910 0.543910 128.0 4.294967e+09 8.053062e+08 2.684354e+08 32.0 8388606.0 100.0 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
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265496014 57.0 regionprofile 0.101601 0.101601 0.101601 0.101601 256.0 1.342176e+09 4.186116e+08 8.372232e+07 2.0 1046529.0 50.0 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
660934317 53.0 regionprofile 0.192590 0.192590 0.192590 0.192590 1024.0 2.683780e+09 8.375236e+08 1.675047e+08 2.0 2093809.0 50.0 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
1814734126 51.0 regionprofile 0.101590 0.101590 0.101590 0.101590 128.0 1.342176e+09 4.186116e+08 8.372232e+07 2.0 1046529.0 50.0 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
1827081399 53.0 regionprofile 0.373211 0.373211 0.373211 0.373211 1024.0 5.368708e+09 1.676084e+09 3.352167e+08 2.0 4190209.0 50.0 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
1929620569 51.0 regionprofile 0.724514 0.724514 0.724514 0.724514 512.0 1.073512e+10 3.352410e+09 6.704820e+08 2.0 8381025.0 50.0 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
1961776703 51.0 regionprofile 0.193135 0.193135 0.193135 0.193135 512.0 2.683780e+09 8.375236e+08 1.675047e+08 2.0 2093809.0 50.0 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
2048829733 53.0 regionprofile 0.102495 0.102495 0.102495 0.102495 1024.0 1.342176e+09 4.186116e+08 8.372232e+07 2.0 1046529.0 50.0 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
2421282334 51.0 regionprofile 0.101787 0.101787 0.101787 0.101787 512.0 1.342176e+09 4.186116e+08 8.372232e+07 2.0 1046529.0 50.0 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
2458031255 51.0 regionprofile 0.370396 0.370396 0.370396 0.370396 128.0 5.368708e+09 1.676084e+09 3.352167e+08 2.0 4190209.0 50.0 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
2549393441 53.0 regionprofile 0.721629 0.721629 0.721629 0.721629 1024.0 1.073512e+10 3.352410e+09 6.704820e+08 2.0 8381025.0 50.0 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
3110669202 57.0 regionprofile 0.193167 0.193167 0.193167 0.193167 256.0 2.683780e+09 8.375236e+08 1.675047e+08 2.0 2093809.0 50.0 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
3243506532 57.0 regionprofile 0.370545 0.370545 0.370545 0.370545 256.0 5.368708e+09 1.676084e+09 3.352167e+08 2.0 4190209.0 50.0 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
3415058838 51.0 regionprofile 0.370722 0.370722 0.370722 0.370722 512.0 5.368708e+09 1.676084e+09 3.352167e+08 2.0 4190209.0 50.0 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
3448088579 51.0 regionprofile 0.193490 0.193490 0.193490 0.193490 128.0 2.683780e+09 8.375236e+08 1.675047e+08 2.0 2093809.0 50.0 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
4239478529 51.0 regionprofile 0.727029 0.727029 0.727029 0.727029 128.0 1.073512e+10 3.352410e+09 6.704820e+08 2.0 8381025.0 50.0 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
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265496014 58.0 regionprofile 0.025624 0.025624 0.025624 0.025624 256.0 1.685920e+07 4.202500e+06 2.050000e+03 2.0 1050625.0 100.0 Polybench_MVT
660934317 54.0 regionprofile 0.101139 0.101139 0.101139 0.101139 1024.0 3.366317e+07 8.398404e+06 2.898000e+03 2.0 2099601.0 100.0 Polybench_MVT
1814734126 52.0 regionprofile 0.022179 0.022179 0.022179 0.022179 128.0 1.685920e+07 4.202500e+06 2.050000e+03 2.0 1050625.0 100.0 Polybench_MVT
1827081399 54.0 regionprofile 0.130636 0.130636 0.130636 0.130636 1024.0 6.727277e+07 1.679360e+07 4.098000e+03 2.0 4198401.0 100.0 Polybench_MVT
1929620569 52.0 regionprofile 0.106179 0.106179 0.106179 0.106179 512.0 1.344208e+08 3.357044e+07 5.794000e+03 2.0 8392609.0 100.0 Polybench_MVT
1961776703 52.0 regionprofile 0.052516 0.052516 0.052516 0.052516 512.0 3.366317e+07 8.398404e+06 2.898000e+03 2.0 2099601.0 100.0 Polybench_MVT
2048829733 54.0 regionprofile 0.065758 0.065758 0.065758 0.065758 1024.0 1.685920e+07 4.202500e+06 2.050000e+03 2.0 1050625.0 100.0 Polybench_MVT
2421282334 52.0 regionprofile 0.032849 0.032849 0.032849 0.032849 512.0 1.685920e+07 4.202500e+06 2.050000e+03 2.0 1050625.0 100.0 Polybench_MVT
2458031255 52.0 regionprofile 0.045677 0.045677 0.045677 0.045677 128.0 6.727277e+07 1.679360e+07 4.098000e+03 2.0 4198401.0 100.0 Polybench_MVT
2549393441 54.0 regionprofile 0.201608 0.201608 0.201608 0.201608 1024.0 1.344208e+08 3.357044e+07 5.794000e+03 2.0 8392609.0 100.0 Polybench_MVT
3110669202 58.0 regionprofile 0.038633 0.038633 0.038633 0.038633 256.0 3.366317e+07 8.398404e+06 2.898000e+03 2.0 2099601.0 100.0 Polybench_MVT
3243506532 58.0 regionprofile 0.053339 0.053339 0.053339 0.053339 256.0 6.727277e+07 1.679360e+07 4.098000e+03 2.0 4198401.0 100.0 Polybench_MVT
3415058838 52.0 regionprofile 0.067819 0.067819 0.067819 0.067819 512.0 6.727277e+07 1.679360e+07 4.098000e+03 2.0 4198401.0 100.0 Polybench_MVT
3448088579 52.0 regionprofile 0.032960 0.032960 0.032960 0.032960 128.0 3.366317e+07 8.398404e+06 2.898000e+03 2.0 2099601.0 100.0 Polybench_MVT
4239478529 52.0 regionprofile 0.068737 0.068737 0.068737 0.068737 128.0 1.344208e+08 3.357044e+07 5.794000e+03 2.0 8392609.0 100.0 Polybench_MVT
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265496014 59.0 regionprofile 0.261039 0.261039 0.261039 0.261039 256.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Stream
660934317 55.0 regionprofile 0.434400 0.434400 0.434400 0.434400 1024.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Stream
1814734126 53.0 regionprofile 0.261048 0.261048 0.261048 0.261048 128.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Stream
1827081399 55.0 regionprofile 0.772631 0.772631 0.772631 0.772631 1024.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Stream
1929620569 53.0 regionprofile 1.457662 1.457662 1.457662 1.457662 512.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Stream
1961776703 53.0 regionprofile 0.434123 0.434123 0.434123 0.434123 512.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Stream
2048829733 55.0 regionprofile 0.257977 0.257977 0.257977 0.257977 1024.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Stream
2421282334 53.0 regionprofile 0.259032 0.259032 0.259032 0.259032 512.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Stream
2458031255 53.0 regionprofile 0.773695 0.773695 0.773695 0.773695 128.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Stream
2549393441 55.0 regionprofile 1.463526 1.463526 1.463526 1.463526 1024.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Stream
3110669202 59.0 regionprofile 0.434487 0.434487 0.434487 0.434487 256.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Stream
3243506532 59.0 regionprofile 0.775029 0.775029 0.775029 0.775029 256.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Stream
3415058838 53.0 regionprofile 0.773124 0.773124 0.773124 0.773124 512.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Stream
3448088579 53.0 regionprofile 0.433616 0.433616 0.433616 0.433616 128.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Stream
4239478529 53.0 regionprofile 1.459231 1.459231 1.459231 1.459231 128.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Stream
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265496014 60.0 regionprofile 0.033662 0.033662 0.033662 0.033662 256.0 2.516582e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 Stream_ADD
660934317 56.0 regionprofile 0.063781 0.063781 0.063781 0.063781 1024.0 5.033165e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Stream_ADD
1814734126 54.0 regionprofile 0.033609 0.033609 0.033609 0.033609 128.0 2.516582e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 Stream_ADD
1827081399 56.0 regionprofile 0.123093 0.123093 0.123093 0.123093 1024.0 1.006633e+08 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 Stream_ADD
1929620569 54.0 regionprofile 0.241981 0.241981 0.241981 0.241981 512.0 2.013266e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 Stream_ADD
1961776703 54.0 regionprofile 0.063336 0.063336 0.063336 0.063336 512.0 5.033165e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Stream_ADD
2048829733 56.0 regionprofile 0.033739 0.033739 0.033739 0.033739 1024.0 2.516582e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 Stream_ADD
2421282334 54.0 regionprofile 0.033670 0.033670 0.033670 0.033670 512.0 2.516582e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 Stream_ADD
2458031255 54.0 regionprofile 0.123005 0.123005 0.123005 0.123005 128.0 1.006633e+08 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 Stream_ADD
2549393441 56.0 regionprofile 0.241527 0.241527 0.241527 0.241527 1024.0 2.013266e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 Stream_ADD
3110669202 60.0 regionprofile 0.063516 0.063516 0.063516 0.063516 256.0 5.033165e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Stream_ADD
3243506532 60.0 regionprofile 0.122890 0.122890 0.122890 0.122890 256.0 1.006633e+08 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 Stream_ADD
3415058838 54.0 regionprofile 0.123128 0.123128 0.123128 0.123128 512.0 1.006633e+08 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 Stream_ADD
3448088579 54.0 regionprofile 0.063223 0.063223 0.063223 0.063223 128.0 5.033165e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Stream_ADD
4239478529 54.0 regionprofile 0.241648 0.241648 0.241648 0.241648 128.0 2.013266e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 Stream_ADD
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265496014 61.0 regionprofile 0.042655 0.042655 0.042655 0.042655 256.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1800.0 Stream_COPY
660934317 57.0 regionprofile 0.081153 0.081153 0.081153 0.081153 1024.0 3.355443e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1800.0 Stream_COPY
1814734126 55.0 regionprofile 0.042624 0.042624 0.042624 0.042624 128.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1800.0 Stream_COPY
1827081399 57.0 regionprofile 0.155415 0.155415 0.155415 0.155415 1024.0 6.710886e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1800.0 Stream_COPY
1929620569 55.0 regionprofile 0.303959 0.303959 0.303959 0.303959 512.0 1.342177e+08 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1800.0 Stream_COPY
1961776703 55.0 regionprofile 0.080681 0.080681 0.080681 0.080681 512.0 3.355443e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1800.0 Stream_COPY
2048829733 57.0 regionprofile 0.042953 0.042953 0.042953 0.042953 1024.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1800.0 Stream_COPY
2421282334 55.0 regionprofile 0.042785 0.042785 0.042785 0.042785 512.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1800.0 Stream_COPY
2458031255 55.0 regionprofile 0.154585 0.154585 0.154585 0.154585 128.0 6.710886e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1800.0 Stream_COPY
2549393441 57.0 regionprofile 0.305062 0.305062 0.305062 0.305062 1024.0 1.342177e+08 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1800.0 Stream_COPY
3110669202 61.0 regionprofile 0.080499 0.080499 0.080499 0.080499 256.0 3.355443e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1800.0 Stream_COPY
3243506532 61.0 regionprofile 0.154788 0.154788 0.154788 0.154788 256.0 6.710886e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1800.0 Stream_COPY
3415058838 55.0 regionprofile 0.155070 0.155070 0.155070 0.155070 512.0 6.710886e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1800.0 Stream_COPY
3448088579 55.0 regionprofile 0.080353 0.080353 0.080353 0.080353 128.0 3.355443e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1800.0 Stream_COPY
4239478529 55.0 regionprofile 0.303031 0.303031 0.303031 0.303031 128.0 1.342177e+08 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1800.0 Stream_COPY
{'name': 'Stream_DOT', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 62.0 regionprofile 0.367873 0.367873 0.367873 0.367873 256.0 1.342177e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Stream_DOT
265496014 62.0 regionprofile 0.108344 0.108344 0.108344 0.108344 256.0 1.677723e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Stream_DOT
660934317 58.0 regionprofile 0.144882 0.144882 0.144882 0.144882 1024.0 3.355445e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Stream_DOT
1814734126 56.0 regionprofile 0.108451 0.108451 0.108451 0.108451 128.0 1.677723e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Stream_DOT
1827081399 58.0 regionprofile 0.215280 0.215280 0.215280 0.215280 1024.0 6.710888e+07 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Stream_DOT
1929620569 56.0 regionprofile 0.366381 0.366381 0.366381 0.366381 512.0 1.342177e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Stream_DOT
1961776703 56.0 regionprofile 0.145687 0.145687 0.145687 0.145687 512.0 3.355445e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Stream_DOT
2048829733 58.0 regionprofile 0.104535 0.104535 0.104535 0.104535 1024.0 1.677723e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Stream_DOT
2421282334 56.0 regionprofile 0.106005 0.106005 0.106005 0.106005 512.0 1.677723e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Stream_DOT
2458031255 56.0 regionprofile 0.218470 0.218470 0.218470 0.218470 128.0 6.710888e+07 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Stream_DOT
2549393441 58.0 regionprofile 0.369592 0.369592 0.369592 0.369592 1024.0 1.342177e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Stream_DOT
3110669202 62.0 regionprofile 0.146702 0.146702 0.146702 0.146702 256.0 3.355445e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Stream_DOT
3243506532 62.0 regionprofile 0.218840 0.218840 0.218840 0.218840 256.0 6.710888e+07 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Stream_DOT
3415058838 56.0 regionprofile 0.216651 0.216651 0.216651 0.216651 512.0 6.710888e+07 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Stream_DOT
3448088579 56.0 regionprofile 0.146039 0.146039 0.146039 0.146039 128.0 3.355445e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Stream_DOT
4239478529 56.0 regionprofile 0.370400 0.370400 0.370400 0.370400 128.0 1.342177e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Stream_DOT
{'name': 'Stream_MUL', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 63.0 regionprofile 0.303158 0.303158 0.303158 0.303158 256.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1800.0 Stream_MUL
265496014 63.0 regionprofile 0.042677 0.042677 0.042677 0.042677 256.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1800.0 Stream_MUL
660934317 59.0 regionprofile 0.081123 0.081123 0.081123 0.081123 1024.0 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1800.0 Stream_MUL
1814734126 57.0 regionprofile 0.042654 0.042654 0.042654 0.042654 128.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1800.0 Stream_MUL
1827081399 59.0 regionprofile 0.155418 0.155418 0.155418 0.155418 1024.0 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1800.0 Stream_MUL
1929620569 57.0 regionprofile 0.303875 0.303875 0.303875 0.303875 512.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1800.0 Stream_MUL
1961776703 57.0 regionprofile 0.080723 0.080723 0.080723 0.080723 512.0 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1800.0 Stream_MUL
2048829733 59.0 regionprofile 0.042947 0.042947 0.042947 0.042947 1024.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1800.0 Stream_MUL
2421282334 57.0 regionprofile 0.042801 0.042801 0.042801 0.042801 512.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1800.0 Stream_MUL
2458031255 57.0 regionprofile 0.154602 0.154602 0.154602 0.154602 128.0 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1800.0 Stream_MUL
2549393441 59.0 regionprofile 0.305050 0.305050 0.305050 0.305050 1024.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1800.0 Stream_MUL
3110669202 63.0 regionprofile 0.080465 0.080465 0.080465 0.080465 256.0 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1800.0 Stream_MUL
3243506532 63.0 regionprofile 0.155320 0.155320 0.155320 0.155320 256.0 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1800.0 Stream_MUL
3415058838 57.0 regionprofile 0.155064 0.155064 0.155064 0.155064 512.0 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1800.0 Stream_MUL
3448088579 57.0 regionprofile 0.080400 0.080400 0.080400 0.080400 128.0 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1800.0 Stream_MUL
4239478529 57.0 regionprofile 0.303001 0.303001 0.303001 0.303001 128.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1800.0 Stream_MUL
{'name': 'Stream_TRIAD', 'type': 'function'} 207165604 64.0 regionprofile 0.241732 0.241732 0.241732 0.241732 256.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 Stream_TRIAD
265496014 64.0 regionprofile 0.033669 0.033669 0.033669 0.033669 256.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 Stream_TRIAD
660934317 60.0 regionprofile 0.063427 0.063427 0.063427 0.063427 1024.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Stream_TRIAD
1814734126 58.0 regionprofile 0.033675 0.033675 0.033675 0.033675 128.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 Stream_TRIAD
1827081399 60.0 regionprofile 0.123391 0.123391 0.123391 0.123391 1024.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 Stream_TRIAD
1929620569 58.0 regionprofile 0.241425 0.241425 0.241425 0.241425 512.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 Stream_TRIAD
1961776703 58.0 regionprofile 0.063660 0.063660 0.063660 0.063660 512.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Stream_TRIAD
2048829733 60.0 regionprofile 0.033771 0.033771 0.033771 0.033771 1024.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 Stream_TRIAD
2421282334 58.0 regionprofile 0.033738 0.033738 0.033738 0.033738 512.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 Stream_TRIAD
2458031255 58.0 regionprofile 0.122992 0.122992 0.122992 0.122992 128.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 Stream_TRIAD
2549393441 60.0 regionprofile 0.242256 0.242256 0.242256 0.242256 1024.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 Stream_TRIAD
3110669202 64.0 regionprofile 0.063271 0.063271 0.063271 0.063271 256.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Stream_TRIAD
3243506532 64.0 regionprofile 0.123154 0.123154 0.123154 0.123154 256.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 Stream_TRIAD
3415058838 58.0 regionprofile 0.123175 0.123175 0.123175 0.123175 512.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 Stream_TRIAD
3448088579 58.0 regionprofile 0.063563 0.063563 0.063563 0.063563 128.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Stream_TRIAD
4239478529 58.0 regionprofile 0.241107 0.241107 0.241107 0.241107 128.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 Stream_TRIAD
ctk = tt.Thicket.concat_thickets(
    thickets=[block_128, block_256, block_512, block_1024],
    headers=["Block 128", "Block 256", "Block 512", "Block 1024"],
Block 128 Block 256 Block 512 Block 1024 name
nid Min time/rank Max time/rank Avg time/rank Total time BlockSize Bytes/Rep Flops/Rep Iterations/Rep Kernels/Rep ProblemSize Reps nid Min time/rank Max time/rank Avg time/rank Total time BlockSize Bytes/Rep Flops/Rep Iterations/Rep Kernels/Rep ProblemSize Reps nid Min time/rank Max time/rank Avg time/rank Total time BlockSize Bytes/Rep Flops/Rep Iterations/Rep Kernels/Rep ProblemSize Reps nid Min time/rank Max time/rank Avg time/rank Total time BlockSize Bytes/Rep Flops/Rep Iterations/Rep Kernels/Rep ProblemSize Reps
node ProblemSizeRunParam
{'name': 'RAJAPerf', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 1.0 regionprofile 1.780923 1.780923 1.780923 1.780923 128.0 3.359049e+09 6.797544e+09 1.259520e+08 160.0 1135363.0 2500.0 1.0 regionprofile 1.774208 1.774208 1.774208 1.774208 256.0 3.359049e+09 6.797544e+09 1.259520e+08 160.0 1135363.0 2500.0 1.0 regionprofile 1.839896 1.839896 1.839896 1.839896 512.0 3.359049e+09 6.797544e+09 1.259520e+08 160.0 1135363.0 2500.0 1.0 regionprofile 2.123946 2.123946 2.123946 2.123946 1024.0 3.359049e+09 6.797544e+09 1.259520e+08 160.0 1135363.0 2500.0 RAJAPerf
2097152.0 1.0 regionprofile 3.381119 3.381119 3.381119 3.381119 128.0 6.714551e+09 1.536488e+10 2.517783e+08 160.0 2264854.0 2500.0 1.0 regionprofile 3.363847 3.363847 3.363847 3.363847 256.0 6.714551e+09 1.536488e+10 2.517783e+08 160.0 2264854.0 2500.0 1.0 regionprofile 3.450616 3.450616 3.450616 3.450616 512.0 6.714551e+09 1.536488e+10 2.517783e+08 160.0 2264854.0 2500.0 1.0 regionprofile 3.876929 3.876929 3.876929 3.876929 1024.0 6.714551e+09 1.536488e+10 2.517783e+08 160.0 2264854.0 2500.0 RAJAPerf
