Thicket and Extra-P: Thicket Tutorial
Thicket is a python-based toolkit for Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) of parallel performance data that enables performance optimization and understanding of applications’ performance on supercomputers. It bridges the performance tool gap between being able to consider only a single instance of a simulation run (e.g., single platform, single measurement tool, or single scale) and finding actionable insights in multi-dimensional, multi-scale, multi-architecture, and multi-tool performance datasets.
This notebook provides an example for using Thicket’s modeling feature. The modeling capability relies on Extra-P - a tool for empirical performance modeling. It can perform N-parameter modeling with up to 3 parameters (N <= 3). The models follow a so-called Performance Model Normal Form (PMNF) that expresses models as a summation of polynomial and logarithmic terms. One of the biggest advantages of this modeling method is that the produced models are human-readable and easily understandable.
1. Import Necessary Packages
To explore the capabilities of thicket with Extra-P, we begin by importing necessary packages.
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import display
from IPython.display import HTML
import thicket as th
from thicket.model_extrap import Modeling
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:80% !important; }</style>"))
2. Define Dataset Paths and Names
In this example, we use an MPI scaling study, profiled with Caliper, that has metadata about the runs. The data is also already aggregated, which means we can provide the data to Extra-P as-is.
data = "../data/mpi_scaling_cali"
t_ens = th.Thicket.from_caliperreader(data, disable_tqdm=True)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/thicket/ FutureWarning: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a DataFrame or Series through chained assignment using an inplace method.
The behavior will change in pandas 3.0. This inplace method will never work because the intermediate object on which we are setting values always behaves as a copy.
For example, when doing 'df[col].method(value, inplace=True)', try using 'df.method({col: value}, inplace=True)' or df[col] = df[col].method(value) instead, to perform the operation inplace on the original object.
perfdata[col].replace({fill_value: None}, inplace=True)
Specifically, the metadata table for this set of profiles contains a jobsize
column, which provides the amount of cores used for each profile.
27654391 64
91138395 343
368928273 27
964810492 216
1734033023 125
Name: jobsize, dtype: int64
3. More Information on a Function
You can use the help()
method within Python to see the information for a given object. You can do this by typing help(object)
. This will allow you to see the arguments for the function, and what will be returned. An example is below.
Help on class Modeling in module thicket.model_extrap:
class Modeling(builtins.object)
| Modeling(tht, param_name, params=None, chosen_metrics=None)
| Produce models for all the metrics across the given graphframes.
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, tht, param_name, params=None, chosen_metrics=None)
| Create a new model object.
| Adds a model column for each metric for each common frame across all the
| graphframes.
| The given list of params contains the parameters to build the models. For
| example, MPI ranks, input sizes, and so on.
| Arguments:
| tht (Thicket): thicket object
| param_name (str): arbitrary if 'params' is being provided, otherwise name of
| the metadata column from which 'params' will be extracted
| params (list): parameters list, domain for the model
| chosen_metrics (list): metrics to be evaluated in the model, range for the
| model
| componentize_statsframe(self, columns=None)
| Componentize multiple Extra-P modeling objects in the aggregated statistics
| table
| Arguments:
| column (list): list of column names in the aggregated statistics table to
| componentize. Values must be of type 'thicket.model_extrap.ModelWrapper'.
| produce_models(self, agg_func=<function mean at 0xffff59d001f0>, add_stats=True)
| Produces an Extra-P model. Models are generated by calling Extra-P's
| ModelGenerator.
| Arguments:
| agg_func (function): aggregation function to apply to multi-dimensional
| measurement values. Extra-P v4.0.4 applies mean by default so that is
| set here for clarity.
| add_stats (bool): Option to add hypothesis function statistics to the
| aggregated statistics table
| to_html(self, RSS=False)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| __dict__
| dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)
3. Create Models
First, we construct the Modeling
object by passing all the relevant data to it. We provide jobsize
as the param_name
argument so the model will grab this column from the metadata table to use as our parameter. We also sub-select some metrics, since this dataset has a lot of metrics (otherwise the modeling will take a long time to do all metrics).
Then, we call produce_models
on that object (it’s unnecessary to provide an aggregation function since the data is already aggregated.).
NOTE: For this example, you can view all the metric columns by adding a new cell and running: t_ens.performance_cols
mdl = Modeling(
"Total time",
4. Models Dataframe
Model hypothesis functions are stored in thicket’s aggregated statistics table.
name | Total time_extrap-model | Total time_RSS_extrap-model | Total time_rRSS_extrap-model | Total time_SMAPE_extrap-model | Total time_AR2_extrap-model | Total time_RE_extrap-model | |
node | |||||||
{'name': 'MPI_Allreduce', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Allreduce | -0.0024835738301864883 + 4.6723137107329955e-0... | 2.373695e-02 | 33.638540 | 71.854711 | 0.982806 | 1.569021 |
{'name': 'MPI_Bcast', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Bcast | 0.005594622766668683 + 1.1211777143604538e-05 ... | 5.234884e-03 | 0.592849 | 18.775441 | 0.994136 | 0.222561 |
{'name': 'MPI_Comm_dup', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Comm_dup | 0.20714199930961863 + 0.0003794872132338881 * ... | 1.468475e+01 | 1.458439 | 50.350316 | 0.324860 | 0.467371 |
{'name': 'MPI_Comm_free', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Comm_free | 2.9748964461513302e-05 + 2.9632810629043044e-0... | 4.012398e-08 | 0.026386 | 5.697692 | 0.995381 | 0.054844 |
{'name': 'MPI_Comm_split', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Comm_split | 0.0340992099469718 + 4.861767349462252e-07 * p... | 4.094649e+00 | 1.584798 | 40.927787 | 0.904711 | 0.445655 |
{'name': 'MPI_Gather', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Gather | 1.1110717100841163e-05 + 1.875931772029739e-09... | 1.805567e-07 | 2.319450 | 37.410684 | 0.857675 | 0.515782 |
{'name': 'MPI_Initialized', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Initialized | -1.2157511991333312e-06 + 4.473650007736346e-0... | 2.079887e-09 | 0.016595 | 4.528570 | 0.997857 | 0.046511 |
{'name': 'main', 'type': 'function'} | main | 5.3345854025532375 + 50.4472239870803 * p^(1) | 1.428021e+07 | 0.132731 | 15.651588 | 0.886893 | 0.157082 |
{'name': 'MPI_Barrier', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Barrier | -3.8613044063814517 + 0.7228867130047671 * log... | 7.133681e+00 | 80964.639853 | 127.158285 | -0.330302 | 65.337903 |
{'name': 'MPI_Irecv', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Irecv | 0.00016930423157778974 + 5.344486361848511e-05... | 5.902043e-04 | 0.048232 | 8.436975 | 0.985537 | 0.084786 |
{'name': 'MPI_Isend', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Isend | -0.7378766027055433 + 0.011372374310428854 * p... | 5.386096e-01 | 5023.400772 | 80.306304 | 0.937724 | 19.620193 |
{'name': 'MPI_Reduce', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Reduce | 0.008950513364525873 + 2.1551606902927176e-05 ... | 1.756609e-03 | 32.371981 | 49.251316 | 0.436922 | 1.295318 |
{'name': 'MPI_Wait', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Wait | -0.08273770855385487 + 0.0008985035981343798 *... | 2.613648e-01 | 15.106425 | 50.478159 | 0.567859 | 1.000543 |
{'name': 'MPI_Waitall', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Waitall | 0.0118324 | 1.275860e-03 | 282.767881 | 109.810235 | 1.000000 | 3.622031 |
{'name': 'lulesh.cycle', 'type': 'function'} | lulesh.cycle | 6.361023656690073 + 50.40069659189232 * p^(1) | 1.431665e+07 | 0.133362 | 15.688203 | 0.886407 | 0.157454 |
{'name': 'LagrangeLeapFrog', 'type': 'function'} | LagrangeLeapFrog | -588.7139217783075 + 118.0201880558251 * p^(4/5) | 3.026414e+06 | 0.040647 | 7.619168 | 0.947871 | 0.076241 |
{'name': 'CalcTimeConstraintsForElems', 'type': 'function'} | CalcTimeConstraintsForElems | 0.2912128378771341 + 0.15464468104595394 * p^(1) | 6.423611e-01 | 0.010278 | 2.671244 | 0.999446 | 0.027639 |
{'name': 'LagrangeElements', 'type': 'function'} | LagrangeElements | 55.8023570683435 + 12.21983926020424 * p^(1) | 2.180612e+05 | 0.041861 | 8.942728 | 0.970060 | 0.089881 |
{'name': 'ApplyMaterialPropertiesForElems', 'type': 'function'} | ApplyMaterialPropertiesForElems | 6.909192329599326 + 3.812718071421941 * p^(1) | 1.344775e+03 | 0.001975 | 1.640254 | 0.998092 | 0.016486 |
{'name': 'EvalEOSForElems', 'type': 'function'} | EvalEOSForElems | 7.437812732121266 + 3.719775901083089 * p^(1) | 1.057620e+03 | 0.001701 | 1.524714 | 0.998424 | 0.015326 |