4194304.0 1.0 regionprofile 6.766278 6.766278 6.766278 6.766278 128.0 1.342898e+10 3.576198e+10 5.035623e+08 160.0 4437343.0 2500.0 1.0 regionprofile 6.767896 6.767896 6.767896 6.767896 256.0 1.342898e+10 3.576198e+10 5.035623e+08 160.0 4437343.0 2500.0 1.0 regionprofile 6.840843 6.840843 6.840843 6.840843 512.0 1.342898e+10 3.576198e+10 5.035623e+08 160.0 4437343.0 2500.0 1.0 regionprofile 7.464646 7.464646 7.464646 7.464646 1024.0 1.342898e+10 3.576198e+10 5.035623e+08 160.0 4437343.0 2500.0 RAJAPerf
8388608.0 1.0 regionprofile 14.407950 14.407950 14.407950 14.407950 128.0 2.684801e+10 8.572211e+10 1.006765e+09 160.0 8783629.0 2500.0 1.0 regionprofile 14.387465 14.387465 14.387465 14.387465 256.0 2.684801e+10 8.572211e+10 1.006765e+09 160.0 8783629.0 2500.0 1.0 regionprofile 14.401756 14.401756 14.401756 14.401756 512.0 2.684801e+10 8.572211e+10 1.006765e+09 160.0 8783629.0 2500.0 1.0 regionprofile 15.338982 15.338982 15.338982 15.338982 1024.0 2.684801e+10 8.572211e+10 1.006765e+09 160.0 8783629.0 2500.0 RAJAPerf
{'name': 'Algorithm', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 10.0 regionprofile 0.006810 0.006810 0.006810 0.006810 128.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 13.0 regionprofile 0.006343 0.006343 0.006343 0.006343 256.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 10.0 regionprofile 0.006372 0.006372 0.006372 0.006372 512.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 11.0 regionprofile 0.006383 0.006383 0.006383 0.006383 1024.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Algorithm
2097152.0 10.0 regionprofile 0.010733 0.010733 0.010733 0.010733 128.0 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 13.0 regionprofile 0.009773 0.009773 0.009773 0.009773 256.0 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 10.0 regionprofile 0.009794 0.009794 0.009794 0.009794 512.0 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 11.0 regionprofile 0.009817 0.009817 0.009817 0.009817 1024.0 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Algorithm
4194304.0 10.0 regionprofile 0.020310 0.020310 0.020310 0.020310 128.0 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 13.0 regionprofile 0.017319 0.017319 0.017319 0.017319 256.0 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 10.0 regionprofile 0.017352 0.017352 0.017352 0.017352 512.0 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 11.0 regionprofile 0.017897 0.017897 0.017897 0.017897 1024.0 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Algorithm
8388608.0 10.0 regionprofile 0.037690 0.037690 0.037690 0.037690 128.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 13.0 regionprofile 0.031778 0.031778 0.031778 0.031778 256.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 10.0 regionprofile 0.032427 0.032427 0.032427 0.032427 512.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 11.0 regionprofile 0.033663 0.033663 0.033663 0.033663 1024.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 Algorithm
{'name': 'Algorithm_MEMCPY', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 13.0 regionprofile 0.002439 0.002439 0.002439 0.002439 128.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 16.0 regionprofile 0.002440 0.002440 0.002440 0.002440 256.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 13.0 regionprofile 0.002449 0.002449 0.002449 0.002449 512.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 14.0 regionprofile 0.002463 0.002463 0.002463 0.002463 1024.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMCPY
2097152.0 13.0 regionprofile 0.004507 0.004507 0.004507 0.004507 128.0 3.355443e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 16.0 regionprofile 0.004496 0.004496 0.004496 0.004496 256.0 3.355443e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 13.0 regionprofile 0.004517 0.004517 0.004517 0.004517 512.0 3.355443e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 14.0 regionprofile 0.004533 0.004533 0.004533 0.004533 1024.0 3.355443e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMCPY
4194304.0 13.0 regionprofile 0.008672 0.008672 0.008672 0.008672 128.0 6.710886e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 16.0 regionprofile 0.008684 0.008684 0.008684 0.008684 256.0 6.710886e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 13.0 regionprofile 0.008694 0.008694 0.008694 0.008694 512.0 6.710886e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 14.0 regionprofile 0.008718 0.008718 0.008718 0.008718 1024.0 6.710886e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMCPY
8388608.0 13.0 regionprofile 0.016936 0.016936 0.016936 0.016936 128.0 1.342177e+08 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 16.0 regionprofile 0.016948 0.016948 0.016948 0.016948 256.0 1.342177e+08 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 13.0 regionprofile 0.016987 0.016987 0.016987 0.016987 512.0 1.342177e+08 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 14.0 regionprofile 0.017040 0.017040 0.017040 0.017040 1024.0 1.342177e+08 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMCPY
{'name': 'Algorithm_MEMSET', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 12.0 regionprofile 0.001710 0.001710 0.001710 0.001710 128.0 8.388616e+06 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 15.0 regionprofile 0.001281 0.001281 0.001281 0.001281 256.0 8.388616e+06 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 12.0 regionprofile 0.001283 0.001283 0.001283 0.001283 512.0 8.388616e+06 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 13.0 regionprofile 0.001282 0.001282 0.001282 0.001282 1024.0 8.388616e+06 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMSET
2097152.0 12.0 regionprofile 0.002665 0.002665 0.002665 0.002665 128.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 15.0 regionprofile 0.002197 0.002197 0.002197 0.002197 256.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 12.0 regionprofile 0.002195 0.002195 0.002195 0.002195 512.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 13.0 regionprofile 0.002199 0.002199 0.002199 0.002199 1024.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMSET
4194304.0 12.0 regionprofile 0.005782 0.005782 0.005782 0.005782 128.0 3.355444e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 15.0 regionprofile 0.004115 0.004115 0.004115 0.004115 256.0 3.355444e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 12.0 regionprofile 0.004113 0.004113 0.004113 0.004113 512.0 3.355444e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 13.0 regionprofile 0.004114 0.004114 0.004114 0.004114 1024.0 3.355444e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMSET
8388608.0 12.0 regionprofile 0.011187 0.011187 0.011187 0.011187 128.0 6.710887e+07 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 15.0 regionprofile 0.007855 0.007855 0.007855 0.007855 256.0 6.710887e+07 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 12.0 regionprofile 0.007910 0.007910 0.007910 0.007910 512.0 6.710887e+07 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 13.0 regionprofile 0.007903 0.007903 0.007903 0.007903 1024.0 6.710887e+07 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 Algorithm_MEMSET
{'name': 'Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 11.0 regionprofile 0.002638 0.002638 0.002638 0.002638 128.0 8.388616e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 14.0 regionprofile 0.002603 0.002603 0.002603 0.002603 256.0 8.388616e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 11.0 regionprofile 0.002621 0.002621 0.002621 0.002621 512.0 8.388616e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 12.0 regionprofile 0.002620 0.002620 0.002620 0.002620 1024.0 8.388616e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
2097152.0 11.0 regionprofile 0.003538 0.003538 0.003538 0.003538 128.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 14.0 regionprofile 0.003057 0.003057 0.003057 0.003057 256.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 11.0 regionprofile 0.003060 0.003060 0.003060 0.003060 512.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 12.0 regionprofile 0.003065 0.003065 0.003065 0.003065 1024.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
4194304.0 11.0 regionprofile 0.005833 0.005833 0.005833 0.005833 128.0 3.355444e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 14.0 regionprofile 0.004499 0.004499 0.004499 0.004499 256.0 3.355444e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 11.0 regionprofile 0.004522 0.004522 0.004522 0.004522 512.0 3.355444e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 12.0 regionprofile 0.005045 0.005045 0.005045 0.005045 1024.0 3.355444e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
8388608.0 11.0 regionprofile 0.009542 0.009542 0.009542 0.009542 128.0 6.710887e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 14.0 regionprofile 0.006954 0.006954 0.006954 0.006954 256.0 6.710887e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 11.0 regionprofile 0.007509 0.007509 0.007509 0.007509 512.0 6.710887e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 12.0 regionprofile 0.008698 0.008698 0.008698 0.008698 1024.0 6.710887e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Algorithm_REDUCE_SUM
{'name': 'Apps', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 4.0 regionprofile 0.185395 0.185395 0.185395 0.185395 128.0 2.264924e+08 8.174614e+07 6.291456e+06 156.0 1135363.0 700.0 4.0 regionprofile 0.182790 0.182790 0.182790 0.182790 256.0 2.264924e+08 8.174614e+07 6.291456e+06 156.0 1135363.0 700.0 4.0 regionprofile 0.182801 0.182801 0.182801 0.182801 512.0 2.264924e+08 8.174614e+07 6.291456e+06 156.0 1135363.0 700.0 4.0 regionprofile 0.186822 0.186822 0.186822 0.186822 1024.0 2.264924e+08 8.174614e+07 6.291456e+06 156.0 1135363.0 700.0 Apps
2097152.0 4.0 regionprofile 0.308868 0.308868 0.308868 0.308868 128.0 4.529848e+08 1.630695e+08 1.258291e+07 156.0 2264854.0 700.0 4.0 regionprofile 0.307317 0.307317 0.307317 0.307317 256.0 4.529848e+08 1.630695e+08 1.258291e+07 156.0 2264854.0 700.0 4.0 regionprofile 0.307488 0.307488 0.307488 0.307488 512.0 4.529848e+08 1.630695e+08 1.258291e+07 156.0 2264854.0 700.0 4.0 regionprofile 0.310369 0.310369 0.310369 0.310369 1024.0 4.529848e+08 1.630695e+08 1.258291e+07 156.0 2264854.0 700.0 Apps
4194304.0 4.0 regionprofile 0.562581 0.562581 0.562581 0.562581 128.0 9.059697e+08 3.194887e+08 2.516582e+07 156.0 4437343.0 700.0 4.0 regionprofile 0.560915 0.560915 0.560915 0.560915 256.0 9.059697e+08 3.194887e+08 2.516582e+07 156.0 4437343.0 700.0 4.0 regionprofile 0.560968 0.560968 0.560968 0.560968 512.0 9.059697e+08 3.194887e+08 2.516582e+07 156.0 4437343.0 700.0 4.0 regionprofile 0.567575 0.567575 0.567575 0.567575 1024.0 9.059697e+08 3.194887e+08 2.516582e+07 156.0 4437343.0 700.0 Apps
8388608.0 4.0 regionprofile 1.092784 1.092784 1.092784 1.092784 128.0 1.811939e+09 6.324213e+08 5.033165e+07 156.0 8783629.0 700.0 4.0 regionprofile 1.079024 1.079024 1.079024 1.079024 256.0 1.811939e+09 6.324213e+08 5.033165e+07 156.0 8783629.0 700.0 4.0 regionprofile 1.074763 1.074763 1.074763 1.074763 512.0 1.811939e+09 6.324213e+08 5.033165e+07 156.0 8783629.0 700.0 4.0 regionprofile 1.092680 1.092680 1.092680 1.092680 1024.0 1.811939e+09 6.324213e+08 5.033165e+07 156.0 8783629.0 700.0 Apps
{'name': 'Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 59.0 regionprofile 0.006987 0.006987 0.006987 0.006987 128.0 5.039722e+07 5.662310e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 65.0 regionprofile 0.006966 0.006966 0.006966 0.006966 256.0 5.039722e+07 5.662310e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 59.0 regionprofile 0.007076 0.007076 0.007076 0.007076 512.0 5.039722e+07 5.662310e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 61.0 regionprofile 0.007988 0.007988 0.007988 0.007988 1024.0 5.039722e+07 5.662310e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
2097152.0 59.0 regionprofile 0.013385 0.013385 0.013385 0.013385 128.0 1.007345e+08 1.132220e+08 2.096704e+06 1.0 2096704.0 100.0 65.0 regionprofile 0.013443 0.013443 0.013443 0.013443 256.0 1.007345e+08 1.132220e+08 2.096704e+06 1.0 2096704.0 100.0 59.0 regionprofile 0.013495 0.013495 0.013495 0.013495 512.0 1.007345e+08 1.132220e+08 2.096704e+06 1.0 2096704.0 100.0 61.0 regionprofile 0.015418 0.015418 0.015418 0.015418 1024.0 1.007345e+08 1.132220e+08 2.096704e+06 1.0 2096704.0 100.0 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
4194304.0 59.0 regionprofile 0.026393 0.026393 0.026393 0.026393 128.0 2.014577e+08 2.264924e+08 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 65.0 regionprofile 0.026232 0.026232 0.026232 0.026232 256.0 2.014577e+08 2.264924e+08 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 59.0 regionprofile 0.026489 0.026489 0.026489 0.026489 512.0 2.014577e+08 2.264924e+08 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 61.0 regionprofile 0.030031 0.030031 0.030031 0.030031 1024.0 2.014577e+08 2.264924e+08 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
8388608.0 59.0 regionprofile 0.052154 0.052154 0.052154 0.052154 128.0 4.027525e+08 4.528881e+08 8.386816e+06 1.0 8386816.0 100.0 65.0 regionprofile 0.051945 0.051945 0.051945 0.051945 256.0 4.027525e+08 4.528881e+08 8.386816e+06 1.0 8386816.0 100.0 59.0 regionprofile 0.052416 0.052416 0.052416 0.052416 512.0 4.027525e+08 4.528881e+08 8.386816e+06 1.0 8386816.0 100.0 61.0 regionprofile 0.060087 0.060087 0.060087 0.060087 1024.0 4.027525e+08 4.528881e+08 8.386816e+06 1.0 8386816.0 100.0 Apps_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D
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2097152.0 60.0 regionprofile 0.075688 0.075688 0.075688 0.075688 128.0 4.529848e+08 1.153434e+08 1.258291e+07 6.0 2097152.0 130.0 66.0 regionprofile 0.075132 0.075132 0.075132 0.075132 256.0 4.529848e+08 1.153434e+08 1.258291e+07 6.0 2097152.0 130.0 60.0 regionprofile 0.075134 0.075134 0.075134 0.075134 512.0 4.529848e+08 1.153434e+08 1.258291e+07 6.0 2097152.0 130.0 62.0 regionprofile 0.075358 0.075358 0.075358 0.075358 1024.0 4.529848e+08 1.153434e+08 1.258291e+07 6.0 2097152.0 130.0 Apps_ENERGY
4194304.0 60.0 regionprofile 0.147702 0.147702 0.147702 0.147702 128.0 9.059697e+08 2.306867e+08 2.516582e+07 6.0 4194304.0 130.0 66.0 regionprofile 0.146611 0.146611 0.146611 0.146611 256.0 9.059697e+08 2.306867e+08 2.516582e+07 6.0 4194304.0 130.0 60.0 regionprofile 0.146691 0.146691 0.146691 0.146691 512.0 9.059697e+08 2.306867e+08 2.516582e+07 6.0 4194304.0 130.0 62.0 regionprofile 0.147005 0.147005 0.147005 0.147005 1024.0 9.059697e+08 2.306867e+08 2.516582e+07 6.0 4194304.0 130.0 Apps_ENERGY
8388608.0 60.0 regionprofile 0.291748 0.291748 0.291748 0.291748 128.0 1.811939e+09 4.613734e+08 5.033165e+07 6.0 8388608.0 130.0 66.0 regionprofile 0.289670 0.289670 0.289670 0.289670 256.0 1.811939e+09 4.613734e+08 5.033165e+07 6.0 8388608.0 130.0 60.0 regionprofile 0.289662 0.289662 0.289662 0.289662 512.0 1.811939e+09 4.613734e+08 5.033165e+07 6.0 8388608.0 130.0 62.0 regionprofile 0.290025 0.290025 0.290025 0.290025 1024.0 1.811939e+09 4.613734e+08 5.033165e+07 6.0 8388608.0 130.0 Apps_ENERGY
{'name': 'Apps_FIR', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 61.0 regionprofile 0.004270 0.004270 0.004270 0.004270 128.0 1.677709e+07 3.355392e+07 1.048560e+06 1.0 1048576.0 160.0 67.0 regionprofile 0.004312 0.004312 0.004312 0.004312 256.0 1.677709e+07 3.355392e+07 1.048560e+06 1.0 1048576.0 160.0 61.0 regionprofile 0.004415 0.004415 0.004415 0.004415 512.0 1.677709e+07 3.355392e+07 1.048560e+06 1.0 1048576.0 160.0 63.0 regionprofile 0.004564 0.004564 0.004564 0.004564 1024.0 1.677709e+07 3.355392e+07 1.048560e+06 1.0 1048576.0 160.0 Apps_FIR
2097152.0 61.0 regionprofile 0.007529 0.007529 0.007529 0.007529 128.0 3.355430e+07 6.710835e+07 2.097136e+06 1.0 2097152.0 160.0 67.0 regionprofile 0.007578 0.007578 0.007578 0.007578 256.0 3.355430e+07 6.710835e+07 2.097136e+06 1.0 2097152.0 160.0 61.0 regionprofile 0.007662 0.007662 0.007662 0.007662 512.0 3.355430e+07 6.710835e+07 2.097136e+06 1.0 2097152.0 160.0 63.0 regionprofile 0.007784 0.007784 0.007784 0.007784 1024.0 3.355430e+07 6.710835e+07 2.097136e+06 1.0 2097152.0 160.0 Apps_FIR
4194304.0 61.0 regionprofile 0.014277 0.014277 0.014277 0.014277 128.0 6.710874e+07 1.342172e+08 4.194288e+06 1.0 4194304.0 160.0 67.0 regionprofile 0.014327 0.014327 0.014327 0.014327 256.0 6.710874e+07 1.342172e+08 4.194288e+06 1.0 4194304.0 160.0 61.0 regionprofile 0.014442 0.014442 0.014442 0.014442 512.0 6.710874e+07 1.342172e+08 4.194288e+06 1.0 4194304.0 160.0 63.0 regionprofile 0.014572 0.014572 0.014572 0.014572 1024.0 6.710874e+07 1.342172e+08 4.194288e+06 1.0 4194304.0 160.0 Apps_FIR
8388608.0 61.0 regionprofile 0.027741 0.027741 0.027741 0.027741 128.0 1.342176e+08 2.684349e+08 8.388592e+06 1.0 8388608.0 160.0 67.0 regionprofile 0.027789 0.027789 0.027789 0.027789 256.0 1.342176e+08 2.684349e+08 8.388592e+06 1.0 8388608.0 160.0 61.0 regionprofile 0.027993 0.027993 0.027993 0.027993 512.0 1.342176e+08 2.684349e+08 8.388592e+06 1.0 8388608.0 160.0 63.0 regionprofile 0.028188 0.028188 0.028188 0.028188 1024.0 1.342176e+08 2.684349e+08 8.388592e+06 1.0 8388608.0 160.0 Apps_FIR
{'name': 'Apps_HALOEXCHANGE', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 62.0 regionprofile 0.035092 0.035092 0.035092 0.035092 128.0 7.491120e+06 0.000000e+00 1.872780e+05 156.0 1030301.0 50.0 5.0 regionprofile 0.034556 0.034556 0.034556 0.034556 256.0 7.491120e+06 0.000000e+00 1.872780e+05 156.0 1030301.0 50.0 62.0 regionprofile 0.034463 0.034463 0.034463 0.034463 512.0 7.491120e+06 0.000000e+00 1.872780e+05 156.0 1030301.0 50.0 64.0 regionprofile 0.034744 0.034744 0.034744 0.034744 1024.0 7.491120e+06 0.000000e+00 1.872780e+05 156.0 1030301.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE
2097152.0 62.0 regionprofile 0.034307 0.034307 0.034307 0.034307 128.0 1.198176e+07 0.000000e+00 2.995440e+05 156.0 2097152.0 50.0 5.0 regionprofile 0.034120 0.034120 0.034120 0.034120 256.0 1.198176e+07 0.000000e+00 2.995440e+05 156.0 2097152.0 50.0 62.0 regionprofile 0.034868 0.034868 0.034868 0.034868 512.0 1.198176e+07 0.000000e+00 2.995440e+05 156.0 2097152.0 50.0 64.0 regionprofile 0.034175 0.034175 0.034175 0.034175 1024.0 1.198176e+07 0.000000e+00 2.995440e+05 156.0 2097152.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE
4194304.0 62.0 regionprofile 0.032822 0.032822 0.032822 0.032822 128.0 1.889592e+07 0.000000e+00 4.723980e+05 156.0 4173281.0 50.0 5.0 regionprofile 0.032786 0.032786 0.032786 0.032786 256.0 1.889592e+07 0.000000e+00 4.723980e+05 156.0 4173281.0 50.0 62.0 regionprofile 0.032912 0.032912 0.032912 0.032912 512.0 1.889592e+07 0.000000e+00 4.723980e+05 156.0 4173281.0 50.0 64.0 regionprofile 0.032796 0.032796 0.032796 0.032796 1024.0 1.889592e+07 0.000000e+00 4.723980e+05 156.0 4173281.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE
8388608.0 62.0 regionprofile 0.036228 0.036228 0.036228 0.036228 128.0 2.996376e+07 0.000000e+00 7.490940e+05 156.0 8365427.0 50.0 5.0 regionprofile 0.035352 0.035352 0.035352 0.035352 256.0 2.996376e+07 0.000000e+00 7.490940e+05 156.0 8365427.0 50.0 62.0 regionprofile 0.035383 0.035383 0.035383 0.035383 512.0 2.996376e+07 0.000000e+00 7.490940e+05 156.0 8365427.0 50.0 64.0 regionprofile 0.035393 0.035393 0.035393 0.035393 1024.0 2.996376e+07 0.000000e+00 7.490940e+05 156.0 8365427.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE
{'name': 'Apps_HALOEXCHANGE_FUSED', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 63.0 regionprofile 0.005166 0.005166 0.005166 0.005166 128.0 7.491120e+06 0.000000e+00 1.872780e+05 2.0 1030301.0 50.0 6.0 regionprofile 0.003790 0.003790 0.003790 0.003790 256.0 7.491120e+06 0.000000e+00 1.872780e+05 2.0 1030301.0 50.0 63.0 regionprofile 0.002854 0.002854 0.002854 0.002854 512.0 7.491120e+06 0.000000e+00 1.872780e+05 2.0 1030301.0 50.0 65.0 regionprofile 0.002837 0.002837 0.002837 0.002837 1024.0 7.491120e+06 0.000000e+00 1.872780e+05 2.0 1030301.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE_FUSED