{'name': 'CalcEnergyForElems', 'type': 'function'} | CalcEnergyForElems | 7.3616219620609575 + 2.352394804115736 * p^(1) | 1.943577e+02 | 0.001304 | 1.490833 | 0.999275 | 0.015001 |
{'name': 'CalcLagrangeElements', 'type': 'function'} | CalcLagrangeElements | -3.807204897434417 + 1.5032184055481064 * p^(3... | 7.778453e+02 | 0.002324 | 1.859640 | 0.998118 | 0.018461 |
{'name': 'CalcKinematicsForElems', 'type': 'function'} | CalcKinematicsForElems | -3.191063749981387 + 1.440739634475724 * p^(3/... | 9.575080e+02 | 0.002845 | 1.935065 | 0.997478 | 0.019204 |
{'name': 'CalcQForElems', 'type': 'function'} | CalcQForElems | 6.979231420889168 + 2.799033804303159 * p^(3/4... | 3.048464e+05 | 0.191824 | 17.597453 | 0.795277 | 0.175135 |
{'name': 'CalcMonotonicQForElems', 'type': 'function'} | CalcMonotonicQForElems | -4.021092516288899 + 0.49595942520127567 * p^(... | 1.628638e+02 | 0.014441 | 4.535001 | 0.996383 | 0.044701 |
{'name': 'MPI_Irecv', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Irecv | 0.020640239201916117 + 0.0009474689031858098 *... | 1.147505e-02 | 0.003239 | 2.299890 | 0.997552 | 0.023065 |
{'name': 'MPI_Isend', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Isend | -0.10548527169972247 + 0.004772194045454103 * ... | 1.151804e+00 | 0.009142 | 3.781670 | 0.990329 | 0.038011 |
{'name': 'MPI_Wait', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Wait | 58.43177001577187 + 0.10805277471434777 * p^(3... | 2.687218e+05 | 2.301295 | 46.138279 | -0.265790 | 0.504422 |
{'name': 'MPI_Waitall', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Waitall | -28.32003046236924 + 0.5649498323219662 * p^(1... | 1.854066e+03 | 7.732766 | 40.064332 | 0.819884 | 0.720597 |
{'name': 'LagrangeNodal', 'type': 'function'} | LagrangeNodal | -501.7214996437166 + 103.6028442396303 * p^(3/4) | 1.307338e+06 | 0.052532 | 9.539895 | 0.945355 | 0.096236 |
{'name': 'CalcForceForNodes', 'type': 'function'} | CalcForceForNodes | -483.43658919501837 + 94.44404618163018 * p^(3/4) | 7.615735e+05 | 0.028787 | 6.373836 | 0.961502 | 0.063767 |
{'name': 'CalcVolumeForceForElems', 'type': 'function'} | CalcVolumeForceForElems | -8.924824714807004 + 18.087142774934236 * p^(1) | 4.205287e+04 | 0.007481 | 3.251360 | 0.997349 | 0.033025 |
{'name': 'CalcHourglassControlForElems', 'type': 'function'} | CalcHourglassControlForElems | -18.407641701934274 + 15.299434861302805 * p^(1) | 3.933893e+04 | 0.005348 | 3.043918 | 0.996535 | 0.030703 |
{'name': 'CalcFBHourglassForceForElems', 'type': 'function'} | CalcFBHourglassForceForElems | -3.454147978296185 + 1.9523476557370125 * p^(3... | 4.555233e+02 | 0.007429 | 2.856552 | 0.999346 | 0.028786 |
{'name': 'IntegrateStressForElems', 'type': 'function'} | IntegrateStressForElems | -3.2210357806507735 + 1.3155188131276156 * p^(... | 9.669293e+02 | 0.003183 | 2.237380 | 0.996946 | 0.022230 |
{'name': 'MPI_Irecv', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Irecv | 0.07139784821037228 + 0.0012913170911470285 * ... | 1.217607e-02 | 0.038615 | 4.834306 | 0.999487 | 0.051334 |
{'name': 'MPI_Isend', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Isend | -0.13477165012239584 + 0.006980575896793848 * ... | 4.308979e-01 | 0.005076 | 2.843889 | 0.998306 | 0.028019 |
{'name': 'MPI_Wait', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Wait | 200.4196336 | 6.491636e+04 | 23.569468 | 57.976850 | 1.000000 | 0.401049 |
{'name': 'MPI_Waitall', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Waitall | -60.47462228639048 + 15.850591840236687 * p^(2/3) | 2.200269e+05 | 124572.019480 | 70.449504 | 0.197527 | 70.913096 |
{'name': 'MPI_Irecv', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Irecv | -0.05528188247031427 + 0.005354748856582524 * ... | 7.789738e-01 | 0.144243 | 13.336394 | 0.856270 | 0.133853 |
{'name': 'MPI_Isend', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Isend | -0.03796477449325472 + 0.00852182055673094 * p... | 9.730921e+00 | 0.178043 | 17.445265 | 0.867448 | 0.182547 |
{'name': 'MPI_Wait', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Wait | -98.98907610355376 + 23.56658785930815 * log2(... | 9.984181e+03 | 93.165856 | 73.120318 | -0.360185 | 2.393805 |
{'name': 'MPI_Waitall', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Waitall | -90.56809038671453 + 5.542383651985729 * log2(... | 6.315946e+04 | 2.822066 | 37.003734 | -0.214628 | 0.477486 |