2097152.0 63.0 regionprofile 0.006447 0.006447 0.006447 0.006447 128.0 1.198176e+07 0.000000e+00 2.995440e+05 2.0 2097152.0 50.0 6.0 regionprofile 0.005587 0.005587 0.005587 0.005587 256.0 1.198176e+07 0.000000e+00 2.995440e+05 2.0 2097152.0 50.0 63.0 regionprofile 0.004719 0.004719 0.004719 0.004719 512.0 1.198176e+07 0.000000e+00 2.995440e+05 2.0 2097152.0 50.0 65.0 regionprofile 0.003865 0.003865 0.003865 0.003865 1024.0 1.198176e+07 0.000000e+00 2.995440e+05 2.0 2097152.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE_FUSED
4194304.0 63.0 regionprofile 0.008232 0.008232 0.008232 0.008232 128.0 1.889592e+07 0.000000e+00 4.723980e+05 2.0 4173281.0 50.0 6.0 regionprofile 0.007891 0.007891 0.007891 0.007891 256.0 1.889592e+07 0.000000e+00 4.723980e+05 2.0 4173281.0 50.0 63.0 regionprofile 0.006773 0.006773 0.006773 0.006773 512.0 1.889592e+07 0.000000e+00 4.723980e+05 2.0 4173281.0 50.0 65.0 regionprofile 0.006460 0.006460 0.006460 0.006460 1024.0 1.889592e+07 0.000000e+00 4.723980e+05 2.0 4173281.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE_FUSED
8388608.0 63.0 regionprofile 0.011687 0.011687 0.011687 0.011687 128.0 2.996376e+07 0.000000e+00 7.490940e+05 2.0 8365427.0 50.0 6.0 regionprofile 0.011530 0.011530 0.011530 0.011530 256.0 2.996376e+07 0.000000e+00 7.490940e+05 2.0 8365427.0 50.0 63.0 regionprofile 0.011203 0.011203 0.011203 0.011203 512.0 2.996376e+07 0.000000e+00 7.490940e+05 2.0 8365427.0 50.0 65.0 regionprofile 0.010360 0.010360 0.010360 0.010360 1024.0 2.996376e+07 0.000000e+00 7.490940e+05 2.0 8365427.0 50.0 Apps_HALOEXCHANGE_FUSED
{'name': 'Apps_LTIMES', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 64.0 regionprofile 0.014145 0.014145 0.014145 0.014145 128.0 1.495501e+07 5.242880e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 7.0 regionprofile 0.014089 0.014089 0.014089 0.014089 256.0 1.495501e+07 5.242880e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 64.0 regionprofile 0.014089 0.014089 0.014089 0.014089 512.0 1.495501e+07 5.242880e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 5.0 regionprofile 0.015151 0.015151 0.015151 0.015151 1024.0 1.495501e+07 5.242880e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Apps_LTIMES
2097152.0 64.0 regionprofile 0.023788 0.023788 0.023788 0.023788 128.0 2.989722e+07 1.048576e+08 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 7.0 regionprofile 0.023900 0.023900 0.023900 0.023900 256.0 2.989722e+07 1.048576e+08 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 64.0 regionprofile 0.023909 0.023909 0.023909 0.023909 512.0 2.989722e+07 1.048576e+08 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 5.0 regionprofile 0.024025 0.024025 0.024025 0.024025 1024.0 2.989722e+07 1.048576e+08 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Apps_LTIMES
4194304.0 64.0 regionprofile 0.047071 0.047071 0.047071 0.047071 128.0 5.978163e+07 2.097152e+08 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 7.0 regionprofile 0.047139 0.047139 0.047139 0.047139 256.0 5.978163e+07 2.097152e+08 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 64.0 regionprofile 0.047546 0.047546 0.047546 0.047546 512.0 5.978163e+07 2.097152e+08 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 5.0 regionprofile 0.047600 0.047600 0.047600 0.047600 1024.0 5.978163e+07 2.097152e+08 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Apps_LTIMES
8388608.0 64.0 regionprofile 0.109502 0.109502 0.109502 0.109502 128.0 1.195505e+08 4.194304e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 7.0 regionprofile 0.099454 0.099454 0.099454 0.099454 256.0 1.195505e+08 4.194304e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 64.0 regionprofile 0.093931 0.093931 0.093931 0.093931 512.0 1.195505e+08 4.194304e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 5.0 regionprofile 0.094885 0.094885 0.094885 0.094885 1024.0 1.195505e+08 4.194304e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Apps_LTIMES
{'name': 'Apps_LTIMES_NOVIEW', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 5.0 regionprofile 0.014158 0.014158 0.014158 0.014158 128.0 1.495501e+07 5.242880e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 8.0 regionprofile 0.014089 0.014089 0.014089 0.014089 256.0 1.495501e+07 5.242880e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 5.0 regionprofile 0.014088 0.014088 0.014088 0.014088 512.0 1.495501e+07 5.242880e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 6.0 regionprofile 0.015147 0.015147 0.015147 0.015147 1024.0 1.495501e+07 5.242880e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Apps_LTIMES_NOVIEW
2097152.0 5.0 regionprofile 0.023791 0.023791 0.023791 0.023791 128.0 2.989722e+07 1.048576e+08 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 8.0 regionprofile 0.023905 0.023905 0.023905 0.023905 256.0 2.989722e+07 1.048576e+08 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 5.0 regionprofile 0.023912 0.023912 0.023912 0.023912 512.0 2.989722e+07 1.048576e+08 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 6.0 regionprofile 0.023912 0.023912 0.023912 0.023912 1024.0 2.989722e+07 1.048576e+08 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Apps_LTIMES_NOVIEW
4194304.0 5.0 regionprofile 0.047085 0.047085 0.047085 0.047085 128.0 5.978163e+07 2.097152e+08 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 8.0 regionprofile 0.047119 0.047119 0.047119 0.047119 256.0 5.978163e+07 2.097152e+08 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 5.0 regionprofile 0.047550 0.047550 0.047550 0.047550 512.0 5.978163e+07 2.097152e+08 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 6.0 regionprofile 0.047599 0.047599 0.047599 0.047599 1024.0 5.978163e+07 2.097152e+08 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Apps_LTIMES_NOVIEW
8388608.0 5.0 regionprofile 0.093582 0.093582 0.093582 0.093582 128.0 1.195505e+08 4.194304e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 8.0 regionprofile 0.093775 0.093775 0.093775 0.093775 256.0 1.195505e+08 4.194304e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 5.0 regionprofile 0.093909 0.093909 0.093909 0.093909 512.0 1.195505e+08 4.194304e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 6.0 regionprofile 0.094879 0.094879 0.094879 0.094879 1024.0 1.195505e+08 4.194304e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Apps_LTIMES_NOVIEW
{'name': 'Apps_NODAL_ACCUMULATION_3D', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 6.0 regionprofile 0.007990 0.007990 0.007990 0.007990 128.0 3.346414e+07 9.272709e+06 1.030301e+06 1.0 1030301.0 100.0 9.0 regionprofile 0.008114 0.008114 0.008114 0.008114 256.0 3.346414e+07 9.272709e+06 1.030301e+06 1.0 1030301.0 100.0 6.0 regionprofile 0.008188 0.008188 0.008188 0.008188 512.0 3.346414e+07 9.272709e+06 1.030301e+06 1.0 1030301.0 100.0 7.0 regionprofile 0.008323 0.008323 0.008323 0.008323 1024.0 3.346414e+07 9.272709e+06 1.030301e+06 1.0 1030301.0 100.0 Apps_NODAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
2097152.0 6.0 regionprofile 0.014248 0.014248 0.014248 0.014248 128.0 6.790146e+07 1.887437e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 9.0 regionprofile 0.014484 0.014484 0.014484 0.014484 256.0 6.790146e+07 1.887437e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 6.0 regionprofile 0.014598 0.014598 0.014598 0.014598 512.0 6.790146e+07 1.887437e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 7.0 regionprofile 0.014989 0.014989 0.014989 0.014989 1024.0 6.790146e+07 1.887437e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Apps_NODAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
4194304.0 6.0 regionprofile 0.027399 0.027399 0.027399 0.027399 128.0 1.347969e+08 3.755953e+07 4.173281e+06 1.0 4173281.0 100.0 9.0 regionprofile 0.027788 0.027788 0.027788 0.027788 256.0 1.347969e+08 3.755953e+07 4.173281e+06 1.0 4173281.0 100.0 6.0 regionprofile 0.027865 0.027865 0.027865 0.027865 512.0 1.347969e+08 3.755953e+07 4.173281e+06 1.0 4173281.0 100.0 7.0 regionprofile 0.028089 0.028089 0.028089 0.028089 1024.0 1.347969e+08 3.755953e+07 4.173281e+06 1.0 4173281.0 100.0 Apps_NODAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
8388608.0 6.0 regionprofile 0.054349 0.054349 0.054349 0.054349 128.0 2.696815e+08 7.528884e+07 8.365427e+06 1.0 8365427.0 100.0 9.0 regionprofile 0.054977 0.054977 0.054977 0.054977 256.0 2.696815e+08 7.528884e+07 8.365427e+06 1.0 8365427.0 100.0 6.0 regionprofile 0.055429 0.055429 0.055429 0.055429 512.0 2.696815e+08 7.528884e+07 8.365427e+06 1.0 8365427.0 100.0 7.0 regionprofile 0.056055 0.056055 0.056055 0.056055 1024.0 2.696815e+08 7.528884e+07 8.365427e+06 1.0 8365427.0 100.0 Apps_NODAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
{'name': 'Apps_PRESSURE', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 7.0 regionprofile 0.048417 0.048417 0.048417 0.048417 128.0 4.194304e+07 3.145728e+06 2.097152e+06 2.0 1048576.0 700.0 10.0 regionprofile 0.048378 0.048378 0.048378 0.048378 256.0 4.194304e+07 3.145728e+06 2.097152e+06 2.0 1048576.0 700.0 7.0 regionprofile 0.048465 0.048465 0.048465 0.048465 512.0 4.194304e+07 3.145728e+06 2.097152e+06 2.0 1048576.0 700.0 8.0 regionprofile 0.048617 0.048617 0.048617 0.048617 1024.0 4.194304e+07 3.145728e+06 2.097152e+06 2.0 1048576.0 700.0 Apps_PRESSURE
2097152.0 7.0 regionprofile 0.091304 0.091304 0.091304 0.091304 128.0 8.388608e+07 6.291456e+06 4.194304e+06 2.0 2097152.0 700.0 10.0 regionprofile 0.091181 0.091181 0.091181 0.091181 256.0 8.388608e+07 6.291456e+06 4.194304e+06 2.0 2097152.0 700.0 7.0 regionprofile 0.091365 0.091365 0.091365 0.091365 512.0 8.388608e+07 6.291456e+06 4.194304e+06 2.0 2097152.0 700.0 8.0 regionprofile 0.091476 0.091476 0.091476 0.091476 1024.0 8.388608e+07 6.291456e+06 4.194304e+06 2.0 2097152.0 700.0 Apps_PRESSURE
4194304.0 7.0 regionprofile 0.176734 0.176734 0.176734 0.176734 128.0 1.677722e+08 1.258291e+07 8.388608e+06 2.0 4194304.0 700.0 10.0 regionprofile 0.176949 0.176949 0.176949 0.176949 256.0 1.677722e+08 1.258291e+07 8.388608e+06 2.0 4194304.0 700.0 7.0 regionprofile 0.176900 0.176900 0.176900 0.176900 512.0 1.677722e+08 1.258291e+07 8.388608e+06 2.0 4194304.0 700.0 8.0 regionprofile 0.177326 0.177326 0.177326 0.177326 1024.0 1.677722e+08 1.258291e+07 8.388608e+06 2.0 4194304.0 700.0 Apps_PRESSURE
8388608.0 7.0 regionprofile 0.347866 0.347866 0.347866 0.347866 128.0 3.355443e+08 2.516582e+07 1.677722e+07 2.0 8388608.0 700.0 10.0 regionprofile 0.347755 0.347755 0.347755 0.347755 256.0 3.355443e+08 2.516582e+07 1.677722e+07 2.0 8388608.0 700.0 7.0 regionprofile 0.347815 0.347815 0.347815 0.347815 512.0 3.355443e+08 2.516582e+07 1.677722e+07 2.0 8388608.0 700.0 8.0 regionprofile 0.348675 0.348675 0.348675 0.348675 1024.0 3.355443e+08 2.516582e+07 1.677722e+07 2.0 8388608.0 700.0 Apps_PRESSURE
{'name': 'Apps_VOL3D', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 8.0 regionprofile 0.006177 0.006177 0.006177 0.006177 128.0 3.659876e+07 8.174614e+07 1.135363e+06 1.0 1135363.0 100.0 11.0 regionprofile 0.005772 0.005772 0.005772 0.005772 256.0 3.659876e+07 8.174614e+07 1.135363e+06 1.0 1135363.0 100.0 8.0 regionprofile 0.006197 0.006197 0.006197 0.006197 512.0 3.659876e+07 8.174614e+07 1.135363e+06 1.0 1135363.0 100.0 9.0 regionprofile 0.006642 0.006642 0.006642 0.006642 1024.0 3.659876e+07 8.174614e+07 1.135363e+06 1.0 1135363.0 100.0 Apps_VOL3D
2097152.0 8.0 regionprofile 0.011187 0.011187 0.011187 0.011187 128.0 7.289670e+07 1.630695e+08 2.264854e+06 1.0 2264854.0 100.0 11.0 regionprofile 0.010800 0.010800 0.010800 0.010800 256.0 7.289670e+07 1.630695e+08 2.264854e+06 1.0 2264854.0 100.0 8.0 regionprofile 0.010640 0.010640 0.010640 0.010640 512.0 7.289670e+07 1.630695e+08 2.264854e+06 1.0 2264854.0 100.0 9.0 regionprofile 0.012168 0.012168 0.012168 0.012168 1024.0 7.289670e+07 1.630695e+08 2.264854e+06 1.0 2264854.0 100.0 Apps_VOL3D
4194304.0 8.0 regionprofile 0.021192 0.021192 0.021192 0.021192 128.0 1.426524e+08 3.194887e+08 4.437343e+06 1.0 4437343.0 100.0 11.0 regionprofile 0.020404 0.020404 0.020404 0.020404 256.0 1.426524e+08 3.194887e+08 4.437343e+06 1.0 4437343.0 100.0 8.0 regionprofile 0.020121 0.020121 0.020121 0.020121 512.0 1.426524e+08 3.194887e+08 4.437343e+06 1.0 4437343.0 100.0 9.0 regionprofile 0.022434 0.022434 0.022434 0.022434 1024.0 1.426524e+08 3.194887e+08 4.437343e+06 1.0 4437343.0 100.0 Apps_VOL3D
8388608.0 8.0 regionprofile 0.041352 0.041352 0.041352 0.041352 128.0 2.821095e+08 6.324213e+08 8.783629e+06 1.0 8783629.0 100.0 11.0 regionprofile 0.040220 0.040220 0.040220 0.040220 256.0 2.821095e+08 6.324213e+08 8.783629e+06 1.0 8783629.0 100.0 8.0 regionprofile 0.040498 0.040498 0.040498 0.040498 512.0 2.821095e+08 6.324213e+08 8.783629e+06 1.0 8783629.0 100.0 9.0 regionprofile 0.047608 0.047608 0.047608 0.047608 1024.0 2.821095e+08 6.324213e+08 8.783629e+06 1.0 8783629.0 100.0 Apps_VOL3D
{'name': 'Apps_ZONAL_ACCUMULATION_3D', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 9.0 regionprofile 0.003759 0.003759 0.003759 0.003759 128.0 2.497448e+07 8.242408e+06 1.030301e+06 1.0 1030301.0 100.0 12.0 regionprofile 0.003767 0.003767 0.003767 0.003767 256.0 2.497448e+07 8.242408e+06 1.030301e+06 1.0 1030301.0 100.0 9.0 regionprofile 0.003778 0.003778 0.003778 0.003778 512.0 2.497448e+07 8.242408e+06 1.030301e+06 1.0 1030301.0 100.0 10.0 regionprofile 0.003785 0.003785 0.003785 0.003785 1024.0 2.497448e+07 8.242408e+06 1.030301e+06 1.0 1030301.0 100.0 Apps_ZONAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
2097152.0 9.0 regionprofile 0.007109 0.007109 0.007109 0.007109 128.0 5.072794e+07 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 12.0 regionprofile 0.007104 0.007104 0.007104 0.007104 256.0 5.072794e+07 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 9.0 regionprofile 0.007101 0.007101 0.007101 0.007101 512.0 5.072794e+07 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 10.0 regionprofile 0.007115 0.007115 0.007115 0.007115 1024.0 5.072794e+07 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Apps_ZONAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
4194304.0 9.0 regionprofile 0.013590 0.013590 0.013590 0.013590 128.0 1.007847e+08 3.338625e+07 4.173281e+06 1.0 4173281.0 100.0 12.0 regionprofile 0.013586 0.013586 0.013586 0.013586 256.0 1.007847e+08 3.338625e+07 4.173281e+06 1.0 4173281.0 100.0 9.0 regionprofile 0.013592 0.013592 0.013592 0.013592 512.0 1.007847e+08 3.338625e+07 4.173281e+06 1.0 4173281.0 100.0 10.0 regionprofile 0.013577 0.013577 0.013577 0.013577 1024.0 1.007847e+08 3.338625e+07 4.173281e+06 1.0 4173281.0 100.0 Apps_ZONAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
8388608.0 9.0 regionprofile 0.026485 0.026485 0.026485 0.026485 128.0 2.017641e+08 6.692342e+07 8.365427e+06 1.0 8365427.0 100.0 12.0 regionprofile 0.026465 0.026465 0.026465 0.026465 256.0 2.017641e+08 6.692342e+07 8.365427e+06 1.0 8365427.0 100.0 9.0 regionprofile 0.026432 0.026432 0.026432 0.026432 512.0 2.017641e+08 6.692342e+07 8.365427e+06 1.0 8365427.0 100.0 10.0 regionprofile 0.026438 0.026438 0.026438 0.026438 1024.0 2.017641e+08 6.692342e+07 8.365427e+06 1.0 8365427.0 100.0 Apps_ZONAL_ACCUMULATION_3D
{'name': 'Basic', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 2.0 regionprofile 0.358472 0.358472 0.358472 0.358472 128.0 1.342177e+08 1.153434e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2500.0 2.0 regionprofile 0.331463 0.331463 0.331463 0.331463 256.0 1.342177e+08 2.147484e+09 3.145729e+06 3.0 1048576.0 2500.0 2.0 regionprofile 0.304899 0.304899 0.304899 0.304899 512.0 1.342177e+08 1.153434e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2500.0 2.0 regionprofile 0.307749 0.307749 0.307749 0.307749 1024.0 1.342177e+08 2.147484e+09 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2500.0 Basic
2097152.0 2.0 regionprofile 0.660031 0.660031 0.660031 0.660031 128.0 2.684355e+08 2.306867e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2500.0 2.0 regionprofile 0.612778 0.612778 0.612778 0.612778 256.0 2.684355e+08 6.173254e+09 6.291457e+06 3.0 2097152.0 2500.0 2.0 regionprofile 0.564261 0.564261 0.564261 0.564261 512.0 2.684355e+08 2.306867e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2500.0 2.0 regionprofile 0.581066 0.581066 0.581066 0.581066 1024.0 2.684355e+08 6.173254e+09 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2500.0 Basic
4194304.0 2.0 regionprofile 1.212360 1.212360 1.212360 1.212360 128.0 5.368709e+08 4.613734e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2500.0 2.0 regionprofile 1.196301 1.196301 1.196301 1.196301 256.0 5.368709e+08 1.717987e+10 1.258291e+07 3.0 4194304.0 2500.0 2.0 regionprofile 1.104285 1.104285 1.104285 1.104285 512.0 5.368709e+08 4.613734e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2500.0 2.0 regionprofile 1.147618 1.147618 1.147618 1.147618 1024.0 5.368709e+08 1.717987e+10 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2500.0 Basic
8388608.0 2.0 regionprofile 2.390606 2.390606 2.390606 2.390606 128.0 1.073742e+09 9.227469e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2500.0 2.0 regionprofile 2.390248 2.390248 2.390248 2.390248 256.0 1.073742e+09 4.857644e+10 2.516582e+07 3.0 8388608.0 2500.0 2.0 regionprofile 2.173687 2.173687 2.173687 2.173687 512.0 1.073742e+09 9.227469e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2500.0 2.0 regionprofile 2.294234 2.294234 2.294234 2.294234 1024.0 1.073742e+09 4.857644e+10 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2500.0 Basic
{'name': 'Basic_COPY8', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 3.0 regionprofile 0.008633 0.008633 0.008633 0.008633 128.0 1.342177e+08 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 3.0 regionprofile 0.008626 0.008626 0.008626 0.008626 256.0 1.342177e+08 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 3.0 regionprofile 0.008620 0.008620 0.008620 0.008620 512.0 1.342177e+08 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 3.0 regionprofile 0.008648 0.008648 0.008648 0.008648 1024.0 1.342177e+08 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_COPY8
2097152.0 3.0 regionprofile 0.016652 0.016652 0.016652 0.016652 128.0 2.684355e+08 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 3.0 regionprofile 0.016635 0.016635 0.016635 0.016635 256.0 2.684355e+08 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 3.0 regionprofile 0.016698 0.016698 0.016698 0.016698 512.0 2.684355e+08 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 3.0 regionprofile 0.016776 0.016776 0.016776 0.016776 1024.0 2.684355e+08 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_COPY8
4194304.0 3.0 regionprofile 0.033142 0.033142 0.033142 0.033142 128.0 5.368709e+08 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 3.0 regionprofile 0.033163 0.033163 0.033163 0.033163 256.0 5.368709e+08 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 3.0 regionprofile 0.033220 0.033220 0.033220 0.033220 512.0 5.368709e+08 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 3.0 regionprofile 0.033419 0.033419 0.033419 0.033419 1024.0 5.368709e+08 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_COPY8
8388608.0 3.0 regionprofile 0.065729 0.065729 0.065729 0.065729 128.0 1.073742e+09 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 3.0 regionprofile 0.065737 0.065737 0.065737 0.065737 256.0 1.073742e+09 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 3.0 regionprofile 0.065913 0.065913 0.065913 0.065913 512.0 1.073742e+09 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 3.0 regionprofile 0.066547 0.066547 0.066547 0.066547 1024.0 1.073742e+09 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_COPY8
{'name': 'Basic_DAXPY', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 14.0 regionprofile 0.016969 0.016969 0.016969 0.016969 128.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 17.0 regionprofile 0.016959 0.016959 0.016959 0.016959 256.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 14.0 regionprofile 0.016947 0.016947 0.016947 0.016947 512.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 15.0 regionprofile 0.016963 0.016963 0.016963 0.016963 1024.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY
2097152.0 14.0 regionprofile 0.031757 0.031757 0.031757 0.031757 128.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 17.0 regionprofile 0.031695 0.031695 0.031695 0.031695 256.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 14.0 regionprofile 0.031745 0.031745 0.031745 0.031745 512.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 15.0 regionprofile 0.031764 0.031764 0.031764 0.031764 1024.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY
4194304.0 14.0 regionprofile 0.061511 0.061511 0.061511 0.061511 128.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 17.0 regionprofile 0.061487 0.061487 0.061487 0.061487 256.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 14.0 regionprofile 0.061560 0.061560 0.061560 0.061560 512.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 15.0 regionprofile 0.061628 0.061628 0.061628 0.061628 1024.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY
8388608.0 14.0 regionprofile 0.120519 0.120519 0.120519 0.120519 128.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 17.0 regionprofile 0.120701 0.120701 0.120701 0.120701 256.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 14.0 regionprofile 0.120963 0.120963 0.120963 0.120963 512.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 15.0 regionprofile 0.121107 0.121107 0.121107 0.121107 1024.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY
{'name': 'Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 15.0 regionprofile 0.016964 0.016964 0.016964 0.016964 128.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 18.0 regionprofile 0.016933 0.016933 0.016933 0.016933 256.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 15.0 regionprofile 0.016899 0.016899 0.016899 0.016899 512.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 16.0 regionprofile 0.016925 0.016925 0.016925 0.016925 1024.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
2097152.0 15.0 regionprofile 0.031928 0.031928 0.031928 0.031928 128.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 18.0 regionprofile 0.031877 0.031877 0.031877 0.031877 256.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 15.0 regionprofile 0.031879 0.031879 0.031879 0.031879 512.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 16.0 regionprofile 0.031916 0.031916 0.031916 0.031916 1024.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
4194304.0 15.0 regionprofile 0.062023 0.062023 0.062023 0.062023 128.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 18.0 regionprofile 0.061918 0.061918 0.061918 0.061918 256.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 15.0 regionprofile 0.062025 0.062025 0.062025 0.062025 512.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 16.0 regionprofile 0.061826 0.061826 0.061826 0.061826 1024.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
8388608.0 15.0 regionprofile 0.121737 0.121737 0.121737 0.121737 128.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 18.0 regionprofile 0.121816 0.121816 0.121816 0.121816 256.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 15.0 regionprofile 0.121705 0.121705 0.121705 0.121705 512.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 16.0 regionprofile 0.121785 0.121785 0.121785 0.121785 1024.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 Basic_DAXPY_ATOMIC
{'name': 'Basic_IF_QUAD', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 16.0 regionprofile 0.012196 0.012196 0.012196 0.012196 128.0 4.194304e+07 1.153434e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 180.0 19.0 regionprofile 0.012097 0.012097 0.012097 0.012097 256.0 4.194304e+07 1.153434e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 180.0 16.0 regionprofile 0.012212 0.012212 0.012212 0.012212 512.0 4.194304e+07 1.153434e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 180.0 17.0 regionprofile 0.012348 0.012348 0.012348 0.012348 1024.0 4.194304e+07 1.153434e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 180.0 Basic_IF_QUAD
2097152.0 16.0 regionprofile 0.024207 0.024207 0.024207 0.024207 128.0 8.388608e+07 2.306867e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 180.0 19.0 regionprofile 0.024345 0.024345 0.024345 0.024345 256.0 8.388608e+07 2.306867e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 180.0 16.0 regionprofile 0.024321 0.024321 0.024321 0.024321 512.0 8.388608e+07 2.306867e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 180.0 17.0 regionprofile 0.024599 0.024599 0.024599 0.024599 1024.0 8.388608e+07 2.306867e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 180.0 Basic_IF_QUAD
4194304.0 16.0 regionprofile 0.047678 0.047678 0.047678 0.047678 128.0 1.677722e+08 4.613734e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 180.0 19.0 regionprofile 0.047641 0.047641 0.047641 0.047641 256.0 1.677722e+08 4.613734e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 180.0 16.0 regionprofile 0.047847 0.047847 0.047847 0.047847 512.0 1.677722e+08 4.613734e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 180.0 17.0 regionprofile 0.048682 0.048682 0.048682 0.048682 1024.0 1.677722e+08 4.613734e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 180.0 Basic_IF_QUAD
8388608.0 16.0 regionprofile 0.095443 0.095443 0.095443 0.095443 128.0 3.355443e+08 9.227469e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 180.0 19.0 regionprofile 0.094637 0.094637 0.094637 0.094637 256.0 3.355443e+08 9.227469e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 180.0 16.0 regionprofile 0.095648 0.095648 0.095648 0.095648 512.0 3.355443e+08 9.227469e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 180.0 17.0 regionprofile 0.096604 0.096604 0.096604 0.096604 1024.0 3.355443e+08 9.227469e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 180.0 Basic_IF_QUAD
{'name': 'Basic_INDEXLIST', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 20.0 regionprofile 0.004381 0.004381 0.004381 0.004381 256.0 1.048578e+07 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Basic_INDEXLIST
2097152.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 20.0 regionprofile 0.006611 0.006611 0.006611 0.006611 256.0 2.097154e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Basic_INDEXLIST
4194304.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 20.0 regionprofile 0.010341 0.010341 0.010341 0.010341 256.0 4.194306e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Basic_INDEXLIST
8388608.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 20.0 regionprofile 0.016765 0.016765 0.016765 0.016765 256.0 8.388610e+07 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Basic_INDEXLIST
{'name': 'Basic_INDEXLIST_3LOOP', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 21.0 regionprofile 0.008069 0.008069 0.008069 0.008069 256.0 2.726300e+07 0.000000e+00 3.145729e+06 3.0 1048576.0 100.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Basic_INDEXLIST_3LOOP
2097152.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 21.0 regionprofile 0.013695 0.013695 0.013695 0.013695 256.0 5.452598e+07 0.000000e+00 6.291457e+06 3.0 2097152.0 100.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Basic_INDEXLIST_3LOOP
4194304.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 21.0 regionprofile 0.024478 0.024478 0.024478 0.024478 256.0 1.090519e+08 0.000000e+00 1.258291e+07 3.0 4194304.0 100.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Basic_INDEXLIST_3LOOP
8388608.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 21.0 regionprofile 0.046207 0.046207 0.046207 0.046207 256.0 2.181038e+08 0.000000e+00 2.516582e+07 3.0 8388608.0 100.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Basic_INDEXLIST_3LOOP
{'name': 'Basic_INIT3', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 17.0 regionprofile 0.028175 0.028175 0.028175 0.028175 128.0 4.194304e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 22.0 regionprofile 0.028069 0.028069 0.028069 0.028069 256.0 4.194304e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 17.0 regionprofile 0.028077 0.028077 0.028077 0.028077 512.0 4.194304e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 18.0 regionprofile 0.028082 0.028082 0.028082 0.028082 1024.0 4.194304e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 Basic_INIT3
2097152.0 17.0 regionprofile 0.054312 0.054312 0.054312 0.054312 128.0 8.388608e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 22.0 regionprofile 0.054398 0.054398 0.054398 0.054398 256.0 8.388608e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 17.0 regionprofile 0.054236 0.054236 0.054236 0.054236 512.0 8.388608e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 18.0 regionprofile 0.054335 0.054335 0.054335 0.054335 1024.0 8.388608e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 Basic_INIT3
4194304.0 17.0 regionprofile 0.106234 0.106234 0.106234 0.106234 128.0 1.677722e+08 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 22.0 regionprofile 0.106217 0.106217 0.106217 0.106217 256.0 1.677722e+08 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 17.0 regionprofile 0.106385 0.106385 0.106385 0.106385 512.0 1.677722e+08 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 18.0 regionprofile 0.106255 0.106255 0.106255 0.106255 1024.0 1.677722e+08 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 Basic_INIT3
8388608.0 17.0 regionprofile 0.210474 0.210474 0.210474 0.210474 128.0 3.355443e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 22.0 regionprofile 0.210602 0.210602 0.210602 0.210602 256.0 3.355443e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 17.0 regionprofile 0.210615 0.210615 0.210615 0.210615 512.0 3.355443e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 18.0 regionprofile 0.210807 0.210807 0.210807 0.210807 1024.0 3.355443e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 Basic_INIT3
{'name': 'Basic_INIT_VIEW1D', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 18.0 regionprofile 0.042175 0.042175 0.042175 0.042175 128.0 8.388608e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2500.0 23.0 regionprofile 0.031357 0.031357 0.031357 0.031357 256.0 8.388608e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2500.0 18.0 regionprofile 0.031451 0.031451 0.031451 0.031451 512.0 8.388608e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2500.0 19.0 regionprofile 0.031397 0.031397 0.031397 0.031397 1024.0 8.388608e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
2097152.0 18.0 regionprofile 0.076089 0.076089 0.076089 0.076089 128.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2500.0 23.0 regionprofile 0.055208 0.055208 0.055208 0.055208 256.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2500.0 18.0 regionprofile 0.055260 0.055260 0.055260 0.055260 512.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2500.0 19.0 regionprofile 0.055236 0.055236 0.055236 0.055236 1024.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
4194304.0 18.0 regionprofile 0.123815 0.123815 0.123815 0.123815 128.0 3.355443e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2500.0 23.0 regionprofile 0.101103 0.101103 0.101103 0.101103 256.0 3.355443e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2500.0 18.0 regionprofile 0.101131 0.101131 0.101131 0.101131 512.0 3.355443e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2500.0 19.0 regionprofile 0.101077 0.101077 0.101077 0.101077 1024.0 3.355443e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
8388608.0 18.0 regionprofile 0.239395 0.239395 0.239395 0.239395 128.0 6.710886e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2500.0 23.0 regionprofile 0.194360 0.194360 0.194360 0.194360 256.0 6.710886e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2500.0 18.0 regionprofile 0.194455 0.194455 0.194455 0.194455 512.0 6.710886e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2500.0 19.0 regionprofile 0.194379 0.194379 0.194379 0.194379 1024.0 6.710886e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D
{'name': 'Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 19.0 regionprofile 0.042183 0.042183 0.042183 0.042183 128.0 8.388608e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2500.0 24.0 regionprofile 0.031365 0.031365 0.031365 0.031365 256.0 8.388608e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2500.0 19.0 regionprofile 0.031432 0.031432 0.031432 0.031432 512.0 8.388608e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2500.0 20.0 regionprofile 0.031421 0.031421 0.031421 0.031421 1024.0 8.388608e+06 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
2097152.0 19.0 regionprofile 0.066220 0.066220 0.066220 0.066220 128.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2500.0 24.0 regionprofile 0.054322 0.054322 0.054322 0.054322 256.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2500.0 19.0 regionprofile 0.054311 0.054311 0.054311 0.054311 512.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2500.0 20.0 regionprofile 0.054345 0.054345 0.054345 0.054345 1024.0 1.677722e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
4194304.0 19.0 regionprofile 0.123782 0.123782 0.123782 0.123782 128.0 3.355443e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2500.0 24.0 regionprofile 0.101056 0.101056 0.101056 0.101056 256.0 3.355443e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2500.0 19.0 regionprofile 0.101092 0.101092 0.101092 0.101092 512.0 3.355443e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2500.0 20.0 regionprofile 0.101099 0.101099 0.101099 0.101099 1024.0 3.355443e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
8388608.0 19.0 regionprofile 0.239354 0.239354 0.239354 0.239354 128.0 6.710886e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2500.0 24.0 regionprofile 0.194348 0.194348 0.194348 0.194348 256.0 6.710886e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2500.0 19.0 regionprofile 0.194426 0.194426 0.194426 0.194426 512.0 6.710886e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2500.0 20.0 regionprofile 0.194391 0.194391 0.194391 0.194391 1024.0 6.710886e+07 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2500.0 Basic_INIT_VIEW1D_OFFSET
{'name': 'Basic_MAT_MAT_SHARED', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 25.0 regionprofile 0.006487 0.006487 0.006487 0.006487 256.0 1.677722e+07 2.147484e+09 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 5.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 21.0 regionprofile 0.005941 0.005941 0.005941 0.005941 1024.0 1.677722e+07 2.147484e+09 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 5.0 Basic_MAT_MAT_SHARED
2097152.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 25.0 regionprofile 0.016137 0.016137 0.016137 0.016137 256.0 3.354726e+07 6.173254e+09 2.096704e+06 1.0 2096704.0 5.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 21.0 regionprofile 0.015342 0.015342 0.015342 0.015342 1024.0 3.354726e+07 6.173254e+09 2.096704e+06 1.0 2096704.0 5.0 Basic_MAT_MAT_SHARED
4194304.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 25.0 regionprofile 0.043018 0.043018 0.043018 0.043018 256.0 6.710886e+07 1.717987e+10 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 5.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 21.0 regionprofile 0.040437 0.040437 0.040437 0.040437 1024.0 6.710886e+07 1.717987e+10 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 5.0 Basic_MAT_MAT_SHARED
8388608.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 25.0 regionprofile 0.121056 0.121056 0.121056 0.121056 256.0 1.341891e+08 4.857644e+10 8.386816e+06 1.0 8386816.0 5.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 21.0 regionprofile 0.114420 0.114420 0.114420 0.114420 1024.0 1.341891e+08 4.857644e+10 8.386816e+06 1.0 8386816.0 5.0 Basic_MAT_MAT_SHARED
{'name': 'Basic_MULADDSUB', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 20.0 regionprofile 0.019719 0.019719 0.019719 0.019719 128.0 4.194304e+07 3.145728e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 350.0 26.0 regionprofile 0.019641 0.019641 0.019641 0.019641 256.0 4.194304e+07 3.145728e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 350.0 20.0 regionprofile 0.019649 0.019649 0.019649 0.019649 512.0 4.194304e+07 3.145728e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 350.0 22.0 regionprofile 0.019664 0.019664 0.019664 0.019664 1024.0 4.194304e+07 3.145728e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 350.0 Basic_MULADDSUB
2097152.0 20.0 regionprofile 0.038028 0.038028 0.038028 0.038028 128.0 8.388608e+07 6.291456e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 350.0 26.0 regionprofile 0.038116 0.038116 0.038116 0.038116 256.0 8.388608e+07 6.291456e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 350.0 20.0 regionprofile 0.037958 0.037958 0.037958 0.037958 512.0 8.388608e+07 6.291456e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 350.0 22.0 regionprofile 0.038058 0.038058 0.038058 0.038058 1024.0 8.388608e+07 6.291456e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 350.0 Basic_MULADDSUB
4194304.0 20.0 regionprofile 0.074557 0.074557 0.074557 0.074557 128.0 1.677722e+08 1.258291e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 350.0 26.0 regionprofile 0.074415 0.074415 0.074415 0.074415 256.0 1.677722e+08 1.258291e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 350.0 20.0 regionprofile 0.074470 0.074470 0.074470 0.074470 512.0 1.677722e+08 1.258291e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 350.0 22.0 regionprofile 0.074397 0.074397 0.074397 0.074397 1024.0 1.677722e+08 1.258291e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 350.0 Basic_MULADDSUB
8388608.0 20.0 regionprofile 0.148068 0.148068 0.148068 0.148068 128.0 3.355443e+08 2.516582e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 350.0 26.0 regionprofile 0.147477 0.147477 0.147477 0.147477 256.0 3.355443e+08 2.516582e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 350.0 20.0 regionprofile 0.147520 0.147520 0.147520 0.147520 512.0 3.355443e+08 2.516582e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 350.0 22.0 regionprofile 0.147596 0.147596 0.147596 0.147596 1024.0 3.355443e+08 2.516582e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 350.0 Basic_MULADDSUB
{'name': 'Basic_NESTED_INIT', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 21.0 regionprofile 0.020746 0.020746 0.020746 0.020746 128.0 8.242408e+06 3.090903e+06 1.030301e+06 1.0 1030301.0 1000.0 27.0 regionprofile 0.013794 0.013794 0.013794 0.013794 256.0 8.242408e+06 3.090903e+06 1.030301e+06 1.0 1030301.0 1000.0 21.0 regionprofile 0.013836 0.013836 0.013836 0.013836 512.0 8.242408e+06 3.090903e+06 1.030301e+06 1.0 1030301.0 1000.0 23.0 regionprofile 0.013929 0.013929 0.013929 0.013929 1024.0 8.242408e+06 3.090903e+06 1.030301e+06 1.0 1030301.0 1000.0 Basic_NESTED_INIT
2097152.0 21.0 regionprofile 0.030605 0.030605 0.030605 0.030605 128.0 1.677722e+07 6.291456e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 27.0 regionprofile 0.022181 0.022181 0.022181 0.022181 256.0 1.677722e+07 6.291456e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 21.0 regionprofile 0.022230 0.022230 0.022230 0.022230 512.0 1.677722e+07 6.291456e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 23.0 regionprofile 0.022290 0.022290 0.022290 0.022290 1024.0 1.677722e+07 6.291456e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Basic_NESTED_INIT
4194304.0 21.0 regionprofile 0.059267 0.059267 0.059267 0.059267 128.0 3.338625e+07 1.251984e+07 4.173281e+06 1.0 4173281.0 1000.0 27.0 regionprofile 0.053219 0.053219 0.053219 0.053219 256.0 3.338625e+07 1.251984e+07 4.173281e+06 1.0 4173281.0 1000.0 21.0 regionprofile 0.053384 0.053384 0.053384 0.053384 512.0 3.338625e+07 1.251984e+07 4.173281e+06 1.0 4173281.0 1000.0 23.0 regionprofile 0.054104 0.054104 0.054104 0.054104 1024.0 3.338625e+07 1.251984e+07 4.173281e+06 1.0 4173281.0 1000.0 Basic_NESTED_INIT
8388608.0 21.0 regionprofile 0.105673 0.105673 0.105673 0.105673 128.0 6.692342e+07 2.509628e+07 8.365427e+06 1.0 8365427.0 1000.0 27.0 regionprofile 0.103675 0.103675 0.103675 0.103675 256.0 6.692342e+07 2.509628e+07 8.365427e+06 1.0 8365427.0 1000.0 21.0 regionprofile 0.103893 0.103893 0.103893 0.103893 512.0 6.692342e+07 2.509628e+07 8.365427e+06 1.0 8365427.0 1000.0 23.0 regionprofile 0.105177 0.105177 0.105177 0.105177 1024.0 6.692342e+07 2.509628e+07 8.365427e+06 1.0 8365427.0 1000.0 Basic_NESTED_INIT
{'name': 'Basic_PI_ATOMIC', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 22.0 regionprofile 0.127441 0.127441 0.127441 0.127441 128.0 1.600000e+01 6.291457e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 28.0 regionprofile 0.118803 0.118803 0.118803 0.118803 256.0 1.600000e+01 6.291457e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 22.0 regionprofile 0.114028 0.114028 0.114028 0.114028 512.0 1.600000e+01 6.291457e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 24.0 regionprofile 0.110191 0.110191 0.110191 0.110191 1024.0 1.600000e+01 6.291457e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
2097152.0 22.0 regionprofile 0.247100 0.247100 0.247100 0.247100 128.0 1.600000e+01 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 28.0 regionprofile 0.223095 0.223095 0.223095 0.223095 256.0 1.600000e+01 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 22.0 regionprofile 0.218837 0.218837 0.218837 0.218837 512.0 1.600000e+01 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 24.0 regionprofile 0.218943 0.218943 0.218943 0.218943 1024.0 1.600000e+01 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
4194304.0 22.0 regionprofile 0.436268 0.436268 0.436268 0.436268 128.0 1.600000e+01 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 28.0 regionprofile 0.436232 0.436232 0.436232 0.436232 256.0 1.600000e+01 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 22.0 regionprofile 0.436220 0.436220 0.436220 0.436220 512.0 1.600000e+01 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 24.0 regionprofile 0.436230 0.436230 0.436230 0.436230 1024.0 1.600000e+01 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
8388608.0 22.0 regionprofile 0.871399 0.871399 0.871399 0.871399 128.0 1.600000e+01 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 28.0 regionprofile 0.871461 0.871461 0.871461 0.871461 256.0 1.600000e+01 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 22.0 regionprofile 0.870922 0.870922 0.870922 0.870922 512.0 1.600000e+01 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 24.0 regionprofile 0.871495 0.871495 0.871495 0.871495 1024.0 1.600000e+01 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_PI_ATOMIC
{'name': 'Basic_PI_REDUCE', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 23.0 regionprofile 0.002507 0.002507 0.002507 0.002507 128.0 1.600000e+01 6.291457e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 29.0 regionprofile 0.002090 0.002090 0.002090 0.002090 256.0 1.600000e+01 6.291457e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 23.0 regionprofile 0.002092 0.002092 0.002092 0.002092 512.0 1.600000e+01 6.291457e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 25.0 regionprofile 0.002487 0.002487 0.002487 0.002487 1024.0 1.600000e+01 6.291457e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_PI_REDUCE
2097152.0 23.0 regionprofile 0.003325 0.003325 0.003325 0.003325 128.0 1.600000e+01 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 29.0 regionprofile 0.002852 0.002852 0.002852 0.002852 256.0 1.600000e+01 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 23.0 regionprofile 0.002898 0.002898 0.002898 0.002898 512.0 1.600000e+01 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 25.0 regionprofile 0.002929 0.002929 0.002929 0.002929 1024.0 1.600000e+01 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_PI_REDUCE
4194304.0 23.0 regionprofile 0.004897 0.004897 0.004897 0.004897 128.0 1.600000e+01 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 29.0 regionprofile 0.003627 0.003627 0.003627 0.003627 256.0 1.600000e+01 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 23.0 regionprofile 0.004062 0.004062 0.004062 0.004062 512.0 1.600000e+01 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 25.0 regionprofile 0.004475 0.004475 0.004475 0.004475 1024.0 1.600000e+01 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_PI_REDUCE
8388608.0 23.0 regionprofile 0.008562 0.008562 0.008562 0.008562 128.0 1.600000e+01 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 29.0 regionprofile 0.005821 0.005821 0.005821 0.005821 256.0 1.600000e+01 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 23.0 regionprofile 0.006092 0.006092 0.006092 0.006092 512.0 1.600000e+01 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 25.0 regionprofile 0.007203 0.007203 0.007203 0.007203 1024.0 1.600000e+01 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_PI_REDUCE
{'name': 'Basic_REDUCE3_INT', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 24.0 regionprofile 0.002289 0.002289 0.002289 0.002289 128.0 4.194328e+06 1.048577e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 30.0 regionprofile 0.002159 0.002159 0.002159 0.002159 256.0 4.194328e+06 1.048577e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 24.0 regionprofile 0.002267 0.002267 0.002267 0.002267 512.0 4.194328e+06 1.048577e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 26.0 regionprofile 0.002262 0.002262 0.002262 0.002262 1024.0 4.194328e+06 1.048577e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
2097152.0 24.0 regionprofile 0.003286 0.003286 0.003286 0.003286 128.0 8.388632e+06 2.097153e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 30.0 regionprofile 0.002828 0.002828 0.002828 0.002828 256.0 8.388632e+06 2.097153e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 24.0 regionprofile 0.002842 0.002842 0.002842 0.002842 512.0 8.388632e+06 2.097153e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 26.0 regionprofile 0.003265 0.003265 0.003265 0.003265 1024.0 8.388632e+06 2.097153e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
4194304.0 24.0 regionprofile 0.005095 0.005095 0.005095 0.005095 128.0 1.677724e+07 4.194305e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 30.0 regionprofile 0.004155 0.004155 0.004155 0.004155 256.0 1.677724e+07 4.194305e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 24.0 regionprofile 0.004307 0.004307 0.004307 0.004307 512.0 1.677724e+07 4.194305e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 26.0 regionprofile 0.005081 0.005081 0.005081 0.005081 1024.0 1.677724e+07 4.194305e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
8388608.0 24.0 regionprofile 0.008823 0.008823 0.008823 0.008823 128.0 3.355446e+07 8.388609e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 30.0 regionprofile 0.006474 0.006474 0.006474 0.006474 256.0 3.355446e+07 8.388609e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 24.0 regionprofile 0.007388 0.007388 0.007388 0.007388 512.0 3.355446e+07 8.388609e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 26.0 regionprofile 0.008359 0.008359 0.008359 0.008359 1024.0 3.355446e+07 8.388609e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE3_INT
{'name': 'Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 25.0 regionprofile 0.015869 0.015869 0.015869 0.015869 128.0 1.677726e+07 2.097154e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 31.0 regionprofile 0.008434 0.008434 0.008434 0.008434 256.0 1.677726e+07 2.097154e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 25.0 regionprofile 0.004959 0.004959 0.004959 0.004959 512.0 1.677726e+07 2.097154e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 27.0 regionprofile 0.004877 0.004877 0.004877 0.004877 1024.0 1.677726e+07 2.097154e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
2097152.0 25.0 regionprofile 0.033105 0.033105 0.033105 0.033105 128.0 3.355448e+07 4.194306e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 31.0 regionprofile 0.015778 0.015778 0.015778 0.015778 256.0 3.355448e+07 4.194306e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 25.0 regionprofile 0.008044 0.008044 0.008044 0.008044 512.0 3.355448e+07 4.194306e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 27.0 regionprofile 0.007887 0.007887 0.007887 0.007887 1024.0 3.355448e+07 4.194306e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
4194304.0 25.0 regionprofile 0.069074 0.069074 0.069074 0.069074 128.0 6.710891e+07 8.388610e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 31.0 regionprofile 0.030352 0.030352 0.030352 0.030352 256.0 6.710891e+07 8.388610e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 25.0 regionprofile 0.014461 0.014461 0.014461 0.014461 512.0 6.710891e+07 8.388610e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 27.0 regionprofile 0.014016 0.014016 0.014016 0.014016 1024.0 6.710891e+07 8.388610e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
8388608.0 25.0 regionprofile 0.146754 0.146754 0.146754 0.146754 128.0 1.342178e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 31.0 regionprofile 0.062863 0.062863 0.062863 0.062863 256.0 1.342178e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 25.0 regionprofile 0.027538 0.027538 0.027538 0.027538 512.0 1.342178e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 27.0 regionprofile 0.026527 0.026527 0.026527 0.026527 1024.0 1.342178e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_REDUCE_STRUCT
{'name': 'Basic_TRAP_INT', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 26.0 regionprofile 0.002508 0.002508 0.002508 0.002508 128.0 1.600000e+01 1.048576e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 32.0 regionprofile 0.002086 0.002086 0.002086 0.002086 256.0 1.600000e+01 1.048576e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 26.0 regionprofile 0.002345 0.002345 0.002345 0.002345 512.0 1.600000e+01 1.048576e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 28.0 regionprofile 0.002518 0.002518 0.002518 0.002518 1024.0 1.600000e+01 1.048576e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Basic_TRAP_INT
2097152.0 26.0 regionprofile 0.003319 0.003319 0.003319 0.003319 128.0 1.600000e+01 2.097152e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 32.0 regionprofile 0.002889 0.002889 0.002889 0.002889 256.0 1.600000e+01 2.097152e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 26.0 regionprofile 0.002907 0.002907 0.002907 0.002907 512.0 1.600000e+01 2.097152e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 28.0 regionprofile 0.003281 0.003281 0.003281 0.003281 1024.0 1.600000e+01 2.097152e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Basic_TRAP_INT
4194304.0 26.0 regionprofile 0.004914 0.004914 0.004914 0.004914 128.0 1.600000e+01 4.194304e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 32.0 regionprofile 0.003758 0.003758 0.003758 0.003758 256.0 1.600000e+01 4.194304e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 26.0 regionprofile 0.004024 0.004024 0.004024 0.004024 512.0 1.600000e+01 4.194304e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 28.0 regionprofile 0.004790 0.004790 0.004790 0.004790 1024.0 1.600000e+01 4.194304e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Basic_TRAP_INT
8388608.0 26.0 regionprofile 0.008568 0.008568 0.008568 0.008568 128.0 1.600000e+01 8.388608e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 32.0 regionprofile 0.006102 0.006102 0.006102 0.006102 256.0 1.600000e+01 8.388608e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 26.0 regionprofile 0.006503 0.006503 0.006503 0.006503 512.0 1.600000e+01 8.388608e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 28.0 regionprofile 0.007731 0.007731 0.007731 0.007731 1024.0 1.600000e+01 8.388608e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Basic_TRAP_INT
{'name': 'Lcals', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 27.0 regionprofile 0.386209 0.386209 0.386209 0.386209 128.0 1.677722e+08 4.595730e+07 3.145728e+06 3.0 1048576.0 2000.0 33.0 regionprofile 0.384584 0.384584 0.384584 0.384584 256.0 1.677722e+08 4.595730e+07 3.145728e+06 3.0 1048576.0 2000.0 27.0 regionprofile 0.382757 0.382757 0.382757 0.382757 512.0 1.677722e+08 4.595730e+07 3.145728e+06 3.0 1048576.0 2000.0 29.0 regionprofile 0.380432 0.380432 0.380432 0.380432 1024.0 1.677722e+08 4.595730e+07 3.145728e+06 3.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Lcals
2097152.0 27.0 regionprofile 0.740920 0.740920 0.740920 0.740920 128.0 3.355443e+08 9.200030e+07 6.291456e+06 3.0 2097152.0 2000.0 33.0 regionprofile 0.737090 0.737090 0.737090 0.737090 256.0 3.355443e+08 9.200030e+07 6.291456e+06 3.0 2097152.0 2000.0 27.0 regionprofile 0.733827 0.733827 0.733827 0.733827 512.0 3.355443e+08 9.200030e+07 6.291456e+06 3.0 2097152.0 2000.0 29.0 regionprofile 0.730378 0.730378 0.730378 0.730378 1024.0 3.355443e+08 9.200030e+07 6.291456e+06 3.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Lcals
4194304.0 27.0 regionprofile 1.449984 1.449984 1.449984 1.449984 128.0 6.710886e+08 1.841891e+08 1.258291e+07 3.0 4194304.0 2000.0 33.0 regionprofile 1.442402 1.442402 1.442402 1.442402 256.0 6.710886e+08 1.841891e+08 1.258291e+07 3.0 4194304.0 2000.0 27.0 regionprofile 1.436406 1.436406 1.436406 1.436406 512.0 6.710886e+08 1.841891e+08 1.258291e+07 3.0 4194304.0 2000.0 29.0 regionprofile 1.431806 1.431806 1.431806 1.431806 1024.0 6.710886e+08 1.841891e+08 1.258291e+07 3.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Lcals
8388608.0 27.0 regionprofile 2.866099 2.866099 2.866099 2.866099 128.0 1.342177e+09 3.685104e+08 2.516582e+07 3.0 8388608.0 2000.0 33.0 regionprofile 2.854420 2.854420 2.854420 2.854420 256.0 1.342177e+09 3.685104e+08 2.516582e+07 3.0 8388608.0 2000.0 27.0 regionprofile 2.840684 2.840684 2.840684 2.840684 512.0 1.342177e+09 3.685104e+08 2.516582e+07 3.0 8388608.0 2000.0 29.0 regionprofile 2.826837 2.826837 2.826837 2.826837 1024.0 1.342177e+09 3.685104e+08 2.516582e+07 3.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Lcals
{'name': 'Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 28.0 regionprofile 0.061602 0.061602 0.061602 0.061602 128.0 1.677722e+08 9.437184e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 200.0 34.0 regionprofile 0.061002 0.061002 0.061002 0.061002 256.0 1.677722e+08 9.437184e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 200.0 28.0 regionprofile 0.058284 0.058284 0.058284 0.058284 512.0 1.677722e+08 9.437184e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 200.0 30.0 regionprofile 0.056206 0.056206 0.056206 0.056206 1024.0 1.677722e+08 9.437184e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 200.0 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
2097152.0 28.0 regionprofile 0.119687 0.119687 0.119687 0.119687 128.0 3.355443e+08 1.887437e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 200.0 34.0 regionprofile 0.117024 0.117024 0.117024 0.117024 256.0 3.355443e+08 1.887437e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 200.0 28.0 regionprofile 0.113229 0.113229 0.113229 0.113229 512.0 3.355443e+08 1.887437e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 200.0 30.0 regionprofile 0.108448 0.108448 0.108448 0.108448 1024.0 3.355443e+08 1.887437e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 200.0 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
4194304.0 28.0 regionprofile 0.236979 0.236979 0.236979 0.236979 128.0 6.710886e+08 3.774874e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 200.0 34.0 regionprofile 0.231394 0.231394 0.231394 0.231394 256.0 6.710886e+08 3.774874e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 200.0 28.0 regionprofile 0.224460 0.224460 0.224460 0.224460 512.0 6.710886e+08 3.774874e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 200.0 30.0 regionprofile 0.214103 0.214103 0.214103 0.214103 1024.0 6.710886e+08 3.774874e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 200.0 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
8388608.0 28.0 regionprofile 0.471917 0.471917 0.471917 0.471917 128.0 1.342177e+09 7.549747e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 200.0 34.0 regionprofile 0.461355 0.461355 0.461355 0.461355 256.0 1.342177e+09 7.549747e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 200.0 28.0 regionprofile 0.448522 0.448522 0.448522 0.448522 512.0 1.342177e+09 7.549747e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 200.0 30.0 regionprofile 0.427363 0.427363 0.427363 0.427363 1024.0 1.342177e+09 7.549747e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 200.0 Lcals_DIFF_PREDICT
{'name': 'Lcals_EOS', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 29.0 regionprofile 0.022674 0.022674 0.022674 0.022674 128.0 3.355449e+07 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 35.0 regionprofile 0.022652 0.022652 0.022652 0.022652 256.0 3.355449e+07 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 29.0 regionprofile 0.023216 0.023216 0.023216 0.023216 512.0 3.355449e+07 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 31.0 regionprofile 0.022659 0.022659 0.022659 0.022659 1024.0 3.355449e+07 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 500.0 Lcals_EOS
2097152.0 29.0 regionprofile 0.043212 0.043212 0.043212 0.043212 128.0 6.710892e+07 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 35.0 regionprofile 0.043146 0.043146 0.043146 0.043146 256.0 6.710892e+07 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 29.0 regionprofile 0.043166 0.043166 0.043166 0.043166 512.0 6.710892e+07 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 31.0 regionprofile 0.043215 0.043215 0.043215 0.043215 1024.0 6.710892e+07 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 500.0 Lcals_EOS
4194304.0 29.0 regionprofile 0.084055 0.084055 0.084055 0.084055 128.0 1.342178e+08 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 35.0 regionprofile 0.083785 0.083785 0.083785 0.083785 256.0 1.342178e+08 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 29.0 regionprofile 0.083872 0.083872 0.083872 0.083872 512.0 1.342178e+08 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 31.0 regionprofile 0.083781 0.083781 0.083781 0.083781 1024.0 1.342178e+08 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 500.0 Lcals_EOS
8388608.0 29.0 regionprofile 0.163718 0.163718 0.163718 0.163718 128.0 2.684355e+08 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 35.0 regionprofile 0.164599 0.164599 0.164599 0.164599 256.0 2.684355e+08 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 29.0 regionprofile 0.165135 0.165135 0.165135 0.165135 512.0 2.684355e+08 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 31.0 regionprofile 0.165140 0.165140 0.165140 0.165140 1024.0 2.684355e+08 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 500.0 Lcals_EOS
{'name': 'Lcals_FIRST_DIFF', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 30.0 regionprofile 0.048094 0.048094 0.048094 0.048094 128.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 36.0 regionprofile 0.048188 0.048188 0.048188 0.048188 256.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 30.0 regionprofile 0.048319 0.048319 0.048319 0.048319 512.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 32.0 regionprofile 0.048496 0.048496 0.048496 0.048496 1024.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
2097152.0 30.0 regionprofile 0.089910 0.089910 0.089910 0.089910 128.0 3.355444e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 36.0 regionprofile 0.089960 0.089960 0.089960 0.089960 256.0 3.355444e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 30.0 regionprofile 0.090736 0.090736 0.090736 0.090736 512.0 3.355444e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 32.0 regionprofile 0.090215 0.090215 0.090215 0.090215 1024.0 3.355444e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
4194304.0 30.0 regionprofile 0.173070 0.173070 0.173070 0.173070 128.0 6.710887e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 36.0 regionprofile 0.173200 0.173200 0.173200 0.173200 256.0 6.710887e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 30.0 regionprofile 0.173436 0.173436 0.173436 0.173436 512.0 6.710887e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 32.0 regionprofile 0.173699 0.173699 0.173699 0.173699 1024.0 6.710887e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
8388608.0 30.0 regionprofile 0.339211 0.339211 0.339211 0.339211 128.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 36.0 regionprofile 0.339369 0.339369 0.339369 0.339369 256.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 30.0 regionprofile 0.339742 0.339742 0.339742 0.339742 512.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 32.0 regionprofile 0.340453 0.340453 0.340453 0.340453 1024.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_DIFF