{'name': 'TimeIncrement', 'type': 'function'} | TimeIncrement | 108.79336164114378 + 0.41659851800619824 * p^(... | 5.231852e+06 | 0.681284 | 34.858860 | 0.614904 | 0.339668 |
{'name': 'MPI_Allreduce', 'type': 'function'} | MPI_Allreduce | 108.66456642370454 + 0.41649782186503276 * p^(... | 5.232565e+06 | 0.681661 | 34.862073 | 0.614677 | 0.339689 |
5. Show the Models Dataframe with Embedded Plots
(For every node
, sub-selected metric
with pd.option_context("display.max_colwidth", 1):
Total time_extrap-model | |
node | |
{'name': 'MPI_Allreduce', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Bcast', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Comm_dup', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Comm_free', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Comm_split', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Gather', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Initialized', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'main', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Barrier', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Irecv', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Isend', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Reduce', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Wait', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Waitall', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'lulesh.cycle', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'LagrangeLeapFrog', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'CalcTimeConstraintsForElems', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'LagrangeElements', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'ApplyMaterialPropertiesForElems', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'EvalEOSForElems', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'CalcEnergyForElems', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'CalcLagrangeElements', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'CalcKinematicsForElems', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'CalcQForElems', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'CalcMonotonicQForElems', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Irecv', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Isend', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Wait', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Waitall', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'LagrangeNodal', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'CalcForceForNodes', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'CalcVolumeForceForElems', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'CalcHourglassControlForElems', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'CalcFBHourglassForceForElems', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'IntegrateStressForElems', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Irecv', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Isend', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Wait', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Waitall', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Irecv', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Isend', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Wait', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Waitall', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'TimeIncrement', 'type': 'function'} | |
{'name': 'MPI_Allreduce', 'type': 'function'} |
6. Query Specific Model
The 1st node {"name": "MPI_Allreduce", "type": "function"}
, has an interesting graph so we want to retrieve its model. This can be achieved by indexing into the aggregated statistics table for our chosen node for the metric Total time_extrap-model
model_obj =[t_ens.statsframe.dataframe.index[0], "Total time_extrap-model"]
7. Operations on a model
We can evaluate the model at a value like a function.
Displaying the model:
It returns a figure and an axis objects. The axis object can be used to adjust the plot, i.e., change labels. The display()
function requires an input for RSS
(bool), that determines whether to display Extra-P RSS on the plot.
fig, ax = model_obj.display(RSS=False)
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>