{'name': 'Lcals_FIRST_MIN', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 31.0 regionprofile 0.005570 0.005570 0.005570 0.005570 128.0 8.388640e+06 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 37.0 regionprofile 0.004917 0.004917 0.004917 0.004917 256.0 8.388640e+06 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 31.0 regionprofile 0.004600 0.004600 0.004600 0.004600 512.0 8.388640e+06 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 33.0 regionprofile 0.004475 0.004475 0.004475 0.004475 1024.0 8.388640e+06 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 100.0 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
2097152.0 31.0 regionprofile 0.007701 0.007701 0.007701 0.007701 128.0 1.677725e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 37.0 regionprofile 0.006515 0.006515 0.006515 0.006515 256.0 1.677725e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 31.0 regionprofile 0.005893 0.005893 0.005893 0.005893 512.0 1.677725e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 33.0 regionprofile 0.006409 0.006409 0.006409 0.006409 1024.0 1.677725e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 100.0 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
4194304.0 31.0 regionprofile 0.012164 0.012164 0.012164 0.012164 128.0 3.355446e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 37.0 regionprofile 0.009742 0.009742 0.009742 0.009742 256.0 3.355446e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 31.0 regionprofile 0.009258 0.009258 0.009258 0.009258 512.0 3.355446e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 33.0 regionprofile 0.010380 0.010380 0.010380 0.010380 1024.0 3.355446e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 100.0 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
8388608.0 31.0 regionprofile 0.021264 0.021264 0.021264 0.021264 128.0 6.710890e+07 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 37.0 regionprofile 0.018082 0.018082 0.018082 0.018082 256.0 6.710890e+07 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 31.0 regionprofile 0.016001 0.016001 0.016001 0.016001 512.0 6.710890e+07 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 33.0 regionprofile 0.017487 0.017487 0.017487 0.017487 1024.0 6.710890e+07 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 100.0 Lcals_FIRST_MIN
{'name': 'Lcals_FIRST_SUM', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 32.0 regionprofile 0.048174 0.048174 0.048174 0.048174 128.0 1.677721e+07 1.048575e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 38.0 regionprofile 0.048262 0.048262 0.048262 0.048262 256.0 1.677721e+07 1.048575e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 32.0 regionprofile 0.048429 0.048429 0.048429 0.048429 512.0 1.677721e+07 1.048575e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 34.0 regionprofile 0.048660 0.048660 0.048660 0.048660 1024.0 1.677721e+07 1.048575e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
2097152.0 32.0 regionprofile 0.090045 0.090045 0.090045 0.090045 128.0 3.355442e+07 2.097151e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 38.0 regionprofile 0.090116 0.090116 0.090116 0.090116 256.0 3.355442e+07 2.097151e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 32.0 regionprofile 0.090401 0.090401 0.090401 0.090401 512.0 3.355442e+07 2.097151e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 34.0 regionprofile 0.091053 0.091053 0.091053 0.091053 1024.0 3.355442e+07 2.097151e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
4194304.0 32.0 regionprofile 0.173145 0.173145 0.173145 0.173145 128.0 6.710886e+07 4.194303e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 38.0 regionprofile 0.173302 0.173302 0.173302 0.173302 256.0 6.710886e+07 4.194303e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 32.0 regionprofile 0.173509 0.173509 0.173509 0.173509 512.0 6.710886e+07 4.194303e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 34.0 regionprofile 0.174571 0.174571 0.174571 0.174571 1024.0 6.710886e+07 4.194303e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
8388608.0 32.0 regionprofile 0.339436 0.339436 0.339436 0.339436 128.0 1.342177e+08 8.388607e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 38.0 regionprofile 0.339304 0.339304 0.339304 0.339304 256.0 1.342177e+08 8.388607e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 32.0 regionprofile 0.340061 0.340061 0.340061 0.340061 512.0 1.342177e+08 8.388607e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 34.0 regionprofile 0.341924 0.341924 0.341924 0.341924 1024.0 1.342177e+08 8.388607e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Lcals_FIRST_SUM
{'name': 'Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 33.0 regionprofile 0.049221 0.049221 0.049221 0.049221 128.0 8.388608e+07 6.291456e+06 1.048576e+06 2.0 1048576.0 500.0 39.0 regionprofile 0.048982 0.048982 0.048982 0.048982 256.0 8.388608e+07 6.291456e+06 1.048576e+06 2.0 1048576.0 500.0 33.0 regionprofile 0.048876 0.048876 0.048876 0.048876 512.0 8.388608e+07 6.291456e+06 1.048576e+06 2.0 1048576.0 500.0 35.0 regionprofile 0.048841 0.048841 0.048841 0.048841 1024.0 8.388608e+07 6.291456e+06 1.048576e+06 2.0 1048576.0 500.0 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
2097152.0 33.0 regionprofile 0.100018 0.100018 0.100018 0.100018 128.0 1.677722e+08 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 2.0 2097152.0 500.0 39.0 regionprofile 0.099787 0.099787 0.099787 0.099787 256.0 1.677722e+08 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 2.0 2097152.0 500.0 33.0 regionprofile 0.099585 0.099585 0.099585 0.099585 512.0 1.677722e+08 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 2.0 2097152.0 500.0 35.0 regionprofile 0.099693 0.099693 0.099693 0.099693 1024.0 1.677722e+08 1.258291e+07 2.097152e+06 2.0 2097152.0 500.0 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
4194304.0 33.0 regionprofile 0.202627 0.202627 0.202627 0.202627 128.0 3.355443e+08 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 2.0 4194304.0 500.0 39.0 regionprofile 0.202183 0.202183 0.202183 0.202183 256.0 3.355443e+08 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 2.0 4194304.0 500.0 33.0 regionprofile 0.202172 0.202172 0.202172 0.202172 512.0 3.355443e+08 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 2.0 4194304.0 500.0 35.0 regionprofile 0.202094 0.202094 0.202094 0.202094 1024.0 3.355443e+08 2.516582e+07 4.194304e+06 2.0 4194304.0 500.0 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
8388608.0 33.0 regionprofile 0.407307 0.407307 0.407307 0.407307 128.0 6.710886e+08 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 2.0 8388608.0 500.0 39.0 regionprofile 0.406927 0.406927 0.406927 0.406927 256.0 6.710886e+08 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 2.0 8388608.0 500.0 33.0 regionprofile 0.406116 0.406116 0.406116 0.406116 512.0 6.710886e+08 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 2.0 8388608.0 500.0 35.0 regionprofile 0.406465 0.406465 0.406465 0.406465 1024.0 6.710886e+08 5.033165e+07 8.388608e+06 2.0 8388608.0 500.0 Lcals_GEN_LIN_RECUR
{'name': 'Lcals_HYDRO_1D', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 34.0 regionprofile 0.033902 0.033902 0.033902 0.033902 128.0 2.516583e+07 5.242880e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 40.0 regionprofile 0.033772 0.033772 0.033772 0.033772 256.0 2.516583e+07 5.242880e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 34.0 regionprofile 0.033877 0.033877 0.033877 0.033877 512.0 2.516583e+07 5.242880e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 36.0 regionprofile 0.033828 0.033828 0.033828 0.033828 1024.0 2.516583e+07 5.242880e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
2097152.0 34.0 regionprofile 0.063721 0.063721 0.063721 0.063721 128.0 5.033166e+07 1.048576e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 40.0 regionprofile 0.063725 0.063725 0.063725 0.063725 256.0 5.033166e+07 1.048576e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 34.0 regionprofile 0.063795 0.063795 0.063795 0.063795 512.0 5.033166e+07 1.048576e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 36.0 regionprofile 0.063929 0.063929 0.063929 0.063929 1024.0 5.033166e+07 1.048576e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
4194304.0 34.0 regionprofile 0.123286 0.123286 0.123286 0.123286 128.0 1.006633e+08 2.097152e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 40.0 regionprofile 0.123186 0.123186 0.123186 0.123186 256.0 1.006633e+08 2.097152e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 34.0 regionprofile 0.123447 0.123447 0.123447 0.123447 512.0 1.006633e+08 2.097152e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 36.0 regionprofile 0.123442 0.123442 0.123442 0.123442 1024.0 1.006633e+08 2.097152e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
8388608.0 34.0 regionprofile 0.242067 0.242067 0.242067 0.242067 128.0 2.013266e+08 4.194304e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 40.0 regionprofile 0.242074 0.242074 0.242074 0.242074 256.0 2.013266e+08 4.194304e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 34.0 regionprofile 0.242341 0.242341 0.242341 0.242341 512.0 2.013266e+08 4.194304e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 36.0 regionprofile 0.242579 0.242579 0.242579 0.242579 1024.0 2.013266e+08 4.194304e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 Lcals_HYDRO_1D
{'name': 'Lcals_HYDRO_2D', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 35.0 regionprofile 0.022876 0.022876 0.022876 0.022876 128.0 1.506676e+08 4.595730e+07 3.145728e+06 3.0 1048576.0 100.0 41.0 regionprofile 0.022714 0.022714 0.022714 0.022714 256.0 1.506676e+08 4.595730e+07 3.145728e+06 3.0 1048576.0 100.0 35.0 regionprofile 0.022869 0.022869 0.022869 0.022869 512.0 1.506676e+08 4.595730e+07 3.145728e+06 3.0 1048576.0 100.0 37.0 regionprofile 0.022825 0.022825 0.022825 0.022825 1024.0 1.506676e+08 4.595730e+07 3.145728e+06 3.0 1048576.0 100.0 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
2097152.0 35.0 regionprofile 0.043652 0.043652 0.043652 0.043652 128.0 3.014623e+08 9.200030e+07 6.291456e+06 3.0 2097152.0 100.0 41.0 regionprofile 0.043686 0.043686 0.043686 0.043686 256.0 3.014623e+08 9.200030e+07 6.291456e+06 3.0 2097152.0 100.0 35.0 regionprofile 0.043595 0.043595 0.043595 0.043595 512.0 3.014623e+08 9.200030e+07 6.291456e+06 3.0 2097152.0 100.0 37.0 regionprofile 0.043889 0.043889 0.043889 0.043889 1024.0 3.014623e+08 9.200030e+07 6.291456e+06 3.0 2097152.0 100.0 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
4194304.0 35.0 regionprofile 0.086800 0.086800 0.086800 0.086800 128.0 6.033247e+08 1.841891e+08 1.258291e+07 3.0 4194304.0 100.0 41.0 regionprofile 0.086387 0.086387 0.086387 0.086387 256.0 6.033247e+08 1.841891e+08 1.258291e+07 3.0 4194304.0 100.0 35.0 regionprofile 0.086439 0.086439 0.086439 0.086439 512.0 6.033247e+08 1.841891e+08 1.258291e+07 3.0 4194304.0 100.0 37.0 regionprofile 0.089834 0.089834 0.089834 0.089834 1024.0 6.033247e+08 1.841891e+08 1.258291e+07 3.0 4194304.0 100.0 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
8388608.0 35.0 regionprofile 0.171752 0.171752 0.171752 0.171752 128.0 1.206775e+09 3.685104e+08 2.516582e+07 3.0 8388608.0 100.0 41.0 regionprofile 0.171160 0.171160 0.171160 0.171160 256.0 1.206775e+09 3.685104e+08 2.516582e+07 3.0 8388608.0 100.0 35.0 regionprofile 0.171241 0.171241 0.171241 0.171241 512.0 1.206775e+09 3.685104e+08 2.516582e+07 3.0 8388608.0 100.0 37.0 regionprofile 0.173475 0.173475 0.173475 0.173475 1024.0 1.206775e+09 3.685104e+08 2.516582e+07 3.0 8388608.0 100.0 Lcals_HYDRO_2D
{'name': 'Lcals_INT_PREDICT', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 36.0 regionprofile 0.046661 0.046661 0.046661 0.046661 128.0 9.227469e+07 1.782579e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 400.0 42.0 regionprofile 0.046705 0.046705 0.046705 0.046705 256.0 9.227469e+07 1.782579e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 400.0 36.0 regionprofile 0.046804 0.046804 0.046804 0.046804 512.0 9.227469e+07 1.782579e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 400.0 38.0 regionprofile 0.046876 0.046876 0.046876 0.046876 1024.0 9.227469e+07 1.782579e+07 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 400.0 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
2097152.0 36.0 regionprofile 0.091770 0.091770 0.091770 0.091770 128.0 1.845494e+08 3.565158e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 400.0 42.0 regionprofile 0.092040 0.092040 0.092040 0.092040 256.0 1.845494e+08 3.565158e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 400.0 36.0 regionprofile 0.092147 0.092147 0.092147 0.092147 512.0 1.845494e+08 3.565158e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 400.0 38.0 regionprofile 0.092135 0.092135 0.092135 0.092135 1024.0 1.845494e+08 3.565158e+07 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 400.0 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
4194304.0 36.0 regionprofile 0.182561 0.182561 0.182561 0.182561 128.0 3.690988e+08 7.130317e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 400.0 42.0 regionprofile 0.182702 0.182702 0.182702 0.182702 256.0 3.690988e+08 7.130317e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 400.0 36.0 regionprofile 0.182630 0.182630 0.182630 0.182630 512.0 3.690988e+08 7.130317e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 400.0 38.0 regionprofile 0.182715 0.182715 0.182715 0.182715 1024.0 3.690988e+08 7.130317e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 400.0 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
8388608.0 36.0 regionprofile 0.363553 0.363553 0.363553 0.363553 128.0 7.381975e+08 1.426063e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 400.0 42.0 regionprofile 0.363736 0.363736 0.363736 0.363736 256.0 7.381975e+08 1.426063e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 400.0 36.0 regionprofile 0.363456 0.363456 0.363456 0.363456 512.0 7.381975e+08 1.426063e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 400.0 38.0 regionprofile 0.363552 0.363552 0.363552 0.363552 1024.0 7.381975e+08 1.426063e+08 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 400.0 Lcals_INT_PREDICT
{'name': 'Lcals_PLANCKIAN', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 37.0 regionprofile 0.002758 0.002758 0.002758 0.002758 128.0 4.194304e+07 4.194304e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 43.0 regionprofile 0.002757 0.002757 0.002757 0.002757 256.0 4.194304e+07 4.194304e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 37.0 regionprofile 0.002738 0.002738 0.002738 0.002738 512.0 4.194304e+07 4.194304e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 39.0 regionprofile 0.002760 0.002760 0.002760 0.002760 1024.0 4.194304e+07 4.194304e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 50.0 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
2097152.0 37.0 regionprofile 0.005265 0.005265 0.005265 0.005265 128.0 8.388608e+07 8.388608e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 43.0 regionprofile 0.005254 0.005254 0.005254 0.005254 256.0 8.388608e+07 8.388608e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 37.0 regionprofile 0.005270 0.005270 0.005270 0.005270 512.0 8.388608e+07 8.388608e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 39.0 regionprofile 0.005336 0.005336 0.005336 0.005336 1024.0 8.388608e+07 8.388608e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 50.0 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
4194304.0 37.0 regionprofile 0.010287 0.010287 0.010287 0.010287 128.0 1.677722e+08 1.677722e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 43.0 regionprofile 0.010279 0.010279 0.010279 0.010279 256.0 1.677722e+08 1.677722e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 37.0 regionprofile 0.010297 0.010297 0.010297 0.010297 512.0 1.677722e+08 1.677722e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 39.0 regionprofile 0.010323 0.010323 0.010323 0.010323 1024.0 1.677722e+08 1.677722e+07 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 50.0 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
8388608.0 37.0 regionprofile 0.020310 0.020310 0.020310 0.020310 128.0 3.355443e+08 3.355443e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 43.0 regionprofile 0.020306 0.020306 0.020306 0.020306 256.0 3.355443e+08 3.355443e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 37.0 regionprofile 0.020343 0.020343 0.020343 0.020343 512.0 3.355443e+08 3.355443e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 39.0 regionprofile 0.020377 0.020377 0.020377 0.020377 1024.0 3.355443e+08 3.355443e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 50.0 Lcals_PLANCKIAN
{'name': 'Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 38.0 regionprofile 0.044595 0.044595 0.044595 0.044595 128.0 3.355440e+07 2.097150e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 44.0 regionprofile 0.044553 0.044553 0.044553 0.044553 256.0 3.355440e+07 2.097150e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 38.0 regionprofile 0.044662 0.044662 0.044662 0.044662 512.0 3.355440e+07 2.097150e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 40.0 regionprofile 0.044731 0.044731 0.044731 0.044731 1024.0 3.355440e+07 2.097150e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
2097152.0 38.0 regionprofile 0.085855 0.085855 0.085855 0.085855 128.0 6.710883e+07 4.194302e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 44.0 regionprofile 0.085758 0.085758 0.085758 0.085758 256.0 6.710883e+07 4.194302e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 38.0 regionprofile 0.085929 0.085929 0.085929 0.085929 512.0 6.710883e+07 4.194302e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 40.0 regionprofile 0.085974 0.085974 0.085974 0.085974 1024.0 6.710883e+07 4.194302e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
4194304.0 38.0 regionprofile 0.164922 0.164922 0.164922 0.164922 128.0 1.342177e+08 8.388606e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 44.0 regionprofile 0.166154 0.166154 0.166154 0.166154 256.0 1.342177e+08 8.388606e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 38.0 regionprofile 0.166799 0.166799 0.166799 0.166799 512.0 1.342177e+08 8.388606e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 40.0 regionprofile 0.166786 0.166786 0.166786 0.166786 1024.0 1.342177e+08 8.388606e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
8388608.0 38.0 regionprofile 0.325473 0.325473 0.325473 0.325473 128.0 2.684354e+08 1.677721e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 44.0 regionprofile 0.327416 0.327416 0.327416 0.327416 256.0 2.684354e+08 1.677721e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 38.0 regionprofile 0.327626 0.327626 0.327626 0.327626 512.0 2.684354e+08 1.677721e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 40.0 regionprofile 0.327929 0.327929 0.327929 0.327929 1024.0 2.684354e+08 1.677721e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 Lcals_TRIDIAG_ELIM
{'name': 'Polybench', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 39.0 regionprofile 0.582509 0.582509 0.582509 0.582509 128.0 3.359049e+09 6.797544e+09 1.259520e+08 160.0 1050625.0 120.0 45.0 regionprofile 0.607511 0.607511 0.607511 0.607511 256.0 3.359049e+09 6.797544e+09 1.259520e+08 160.0 1050625.0 120.0 39.0 regionprofile 0.703567 0.703567 0.703567 0.703567 512.0 3.359049e+09 6.797544e+09 1.259520e+08 160.0 1050625.0 120.0 41.0 regionprofile 0.984129 0.984129 0.984129 0.984129 1024.0 3.359049e+09 6.797544e+09 1.259520e+08 160.0 1050625.0 120.0 Polybench
2097152.0 39.0 regionprofile 1.226385 1.226385 1.226385 1.226385 128.0 6.714551e+09 1.536488e+10 2.517783e+08 160.0 2099601.0 120.0 45.0 regionprofile 1.261850 1.261850 1.261850 1.261850 256.0 6.714551e+09 1.536488e+10 2.517783e+08 160.0 2099601.0 120.0 39.0 regionprofile 1.400618 1.400618 1.400618 1.400618 512.0 6.714551e+09 1.536488e+10 2.517783e+08 160.0 2099601.0 120.0 41.0 regionprofile 1.810362 1.810362 1.810362 1.810362 1024.0 6.714551e+09 1.536488e+10 2.517783e+08 160.0 2099601.0 120.0 Polybench
4194304.0 39.0 regionprofile 2.746726 2.746726 2.746726 2.746726 128.0 1.342898e+10 3.576198e+10 5.035623e+08 160.0 4198401.0 120.0 45.0 regionprofile 2.775290 2.775290 2.775290 2.775290 256.0 1.342898e+10 3.576198e+10 5.035623e+08 160.0 4198401.0 120.0 39.0 regionprofile 2.948133 2.948133 2.948133 2.948133 512.0 1.342898e+10 3.576198e+10 5.035623e+08 160.0 4198401.0 120.0 41.0 regionprofile 3.526532 3.526532 3.526532 3.526532 1024.0 1.342898e+10 3.576198e+10 5.035623e+08 160.0 4198401.0 120.0 Polybench
8388608.0 39.0 regionprofile 6.560859 6.560859 6.560859 6.560859 128.0 2.684801e+10 8.572211e+10 1.006765e+09 160.0 8392609.0 120.0 45.0 regionprofile 6.574260 6.574260 6.574260 6.574260 256.0 2.684801e+10 8.572211e+10 1.006765e+09 160.0 8392609.0 120.0 39.0 regionprofile 6.821886 6.821886 6.821886 6.821886 512.0 2.684801e+10 8.572211e+10 1.006765e+09 160.0 8392609.0 120.0 41.0 regionprofile 7.627384 7.627384 7.627384 7.627384 1024.0 2.684801e+10 8.572211e+10 1.006765e+09 160.0 8392609.0 120.0 Polybench
{'name': 'Polybench_2MM', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 40.0 regionprofile 0.006010 0.006010 0.006010 0.006010 128.0 5.198800e+07 5.683881e+09 2.101250e+06 2.0 1050625.0 2.0 46.0 regionprofile 0.006037 0.006037 0.006037 0.006037 256.0 5.198800e+07 5.683881e+09 2.101250e+06 2.0 1050625.0 2.0 40.0 regionprofile 0.006220 0.006220 0.006220 0.006220 512.0 5.198800e+07 5.683881e+09 2.101250e+06 2.0 1050625.0 2.0 42.0 regionprofile 0.006458 0.006458 0.006458 0.006458 1024.0 5.198800e+07 5.683881e+09 2.101250e+06 2.0 1050625.0 2.0 Polybench_2MM
2097152.0 40.0 regionprofile 0.013480 0.013480 0.013480 0.013480 128.0 9.315331e+07 1.313930e+10 4.199202e+06 2.0 2099601.0 2.0 46.0 regionprofile 0.013433 0.013433 0.013433 0.013433 256.0 9.315331e+07 1.313930e+10 4.199202e+06 2.0 2099601.0 2.0 40.0 regionprofile 0.013560 0.013560 0.013560 0.013560 512.0 9.315331e+07 1.313930e+10 4.199202e+06 2.0 2099601.0 2.0 42.0 regionprofile 0.013925 0.013925 0.013925 0.013925 1024.0 9.315331e+07 1.313930e+10 4.199202e+06 2.0 2099601.0 2.0 Polybench_2MM
4194304.0 40.0 regionprofile 0.032475 0.032475 0.032475 0.032475 128.0 1.710669e+08 3.131167e+10 8.396802e+06 2.0 4198401.0 2.0 46.0 regionprofile 0.032352 0.032352 0.032352 0.032352 256.0 1.710669e+08 3.131167e+10 8.396802e+06 2.0 4198401.0 2.0 40.0 regionprofile 0.032715 0.032715 0.032715 0.032715 512.0 1.710669e+08 3.131167e+10 8.396802e+06 2.0 4198401.0 2.0 42.0 regionprofile 0.034279 0.034279 0.034279 0.034279 1024.0 1.710669e+08 3.131167e+10 8.396802e+06 2.0 4198401.0 2.0 Polybench_2MM
8388608.0 40.0 regionprofile 0.080898 0.080898 0.080898 0.080898 128.0 3.204777e+08 7.682594e+10 1.678522e+07 2.0 8392609.0 2.0 46.0 regionprofile 0.080000 0.080000 0.080000 0.080000 256.0 3.204777e+08 7.682594e+10 1.678522e+07 2.0 8392609.0 2.0 40.0 regionprofile 0.082365 0.082365 0.082365 0.082365 512.0 3.204777e+08 7.682594e+10 1.678522e+07 2.0 8392609.0 2.0 42.0 regionprofile 0.085204 0.085204 0.085204 0.085204 1024.0 3.204777e+08 7.682594e+10 1.678522e+07 2.0 8392609.0 2.0 Polybench_2MM
{'name': 'Polybench_3MM', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 41.0 regionprofile 0.009086 0.009086 0.009086 0.009086 128.0 7.826900e+07 6.797544e+09 3.151875e+06 3.0 1050625.0 2.0 47.0 regionprofile 0.009185 0.009185 0.009185 0.009185 256.0 7.826900e+07 6.797544e+09 3.151875e+06 3.0 1050625.0 2.0 41.0 regionprofile 0.009371 0.009371 0.009371 0.009371 512.0 7.826900e+07 6.797544e+09 3.151875e+06 3.0 1050625.0 2.0 43.0 regionprofile 0.009796 0.009796 0.009796 0.009796 1024.0 7.826900e+07 6.797544e+09 3.151875e+06 3.0 1050625.0 2.0 Polybench_3MM
2097152.0 41.0 regionprofile 0.019303 0.019303 0.019303 0.019303 128.0 1.352207e+08 1.536488e+10 6.298803e+06 3.0 2099601.0 2.0 47.0 regionprofile 0.019195 0.019195 0.019195 0.019195 256.0 1.352207e+08 1.536488e+10 6.298803e+06 3.0 2099601.0 2.0 41.0 regionprofile 0.019314 0.019314 0.019314 0.019314 512.0 1.352207e+08 1.536488e+10 6.298803e+06 3.0 2099601.0 2.0 43.0 regionprofile 0.019976 0.019976 0.019976 0.019976 1024.0 1.352207e+08 1.536488e+10 6.298803e+06 3.0 2099601.0 2.0 Polybench_3MM
4194304.0 41.0 regionprofile 0.043815 0.043815 0.043815 0.043815 128.0 2.403887e+08 3.576198e+10 1.259520e+07 3.0 4198401.0 2.0 47.0 regionprofile 0.044279 0.044279 0.044279 0.044279 256.0 2.403887e+08 3.576198e+10 1.259520e+07 3.0 4198401.0 2.0 41.0 regionprofile 0.044810 0.044810 0.044810 0.044810 512.0 2.403887e+08 3.576198e+10 1.259520e+07 3.0 4198401.0 2.0 43.0 regionprofile 0.046937 0.046937 0.046937 0.046937 1024.0 2.403887e+08 3.576198e+10 1.259520e+07 3.0 4198401.0 2.0 Polybench_3MM
8388608.0 41.0 regionprofile 0.103543 0.103543 0.103543 0.103543 128.0 4.381423e+08 8.572211e+10 2.517783e+07 3.0 8392609.0 2.0 47.0 regionprofile 0.103939 0.103939 0.103939 0.103939 256.0 4.381423e+08 8.572211e+10 2.517783e+07 3.0 8392609.0 2.0 41.0 regionprofile 0.107892 0.107892 0.107892 0.107892 512.0 4.381423e+08 8.572211e+10 2.517783e+07 3.0 8392609.0 2.0 43.0 regionprofile 0.110970 0.110970 0.110970 0.110970 1024.0 4.381423e+08 8.572211e+10 2.517783e+07 3.0 8392609.0 2.0 Polybench_3MM
{'name': 'Polybench_ADI', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 42.0 regionprofile 0.037492 0.037492 0.037492 0.037492 128.0 4.026528e+08 1.423279e+08 8.184000e+03 8.0 1046529.0 4.0 48.0 regionprofile 0.050259 0.050259 0.050259 0.050259 256.0 4.026528e+08 1.423279e+08 8.184000e+03 8.0 1046529.0 4.0 42.0 regionprofile 0.102990 0.102990 0.102990 0.102990 512.0 4.026528e+08 1.423279e+08 8.184000e+03 8.0 1046529.0 4.0 44.0 regionprofile 0.214429 0.214429 0.214429 0.214429 1024.0 4.026528e+08 1.423279e+08 8.184000e+03 8.0 1046529.0 4.0 Polybench_ADI
2097152.0 42.0 regionprofile 0.055645 0.055645 0.055645 0.055645 128.0 8.051340e+08 2.847580e+08 1.157600e+04 8.0 2093809.0 4.0 48.0 regionprofile 0.071380 0.071380 0.071380 0.071380 256.0 8.051340e+08 2.847580e+08 1.157600e+04 8.0 2093809.0 4.0 42.0 regionprofile 0.137867 0.137867 0.137867 0.137867 512.0 8.051340e+08 2.847580e+08 1.157600e+04 8.0 2093809.0 4.0 44.0 regionprofile 0.308774 0.308774 0.308774 0.308774 1024.0 8.051340e+08 2.847580e+08 1.157600e+04 8.0 2093809.0 4.0 Polybench_ADI
4194304.0 42.0 regionprofile 0.080987 0.080987 0.080987 0.080987 128.0 1.610612e+09 5.698684e+08 1.637600e+04 8.0 4190209.0 4.0 48.0 regionprofile 0.102315 0.102315 0.102315 0.102315 256.0 1.610612e+09 5.698684e+08 1.637600e+04 8.0 4190209.0 4.0 42.0 regionprofile 0.190762 0.190762 0.190762 0.190762 512.0 1.610612e+09 5.698684e+08 1.637600e+04 8.0 4190209.0 4.0 44.0 regionprofile 0.429252 0.429252 0.429252 0.429252 1024.0 1.610612e+09 5.698684e+08 1.637600e+04 8.0 4190209.0 4.0 Polybench_ADI
8388608.0 42.0 regionprofile 0.128455 0.128455 0.128455 0.128455 128.0 3.220537e+09 1.139819e+09 2.316000e+04 8.0 8381025.0 4.0 48.0 regionprofile 0.160987 0.160987 0.160987 0.160987 256.0 3.220537e+09 1.139819e+09 2.316000e+04 8.0 8381025.0 4.0 42.0 regionprofile 0.277871 0.277871 0.277871 0.277871 512.0 3.220537e+09 1.139819e+09 2.316000e+04 8.0 8381025.0 4.0 44.0 regionprofile 0.616406 0.616406 0.616406 0.616406 1024.0 3.220537e+09 1.139819e+09 2.316000e+04 8.0 8381025.0 4.0 Polybench_ADI
{'name': 'Polybench_ATAX', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 43.0 regionprofile 0.025928 0.025928 0.025928 0.025928 128.0 1.685100e+07 4.202500e+06 2.050000e+03 2.0 1050625.0 100.0 49.0 regionprofile 0.029951 0.029951 0.029951 0.029951 256.0 1.685100e+07 4.202500e+06 2.050000e+03 2.0 1050625.0 100.0 43.0 regionprofile 0.036876 0.036876 0.036876 0.036876 512.0 1.685100e+07 4.202500e+06 2.050000e+03 2.0 1050625.0 100.0 45.0 regionprofile 0.066835 0.066835 0.066835 0.066835 1024.0 1.685100e+07 4.202500e+06 2.050000e+03 2.0 1050625.0 100.0 Polybench_ATAX
2097152.0 43.0 regionprofile 0.038216 0.038216 0.038216 0.038216 128.0 3.365158e+07 8.398404e+06 2.898000e+03 2.0 2099601.0 100.0 49.0 regionprofile 0.045273 0.045273 0.045273 0.045273 256.0 3.365158e+07 8.398404e+06 2.898000e+03 2.0 2099601.0 100.0 43.0 regionprofile 0.057547 0.057547 0.057547 0.057547 512.0 3.365158e+07 8.398404e+06 2.898000e+03 2.0 2099601.0 100.0 45.0 regionprofile 0.102804 0.102804 0.102804 0.102804 1024.0 3.365158e+07 8.398404e+06 2.898000e+03 2.0 2099601.0 100.0 Polybench_ATAX
4194304.0 43.0 regionprofile 0.053237 0.053237 0.053237 0.053237 128.0 6.725638e+07 1.679360e+07 4.098000e+03 2.0 4198401.0 100.0 49.0 regionprofile 0.061265 0.061265 0.061265 0.061265 256.0 6.725638e+07 1.679360e+07 4.098000e+03 2.0 4198401.0 100.0 43.0 regionprofile 0.076877 0.076877 0.076877 0.076877 512.0 6.725638e+07 1.679360e+07 4.098000e+03 2.0 4198401.0 100.0 45.0 regionprofile 0.133575 0.133575 0.133575 0.133575 1024.0 6.725638e+07 1.679360e+07 4.098000e+03 2.0 4198401.0 100.0 Polybench_ATAX
8388608.0 43.0 regionprofile 0.080220 0.080220 0.080220 0.080220 128.0 1.343976e+08 3.357044e+07 5.794000e+03 2.0 8392609.0 100.0 49.0 regionprofile 0.094969 0.094969 0.094969 0.094969 256.0 1.343976e+08 3.357044e+07 5.794000e+03 2.0 8392609.0 100.0 43.0 regionprofile 0.117951 0.117951 0.117951 0.117951 512.0 1.343976e+08 3.357044e+07 5.794000e+03 2.0 8392609.0 100.0 45.0 regionprofile 0.205384 0.205384 0.205384 0.205384 1024.0 1.343976e+08 3.357044e+07 5.794000e+03 2.0 8392609.0 100.0 Polybench_ATAX
{'name': 'Polybench_FDTD_2D', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 44.0 regionprofile 0.037030 0.037030 0.037030 0.037030 128.0 3.359049e+09 4.616192e+08 1.259520e+08 160.0 1049600.0 8.0 50.0 regionprofile 0.037035 0.037035 0.037035 0.037035 256.0 3.359049e+09 4.616192e+08 1.259520e+08 160.0 1049600.0 8.0 44.0 regionprofile 0.037052 0.037052 0.037052 0.037052 512.0 3.359049e+09 4.616192e+08 1.259520e+08 160.0 1049600.0 8.0 46.0 regionprofile 0.037306 0.037306 0.037306 0.037306 1024.0 3.359049e+09 4.616192e+08 1.259520e+08 160.0 1049600.0 8.0 Polybench_FDTD_2D
2097152.0 44.0 regionprofile 0.069062 0.069062 0.069062 0.069062 128.0 6.714551e+09 9.228973e+08 2.517783e+08 160.0 2098152.0 8.0 50.0 regionprofile 0.069087 0.069087 0.069087 0.069087 256.0 6.714551e+09 9.228973e+08 2.517783e+08 160.0 2098152.0 8.0 44.0 regionprofile 0.069095 0.069095 0.069095 0.069095 512.0 6.714551e+09 9.228973e+08 2.517783e+08 160.0 2098152.0 8.0 46.0 regionprofile 0.069264 0.069264 0.069264 0.069264 1024.0 6.714551e+09 9.228973e+08 2.517783e+08 160.0 2098152.0 8.0 Polybench_FDTD_2D
4194304.0 44.0 regionprofile 0.133299 0.133299 0.133299 0.133299 128.0 1.342898e+10 1.845985e+09 5.035623e+08 160.0 4196352.0 8.0 50.0 regionprofile 0.133321 0.133321 0.133321 0.133321 256.0 1.342898e+10 1.845985e+09 5.035623e+08 160.0 4196352.0 8.0 44.0 regionprofile 0.133612 0.133612 0.133612 0.133612 512.0 1.342898e+10 1.845985e+09 5.035623e+08 160.0 4196352.0 8.0 46.0 regionprofile 0.133959 0.133959 0.133959 0.133959 1024.0 1.342898e+10 1.845985e+09 5.035623e+08 160.0 4196352.0 8.0 Polybench_FDTD_2D
8388608.0 44.0 regionprofile 0.261247 0.261247 0.261247 0.261247 128.0 2.684801e+10 3.690894e+09 1.006765e+09 160.0 8389712.0 8.0 50.0 regionprofile 0.261090 0.261090 0.261090 0.261090 256.0 2.684801e+10 3.690894e+09 1.006765e+09 160.0 8389712.0 8.0 44.0 regionprofile 0.261079 0.261079 0.261079 0.261079 512.0 2.684801e+10 3.690894e+09 1.006765e+09 160.0 8389712.0 8.0 46.0 regionprofile 0.261032 0.261032 0.261032 0.261032 1024.0 2.684801e+10 3.690894e+09 1.006765e+09 160.0 8389712.0 8.0 Polybench_FDTD_2D
{'name': 'Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 45.0 regionprofile 0.205779 0.205779 0.205779 0.205779 128.0 1.681000e+07 1.076891e+09 1.050625e+06 1.0 1050625.0 8.0 51.0 regionprofile 0.206695 0.206695 0.206695 0.206695 256.0 1.681000e+07 1.076891e+09 1.050625e+06 1.0 1050625.0 8.0 45.0 regionprofile 0.206953 0.206953 0.206953 0.206953 512.0 1.681000e+07 1.076891e+09 1.050625e+06 1.0 1050625.0 8.0 47.0 regionprofile 0.207804 0.207804 0.207804 0.207804 1024.0 1.681000e+07 1.076891e+09 1.050625e+06 1.0 1050625.0 8.0 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
2097152.0 45.0 regionprofile 0.558492 0.558492 0.558492 0.558492 128.0 3.359362e+07 3.042322e+09 2.099601e+06 1.0 2099601.0 8.0 51.0 regionprofile 0.558845 0.558845 0.558845 0.558845 256.0 3.359362e+07 3.042322e+09 2.099601e+06 1.0 2099601.0 8.0 45.0 regionprofile 0.559667 0.559667 0.559667 0.559667 512.0 3.359362e+07 3.042322e+09 2.099601e+06 1.0 2099601.0 8.0 47.0 regionprofile 0.558328 0.558328 0.558328 0.558328 1024.0 3.359362e+07 3.042322e+09 2.099601e+06 1.0 2099601.0 8.0 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
4194304.0 45.0 regionprofile 1.518138 1.518138 1.518138 1.518138 128.0 6.717442e+07 8.602524e+09 4.198401e+06 1.0 4198401.0 8.0 51.0 regionprofile 1.519287 1.519287 1.519287 1.519287 256.0 6.717442e+07 8.602524e+09 4.198401e+06 1.0 4198401.0 8.0 45.0 regionprofile 1.520471 1.520471 1.520471 1.520471 512.0 6.717442e+07 8.602524e+09 4.198401e+06 1.0 4198401.0 8.0 47.0 regionprofile 1.522153 1.522153 1.522153 1.522153 1024.0 6.717442e+07 8.602524e+09 4.198401e+06 1.0 4198401.0 8.0 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
8388608.0 45.0 regionprofile 4.208355 4.208355 4.208355 4.208355 128.0 1.342817e+08 2.431339e+10 8.392609e+06 1.0 8392609.0 8.0 51.0 regionprofile 4.202254 4.202254 4.202254 4.202254 256.0 1.342817e+08 2.431339e+10 8.392609e+06 1.0 8392609.0 8.0 45.0 regionprofile 4.191482 4.191482 4.191482 4.191482 512.0 1.342817e+08 2.431339e+10 8.392609e+06 1.0 8392609.0 8.0 47.0 regionprofile 4.177981 4.177981 4.177981 4.177981 1024.0 1.342817e+08 2.431339e+10 8.392609e+06 1.0 8392609.0 8.0 Polybench_FLOYD_WARSHALL
{'name': 'Polybench_GEMM', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 46.0 regionprofile 0.006179 0.006179 0.006179 0.006179 128.0 2.808500e+07 3.783301e+09 1.050625e+06 1.0 1050625.0 4.0 52.0 regionprofile 0.006154 0.006154 0.006154 0.006154 256.0 2.808500e+07 3.783301e+09 1.050625e+06 1.0 1050625.0 4.0 46.0 regionprofile 0.006411 0.006411 0.006411 0.006411 512.0 2.808500e+07 3.783301e+09 1.050625e+06 1.0 1050625.0 4.0 48.0 regionprofile 0.006680 0.006680 0.006680 0.006680 1024.0 2.808500e+07 3.783301e+09 1.050625e+06 1.0 1050625.0 4.0 Polybench_GEMM
2097152.0 46.0 regionprofile 0.012245 0.012245 0.012245 0.012245 128.0 4.461761e+07 7.560663e+09 2.099601e+06 1.0 2099601.0 4.0 52.0 regionprofile 0.012229 0.012229 0.012229 0.012229 256.0 4.461761e+07 7.560663e+09 2.099601e+06 1.0 2099601.0 4.0 46.0 regionprofile 0.012418 0.012418 0.012418 0.012418 512.0 4.461761e+07 7.560663e+09 2.099601e+06 1.0 2099601.0 4.0 48.0 regionprofile 0.012868 0.012868 0.012868 0.012868 1024.0 4.461761e+07 7.560663e+09 2.099601e+06 1.0 2099601.0 4.0 Polybench_GEMM
4194304.0 46.0 regionprofile 0.041807 0.041807 0.041807 0.041807 128.0 7.292801e+07 1.511844e+10 4.198401e+06 1.0 4198401.0 4.0 52.0 regionprofile 0.024988 0.024988 0.024988 0.024988 256.0 7.292801e+07 1.511844e+10 4.198401e+06 1.0 4198401.0 4.0 46.0 regionprofile 0.024878 0.024878 0.024878 0.024878 512.0 7.292801e+07 1.511844e+10 4.198401e+06 1.0 4198401.0 4.0 48.0 regionprofile 0.025527 0.025527 0.025527 0.025527 1024.0 7.292801e+07 1.511844e+10 4.198401e+06 1.0 4198401.0 4.0 Polybench_GEMM
8388608.0 46.0 regionprofile 0.099276 0.099276 0.099276 0.099276 128.0 1.227633e+08 3.022179e+10 8.392609e+06 1.0 8392609.0 4.0 52.0 regionprofile 0.049528 0.049528 0.049528 0.049528 256.0 1.227633e+08 3.022179e+10 8.392609e+06 1.0 8392609.0 4.0 46.0 regionprofile 0.051100 0.051100 0.051100 0.051100 512.0 1.227633e+08 3.022179e+10 8.392609e+06 1.0 8392609.0 4.0 48.0 regionprofile 0.051715 0.051715 0.051715 0.051715 1024.0 1.227633e+08 3.022179e+10 8.392609e+06 1.0 8392609.0 4.0 Polybench_GEMM
{'name': 'Polybench_GEMVER', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 47.0 regionprofile 0.006881 0.006881 0.006881 0.006881 128.0 3.372660e+07 1.050728e+07 3.152900e+06 4.0 1050625.0 20.0 53.0 regionprofile 0.007208 0.007208 0.007208 0.007208 256.0 3.372660e+07 1.050728e+07 3.152900e+06 4.0 1050625.0 20.0 47.0 regionprofile 0.007988 0.007988 0.007988 0.007988 512.0 3.372660e+07 1.050728e+07 3.152900e+06 4.0 1050625.0 20.0 49.0 regionprofile 0.013588 0.013588 0.013588 0.013588 1024.0 3.372660e+07 1.050728e+07 3.152900e+06 4.0 1050625.0 20.0 Polybench_GEMVER
2097152.0 47.0 regionprofile 0.010060 0.010060 0.010060 0.010060 128.0 6.733793e+07 2.099746e+07 6.300252e+06 4.0 2099601.0 20.0 53.0 regionprofile 0.010583 0.010583 0.010583 0.010583 256.0 6.733793e+07 2.099746e+07 6.300252e+06 4.0 2099601.0 20.0 47.0 regionprofile 0.012661 0.012661 0.012661 0.012661 512.0 6.733793e+07 2.099746e+07 6.300252e+06 4.0 2099601.0 20.0 49.0 regionprofile 0.021342 0.021342 0.021342 0.021342 1024.0 6.733793e+07 2.099746e+07 6.300252e+06 4.0 2099601.0 20.0 Polybench_GEMVER
4194304.0 47.0 regionprofile 0.015631 0.015631 0.015631 0.015631 128.0 1.345619e+08 4.198606e+07 1.259725e+07 4.0 4198401.0 20.0 53.0 regionprofile 0.016578 0.016578 0.016578 0.016578 256.0 1.345619e+08 4.198606e+07 1.259725e+07 4.0 4198401.0 20.0 47.0 regionprofile 0.019071 0.019071 0.019071 0.019071 512.0 1.345619e+08 4.198606e+07 1.259725e+07 4.0 4198401.0 20.0 49.0 regionprofile 0.031199 0.031199 0.031199 0.031199 1024.0 1.345619e+08 4.198606e+07 1.259725e+07 4.0 4198401.0 20.0 Polybench_GEMVER
8388608.0 47.0 regionprofile 0.022255 0.022255 0.022255 0.022255 128.0 2.688648e+08 8.392899e+07 2.518072e+07 4.0 8392609.0 20.0 53.0 regionprofile 0.023473 0.023473 0.023473 0.023473 256.0 2.688648e+08 8.392899e+07 2.518072e+07 4.0 8392609.0 20.0 47.0 regionprofile 0.027334 0.027334 0.027334 0.027334 512.0 2.688648e+08 8.392899e+07 2.518072e+07 4.0 8392609.0 20.0 49.0 regionprofile 0.044993 0.044993 0.044993 0.044993 1024.0 2.688648e+08 8.392899e+07 2.518072e+07 4.0 8392609.0 20.0 Polybench_GEMVER
{'name': 'Polybench_GESUMMV', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 48.0 regionprofile 0.025768 0.025768 0.025768 0.025768 128.0 1.683460e+07 4.205575e+06 1.025000e+03 1.0 1050625.0 120.0 54.0 regionprofile 0.028980 0.028980 0.028980 0.028980 256.0 1.683460e+07 4.205575e+06 1.025000e+03 1.0 1050625.0 120.0 48.0 regionprofile 0.055867 0.055867 0.055867 0.055867 512.0 1.683460e+07 4.205575e+06 1.025000e+03 1.0 1050625.0 120.0 50.0 regionprofile 0.152559 0.152559 0.152559 0.152559 1024.0 1.683460e+07 4.205575e+06 1.025000e+03 1.0 1050625.0 120.0 Polybench_GESUMMV
2097152.0 48.0 regionprofile 0.038593 0.038593 0.038593 0.038593 128.0 3.362839e+07 8.402751e+06 1.449000e+03 1.0 2099601.0 120.0 54.0 regionprofile 0.044946 0.044946 0.044946 0.044946 256.0 3.362839e+07 8.402751e+06 1.449000e+03 1.0 2099601.0 120.0 48.0 regionprofile 0.087226 0.087226 0.087226 0.087226 512.0 3.362839e+07 8.402751e+06 1.449000e+03 1.0 2099601.0 120.0 50.0 regionprofile 0.222889 0.222889 0.222889 0.222889 1024.0 3.362839e+07 8.402751e+06 1.449000e+03 1.0 2099601.0 120.0 Polybench_GESUMMV
4194304.0 48.0 regionprofile 0.056035 0.056035 0.056035 0.056035 128.0 6.722359e+07 1.679975e+07 2.049000e+03 1.0 4198401.0 120.0 54.0 regionprofile 0.061365 0.061365 0.061365 0.061365 256.0 6.722359e+07 1.679975e+07 2.049000e+03 1.0 4198401.0 120.0 48.0 regionprofile 0.109954 0.109954 0.109954 0.109954 512.0 6.722359e+07 1.679975e+07 2.049000e+03 1.0 4198401.0 120.0 50.0 regionprofile 0.307401 0.307401 0.307401 0.307401 1024.0 6.722359e+07 1.679975e+07 2.049000e+03 1.0 4198401.0 120.0 Polybench_GESUMMV
8388608.0 48.0 regionprofile 0.084444 0.084444 0.084444 0.084444 128.0 1.343513e+08 3.357913e+07 2.897000e+03 1.0 8392609.0 120.0 54.0 regionprofile 0.095038 0.095038 0.095038 0.095038 256.0 1.343513e+08 3.357913e+07 2.897000e+03 1.0 8392609.0 120.0 48.0 regionprofile 0.175526 0.175526 0.175526 0.175526 512.0 1.343513e+08 3.357913e+07 2.897000e+03 1.0 8392609.0 120.0 50.0 regionprofile 0.449785 0.449785 0.449785 0.449785 1024.0 1.343513e+08 3.357913e+07 2.897000e+03 1.0 8392609.0 120.0 Polybench_GESUMMV
{'name': 'Polybench_HEAT_3D', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 49.0 regionprofile 0.021772 0.021772 0.021772 0.021772 128.0 6.592000e+08 6.000000e+08 4.000000e+07 40.0 1000000.0 20.0 55.0 regionprofile 0.021830 0.021830 0.021830 0.021830 256.0 6.592000e+08 6.000000e+08 4.000000e+07 40.0 1000000.0 20.0 49.0 regionprofile 0.021996 0.021996 0.021996 0.021996 512.0 6.592000e+08 6.000000e+08 4.000000e+07 40.0 1000000.0 20.0 51.0 regionprofile 0.022681 0.022681 0.022681 0.022681 1024.0 6.592000e+08 6.000000e+08 4.000000e+07 40.0 1000000.0 20.0 Polybench_HEAT_3D
2097152.0 49.0 regionprofile 0.040473 0.040473 0.040473 0.040473 128.0 1.341933e+09 1.229030e+09 8.193532e+07 40.0 2048383.0 20.0 55.0 regionprofile 0.040476 0.040476 0.040476 0.040476 256.0 1.341933e+09 1.229030e+09 8.193532e+07 40.0 2048383.0 20.0 49.0 regionprofile 0.040557 0.040557 0.040557 0.040557 512.0 1.341933e+09 1.229030e+09 8.193532e+07 40.0 2048383.0 20.0 51.0 regionprofile 0.040544 0.040544 0.040544 0.040544 1024.0 1.341933e+09 1.229030e+09 8.193532e+07 40.0 2048383.0 20.0 Polybench_HEAT_3D
4194304.0 49.0 regionprofile 0.077665 0.077665 0.077665 0.077665 128.0 2.670592e+09 2.457600e+09 1.638400e+08 40.0 4096000.0 20.0 55.0 regionprofile 0.077815 0.077815 0.077815 0.077815 256.0 2.670592e+09 2.457600e+09 1.638400e+08 40.0 4096000.0 20.0 49.0 regionprofile 0.077866 0.077866 0.077866 0.077866 512.0 2.670592e+09 2.457600e+09 1.638400e+08 40.0 4096000.0 20.0 51.0 regionprofile 0.078037 0.078037 0.078037 0.078037 1024.0 2.670592e+09 2.457600e+09 1.638400e+08 40.0 4096000.0 20.0 Polybench_HEAT_3D
8388608.0 49.0 regionprofile 0.152381 0.152381 0.152381 0.152381 128.0 5.353485e+09 4.945445e+09 3.296963e+08 40.0 8242408.0 20.0 55.0 regionprofile 0.152531 0.152531 0.152531 0.152531 256.0 5.353485e+09 4.945445e+09 3.296963e+08 40.0 8242408.0 20.0 49.0 regionprofile 0.152902 0.152902 0.152902 0.152902 512.0 5.353485e+09 4.945445e+09 3.296963e+08 40.0 8242408.0 20.0 51.0 regionprofile 0.153062 0.153062 0.153062 0.153062 1024.0 5.353485e+09 4.945445e+09 3.296963e+08 40.0 8242408.0 20.0 Polybench_HEAT_3D
{'name': 'Polybench_JACOBI_1D', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 50.0 regionprofile 0.076720 0.076720 0.076720 0.076720 128.0 5.368704e+08 1.006631e+08 3.355437e+07 32.0 1048574.0 100.0 56.0 regionprofile 0.076864 0.076864 0.076864 0.076864 256.0 5.368704e+08 1.006631e+08 3.355437e+07 32.0 1048574.0 100.0 50.0 regionprofile 0.077116 0.077116 0.077116 0.077116 512.0 5.368704e+08 1.006631e+08 3.355437e+07 32.0 1048574.0 100.0 52.0 regionprofile 0.077647 0.077647 0.077647 0.077647 1024.0 5.368704e+08 1.006631e+08 3.355437e+07 32.0 1048574.0 100.0 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
2097152.0 50.0 regionprofile 0.144260 0.144260 0.144260 0.144260 128.0 1.073741e+09 2.013264e+08 6.710880e+07 32.0 2097150.0 100.0 56.0 regionprofile 0.144506 0.144506 0.144506 0.144506 256.0 1.073741e+09 2.013264e+08 6.710880e+07 32.0 2097150.0 100.0 50.0 regionprofile 0.144961 0.144961 0.144961 0.144961 512.0 1.073741e+09 2.013264e+08 6.710880e+07 32.0 2097150.0 100.0 52.0 regionprofile 0.145824 0.145824 0.145824 0.145824 1024.0 1.073741e+09 2.013264e+08 6.710880e+07 32.0 2097150.0 100.0 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
4194304.0 50.0 regionprofile 0.277465 0.277465 0.277465 0.277465 128.0 2.147483e+09 4.026530e+08 1.342177e+08 32.0 4194302.0 100.0 56.0 regionprofile 0.277744 0.277744 0.277744 0.277744 256.0 2.147483e+09 4.026530e+08 1.342177e+08 32.0 4194302.0 100.0 50.0 regionprofile 0.278480 0.278480 0.278480 0.278480 512.0 2.147483e+09 4.026530e+08 1.342177e+08 32.0 4194302.0 100.0 52.0 regionprofile 0.280269 0.280269 0.280269 0.280269 1024.0 2.147483e+09 4.026530e+08 1.342177e+08 32.0 4194302.0 100.0 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
8388608.0 50.0 regionprofile 0.543910 0.543910 0.543910 0.543910 128.0 4.294967e+09 8.053062e+08 2.684354e+08 32.0 8388606.0 100.0 56.0 regionprofile 0.544175 0.544175 0.544175 0.544175 256.0 4.294967e+09 8.053062e+08 2.684354e+08 32.0 8388606.0 100.0 50.0 regionprofile 0.545588 0.545588 0.545588 0.545588 512.0 4.294967e+09 8.053062e+08 2.684354e+08 32.0 8388606.0 100.0 52.0 regionprofile 0.547501 0.547501 0.547501 0.547501 1024.0 4.294967e+09 8.053062e+08 2.684354e+08 32.0 8388606.0 100.0 Polybench_JACOBI_1D
{'name': 'Polybench_JACOBI_2D', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 51.0 regionprofile 0.101590 0.101590 0.101590 0.101590 128.0 1.342176e+09 4.186116e+08 8.372232e+07 2.0 1046529.0 50.0 57.0 regionprofile 0.101601 0.101601 0.101601 0.101601 256.0 1.342176e+09 4.186116e+08 8.372232e+07 2.0 1046529.0 50.0 51.0 regionprofile 0.101787 0.101787 0.101787 0.101787 512.0 1.342176e+09 4.186116e+08 8.372232e+07 2.0 1046529.0 50.0 53.0 regionprofile 0.102495 0.102495 0.102495 0.102495 1024.0 1.342176e+09 4.186116e+08 8.372232e+07 2.0 1046529.0 50.0 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
2097152.0 51.0 regionprofile 0.193490 0.193490 0.193490 0.193490 128.0 2.683780e+09 8.375236e+08 1.675047e+08 2.0 2093809.0 50.0 57.0 regionprofile 0.193167 0.193167 0.193167 0.193167 256.0 2.683780e+09 8.375236e+08 1.675047e+08 2.0 2093809.0 50.0 51.0 regionprofile 0.193135 0.193135 0.193135 0.193135 512.0 2.683780e+09 8.375236e+08 1.675047e+08 2.0 2093809.0 50.0 53.0 regionprofile 0.192590 0.192590 0.192590 0.192590 1024.0 2.683780e+09 8.375236e+08 1.675047e+08 2.0 2093809.0 50.0 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
4194304.0 51.0 regionprofile 0.370396 0.370396 0.370396 0.370396 128.0 5.368708e+09 1.676084e+09 3.352167e+08 2.0 4190209.0 50.0 57.0 regionprofile 0.370545 0.370545 0.370545 0.370545 256.0 5.368708e+09 1.676084e+09 3.352167e+08 2.0 4190209.0 50.0 51.0 regionprofile 0.370722 0.370722 0.370722 0.370722 512.0 5.368708e+09 1.676084e+09 3.352167e+08 2.0 4190209.0 50.0 53.0 regionprofile 0.373211 0.373211 0.373211 0.373211 1024.0 5.368708e+09 1.676084e+09 3.352167e+08 2.0 4190209.0 50.0 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
8388608.0 51.0 regionprofile 0.727029 0.727029 0.727029 0.727029 128.0 1.073512e+10 3.352410e+09 6.704820e+08 2.0 8381025.0 50.0 57.0 regionprofile 0.726149 0.726149 0.726149 0.726149 256.0 1.073512e+10 3.352410e+09 6.704820e+08 2.0 8381025.0 50.0 51.0 regionprofile 0.724514 0.724514 0.724514 0.724514 512.0 1.073512e+10 3.352410e+09 6.704820e+08 2.0 8381025.0 50.0 53.0 regionprofile 0.721629 0.721629 0.721629 0.721629 1024.0 1.073512e+10 3.352410e+09 6.704820e+08 2.0 8381025.0 50.0 Polybench_JACOBI_2D
{'name': 'Polybench_MVT', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 52.0 regionprofile 0.022179 0.022179 0.022179 0.022179 128.0 1.685920e+07 4.202500e+06 2.050000e+03 2.0 1050625.0 100.0 58.0 regionprofile 0.025624 0.025624 0.025624 0.025624 256.0 1.685920e+07 4.202500e+06 2.050000e+03 2.0 1050625.0 100.0 52.0 regionprofile 0.032849 0.032849 0.032849 0.032849 512.0 1.685920e+07 4.202500e+06 2.050000e+03 2.0 1050625.0 100.0 54.0 regionprofile 0.065758 0.065758 0.065758 0.065758 1024.0 1.685920e+07 4.202500e+06 2.050000e+03 2.0 1050625.0 100.0 Polybench_MVT
2097152.0 52.0 regionprofile 0.032960 0.032960 0.032960 0.032960 128.0 3.366317e+07 8.398404e+06 2.898000e+03 2.0 2099601.0 100.0 58.0 regionprofile 0.038633 0.038633 0.038633 0.038633 256.0 3.366317e+07 8.398404e+06 2.898000e+03 2.0 2099601.0 100.0 52.0 regionprofile 0.052516 0.052516 0.052516 0.052516 512.0 3.366317e+07 8.398404e+06 2.898000e+03 2.0 2099601.0 100.0 54.0 regionprofile 0.101139 0.101139 0.101139 0.101139 1024.0 3.366317e+07 8.398404e+06 2.898000e+03 2.0 2099601.0 100.0 Polybench_MVT
4194304.0 52.0 regionprofile 0.045677 0.045677 0.045677 0.045677 128.0 6.727277e+07 1.679360e+07 4.098000e+03 2.0 4198401.0 100.0 58.0 regionprofile 0.053339 0.053339 0.053339 0.053339 256.0 6.727277e+07 1.679360e+07 4.098000e+03 2.0 4198401.0 100.0 52.0 regionprofile 0.067819 0.067819 0.067819 0.067819 512.0 6.727277e+07 1.679360e+07 4.098000e+03 2.0 4198401.0 100.0 54.0 regionprofile 0.130636 0.130636 0.130636 0.130636 1024.0 6.727277e+07 1.679360e+07 4.098000e+03 2.0 4198401.0 100.0 Polybench_MVT
8388608.0 52.0 regionprofile 0.068737 0.068737 0.068737 0.068737 128.0 1.344208e+08 3.357044e+07 5.794000e+03 2.0 8392609.0 100.0 58.0 regionprofile 0.080022 0.080022 0.080022 0.080022 256.0 1.344208e+08 3.357044e+07 5.794000e+03 2.0 8392609.0 100.0 52.0 regionprofile 0.106179 0.106179 0.106179 0.106179 512.0 1.344208e+08 3.357044e+07 5.794000e+03 2.0 8392609.0 100.0 54.0 regionprofile 0.201608 0.201608 0.201608 0.201608 1024.0 1.344208e+08 3.357044e+07 5.794000e+03 2.0 8392609.0 100.0 Polybench_MVT
{'name': 'Stream', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 53.0 regionprofile 0.261048 0.261048 0.261048 0.261048 128.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 59.0 regionprofile 0.261039 0.261039 0.261039 0.261039 256.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 53.0 regionprofile 0.259032 0.259032 0.259032 0.259032 512.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 55.0 regionprofile 0.257977 0.257977 0.257977 0.257977 1024.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Stream
2097152.0 53.0 regionprofile 0.433616 0.433616 0.433616 0.433616 128.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 59.0 regionprofile 0.434487 0.434487 0.434487 0.434487 256.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 53.0 regionprofile 0.434123 0.434123 0.434123 0.434123 512.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 55.0 regionprofile 0.434400 0.434400 0.434400 0.434400 1024.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Stream
4194304.0 53.0 regionprofile 0.773695 0.773695 0.773695 0.773695 128.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 59.0 regionprofile 0.775029 0.775029 0.775029 0.775029 256.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 53.0 regionprofile 0.773124 0.773124 0.773124 0.773124 512.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 55.0 regionprofile 0.772631 0.772631 0.772631 0.772631 1024.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Stream
8388608.0 53.0 regionprofile 1.459231 1.459231 1.459231 1.459231 128.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 59.0 regionprofile 1.457042 1.457042 1.457042 1.457042 256.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 53.0 regionprofile 1.457662 1.457662 1.457662 1.457662 512.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 55.0 regionprofile 1.463526 1.463526 1.463526 1.463526 1024.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Stream
{'name': 'Stream_ADD', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 54.0 regionprofile 0.033609 0.033609 0.033609 0.033609 128.0 2.516582e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 60.0 regionprofile 0.033662 0.033662 0.033662 0.033662 256.0 2.516582e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 54.0 regionprofile 0.033670 0.033670 0.033670 0.033670 512.0 2.516582e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 56.0 regionprofile 0.033739 0.033739 0.033739 0.033739 1024.0 2.516582e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 Stream_ADD
2097152.0 54.0 regionprofile 0.063223 0.063223 0.063223 0.063223 128.0 5.033165e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 60.0 regionprofile 0.063516 0.063516 0.063516 0.063516 256.0 5.033165e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 54.0 regionprofile 0.063336 0.063336 0.063336 0.063336 512.0 5.033165e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 56.0 regionprofile 0.063781 0.063781 0.063781 0.063781 1024.0 5.033165e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Stream_ADD
4194304.0 54.0 regionprofile 0.123005 0.123005 0.123005 0.123005 128.0 1.006633e+08 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 60.0 regionprofile 0.122890 0.122890 0.122890 0.122890 256.0 1.006633e+08 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 54.0 regionprofile 0.123128 0.123128 0.123128 0.123128 512.0 1.006633e+08 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 56.0 regionprofile 0.123093 0.123093 0.123093 0.123093 1024.0 1.006633e+08 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 Stream_ADD
8388608.0 54.0 regionprofile 0.241648 0.241648 0.241648 0.241648 128.0 2.013266e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 60.0 regionprofile 0.241082 0.241082 0.241082 0.241082 256.0 2.013266e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 54.0 regionprofile 0.241981 0.241981 0.241981 0.241981 512.0 2.013266e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 56.0 regionprofile 0.241527 0.241527 0.241527 0.241527 1024.0 2.013266e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 Stream_ADD
{'name': 'Stream_COPY', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 55.0 regionprofile 0.042624 0.042624 0.042624 0.042624 128.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1800.0 61.0 regionprofile 0.042655 0.042655 0.042655 0.042655 256.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1800.0 55.0 regionprofile 0.042785 0.042785 0.042785 0.042785 512.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1800.0 57.0 regionprofile 0.042953 0.042953 0.042953 0.042953 1024.0 1.677722e+07 0.000000e+00 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1800.0 Stream_COPY
2097152.0 55.0 regionprofile 0.080353 0.080353 0.080353 0.080353 128.0 3.355443e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1800.0 61.0 regionprofile 0.080499 0.080499 0.080499 0.080499 256.0 3.355443e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1800.0 55.0 regionprofile 0.080681 0.080681 0.080681 0.080681 512.0 3.355443e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1800.0 57.0 regionprofile 0.081153 0.081153 0.081153 0.081153 1024.0 3.355443e+07 0.000000e+00 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1800.0 Stream_COPY
4194304.0 55.0 regionprofile 0.154585 0.154585 0.154585 0.154585 128.0 6.710886e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1800.0 61.0 regionprofile 0.154788 0.154788 0.154788 0.154788 256.0 6.710886e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1800.0 55.0 regionprofile 0.155070 0.155070 0.155070 0.155070 512.0 6.710886e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1800.0 57.0 regionprofile 0.155415 0.155415 0.155415 0.155415 1024.0 6.710886e+07 0.000000e+00 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1800.0 Stream_COPY
8388608.0 55.0 regionprofile 0.303031 0.303031 0.303031 0.303031 128.0 1.342177e+08 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1800.0 61.0 regionprofile 0.303153 0.303153 0.303153 0.303153 256.0 1.342177e+08 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1800.0 55.0 regionprofile 0.303959 0.303959 0.303959 0.303959 512.0 1.342177e+08 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1800.0 57.0 regionprofile 0.305062 0.305062 0.305062 0.305062 1024.0 1.342177e+08 0.000000e+00 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1800.0 Stream_COPY
{'name': 'Stream_DOT', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 56.0 regionprofile 0.108451 0.108451 0.108451 0.108451 128.0 1.677723e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 62.0 regionprofile 0.108344 0.108344 0.108344 0.108344 256.0 1.677723e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 56.0 regionprofile 0.106005 0.106005 0.106005 0.106005 512.0 1.677723e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 58.0 regionprofile 0.104535 0.104535 0.104535 0.104535 1024.0 1.677723e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 2000.0 Stream_DOT
2097152.0 56.0 regionprofile 0.146039 0.146039 0.146039 0.146039 128.0 3.355445e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 62.0 regionprofile 0.146702 0.146702 0.146702 0.146702 256.0 3.355445e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 56.0 regionprofile 0.145687 0.145687 0.145687 0.145687 512.0 3.355445e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 58.0 regionprofile 0.144882 0.144882 0.144882 0.144882 1024.0 3.355445e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 2000.0 Stream_DOT
4194304.0 56.0 regionprofile 0.218470 0.218470 0.218470 0.218470 128.0 6.710888e+07 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 62.0 regionprofile 0.218840 0.218840 0.218840 0.218840 256.0 6.710888e+07 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 56.0 regionprofile 0.216651 0.216651 0.216651 0.216651 512.0 6.710888e+07 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 58.0 regionprofile 0.215280 0.215280 0.215280 0.215280 1024.0 6.710888e+07 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 2000.0 Stream_DOT
8388608.0 56.0 regionprofile 0.370400 0.370400 0.370400 0.370400 128.0 1.342177e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 62.0 regionprofile 0.367873 0.367873 0.367873 0.367873 256.0 1.342177e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 56.0 regionprofile 0.366381 0.366381 0.366381 0.366381 512.0 1.342177e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 58.0 regionprofile 0.369592 0.369592 0.369592 0.369592 1024.0 1.342177e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 2000.0 Stream_DOT
{'name': 'Stream_MUL', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 57.0 regionprofile 0.042654 0.042654 0.042654 0.042654 128.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1800.0 63.0 regionprofile 0.042677 0.042677 0.042677 0.042677 256.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1800.0 57.0 regionprofile 0.042801 0.042801 0.042801 0.042801 512.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1800.0 59.0 regionprofile 0.042947 0.042947 0.042947 0.042947 1024.0 1.677722e+07 1.048576e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1800.0 Stream_MUL
2097152.0 57.0 regionprofile 0.080400 0.080400 0.080400 0.080400 128.0 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1800.0 63.0 regionprofile 0.080465 0.080465 0.080465 0.080465 256.0 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1800.0 57.0 regionprofile 0.080723 0.080723 0.080723 0.080723 512.0 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1800.0 59.0 regionprofile 0.081123 0.081123 0.081123 0.081123 1024.0 3.355443e+07 2.097152e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1800.0 Stream_MUL
4194304.0 57.0 regionprofile 0.154602 0.154602 0.154602 0.154602 128.0 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1800.0 63.0 regionprofile 0.155320 0.155320 0.155320 0.155320 256.0 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1800.0 57.0 regionprofile 0.155064 0.155064 0.155064 0.155064 512.0 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1800.0 59.0 regionprofile 0.155418 0.155418 0.155418 0.155418 1024.0 6.710886e+07 4.194304e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1800.0 Stream_MUL
8388608.0 57.0 regionprofile 0.303001 0.303001 0.303001 0.303001 128.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1800.0 63.0 regionprofile 0.303158 0.303158 0.303158 0.303158 256.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1800.0 57.0 regionprofile 0.303875 0.303875 0.303875 0.303875 512.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1800.0 59.0 regionprofile 0.305050 0.305050 0.305050 0.305050 1024.0 1.342177e+08 8.388608e+06 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1800.0 Stream_MUL
{'name': 'Stream_TRIAD', 'type': 'function'} 1048576.0 58.0 regionprofile 0.033675 0.033675 0.033675 0.033675 128.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 64.0 regionprofile 0.033669 0.033669 0.033669 0.033669 256.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 58.0 regionprofile 0.033738 0.033738 0.033738 0.033738 512.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 60.0 regionprofile 0.033771 0.033771 0.033771 0.033771 1024.0 2.516582e+07 2.097152e+06 1.048576e+06 1.0 1048576.0 1000.0 Stream_TRIAD
2097152.0 58.0 regionprofile 0.063563 0.063563 0.063563 0.063563 128.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 64.0 regionprofile 0.063271 0.063271 0.063271 0.063271 256.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 58.0 regionprofile 0.063660 0.063660 0.063660 0.063660 512.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 60.0 regionprofile 0.063427 0.063427 0.063427 0.063427 1024.0 5.033165e+07 4.194304e+06 2.097152e+06 1.0 2097152.0 1000.0 Stream_TRIAD
4194304.0 58.0 regionprofile 0.122992 0.122992 0.122992 0.122992 128.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 64.0 regionprofile 0.123154 0.123154 0.123154 0.123154 256.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 58.0 regionprofile 0.123175 0.123175 0.123175 0.123175 512.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 60.0 regionprofile 0.123391 0.123391 0.123391 0.123391 1024.0 1.006633e+08 8.388608e+06 4.194304e+06 1.0 4194304.0 1000.0 Stream_TRIAD
8388608.0 58.0 regionprofile 0.241107 0.241107 0.241107 0.241107 128.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 64.0 regionprofile 0.241732 0.241732 0.241732 0.241732 256.0 2.013266e+08 1.677722e+07 8.388608e+06 1.0 8388608.0 1000.0 58.0 regionprofi